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Dividing Line Origins (Short story anthology - Dividing Line Series)

Page 5

by Heather Atkinson

  “He’s setting me up.”

  “Yeah, right,” said a cynical Frank.

  Mikey was shoved into a cell still protesting his innocence. “Uncle Frank, it wasn’t me, it was Jake. He wants rid of me,” wailed Mikey through the door. “Uncle Frank, please.”

  He screamed and hammered on the metal door but no one responded, no one was interested. Right then he would have given anything to hear his uncle’s voice reassuring him he’d look into it but he didn’t answer, he’d already made up his mind and who could blame him? Everyone liked Jake, he was the good brother, the one always ready with a friendly word and a joke. He was close to Danny Maguire, their cousin, and Frank thought of him as another of his sons. He was clever, confident and generous. Only Mikey saw the real Jake, the cunning, dark creature who secretly scorned and despised everyone around him when they were out of earshot. Even their mother wasn’t immune from his contempt but that didn’t stop her worshipping the ground he walked on. Jake was only seventeen. What mayhem would he be capable of when he was older? There were only two people in the world Jake truly liked and they were Danny Maguire and Gavin Whittaker, his best friend who was now in hospital after almost dying from arsenic poisoning, arsenic Jake had no doubt snuck into his drink because Mikey certainly didn’t.

  He recalled Jake coming into the kitchen when he was pouring the drinks. He’d turned away to arrange a plate of small cakes and biscuits, that would have been enough time for him to spike the glasses. He’d put some in his own glass too so he wouldn’t be suspected and it had worked.

  Gavin had been seeing Pamela for a few weeks and he was head over heels. Jake had complained about Gavin spending less time with him because he was always with that slag, as he referred to Pamela in private. To her face he was nice and friendly but inside he hated her. Jake had felt spurned by Gavin so he’d decided to make him suffer and plant the blame firmly on his annoying little brother.

  Mikey sank onto the manky concrete bed and buried his face in his hands. He just prayed his Uncle Frank could get him out of this mess.

  Frank sat down in an interview room with Werner, both men tired and drained.

  “Gavin Whittaker’s woken up,” opened Werner.

  Frank blew out air and ran a hand through his mane of shaggy, sandy-coloured hair. “That’s a relief. Mikey won’t be looking at a murder charge.”

  “No. The CPS want to go for causing grievous bodily harm with intent and causing poison to be administered with intent.”

  “No one in my family goes to prison. I’m not having it.”

  “I know that Frank. Fortunately the psychiatrist has given us a way out. He accepted your kind offer and his report will say that Mikey isn’t mentally competent to stand trial. He won’t see the inside of a prison.”

  “Thank Christ for that. So, what do we do with him then?”

  “You can’t get him off this one Frank, no matter how much money you throw at it and how many strings you pull. The media have already got wind of it and they’re lapping it up. Apparently Pamela Dolan talked to a reporter from her hospital bed.”

  “The stupid bitch.”

  “She certainly is. Anyway, if Mikey walks from this it will raise a lot of eyebrows, people will ask questions.”

  “I don’t want him to walk away from it. After what he’s done he deserves to be fucking punished. He’s dangerous, I don’t want him near my family again.”

  Werner hesitated before speaking, unsure what Frank’s reaction would be to his suggestion. “How would you feel about him being put away in a secure hospital?”

  Frank sat back thoughtfully. “You mean like Broadmoor?”

  “There are only three high-security hospitals in England. I was thinking of the one in Liverpool. It’s the closest in case you want to visit him.”

  “I fucking won’t,” he frowned. “But Martina might.”

  “And his mother?”

  “I doubt Shaz will want to go anywhere near him after this. She’s been afraid of him for years, she always said one day he’d do something bad and now he has. I wish I’d done something sooner, made someone listen to my sister’s complaints. She could have died because of me.”

  “This isn’t your fault Frank. Mikey’s old enough to understand what he did was wrong. I think it’s best if he’s transferred as soon as possible.”

  “Agreed. How soon can you arrange it?”

  “I can have him transported first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “That’s fucking fantastic. You know Werner, you’ve really come through for me and I appreciate it. Consider all your debts wiped out.”

  Werner felt a weight lift off his shoulders. “Thanks Frank.”

  “You’ll also receive a tidy little nest egg a few days after your retirement.”

  “I appreciate that mightily Frank. The missus wants to jet off to the Caribbean.”

  “You’ll have the time of your life, I promise you that.”

  Werner had the mad urge to burst into song, he was so happy. He’d got into deep gambling debt with the bookies Frank Maguire owned and Frank had leapt at the chance to get him in his pocket. The pressure of the debt had been weighing him down because he was only a few weeks off retirement and Frank hadn’t needed to utilise him. The last thing Werner wanted was to retire and become of no more use to this man because it meant he would take payment in other ways and he shuddered to think what those ways might be. Now he could enjoy his retirement in peace.

  “Want me to break the news to Mikey?” offered Werner, even more willing to please.

  “No, it’s best coming from me. I’ll do it now then I can get home.”

  “Okay Frank,” said Werner.

  They walked to the cells in silence, Werner attempting to keep the grin off his face as he realised this was the last time he’d ever have to deal with Frank Maguire. At the door to Mikey’s cell he said, “I hope you don’t mind if I leave you in the custody sergeant’s capable hands but I need to get back to the office and sort out the paperwork for Mikey’s transfer.”

  “I don’t mind at all. The sooner it’s done the better. Thanks Werner,” said Frank, shaking his hand.

  Werner nodded then hurried away, delighted by this day’s work. God bless Mikey Maguire and his psychotic tendencies.

  Mikey looked up as the door opened, delighted to see his uncle standing there. “Can I go home now?”

  His voice was so sad and childlike Frank almost felt sorry for him. Then he recalled his sister and nephew writhing in agony. “No,” he snapped. “You’re not going home again. Do you think your mum will want you around after what you did?”

  The shrug Mikey gave infuriated Frank, it made him think he didn’t care when in fact Mikey just didn’t know what to say.

  “Gavin Whittaker’s out of the woods so you’re not going to be done for murder. You’re not going to court either.”

  “Thank God,” he breathed, feeling this might turn out alright after all.

  “The doctor you spoke to said you’re not fit to stand trial so you’re being transferred to a hospital.”

  “I don’t need to go to hospital, I’m not sick.”

  “Yes you are Mikey, sick in the head. You’re going to a hospital in Liverpool so you can be treated.”

  The gravity of his uncle’s words dawned on Mikey and he thought he might pass out. “You’re putting me in a mental hospital?”

  “It’s the only solution. It’s a high-security hospital so you’ll have to behave yourself.”

  “And I won’t be able to leave?”

  Frank shook his huge head. “Not until the doctors say you can.”

  “But there’s nothing wrong with me. I didn’t do it Uncle Frank, you have to believe me,” he implored. “Jake set me up, he hates Gavin because he’s seeing Pamela. He hates me too, that’s why he’s framing me.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare try and put this on your brother. He could have died too,” yelled Frank, his voice bouncing off the cold grey walls.

  “He wouldn’t have died, he probably only took a little bit of poison, just enough to make him a bit sick. This wasn’t me.” In his panic Mikey practically screamed the last sentence in his uncle’s face.

  “Pull yourself together,” Frank snarled back. “You are a Maguire and you will act like one.”

  “That’s why it’s so easy for you to believe I’m a murderer, because that’s what you are,” retorted Mikey before he’d thought through what he was saying.

  Frank grabbed the front of his t-shirt and shook him hard. “Watch your fucking mouth you stupid little sod.”

  “Err,” the custody sergeant frowned when Frank continued to shake his nephew.

  “Stay out of it you,” Frank called at him over his shoulder. He dragged Mikey so close their noses almost touched. All Mikey could do was stare back at his uncle in absolute terror. “You boy are a fucking menace and I don’t want you near anyone I care about. You need to be locked away from society before you go all the way and kill someone. If it wasn’t for me you’d be spending the rest of your life in prison so think yourself fucking lucky you’re going to a cushy hospital.”

  “I’m innocent Uncle Frank,” whispered Mikey, tears choking his voice, green eyes wide and watery.

  “Bollocks. Take your punishment like a man, like a Maguire.” With that Frank released him and walked to the door.

  “I didn’t do it,” Mikey called. “You’re taking away my future and I’ve not done anything wrong.” All the things he’d wanted to do and never had the chance ran through his head - go on a date, have sex, learn to drive, go to college. All those hopes and experiences were being taken from him.

  Frank hesitated but kept his back turned. He was afraid of what he’d do to his nephew if he looked at him. “Stop it Mikey. Have some dignity,” he said quietly before walking out.

  Mikey could only watch helplessly as Frank left. The custody sergeant slammed the door shut and locked it, the loud clang of the metal door making him jump, sending panic rocketing through his body. Frantically he started to pound on the door. “Listen to me Uncle Frank, listen to me. I didn’t do it,” he cried.

  His uncle never came back but he still kept up his desperate mantra, yelling and screaming and banging on the door until his fists were bruised and swollen. Protests against the noise he was making started up from the other prisoners as well as the staff but he kept going until he was exhausted. Too tired to continue he threw himself face down on the bed, the despair overwhelming, but still he refused to cry.

  Mikey was surprised to find Jake waiting for him at visiting time. Mikey had been in the hospital for five months and the only visitor he’d had was his Aunt Martina, twice a month, regular as clockwork. He’d repeated his claims of innocence to her but all she’d done was give him an indulgent smile, sympathy in her kind eyes. Eventually he’d given up. No one was ever going to listen. In fact he’d been told he was guilty so many times by different authority figures that he was starting to believe it himself.

  He slumped into the chair opposite his brother, who looked happy and healthy. Mikey in comparison felt a mess with his hair cut into the institutional bowl shape and the patient’s uniform of grey jogging bottoms and sweatshirt. He was still in second-hand clothes while Jake wore designer gear, his hair neatly cut and gelled.

  “Jesus Mikey, you look a state,” smiled Jake.

  Mikey shrugged. “Why the fuck should I care about my appearance? It’s not like I can go on a date, is it?”

  “Still a virgin are you?” he sniggered.

  Mikey’s face was as hard as stone. “Why are you here?”

  “I wanted to see what they’ve done to you.” His eyes roamed over his brother derisively. “A shambling, insane mess. That’s what I see. All the family hate you. They won’t even say your name.”

  “Why should I care? That always was your problem Jake, you care way too much about what other people think of you. That’s what made you poison Gavin and Pamela, because you were frightened he liked her more than you and who can blame him?”

  Jake’s eyes lit up with fury as well as the madness only Mikey knew lurked inside the handsome, personable exterior. Mikey hoped he’d give a display of that madness right now and everyone would realise what he really was, but to his chagrin Jake just smiled.

  “Nice try. Reverse psychology. You always were sly little brother.”

  “You don’t serve time in a mental hospital without learning a trick or two. What I don’t get is why you poisoned Mum too? You’re her precious little prince.”

  “I had to make sure you were the only suspect. I couldn’t have the police wasting time looking at her when I wanted them focused entirely on you.”

  “I knew it,” sighed Mikey. “You planted those books and vial in my room that time I caught you coming out of there.”

  Jake shook his head. “I was just having a nosy, rooting through your stuff. I didn’t plant anything.”

  Mikey frowned. For once Jake seemed to be telling the truth. “But it had to be you.”

  “It wasn’t. Think Mikey, who else could have done it?”

  Mikey shook his head, puzzled. “There was no one.” Finally realisation dawned. “Not Mum.”

  Jake’s eyes glittered with delight. “She walked into the kitchen and saw me putting the poison in the glasses. You had your back turned, you didn’t have a clue. She didn’t say a word, just held out her hand to me and I gave her the vial. She put a tiny drop in her glass and mine then nodded her head at you. I knew what she was going to do. She went straight upstairs, took my poison books out of my room and hid them in yours, along with the vial.”

  Mikey was distraught. His own mum had wanted rid of him and she’d seen the perfect opportunity when she’d caught Jake putting the poison in the glasses. She could have thrown the coke down the sink and given Gavin and Pamela untainted drinks but she didn’t. She’d almost killed two people just to get him out of the house. Mikey had always known his mother didn’t like him and he’d grown used to her indifference, but only now did he realise that she hated him and it broke his heart.

  “She had to choose between us little brother and she chose me. She always did have taste,” said Jake proudly.

  “I… I can’t…”

  “You’re not going to cry, are you?” mocked Jake when Mikey appeared on the verge of bursting into tears.

  Mikey swallowed down the hurt and anger. He sat up straighter and forced himself to meet his brother’s eyes. “No. I don’t suppose you’re going to do the decent thing and own up to what you did?”

  Jake threw back his head and laughed. The sound was nice, happy and carefree. One of the nurses, a kindly matronly type who’d been very good to Mikey, looked over and smiled, pleased the brothers were seemingly getting along so well.

  “Fuck no,” grinned Jake.

  “Didn’t think so,” said Mikey, folding his arms across his chest. “Just you remember Jake, one day I’ll be let out of here and when I am…”

  “What are you going to do? Anything happens to me you’ll be the prime suspect and then you’ll be thrown straight back in here and you’ll probably never see the light of day again. I’ve got you well over a barrel.”

  Mikey knew he was right. “Piss off and leave me alone,” he said, hating his brother’s smirk and the obvious pleasure he was getting from seeing him brought so low.

  “Oh I’m off. I hate this place, it stinks of madness and despair.” Jake got to his feet and stared down at Mikey. “Actually, I’m looking forward to you getting out because your life will still be over. Everyone knows what you did. Uncle Frank tried to keep it quiet but he failed spectacularly. Do you think anyone in their right mind will want to shag you, give you a job or live with you? Course not because you can never trust a poisoner. You’ll be a nothing your entire life, you’ll have no future. I’m working in the family business now right alongside Danny.”

  “Bet you’re loving that. Got yourself another bum chum.”
  “Shut the fuck up,” hissed Jake.

  Mikey smiled up at his brother. Despite the number of women Jake had dated and slept with, what he’d always suspected had just been confirmed. Jake was gay and he couldn’t deal with it. “He’s your cousin. Isn’t that a bit twisted?”

  “You know nothing,” spat Jake.

  When the nurse looked over at Jake with concern he smiled his charming grin that fooled the world and she smiled back.

  “Take care of yourself Mikey,” he said, just for the nurse’s sake. “Look after him, won’t you love? He’s my baby brother,” he called to her.

  “I will. Mikey’s a good boy,” she replied with her gentle smile. Mikey was so grateful to her, she was the only person in the world who seemed to like him.

  “He’s an annoying little shit,” Jake added under his breath.

  Mikey watched him leave but his visit had actually cheered him up a little. One day Mikey would get out of here and he was determined everyone would know the truth. What Jake failed to realise was that this ordeal had turned him into a man, one who was pissed off and raging inside. Jake would get what he deserved then it would be Mikey on the outside getting all the women and, with a bit of luck, working in the family business. He smiled at Jake’s retreating back. The prat had no idea what was coming.


  “Oh fucking hell, that was great,” groaned Jasper.

  Jules lay beneath him, his naked skinny frame collapsing on top of her. She rolled her eyes as he panted in her ear. “Yeah, great,” she said, attempting to inject some enthusiasm into her voice.

  Finally he rolled off her and Jules pushed herself upright and lit a cigarette. She blew out a stream of smoke, relieved that was over. Jasper wasn’t unpleasant to sleep with, he just wasn’t a very stimulating partner. They’d been sleeping together for six months now and she was still waiting for her first orgasm.


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