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Page 3

by WL Knightly



  Darek wiped the steam from the mirror and leaned in close to get a better look at his scar. The thing was healing just as it was supposed to, and judging by the delicate stitching, he wouldn’t have a thick or ugly scar at all. In fact, it seemed to look like it was going to be damned perfect, just a thin straight line on the front of his shoulder, maybe a little lighter than the rest of his skin.

  The stitches had been itching like crazy, and he figured he could go ahead and remove them, but he might wait and make it a full week as the doctor recommended. He decided to leave them alone for now.

  He went for his medicine in the cabinet and found that his prescription was nearly empty. Darek hadn’t been to the doctor in several months, but according to the small, orange bottle, he’d have to go in as soon as possible to have an evaluation and get refills.

  After working his way through a few of his morning rituals, he checked his phone, which was on the counter and just as steamy as everything else, grabbed the nearly empty bottle, and went to the bedroom.

  It was far too early to call the doctor for an appointment. He thought of Bay’s words and wondered if he really did have connections with his psychiatrist. Darek shook off the uneasy feeling. Bay had planted that seed of doubt, and it was up to Darek to pull it up by the roots before it was too late. Bay had a way of fucking with people’s heads, and Darek couldn’t let it get to him.

  Tad’s voice suddenly went through his mind: You were awake the whole time.

  Darek had blocked out the memory of that night back at Camp Victory, the night they had murdered that innocent girl Emily Johnson. Now, he wasn’t sure he wanted to remember it. The shock had been too much, and his brain had since been trying to protect him from what he couldn’t survive: overwhelming guilt.

  Where was that protection now? Staved off by the pills he held in his hand. But even the pills couldn’t save him from seeing Logan’s body lying on that table, the bruises, the caked blood, and the puncture in his throat where he had been silenced for good.

  The pills weren’t enough to kill the voices in his head, the memories of his friend’s last words, and the moment that Tad took a running jump out that window. Seeing Hannah had been the worst, the one closest to dredging up all the memories of what had been done to poor Emily; of what he’d done to her. Lucky for him, the worst of it remained buried beneath the fog in his mind.

  By the time he made it to work that morning, he was able to call and make that appointment. No sense in giving the fog of his past a moment to clear and mess up his current state. He hung up the phone and jotted down the time and date as Lizzy walked into the room.

  “We have a missing person.” She slapped a piece of paper down on his desk.

  “You’re here. I didn’t think I’d see you around today.”

  “I’m not staying, but Max stopped me on my way out and thought I’d want to see this.”

  “Oh yeah? Who is it?” It had to be related to the Zodiac case, or else Max wouldn’t have shared it with her.

  “His name is Finn Wheeler. His girlfriend reported him when he didn’t show up home from New York. They share a residence. He was here on business.” She tapped the paper and Darek looked down at it, trying hard not to react. “The reason we’re interested is this.”

  Darek read the line. “Body modification scar on his left shoulder in the shape of an H?”

  Lizzy leaned on his desk. “She’s concerned after Logan’s story went nationwide. They reported on the scar and even showed a fucking picture of it before he burned it off. She said the men knew each other.”

  “I guess since you’re leaving, I’ll follow up on this solo.”

  “I’m sorry, but yes. Reed’s already messaged to see where I am. I knew this was a hot one. Max nearly tripped over himself when he saw me walk in.”

  “Where is he?” Darek wondered if he left on another case.

  “Out in the hall with the chief.” Lizzy’s phone pinged and she took it from her blazer pocket and gave it a glance. “Look, I hate to dump and run, but I better get to work. Reed’s blowing up my phone.”

  “So, maybe we can catch up on the case over dinner, and I can tell you all about my findings?” He met her eyes with a smile, but he could already see the regret set in her expression.

  “I’m sorry, not tonight.” She turned her eyes as if she could barely stand to meet his gaze.

  “So, another night?” He understood how work could be tiring, and he had no idea what Reed had put her on, but he was sure it was stressful.

  “We’ll see, Darek.” She turned and hurried out, nearly running into Max as he rounded the corner into the room.

  “Where’s she going with her ass on fire?”

  Darek looked down at the paper where Finn’s name glared back at him. “Anywhere away from me, I guess.”

  “Oh, I forget you two made shit complicated by hooking up.” Max gave a chuckle, but Darek didn’t own up to anything. He refused to confirm Max’s suspicions. “Did Lizzy give you the news? I’m pretty sure we’re looking at another Zodiac for your case. Are you going to call the lady back?”

  “Yeah, and then we’ll see where it goes. Looks like I’m on my own for this one. Reed’s got Lizzy on another case, so I might need your help if she keeps this up.” He didn’t want to pull Max over to help him just yet, but he wanted the man to be ready in case he had to.

  “Just let me know when. I’m riding with Darius today.” He walked past Darek to his desk and grabbed his coffee cup.

  “Sounds good.” Darek glanced down at the paper and found the number for Finn’s girlfriend. When Max was gone, he made the call.

  The voice that answered was full of anticipation. “Hello?”

  “Hi, I’m Detective Darek Blake calling for Edie Desmond.”

  “This is Edie Desmond. Did you find him?” Her sniffles made her sound like she had a cold, but Darek figured she’d been crying.

  “No, we haven’t yet, but I wanted to talk to you again about the nature of your—Mr. Wheeler was your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, well, my ex. We had a fight and broke things off the last time I saw him.” Her voice cracked, and she began to cry. Darek gave her a moment to collect herself.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that I need to clarify the nature of his business in the city.”

  “He’s a filmmaker. He is supposed to be looking for investors, actors, artists. He had a few connections there, including one of his main investors. He was supposed to be working a deal. Of course, instead, I found him with another woman. So, god knows what he was really up to.”

  “I’m sorry. I know this is tough.”

  “Yeah, it was already tough. As I said, we were fighting, and well, I just found out I’m pregnant. I’m not sure what I’ll do if something’s happened to him. Part of me was hoping we could work things out for the baby. You know, maybe co-parenting, but part of me wanted to never see him again.”

  Darek could imagine how guilty she must have felt when he didn’t come home. “Do you know who this investor was?”

  “Some wealthy attorney, his name was Beau or Bay.”

  “Bay Collins?”

  “Yes, that’s it. Bay Collins.”

  “Did he mention anyone else? Go anywhere else?”

  “He met with a few clients, but I never got their names. He was supposed to fill me in when he got home, but there was the one friend he bought some kind of clockwork heart sculpture from, to help him out. He was telling me about it and said the man’s name was Logan Miller. That’s why I was so concerned. That’s the man on TV, the one the press is talking about; he had the same kind of mark as my Finn. I looked Finn’s up. It’s the symbol for Pisces, and that’s his sign.”

  “Anyone else he might have met with?”

  “Yes, he went to a funeral for his friend, Tad. He said he knew the guy from school or something. I’m not sure.”

  Darek wondered what she knew about the killings. “Anyt
hing else you can remember?”

  “Lots more. He told me that he’d been nearly run down and mugged. His car was smashed. It’s a classic and like his baby.”

  “What kind of car is it?”

  “I want to say he would call it a Mercury. I don’t know much about cars, and I never asked. The windshield got smashed, and I think he was scared. He had checked out of his hotel room and was staying someplace else, and it was all very confusing to me. I figured it was because of the woman, but now, I’m not so sure.”

  “The woman?” He wondered if she was talking about Hannah Halston.

  “Oh yeah, I met the woman he was running around with. The skank had the nerve to proposition me as if I’d share Finn with her, but what I was saying is, I’m not so sure that’s why he left. Now that I’ve had time to think, I can’t help but wonder if he was afraid. Maybe someone was after him? There’s got to be a reason he was acting so strange, and when he heard I was there, he was practically beside himself, and even more so when he came to the hotel and saw me there.”

  Darek took down all the notes he could, and it was strange already knowing most of what she was saying and not being surprised by the rest. But he needed to know more about the woman. She might just be the key to finding Finn. “Tell me more about this woman. What was her name, hair color, what was she wearing?”

  It took her a moment to speak, and Darek knew it had to be tough thinking about the woman again. “Raven; and she was dressed in tight pants and long boots that made her look like a hooker, but her face was more escort service than street corner.”

  “He didn’t tell you where he was staying?”

  “No, I was so pissed off that I told him about the baby, told him to stay out of our lives, and then I left. I just feel so horrible now. I mean, as mad as I am, I’m terrified something happened to him. That man who was in prison, the news is saying that his type of scar is related to other deaths. What if Finn got tied up with that somehow?”

  “I’m going to figure this out, Ms. Desmond. As soon as I hear anything, I’ll get back to you and if I have any other questions, too.”

  “Please find him. I keep hoping that he’s okay and just shacked up with that woman, but it’s not like him to miss appointments here. This movie is everything to him, and he’s got a lot on the line.”

  The pleading tone in her voice was enough to give Darek a sinking feeling. He had a pretty good idea that this wasn’t going to end well for her or Finn, or their little baby.



  Seth buttoned his fly as Gretta straightened her skirt. “This is going to be one fun campaign,” he said with a devilish grin. “I’m so glad you talked me into running.”

  “Well, it’s the perfect cover for our affair, and we get to spend a lot of time together, as well as the fact that it keeps me employed and gets you where you want to be. Winners all the way around, baby.”

  Seth liked Gretta’s way of thinking, and it was a shame the two had met at a charity function six- months too late for him to be single. She was way different from his new bride: strong and professional, a real go-getter like himself, and lucky for him, he was what she wanted to get. The fact that she was willing to be the other woman was also a bonus, and she was just the kind of affair he could have and still keep his lifestyle intact.

  Seth turned and pulled her into his arms. “We’re both winners in my eyes. I’m so lucky to have a strong woman like you to keep me in line.” He liked to stroke her ego, to make her think that he needed a strong woman, and maybe for some of his kinks, he did.

  “And I intend to do just that, Mr. Stone.” She had taken to calling him that a lot, and he loved the sound of it coming from her lips, especially when she was riding his cock.

  Seth pulled her to his mouth for a long, hot kiss as her long fingers trailed up the back of his neck and into his hair. Their kisses were always deep and hungry, and he didn’t think he’d ever be quenched from the fire of her passion. She was addicting.

  She pulled away and gave a low growl that turned into a sound of displeasure. “I have to go. I’m already late.” The phone rang as he was just about to protest, and she covered his lips with her finger to keep him from his usual protest. “You’ve got things to do as well.”

  “Nonsense. I’m not much more than a figurehead here. The old man still runs the show.” He gave her a kiss, and she hurried out as he walked to the desk to grab his phone.

  Seth glanced down at the ID. “Mother. Fucker.” He took a deep breath and answered. “Bay Collins. I suppose hell has frozen over.”

  “No, the weather’s nice and warm here in hell,” Bay said in a smooth tone.

  Seth gave a half-hearted laugh. “Well, the devil would know I suppose. What’s going on? And don’t tell me it has something to do with Alan Lowe trying to call me.”

  “It does.”

  “Ah, so he got you on a Monday and asked for money. Let me guess. He was gambling over the weekend and nearly lost his ass. I’ve heard it a million times. Why do you think I didn’t answer the phone?”

  “I’d think with your ego, you’d be dying to hear from one of the Zods in need.”

  “No, you wanted to rule solo, so the burden is all yours. What are you calling about anyway? I know it can’t be about Logan. I’ve never known you to really give a damn.” Bay Collins only acted like he cared, but Seth had his number years ago. The two men were too much alike in their struggle for power.

  “Alan needs money, and I’ve offered to buy his building down on Trade Street.”

  Seth belted a laugh. “And he told you that I own the land, right?”

  “Yes, so I’m prepared to buy you both out.”

  “But my property isn’t for sale.”

  “You know that his company is going to fail and that you don’t have any use for the property other than to hold it over my head. So, sell it to me, and I’ll help the man out.”

  “And what do you plan to do with it?”

  “Let’s just say that I have a few ideas, one of which you could appreciate.”

  Seth did enjoy Bay’s sex clubs, and that could be the only thing he was referring to. “A sex club in that area?”

  “Yes, in that area. There’s one not a block away, and they’re doing quite well. Well enough for me to be interested in the property, and besides, with you running for State Representative, you might not want to own anything in such a seedy neighborhood.”

  Bay had done his homework as usual, and Seth wasn’t at all surprised. “Why do you want to help Alan anyway?”

  “Mostly, I want to teach him a lesson and show him that the free meals end now. There are going to have to be repercussions for gambling, and losing one of his stronger branches will do just that.”

  “Why don’t you just cut off one of his fingers instead of an arm? You know this could cripple his entire company.”

  “Not if he stops his shit now. Besides, if he doesn’t, you and I both know he’ll lose it all sooner or later.” Bay was right about that, but Alan losing would be a win for him. He could obtain the building and sell the entire place.

  “I’ll certainly chew on it, but I can tell you, there’s already a bad taste in my mouth.”

  Bay cleared his throat. “I’m sure it’s not as bad as the one you left in Finn’s.”

  Seth’s face warmed, and his pulse quickened. “What on earth do you mean?”

  “Just that you really should choose your partners more carefully, especially if you’re going to run for office of any kind. I mean, you never know who’s talking about what and to whom.”

  “Says the powerful attorney who is trying to buy my land to build another sex club on it. So, I’ll warn you to be easy with idle threats and insinuations if you want the same courtesy.”

  Bay laughed, but Seth wasn’t going to be shaken. What he was going to do was call Finn Wheeler and tear him a new one. What happened in sex clubs or elsewhere was highly confidential, and discretion was key.

  “I will call Lane Simon and get back to you.”

  “Oh?” Bay gave a short laugh. “Haven’t you heard? Lane packed up his briefcase and took off to New Orleans to open a restaurant. He gave all of his cases to me, and he says he’s done with the law game.”

  “And yet he still handles things for me from time to time, so go figure. He was the one who helped with that deal to begin with, and I’m not making any moves until I talk to him.” Seth had never trusted Bay for any of his legal counseling, and he surely wouldn’t trust him with a deal that would ultimately benefit himself.

  “Well, that’s good, friend. Cause I’m sure when you’re a big shot politician you will need all of the legal assistance you can get.”

  “I’m glad you have confidence in me, Bay, because I will be a senator one day. One of us is bound for greatness, and you’ve peaked in the courtroom while I’m only just beginning.”

  “Perhaps I’ll be the judge that takes you down when you have your first scandal.” Bay laughed. The two had been in the same pissing match since they were kids.

  “You’ll be dead on a cold prison floor like Logan before that happens.”

  “It’s always good talking to you Seth. We should really get together again; I’d love to have your wife again. Mm. Sweet Kari. Such a tight pussy, until I got in it.”

  “It’s still quite tight for me. And you can consider that your one and only taste. Thought I’d throw you a bit of quality meat since you’re still trying to pass off that stripper you married as prime.” He wished he’d knocked the man in the back of the head when he had the chance. Finn wouldn’t have told a soul, and he’d have been doing Lila a favor. Poor thing had Bay’s spawn. That is, unless she offed herself first. “You suck at buttering people up. You know it, Bay?”

  “Speaking of buttering, what exactly did you and Finn do at the club after I left? I mean, I remember your father had a fondness for cock. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


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