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Plain Retribution

Page 16

by Dana R. Lynn

  Rebecca understood. The killer was getting desperate. And more dangerous by the moment. They were running out of time.


  They returned to LaMar Pond that afternoon in two cars. Jackson and Parker had Wyatt with them in a cruiser. Miles followed behind with Rebecca and Lizzy in his Jeep. He’d changed into his uniform, and his suit was packed away again.

  He hadn’t intended on having both sisters with him. In fact, he had fully expected Mr. and Mrs. Miller to refuse to allow their younger daughter to come to the station to give a statement. Mr. Miller, however, had surprised him.

  “Two of my daughters have been attacked,” he’d informed Miles. “These children were given to me by Got to protect and raise. I will let her make a statement so I can do Got’s will and protect them.”

  So, the teenager now sat calmly in his back seat. Although, he suspected neither of his passengers were truly calm. He’d seen Rebecca twisting her fingers. It wouldn’t surprise him if Lizzy was doing the same in the back.

  The small group arrived at the station and hurried inside. He had both women precede him and kept his right hand on his gun. The left he placed on Rebecca’s back. Partly to keep her moving, and partly, he admitted to himself, to assure himself of her continued presence. That she was well. All the smiles from the wedding had faded.

  They were dealing with a killer who was determined to kill again.

  They had to wait for another forty-five minutes for the sketch artist to arrive. Miles stopped at the vending machine on the way to the conference room and got some bottles of water and a Mountain Dew. It looked like this could take a long time. He figured he would need the caffeine before the day was done.

  When the sketch was finally done, Miles ordered Wyatt to be booked and then went to find the Miller girls. They were in the conference room with Jackson, who had replenished their drinks and found them some snacks. The feast at the reception had been amazing, but he knew Rebecca had been unable to eat much. And who could blame her with all she’d been through?

  He came into the room and sat down beside her, touching her hand on the table briefly in the guise of getting her attention. The truth, though, was that he needed to touch her, to tell her silently that he was there. And because that small touch reassured him that she was fine.

  He was a mess.

  But he would do anything, put himself in front of any danger, to see that she was safe. He might not have anything else to offer her. But he could do that.

  Please, Lord. You know I love her. Please help me keep her safe. Even if she isn’t meant to be mine.

  Right. Back to business.

  He laid a picture on the table in front of her.

  “This is how Chad Weller looks now. Do you recognize him?” he signed.

  Rebecca gasped, her hand flying out to grab the picture and bring it closer. “I know this man!” she signed. “That’s April’s boyfriend!”

  “April Long? Your boss?” How many Aprils could there be? But he had to be sure.

  “Yes. But I don’t understand. She is Brooke’s cousin. Isn’t that what her mother said?”

  His gut twisted at the pain on her face. “Yes, that’s what she said.”

  “Then how can she be dating the man who killed Holly? Who abducted her own cousin and may have killed her, too?” Her eyes grew damp at the last thought.

  He reached out and squeezed her hand. “Let’s not think about that yet. We don’t know what has happened to Brooke. And we don’t know the extent of April’s connection.”

  “Do you think she knew he was waiting in my car that night?”

  He shrugged, helpless. He wished he had the answers for her questions. “I have no idea. But I will get answers for you. I promise.”

  She stared up at him. Then the corners of her mouth lifted. It broke his heart. She was trying to be brave, while he could tell she was being torn apart.

  The door flew open.

  Miles and Jackson both jumped to their feet.

  “Sorry, sorry!” Parker raised both hands. “I know better than to charge in like that.”

  Yeah, he did. Something big must have happened.

  “Spit it out, Parker!”

  Wow, had he just barked like that? Parker’s grimace was all the answer he needed.

  “Didn’t mean to yell.”

  “No prob, Olsen. But the girl in the coma? She’s awake. And she remembers everything.”

  “We’re on our way.”

  It was close to six in the evening when they arrived in Cleveland. Miles hadn’t taken any chances. He’d insisted on bringing Rebecca and Lizzy along. Parker had followed in his own car. It made sense, even if it wasn’t the most efficient plan. If one of them needed to go after a suspect or chase a lead, they wouldn’t have to drive all the way back to LaMar Pond and get an extra car.

  Ashley was just finishing her dinner when they arrived. Her head turned sharply as they entered the room, her short, dark hair brushing her chin. The bruising that had been visible in the crime-scene photos had healed, but she still had a haunted look about her. She flinched as he stepped into the room. He was glad that Parker and Lizzy stayed in the waiting room. She was jumpy enough without a crowd of strangers descending upon her. Miles held out his badge as he approached to question Ashley. He brought Rebecca along because she had known Ashley a little, and was very much a part of the investigation. Plus, he was reluctant to let her out of his sight again. She slipped away far too often for his peace of mind.

  Approaching the hospital bed, he saw the way Ashley’s fists clenched.

  “Miss Kline, I’m Officer Olsen from LaMar Pond. I have some pictures to show you. One is of the man I believe to be responsible for hurting you. If you’re up to it?”

  What would he say if she said no?

  “Yes, I can look.”

  She pushed herself into a sitting position. Then she turned her focus on Rebecca for the first time. And gasped. “I remember her! She’s the deaf girl that was taken with us. Rebecca.”

  Miles interpreted for Rebecca. “Yes. And it appears that the man who attacked you is going after the others who were with you that day.”

  Ashley’s stiff posture deflated. “The others? Are they okay?”

  He hadn’t meant to open that can of worms. But since he had, he quickly related the events up to this point. Ashley’s ashen complexion was wet with tears when he had finished.

  “Let me see those pictures.” She wiped the tears from her face.

  He showed her Weller’s image. “He did this?” She jabbed the picture with a long finger. “I know him! Brooke’s cousin April is dating him!”

  That gave him pause. “How do you know April?”

  “Brooke and I have been in contact off and on since school. Last summer we were both invited to a former classmate’s wedding. April was friends with the bride, too, so she was there, and he was her date.”


  “Was Holly there?”

  She shook her head, and then her brow furrowed. She leaned her head to the side, thinking. “Now that I think of it, he was asking a lot of questions. But it was all done in a joking manner. It didn’t feel like he was being nosy. But he was, wasn’t he? He was getting info so he could grab us.”

  The real question was, did April know he was digging for information, or had she been duped, too? Chad could have targeted her deliberately, knowing she was close to Brooke, to give himself that connection and insight into their circle of friends. As for finding Rebecca...that would have been easy once April hired her. How had Rebecca ended up working at April’s bookstore? That was a question he intended to find answers for.

  “Why would he do this?”

  The soft whisper brought him back to the conversation at hand.

“I don’t have all the answers yet, but I do know that this man is Terry Gleason’s half brother.”

  Ashley bit her knuckle. The pain in her gaze seared him. Rebecca brushed past him and held the other woman’s hand. To his surprise, Ashley held tight. Or maybe it wasn’t surprising. These two went through something devastating together.

  He continued. “Jasmine’s brother said that you and Jasmine had bullied and mocked Gleason in high school.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, he told the jury that, too. We never bullied him. He had asked both of us to a dance. We both said no, we had dates. His friends were the ones who teased him about it. They always made fun of him. Not us.”

  They didn’t get too much more information out of her, but that was fine. It was enough to have a definite identification of who the killer was.

  “I need to find out if April was involved in this.”

  * * *

  Had April lured her into a trap?

  She hated to think it was true, but had to admit it was a definite possibility. But April had always seemed so sincere. They hadn’t been friends, but she had liked the woman.

  “How did you start to work at the bookstore?” Miles. Dear Miles. He was fast becoming a steady rock in a crumbling world.

  “April had asked Brooke if any of her friends needed a job, and Brooke had passed the information on to Holly, knowing that Holly sometimes had trouble holding down a job. She had something at that time, though, and knew I was job hunting, so she had asked if I could come and interview. She went in as my interpreter. April didn’t want to hire me at first. She never said so, but I think the idea of working with a deaf woman intimidated her. But then later she called back and said the job was mine if I still wanted it. I did, so I started the next week.”

  “She probably had told Weller about you, and he realized who you were. In fact, it was probably his idea for her to ask Brooke to approach her old friends from school.” He paused, rubbing his neck as he thought. “I think it’s possible that he targeted April for information. She may not have had any idea what was happening. Or maybe she did. I have to find out.”

  When they entered the waiting room, Rebecca went to sit with her sister while the police officers made their plans. The whole situation was unreal. The planning that Chad Weller had done to carry out his vicious crimes was something she couldn’t wrap her mind around. To plan the abductions and murders of four complete strangers! Even the thought of so much darkness made her shudder, as if she, too, had been tainted.

  Lord, keep us safe. Keep us free from malice. Protect Miles as he goes after this man.

  For he would go after him. She’d seen that expression. Miles would do whatever he could to keep the evil from touching her. Even if it meant he himself would be hurt.

  And she loved him.

  When had that happened?

  She didn’t like it, but accepted the truth. She was in love with Miles Olsen. And he wanted no part of any long-term relationship. Oh, sure, he’d kissed her. Her nerves buzzed thinking about that kiss. But that had been an emotional reaction to a narrow escape.

  She longed for some gesture of affection now. Something to comfort her. She hadn’t realized how much she had enjoyed those casual touches. But she feared he was going to start drawing away from her now. He didn’t want any kind of emotional attachment.

  The men approached them. She straightened, preparing herself for the next move in this dangerous game.

  “You’re both going to ride back with Parker.” She clenched her hands to keep her protest in. “I will follow, then go and see if I can chat with April. Parker will take you and your sister back to Jess’s house. You can stay there until I return. Please don’t leave without me or Parker.”

  She nodded. A cold ache had started to grow inside her. Was this it?

  Miles hesitated. Then, so quickly she had no time to respond, he leaned in and kissed her. “Let’s go.”

  She blinked. He’d kissed her. In front of his colleague and her sister. She bit the inside of her cheek, but the grin that started in her soul wouldn’t be stopped. It stretched itself on her lips even as she pressed them together to keep it in.

  Parker smirked after his colleague, but said nothing. Lizzy nudged her with an elbow. Rebecca felt her face heating up, but was too pleased to mind their teasing too much.

  The drive back to LaMar Pond was uneventful. Rebecca fell asleep, and woke up in time to look back and see Miles turn toward the police station. Refusing to let fear gain control, she prayed the rest of the way back to Jess’s house for his safety.

  Parker pushed a button on the dashboard. Miles’s name was there. He must have called. Was he okay? Every nerve stretched taut. She relaxed as she saw Parker laugh. He wouldn’t laugh if Miles was hurt. But why had he called?

  Lizzy was motioning to her in the mirror. Rebecca shifted in order to see her sister more clearly.

  “It’s your policeman.” Rebecca blushed at that. She wished Miles was her policeman. “He called to check and see if we are fine. Mostly he wanted to know if you are fine.”

  She sat back, smiling. Miles was checking on her. Maybe he was missing her as much as she was missing him. That had to mean something, didn’t it?

  Her phone vibrated. April’s number had come up on display. The text sent ice churning in her. Run as far as you can. Chad after you. He’s a killer. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. She showed it to Parker. He nodded and pulled off the road so he could read the text.

  Parker said something. Lizzy tapped Rebecca’s shoulder. “He said send it to Miles.”

  Rebecca nodded. But before she could forward the message, the windshield burst. Shocked, she dropped the phone on the floorboard. Parker slumped next to her, a red stain seeping over his shoulder. He’d been shot!

  He was still awake, though. He reached for his gun, hitting the switch on the door as the face she’d now recognize anywhere loped toward them, a rifle in his hands.

  He wasn’t bothering with the ski mask. Which meant he knew they had his identity and he didn’t care about hiding. None of them was safe anymore.

  Lizzy pushed open the back passenger door as Parker forced himself to stand and face the man coming toward them, his gun ready.

  “He said run!” Lizzy signed to her.

  Rebecca watched as Parker was thrown back against the car and slid to the ground.

  Please don’t be dead.

  The killer was almost there. And there was no one to protect them.


  Rebecca pushed open the door on her side. Parker had risked his life to save theirs, maybe he was already dead. She couldn’t waste the chance.

  She didn’t expect to make it to safety. But maybe she could save her sister. She would willingly accept death if Lizzy could be saved. Her feet hit the pavement and she grabbed on to her sister’s hand. Pulling the younger girl with her, they ran along the side of the road. If only there were woods to go to for cover!

  But there were wide-open fields on both sides, a few cows and horses scattered in them. And now that they were out of the main center of LaMar Pond, there wasn’t much by way of traffic or houses nearby, either.

  A burning sensation stung her hip, causing her to stumble. Tears blurred her vision. She blinked them away. Now was not the time. She couldn’t fall. Couldn’t stop. Sucking in her breath and trying to ignore the agony, she continued pulling Lizzy along. Her hip burned with every step she took.

  A chunk of gravel exploded in front of them. Another shot. She sidestepped the spot and kept moving. Another chunk flew up inches from them, showering gravel fragments on their dresses. She swerved to miss the new hole.

  Lizzy tripped and fell, ripping her hand from Rebecca’s grip.

  Rebecca turned and reached out to Lizzy. It was too late. Chad Weller was already t
here, hauling her sister to her feet. He had thrown down the rifle. Was it empty? She didn’t know. Either way, it didn’t give her any peace. He drew a long, sharp knife from his belt and pushed the blade against the soft skin of Lizzy’s throat. A small drop of blood appeared.

  Rebecca understood the message. If she attempted to run, or made any wrong move, her sister would pay the price.

  How could she save her now?

  She couldn’t. But God could. She prayed. Even as her breath grew shallow and her palms grew sweaty. Nausea struck her as they passed the police car. How she wanted to look and see if Parker was okay! But he was on the other side of the vehicle.

  Weller continued to push the girls to his car, parked farther up along the side of the road. He opened the back door, still holding the knife to Lizzy, and leaned in, emerging with a revolver.

  A car was passing them. It slowed, faces gawking at the man holding a gun on two young women, one in an Amish dress. He scowled and aimed the revolver at the car. They got the message and raced away. Still scowling, he forced both girls into the back seat and tied their hands together. Slamming the door behind them, he got into the driver’s seat and pulled away with enough force to make the sisters crash into each other. But where were they going?

  It was all she could do not to vomit when they arrived at their destination.

  Terry Gleason’s old house. Chad Weller had bought his brother’s old home. The memories flooded her panic-stricken mind. Images of being beaten, slapped, cut...all branded in her mind, impossible to forget.

  She shook her head. Tried to focus on prayer. But her mind was too overwhelmed.

  Please. Please.

  Contradicting thoughts raced through her head. Miles will come. But Miles is far away. The text from April had never been forwarded. It didn’t matter. Miles always comes.

  She held on to her hope though it was as thin as a thread. But it helped her stay sane as her attacker pulled behind the house and parked near the back door. He didn’t undo their hands. He hauled a dazed and terrified Lizzy out first then jerked his head at Rebecca. She climbed out on legs that felt like jelly, trembling so hard she could barely stand.


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