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Virtually Perfect

Page 17

by Samantha Hunter


  LATER THAT EVENING they sat in the corner of an out-of-the-way seafood restaurant, munching on fried clams and spicy French fries, and drinking glasses of a fairly decent chardonnay. Raine hadn’t realized how hungry she was—her stomach was in such knots from stress that she’d forgotten she’d only eaten a banana all day, and Jack had not even had that much.

  They went to her house, which felt strange—it was her home, and yet it felt unsafe to be there. She found her recent statements, took a few more things she needed and called a truck to come take her car to a local garage. Having it sitting in the driveway with its wheels all flat was a depressing sight. The garage said it would be a few days until they could get to it, but she felt lifted by the idea of having one normal thing accomplished.

  She looked out the window into the darkness. “So, you said you had thought of a plan?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, well, I have some information.” He paused as her eyes went wide and focused on him intently. “I was messing with those e-mails that were sent to you before, and seeing if I couldn’t trace something more in them, and I did manage to trace some of them.”


  Jack sighed. “Well, I don’t have an ID, but I have narrowed down the field. I think it’s someone at the magazine.”

  Her voice dropped to a whisper, and he could see she went pale even in the warm light of the restaurant.

  “How do you know?”

  “The e-mail was traced back to the office. Whoever sent it sent it from inside. That’s why I couldn’t find any break-ins. I’ve been working on this for a few days, and wanted to be sure before I said anything, and even then, it’s a little vague— I know where the e-mails came from but not from whom.”

  “How do you know?” Her voice and eyes burned into him insistently.

  “After the first bunch of e-mails, I placed a monitor behind the firewall—we call it a sniffer—no one would see it if they didn’t know to look, or where to look. It tells me about all the Internet traffic going in and out of the magazine. The weird thing is, the bunch of e-mails sent to you first—the ones before the roses—came from outside, and were anonymous. The second ones, the reader responses, were also anonymous, but they came from inside—no traffic left the network. A little more work, and I could tell that some of them—the ones that went to subscribers—came from your own machine. He sent them directly from your office, Rainey. Sat in your chair and answered your e-mail for you. Ballsy bastard.”

  “So what now?” She felt slightly queasy and pushed her food away—the person who did this worked at the magazine. She could have stood by him at the coffeemaker, passed by him in the hallway? He had been in her office—at her desk. Her stomach turned, but then the anger kicked back in. The idea that someone she possibly knew, even slightly, had done this was reprehensible.

  “Whatever it is, I want to do it. I don’t care what—anything is preferable to sitting and waiting.”

  “Okay, but we have to move fast, capitalize on the credit card thing that happened today. I figure you can send him an e-mail and tell him that we know this much, and soon will know more. You can say you don’t want more trouble, but you will make it if he doesn’t come to meet you.”

  Raine frowned. “He might know that’s a trap. Kind of obvious, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah. I thought of that, but I also figure he’s running out of options. He’s lost the ability to contact you, he’s done everything he can do for the moment, and may just be cornered enough to bite. And we can add the pressure that we are going to the cops and the magazine with what we know if he doesn’t show. Then we can just see who shows up.”

  Raine nodded. “That’s good—it might work, but I am going with you. I’m not just sitting home and waiting while you go save the world. Let’s do it. We’ll send the e-mail when we get home tonight. I want this done with.”

  Jack grinned and stroked her fingers where her hand lay on the table. “Wow, you’re sexy when you’re tough.”

  Raine grinned back. Their dinner plates were empty, and though she was full, she was actually considering dessert. Her appetite surged back; she figured trapping a bad guy took a lot of energy.

  “Share a dessert with me?”

  Jack lowered his voice. “Maybe we can take one home and find some…creative use for it.”

  Raine raised her eyebrows and remembered getting that same offer from Jerry, which seemed as if it had happened a million years ago. But then it hadn’t been nearly as appealing as Jack made it sound now.

  Jack watched the movements of her eyes and wondered what she was thinking. He imagined licking hot fudge off her breasts, and shifted in his seat, suddenly a little uncomfortable.

  “We should have bought some goodies when we were at the store.”

  Her voice was husky and sexy as hell, and he definitely couldn’t stand up now without embarrassing himself completely. He cleared his throat, and smiled.

  “I think I could manage a piece of pie, if we share. And as for the goodies, we’ll definitely add them to the next grocery list. I’m thinking hot fudge.”

  Raine felt her heart pound a little harder at the thought of it, drifting away until the voice of the waitress shook her from her erotic reverie. She glanced at the pretty young girl, but forgot what she wanted to say—what was she supposed to be doing right now? She flushed as Jack’s fingers squeezed hers, and he smiled at her knowingly as he ordered them a piece of cherry pie and coffees. Raine licked her lips.

  “You are full of surprises, Jack. I don’t think I have ever been so distracted by thinking about a trip to the grocery store.”

  “I don’t think it was the grocery shopping that had you distracted.” He laughed in a low, sexy way that made her skin tingle, then he became more serious. “So, we are going through with this?”

  She nodded. “Yes—let’s do it.”

  ON THE WAY HOME, Raine thought she already felt lighter just because she was finally taking some action, doing something rather than just sitting around waiting for the situation to resolve itself. It felt good.

  She had a gut feeling this plan would work, that she could get her life back, and the thought gave her new energy and focus.

  Jack responded to the change in her, perhaps feeling better himself. They bantered and chatted all the way back to the house, enjoying the ride and each other’s company.

  Jack grabbed the few bags of things they had picked up at the town grocery, and headed to the door. His hands full, he dropped the keys into Raine’s hand and asked if she could get the door and the mail. She did, checking the box, and picked up a small package wrapped in brown paper. They got through the door, hands full and anxious to get their plan started.

  Jack took the bags directly into the kitchen, and Raine set the stack of envelopes and the package on the table, noting that several of the pieces of mail had come in cheerfully colored red or green envelopes with snowman stamps. She had almost forgotten. Christmas was only a few weeks away.

  She hadn’t intended to look at Jack’s mail, but her eyes slid across the address on a large sticker attached to the package, and she frowned when she took a closer look. The return address was from the town she had grown up in—in fact, she knew the street quite well, as she had gone to piano lessons there—and the name on the return was Harris. She was standing, staring at the package when Jack called to her.

  “Hey, what was that package—can you bring it in here?”

  She glanced toward the kitchen guiltily. Hanging her coat on the rack, she picked up the package and brought it into the kitchen. She set it on the table and looked at him. He cocked his head, curious about what had put that odd look on her face. Then, crossing, he looked at the package, and it hit him—she’d noticed the return address. Oh boy. Okay.

  “Ah, a Christmas package from my parents.”

  “Your parents? They live in Essex?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “I lived in Essex.”

He hesitated. “I know.”

  Jack pursed his lips, choosing his words carefully. It was best to deal with this before they got deeper into their relationship. He was already more than half in love with her, and before he fell the rest of the way, she had to know the whole story. He braced himself for how she would react.

  “We lived in the same town. Growing up.”

  She looked up at him, her forehead creased.

  “What do you mean?”

  They stopped and faced each other, and Raine stared at him…. He was making her a little nervous now, as he looked at his feet, then out over the water, then, finally at her.

  “You and I grew up near each other. We lived in the same town, Essex. Went to the same school, Eaton Marsh. I recognized you immediately when I saw you at the magazine.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “That can’t be. Maybe you just thought you knew me, it may have been someone else….”

  He bristled. “No, Raine—I’m not mistaking you for someone else. Is it so hard to believe I went to Eaton? I may not have been one of the upper crust, but my parents worked hard to send me to that school. They own the Arbor Inn—perhaps you know it?” He saw the recognition dawn, and continued. “I was there with you, whether you find that believable or not.”

  Raine blinked. She had offended him, and hadn’t meant to. She just found this so hard to process, and wondered why he had kept such a thing to himself.

  “But why didn’t you say something? When I thought I recognized you in the office, you said we had never met before….”

  “We never did. Not really.” He looked her in the eye now, and felt more than a little uncomfortable. He grimaced, and kicked at the rug with his toe.

  “I had a crush on you, but you were way out of my reach. I tried to talk to you once, but you didn’t say anything back. I figured you thought I was not exactly your type.”

  “And what did you think my type was?” she whispered. She hadn’t had a type back then. She hadn’t had anything.

  “Someone with a lot more money and position than me. It was intimidating as hell.”

  Raine stood back, still shocked. He had known her? He had known her all this time, and had never said anything? And he had liked her? Had a crush? On her? Had been intimidated by her? That was ridiculous! She thought he must be joking, and it showed in her face. As she fought to come up with words, he read meaning into her silence that wasn’t there. She stared at him, and started to speak, but he interrupted, sounding defensive and even a little hurt.

  “I should have said something about it sooner, I know. But obviously you don’t remember me at all. No problem. I knew that. Why would you have? Even at the office, for months, you would look at me and it was like I wasn’t even there. Let’s just chalk it up.”

  He went back to finish putting the groceries away, and she stood for a moment, sorting it all out, then strode over to him, taking his elbow and tugging him back around to face her.

  “Jack, I’m just surprised, that’s all. You have always seemed a little familiar to me, so that’s why.”

  She stepped in front of him, looking up into his face. The lights played softly in his russet hair, but his jaw was tense. She discovered that she didn’t like it, the loss of connection with him, and she wanted to get it back. She lifted her hand to his cheek, stroked him with the back of her fingers, and spoke gently.

  “I wish I remembered. I’m sorry. I was so alone and screwed up back then…I knew the other students didn’t like me, that they thought I was strange—and I didn’t know how to make them like me. It was hard, I didn’t fit in anywhere. I didn’t belong at home, I certainly didn’t belong at Eaton. If you spoke to me, I wouldn’t have even known how to respond. If I didn’t see you, it wasn’t because of who you were, it was because of who I was.”

  She smiled slightly. “As for the office, I was so busy thinking of Rider, I wasn’t paying attention to any other men. No one seemed to be able to measure up to him—and you were so pissy all the time. I figured you found me annoying.”

  He smiled a little. “I did.”

  She stared at him, and laughed. “You had a crush on me? An actual crush?”

  He absorbed her words—he hadn’t been seriously offended, just slightly peeved, and quickly melted when her hand touched his face. He turned his mouth into her palm, covered her hand with his and pressed her soft skin to his lips.

  When he smiled at her, she felt everything lighten.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep for thinking about you. You were so untouchably beautiful. You are beautiful…even more now than then. I guess I still have a crush on you.”

  She smiled, and loved how the world zoomed down to the two of them. It all made her feel daring, and so she spoke her heart.

  “Yeah? Show me.” She moved closer to him, looked into his eyes fearlessly. “I can see you pretty clearly now. I like what I see.”

  His eyes sparkled with heat. She lost her breath in one whoosh when he grabbed her and pulled her flush against him. His mouth came down on hers in a branding kiss, a meeting of the lips meant to claim her and be claimed by her.

  He wound his hands in her hair, tugging her head back and urging her to open for him even more as he tenderly explored every sweet curve and crevice of her mouth. She strained against him, moaning into his mouth, dragging her tongue across his teeth, tickling the roof of his mouth. He didn’t take his lips completely away from hers when he spoke, his voice guttural and full of undisguised need.

  “Come to bed with me, Rainey.”

  Her breath came in short gasps and she could only nod, letting him lead her from the kitchen, but they stopped in the hallway. Unable to wait, he pushed her up against the wall, finding her mouth again. Tearing at each other’s clothes, then underwear, they stood naked in the entry hall, hands and mouths all over each other. Raine caught their reflection in the hallway mirror on the wall across from them and laughed breathlessly.

  “We’re never going to make it up to the bedroom, are we?”

  Effortlessly, he lifted her, thrilling in the feel of her skin against his, and started up the stairs. She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him, snaking her arms around his neck as they climbed the narrow stairwell.

  He smiled, and squeezed her to him, walking down the hallway past her room to his. Nudging the door open with his foot, he carried her in, and stood for a moment, holding her by the bed. The room was lit by a small lamp on the dresser, but even in the low light she could see the emotion in his face, and it overwhelmed her. He spoke, nuzzling her cheek, his face close to hers.

  “This time is special, Rainey. I want you in my bed. I want to be able to roll over at night and touch you, to catch your scent off the pillow, hear you breathing. I want to make love to you in every way I possibly can.”

  He set her gently down on the huge bed, and stood looking at her, risking more of his heart than she could imagine.

  “I need to know you want that, too. That you want to be with me like that, as well. And not just for tonight.” He could barely keep his feelings for her from spilling over; it was time to risk it all. She extended her hand to him, her answer in her eyes. He smiled, relief and lust coursing through his body, chased along by something deeper. Lowering himself to the bed, he took her in his arms and held her—just held her—for a moment, as if she were the most precious thing on earth.

  Raine listened to the drum of his heartbeat under her cheek, her body tense with anticipation, but easing as he held her, his breath fanning her cheek, his foot moving slowly up and down her calf. She was stunned to notice how even those parts of them, the curve of his instep along her leg, fit so perfectly. She’d never been held before, not like this—so close and so long that it was a source of pleasure unto itself. She slipped her arms around him, too, reveling in the sensation of closeness she had had so little of in her life. It was addictive.

  Their bodies warmed, and his hands stroked the curve of her back and hip, his fingers movin
g lightly down her thigh, then back again. She answered his call, raining small kisses along his collarbone and fluttering her hand lightly over his back. With every touch he cherished her, and she basked in it. Once again, she felt what it was like to truly connect with someone, and the emotion made her giddy with desire. The fingers that lightly teased her skin began leaving trails of fire behind, and her nipples beaded against his chest in response.

  Still on his side, holding her close, he reached down, lifting her leg up over his hip, opening her to a fuller exploration. When his hand found its way between her legs, seeking her through the damp, hot folds of skin, she moaned, and brought her mouth to his, sighing as she surrendered to his touches.

  She let her body follow his lead, let herself be carried away on a wave of sensation that peaked when he slid a finger into her, and flicked her to a quick, soft climax that only increased her need for something more intense. Eyes dazed with passion, she looked up into his. He stared at her with such need, and such emotion, she thought she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  Moving a finger across his lips, she teased her fingers across his chest, experimentally pinching a nipple, heard him gasp, and was encouraged to continue. His fingers played with her sex absently, stroking her and creating wonderful sensations that urged her on.

  Snaking her hands lower, she wrapped her fingers around his velvety, hard penis and stroked lightly, down to the base, then back. When she reached down a little farther, running her nails lightly over his balls, he groaned and removed his hand from her, pushing her back onto the mattress, and slid down her body, burying his face between her legs. She writhed on the bed as he brought her to the edge and left her there, tortured with wanting him.

  “Jack…make me come…please…”

  With a growl, and a promise to himself that he would stay in control for as long as he needed to, regardless of the fact that his body was taut as a wire, he brought himself up over her and slid the entire hard length of himself into her. Leaning down close to her, he kissed her deeply, rubbing his cheek, slick from her sex, over her face, and then licked it from her cheek with hungry kisses. His voice was hot and commanding next to her ear.


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