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Pure Harmony

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by McKenna Jeffries

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Pure Harmony

  ISBN # 978-1-78184-428-1

  ©Copyright McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke 2013

  Cover Art by Oliver Bennett ©Copyright August 2013

  Edited by Rebecca Douglas

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 1.

  This story contains 98 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 15 pages.



  McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke

  Book four in the McKingley series

  A single night at an auction can lead to forever.

  Jonathon Wright is one of the most sought-after attorneys in and around McKingley, New Mexico. He’s cool, calm and fastidious. Reputed to be one of the more serious of the Wright clan, he tends to keep to himself and focus on his career. But none of that matters when one night in a hotel changes everything. He can’t get her out of his mind and so, when the opportunity arises, he pursues, determined to have her.

  Harmony Oshiro was a child prodigy. Then an accident took her ability to perform as she once did, so she left the limelight and came to McKingley to teach music at the university, trying to heal her soul. She never knew that here she would run into the man with whom she spent one night of bliss.

  Despite their differences, she really enjoys being with him. An incident puts them in the same quarters and suddenly Jonathon is faced with a woman who is as impulsive and carefree as he is serious. As she teaches him to enjoy life, he wants to help her not only find her confidence to perform again but also stay with him forever. Can he convince her that together it will be pure harmony?


  To my sister, whose love of reading made me pick up my first book, which ultimately led me on this path to become an author. Thanks for passing on your love of reading and your support.

  —McKenna Jeffries

  To all the grandparents out there who help their grandbabies to find what moves them. I know all mine are looking down from Heaven on me. Thanks for always watching over me. I love and miss y’all so much!

  —Aliyah Burke

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Mercedes CL600: Mercedes-Benz, Daimler AG

  Jeep: Chrysler Group LLC

  Toyota Corolla: Toyota Motor Corporation

  Google: Google, Inc.

  Bluetooth: Bluetooth Special Interest Group

  Chapter One

  Jonathon Wright groaned and shifted against his cool sheets. As he’d been doing every morning for the past two months, he reached across the expanse of his king-sized bed to find…nothing. No warm body waiting for him. No soft silken skin to slide along his as they made long, slow love.

  He was alone in bed.


  A frustrated grunt left him as he ignored his rock-hard shaft and climbed from the bed. Once in the shower, he braced his hands along the sandstone-hued tiles and allowed icy cold pellets to pound his skin. The temperature encouraged him to hasten through his shower and soon he stood on the thick rug towelling off. It didn’t take much to get dry—being in New Mexico with such low humidity, it seemed the water evaporated from his skin.

  Rubbing the towel over his shorn head, he tried to ignore the flashes of memory that insisted on popping up. Get a grip, Jon, he reprimanded himself. After hanging up the towel, he made his way to his bedroom and got dressed. He had a piece of toast for breakfast then walked out of his condominium with a coffee in one hand, his briefcase in the other.

  He headed for the college where he’d agreed to give guest lectures for first year law classes. As he drove through McKingley, his racing mind began to slow. He loved it here, had grown up here, and had graduated from the very college he was on his way to. His entire family lived here, and, while sometimes they made his life miserable, for the most part he was thrilled to have them so close.

  In fact, he’d worked with a friend of his eldest sister Katiya a few times. Yurandol Blake was an attorney for the local FBI field office and they had occasionally done things that caused their paths to cross in the legal world. She was sharp, lethally so. In fact, she had been the one to ask him to cover the class today. Something had come up on her schedule and she wasn’t able to make it.

  He pulled into the parking lot and drove through to find an empty space. Locating one, he whipped in and shut off the engine. He sipped his coffee and watched the students stroll by.

  A bit later, he strode across the well-manicured lawn towards the law building. Pushing through the door, he felt he was swept back to when he’d been a student here. Ever serious, he’d been very focused—on his studies, living at home and saving his money. After he’d passed the bar, he’d purchased his condo as a gift to himself.

  He nodded at people he went by as he made his way to the auditorium. Entering, he walked down to the front and placed his briefcase on the table nearest the podium. Opening it, he organised his papers. He took another drink to finish his coffee and settled the mug by his case.

  Grabbing the back of the chair, he manoeuvred it so he could sit and watch the students continue to stream in. When the clock indicated the time was right for the class to begin, he stepped up to the podium, turned on the microphone and introduced himself before beginning the lecture.

  * * * *

  By four in the afternoon, the last of his students had left his final lecture. After piling his things back in his satchel, he snapped it closed and headed for the exit. A storm had rolled in, dampening the ground. He eyed the ominous clouds hovering overhead. As he walked across campus, the rain began again. The sky opened up and fell in a torrential rush.

  Muttering a curse, he dashed for the nearest building. Damn it! He noticed the water droplets on his silk suit. He wiped off his briefcase and fought a frown. New Mexico weather was unpredictable at best.

  The halls were mostly empty, which made it very easy to hear the haunting melody that poured from a room. His skin prickled and, of their own accord, his feet took him towards the sound. Never had music drawn him with such intensity before.

  He paused at the door and stood there, allowing the notes to flow over him. Unable to resist, he proceeded into the large room. The lecture hall was mostly dark, except for the lights upon the stage that illuminated a large gleaming black piano on centre stage. A woman sat there playing. His heart pounded erratically in his chest as he stared at her. His palms
grew sweaty and he swallowed repeatedly as he walked closer.

  It’s her.

  His extremely analytical brain worked out the percentage of likelihood that it could be her. On the other hand, his body already knew. He grew hard and lust coursed through his veins.


  She was alone, as far as he could tell, and unaware of his presence. Her long, thick black hair hung down to the middle of her back, clasped at the base of her neck by a simple barrette. She wore a long-sleeved coral shirt that complemented her skin tone. She moved in time with her playing.

  Captivated, he continued closer until her face was clear. It was her. He’d never forget her face. The smooth skin, delicate features and large eyes framed by doubly thick curled lashes. She was slender with a tiny waist and breasts that, he recalled, fitted so perfectly in his hands.

  He knew when she noticed she was no longer alone—her fingers faltered and eventually she halted playing. Her dark brown eyes flashed with reminiscent passion before it faded and her gaze cooled. A flush skated up her cheeks, though.

  “That was beautiful,” he said, ignoring the powerful impulse to touch her.

  Her cheeks reddened further. “Thank you.” She ducked her head. “What are you doing here?”

  Not the issue at hand for him. “You left.” He fought a chill from the ice in her eyes. Then, like the passion, it vanished to leave behind a blank slate. His gaze moved to her hands, which remained on the keys, then back to her face. The signs were there. Blatant and obvious. She was about to bolt. He moved closer and watched her eyes grow wider.

  “Harmony,” he said, her name falling familiarly from his lips.

  “Excuse me, Jonathon. I must go.”

  He reached out for her arm. She stilled beneath his touch. “Wait.”


  He wasn’t sure but he’d been unable to get this woman out of his mind since their one date and night of shared passion. Jon felt a bit out of control and it disturbed him. He liked neat, orderly, controlled situations. Even in the courtroom, he was always as prepared as he could be to ensure surprise didn’t take him. She unsettled him, rattled him, but damn it, she visited him every single night in his dreams. Now he had her, he didn’t want to let her go.

  “Let me take you to dinner.” When she hesitated, he added, “We’ve been out before.”

  Her flush told him she recalled exactly what had happened on that date. How it had ended up—clothes strewn all over the floor and moans the only sounds in the room.


  “Now, if you can leave.” His phone buzzed in his pocket and he ignored it.


  Her soft, lyrical voice had the power to make him crazy with lust. He stared as she got to her feet and slid the bench in under the piano. She wore charcoal grey slacks that hugged her hips. As he observed her, he noticed she allowed her right hand to be swallowed up by her sleeve until just her unpolished nails were visible.

  He waited for her to gather her stuff and walked slightly behind her as she made her way up to the door. Close enough so the gentle scent of gardenia could be smelt and far enough to ogle the natural, seductive sway of her hips.

  They paused at the door leading outside and stared at the continuing downpour. He grumbled under his breath—getting soaked and ruining his suit were not in the plans of the day. He slanted a glance at Harmony and noticed the sparkle in her eyes as she gazed out over the campus.

  “Perhaps we should wait it out,” he suggested.

  Silent, she led the way to a small sitting area. He claimed the chair across from her. He couldn’t take his eyes from her.

  “You’re staring,” she mumbled.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t seem to help myself. You look so different than you did…that night.”

  A small smile lifted one side of her mouth. “Teaching a music class is hardly the place to wear a cocktail dress.”

  He grinned broadly. Perhaps not, but she’d looked damn good in it. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to McKingley to teach?”

  She pursed her lips and glanced up when thunder rocked the building. “When exactly would I have done that? During our bidding war over the vase? Or after, in your hotel room?”

  He flashed an arrogant grin. “So you do remember.”

  Her brown eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

  Stretching out his legs, he made sure to touch her foot with his, craving the physical contact.

  “I was here giving lectures all day. Over at the law building.”

  “That’s right, you mentioned something about being an attorney.”

  He was pleased she remembered. “Yes. How long have you been teaching music?”

  She tensed, her entire body did. Her right hand completely disappeared inside her sleeve. Not for long, but he did notice.

  “About a year or so.”

  There was a story there. “Why were you so determined to get the vase?”

  Her eyes sparked and he realised he’d just erred. Grievously. “Just because I’m not a lawyer doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate fine things.”

  Harmony Oshiro seethed inwardly. The handsome, arrogant and stuffed-shirted Jonathon Wright never failed to do two things to her. One, make her forget all common sensibilities and want to spend the night with him, engaging in all kinds of erotic endeavours. Two, get her dander up with nothing more than a simple glance from his medium brown eyes.

  The look he’d given her when they’d begun to bid on the same vase was as if he didn’t believe she could afford such a thing. True, she’d gone over her intended budget to acquire said item, but his smug, over-confident look had spurred her into the rash action. So she’d won the vase, and consequently, she’d been eating noodles and peanut butter and jelly since. Nevertheless, it had been worth it. She’d secured the final item in the set her grandmother had begun for her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean for it to sound that way. I was just curious as to why you wanted it so bad. Does it have a special meaning for you?”

  “My grandmother gave me the first few in the collection. The one offered that night was the only one I didn’t have.” She cocked her head to the side. “What about you? Why did you want it?”

  His entire countenance softened and her heart skipped more than a few beats.

  “My mom. She loves little knick-knacks like that. And the robin’s egg blue colour is one of her favourites.”

  She smiled and his gaze heated. “So you did it for your mom.”

  His grin made her heart race. “Yes.” He glanced away briefly then said, “The rain appears to have stopped.”

  He assisted her to her feet and let his hand linger afterwards. Then he slid it around to her back, the heat from his palm warming her through her shirt. Outside, the air smelt clean and fresh. The dark clouds rolled away off in the distance, leaving the sun free to shine down.

  “Where did you want to meet?” she asked.

  “We can go in my car and I can bring you back here to collect yours.” He spoke as they walked.

  “I don’t have a car.”

  He stared at her, brows raised and a bit of a shocked look on his face. “Is it in the shop?”

  She chuckled. “No. I don’t own one.”

  He inhaled sharply. “Then I will take you and bring you home.”

  Her insides trembled a bit at that statement. He’d taken her for sure already. Over and over that night. She stumbled slightly at the memory.

  “Okay.” She wanted to be around him—perhaps it didn’t make sense but being with Jonathon Wright allowed her to feel. “Where are we eating?”

  “Are you, like, a vegan or something?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then we can go to a small place on the outskirts of town. Great food. One of my favourite places.”

  They walked to the parking lot and she sighed when he unlocked a Mercedes. A metallic iridium silver coupé. He must really be loaded. At least
the car didn’t sport any vanity plates.

  Jon held the door for her and she slid into the interior, across the tan, butter-soft leather seat. The inside had a beautiful wood trim and she was afraid to touch anything for fear of ruining it. She tried not to fidget, but she was growing more nervous with each passing moment. Not for fear of what could happen, merely because she was a much simpler person. Her vehicle, when she’d had one, had cost about five thousand dollars. It wasn’t a model that started at over one hundred and fifty thousand.

  He got settled and she hid a smirk when she spied him wipe a piece of fuzz off the dash. Mr Jonathon Wright, attorney at law, was a neat freak. The powerful engine turned over and they were on their way. As he drove, another storm rolled in and began to drench the earth.

  Eventually they pulled into a place called Hattie’s. Jon grabbed an umbrella from the back seat and had it opened, offering him shelter, before he got out. She stifled another laugh—personally, she loved the rain. He came around to her door and together, under the umbrella’s protection, they hastened to the door.

  He escorted her to a table in the back as they followed the attendant. Again, he rested his strong hand against the small of her back and took her mind back to their shared night. She blinked away the thoughts and focused on what he was saying.

  Her meal was delicious and he said as much about his. They both lingered over dessert and coffee, and she imagined he was in no rush to go back out into the fury of the storm. Then again, neither was she.

  “What about your family?” he asked, stirring creamer into his coffee.

  “My parents live over in Japan—that’s where I grew up. I have an older brother, who’s married with one child. They also live in Japan.”


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