Inventing Iron Man

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Inventing Iron Man Page 23

by E. Paul Zehr

strength training, 177

  stress: effects of on body, 82

  performance and, 76–77, 77

  stretch reflexes, 31, 32

  The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 149

  Suminski, Aaron, 107

  superheroes: as superhuman, 120

  viewed as “possible,” 154–55. See also specific characters

  Superman, 115–16

  supertaskers, 75

  supplementary motor area of brain, 55

  surfaces for walking or running, 32–33

  Surrogates (movie), 13

  synaesthesia, 101

  synapses, 23, 24

  Tales of Suspense: #39 (1963), xii, 8, 9, 91, 128, 182

  #40 (1963), xiii–xiv, 9

  #48 (1963), 9–10, 182

  Tarnak farm incident in Afghanistan, 122–23

  Taylor, Charlotte, 50

  telepresence armor. See Neuromimetic Telepresence Unit (NTU-150) armor

  temporal lobe, 49

  Terminator, 4

  texting while driving, 72

  therapeutic electrical stimulation, 39

  thermoregulation, 81

  thoracic region of spine and spinal cord, 21, 22

  Thorbuster armor, 11

  thoughts, transforming into actions of machines, 37–38

  Three Laws of Robotics (Asimov), 129–30

  tibia, 29

  tools, use of, 108–9

  Touch Bionics, 43, 44

  training to use armor: exercise, 177–78

  level of, and multitasking, 73, 75–79

  time needed, 155, 159–60, 161–62

  type needed, 162–65

  transcranial magnetic stimulation, 55–56, 57

  tremor, physiological, 25

  Ultimate Iron Man (Card), 101, 120

  Ultimate Iron Man (vol. 1, 2006), 131

  upper motor neurons, 54, 56

  Urban, Karl, 81–82

  Valentin, Leo, 138

  Vanko, Ivan “Whiplash” (character), 74, 130, 179

  video game controllers, 58

  virtual environments, human interaction with, 13

  vision, as primary sense, 101, 106

  Vogel, Steven, 25

  Volta, Alessandro, 50

  von Berlichingen, Gottfried (Götz, Iron Hand), 27, 28

  WalkAide, 40–42, 41

  walking: arm movement in, 151

  center of mass, 34

  description of, 31–33

  enhancing performance when, 35–36

  in force field, 93

  leg springs, 34

  Lokomat, 87–88, 89, 90, 91

  retraining for, 90–91

  ReWalk, 87, 162

  stretch reflexes, 32

  War Machine (graphic novel), 46, 47, 61

  War Machine armor: depiction of, 78

  description of, 77–79

  given to Air Force, 152

  in Iron Man 2, 156–57. See also Rhodes, Jim “War Machine”

  Warwick, Kevin, 38

  Watson, James, 74–75

  Wayne, Bruce (character), 119

  Weber, Doug, 160–61

  weight, muscle output based on, 25

  Weyand, Peter, 33

  Whiplash. See Vanko, Ivan “Whiplash”

  whiplash, risks of, 166–67, 168, 169–72

  Williams, David, 109–10, 142

  Willis, Thomas, 50

  wing chun, 165

  Wolf, David, 109, 110

  Wolpaw, Jon, 56, 159–60

  Wong-Chu (character), xiii, 182

  Yinsen, Ho (character), xiii, 128, 147, 151, 152




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