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Highland Lies (The Band of Cousins Book 4)

Page 20

by Keira Montclair

  Roddy came over and wrapped his arms around her, leaning his head on hers as they both stared at their new place. “We don’t have the regal cliffs of your home, but I love being near the water. We can raise our own bairns here, teach them to swim.”

  “Aye, just as my sire did with me.”

  “This spot is perfect. My parents are not far, my sister Ashlyn and her family are just down the hill, and the area my uncle built for swimming is at the other end.

  She tipped her head back and kissed his chin. “No more nightmares, no more guilt. Not for either of us.”

  “Nay, not since I fell in love with you, Rose,” he said. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  They stared at their new home for a few more moments when Roddy let go of her and said, “Wait! I forgot something. I built it for you. I’ll be right back.”

  He raced over to the building that served as both a stable and a place for storage. After retrieving the ungainly object, he tore back across the path and said, “We had extra wood, so I made this for you.”

  Rose looked at the T-shaped creation, wishing to share his obvious excitement, but she had no idea what it was. “Roddy, I can see ’twas quite an effort, but I have no idea what ’tis.”

  Roddy held up one finger, a request for her to wait, then found a shovel and dug a hole, sticking the long pole down deep and covering it with tightly packed dirt. The T-section was on top.

  She waited patiently, hoping she’d discover the thing’s purpose, but she simply could not. She had to admit to her failings. “What is it?” she asked, feeling horrible that she didn’t understand.

  He scowled and said, “’Tis a perch.”

  He glanced up into the sky and said, “Give it a few minutes.” He came to her side and pointed up in the sky.

  Sure enough, an owl appeared overhead several minutes later, soaring freely in the wind. Then it aimed straight for them and landed directly on the new perch.

  Rose said, “Greetings, my friend.”

  The owl lifted its wings once and said, “Hoo.”


  Spring, 1285

  Alexander Grant stood beneath the large hearth in the great hall of his clan’s castle, his hands on his hips as he stared up at the weaponry above the hearth.

  His brother Robbie joined him. “Could be a big day, brother.”

  “Aye, ’struth, Robbie. Most of all, I pray ’twill be a healthy and happy day for all. Or should I say, a happy sennight. Bairns have minds of their own, as you well know. They’ll be here when they’re ready and not a moment before.”

  “Truer words have never been spoken. Papa would be proud.”

  A grin crossed Alex’s face as he thought about their beloved sire. He’d been strict with his sons, but they’d always known the man with the gruff bark had the softest heart of all, especially when it came to their mother.

  “I like the way Jamie and Jake arranged the weaponry,” Robbie said, his gaze cresting the wide stone hearth. The mantel was covered with aromatic candles amid dried greens and berries carefully tied with ribbons by Maddie and Celestina. The various daggers, swords, and knives were mounted on the wall. The tapestries depicting the castle in the four seasons, which his mother had made so long ago, still decorated the long wall of the hall. Though their castle had grown in size, with added towers and a third story, they’d kept many things from the original keep.

  “Aye, they did a nice job. Papa would be pleased to see some of his finest swords hanging there for all to see. If only Maddie hadn’t insisted I clean the blood from them,” Alex said, a bit of remorse in his tone.

  “Your sword belongs above the others. Do you think the laddie destined to lift that mighty sword will be born today?”

  Alex grasped his brother’s shoulder. “I can only hope the bairn is healthy and will bring us new joy.”

  A woman’s voice echoed behind him. “You do not fool me at all, dear brother. You wish to have another wee lassie to strap to your chest,” Alex’s sister Brenna said.

  Alex pulled her close so he could kiss her forehead. “I hope you have a fine day, sister, and may the Lord guide your gifted hands.”


  Upon learning the news that the babes were due at around the same time, Alex had summoned his sisters, both renowned healers, to assist Caralyn with the births. Shortly after Brenna had arrived with her husband Quade, their sister Jennie, also the baby of the family, had arrived with her entire family in tow. Alex hadn’t waited long before summoning the elders into his solar to tell them the news.

  “Sisters,” he’d announced, barely able to keep a straight face. “I have information for you that is only known by a chosen few. Maddie and Caralyn both know the truth, as do a few others, but I do not wish this to be shared widely until the time arrives for certes.”

  Jennie had given Brenna a strange look, but they’d waited for Alex to tell the full tale.

  “As you will surely learn, Jamie and Finlay have been unbearable in their constant competition about which one will have the first laddie of the next generation of my heirs. They’ve been so obnoxious about it that both Gracie and Kyla have forbidden them to discuss it in front of the two of them.”

  Aedan and Quade both burst into laughter at about the same time.

  “The lists must be something to watch,” Aedan said.

  Jennie stilled her husband by placing her hand over his. “I’d like to hear what else Alex has to say. I think there’s a reason he called both of us here. After all, there are now three healers here to tend two women who may not deliver together at all.”

  Jennie tipped her head as she watched her brother’s expression. “Out with it, dearest brother.” Alex had been like a father to Jennie, so he often gave in to her whims, even at this age.

  “Verra astute of you, Jennie. Because of their competitiveness, Jake has made us all promise to keep his secret.”

  Both sisters gasped at the same time, the excitement and disbelief on their faces contagious.

  Brenna reached for Quade’s hand and squeezed it. “Three? Aline is carrying, too?”

  Alex didn’t attempt to hide his own excitement over the news. Though he had learned to hide his emotions when need be, this he could not control.

  He nodded slowly, waggling his brow at them. “Caralyn said all three are due at about the same time.”

  Jennie squealed as he’d known she would, but then she sat and whispered, “Bairns make their own decisions about leaving the womb. While it would be exciting to have them deliver close together, the odds are slim.”

  Alex nodded. “Understood, but I didn’t wish to take the risk. Please keep Jake and Aline’s secret until the time arrives. If you don’t, Jamie and Finlay will be even more unbearable, and I do not wish to upset a wee woman in her last month of carrying. Aline has done her best to stay hidden, claiming illness, and has worn oversized gowns for some time now. No one has suspected anything as of yet.”

  That meeting had been six days ago, and the time had finally come today. Gracie had been dealing with pains for a short time, and Kyla had called for her mother and Caralyn to check her. Both had been put in two chambers with access to the balcony in case they were in need of anything.

  Word had apparently traveled quickly, as the door to the keep continued to open, even though it was the middle of the night. Roddy and Rose were the latest arrivals.

  “Gracie is ready?” Roddy directed the question to his father while he helped Rose with her mantle.

  “Aye, we think ‘tis her time and possibly Kyla’s, as well.”

  Alex loved having so many of his clan together in the keep.

  True, a few of the births in this keep had been difficult, but he had a good feeling about this day. A fabulous feeling.

  Alex and Robbie gave instructions for food and drink to be brought in from the kitchens and then built fires in the two hearths, while Quade Ramsay settled in a chair, wearing a big grin as he watched all the chaos.<
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  That done, the gathering began to seem more like a celebration. Alex grabbed an ale and surveyed the chattering group in the hall, their excitement contagious. They were ready for whatever might come, though Alex sensed a bit of tension from Caralyn, Robbie’s wife. Was it because it was her daughter who was giving birth, or because the babe might be the next heir to the lairddom?

  Alex attempted to calm his sister-in-law. “Brenna is already upstairs with Gracie, Caralyn. Take your time. She said ’twill be a while yet. You know how it can be with new mamas. Kyla insists ’tis time for the bairn to make its appearance, but Maddie mustn’t be concerned as of yet. If she were, she’d be at the balcony giving me orders.”

  Caralyn laughed. “This is a first for both of you. The first grandbairn, and the second at the same time.” She rolled her eyes, telling Alex she was also thinking of the third grandbairn, the one who was still a secret.

  Just then, Finlay rushed out onto the balustrade with an urgency that caught everyone’s attention. He shouted, “Aunt Brenna, I need Aunt Brenna!”

  The entire group in the great hall stopped what they were doing to look at the frantic husband above. Only Caralyn had the presence of mind to act. She hurried up the stairs and asked, “Finlay, what is it?”

  “Kyla says she’s having the bairn. What should I do?”

  The unexpected complication seemed to calm Caralyn more than it did baffle her. “Brenna is busy with Gracie. I’ll come check on Kyla.” Caralyn climbed the staircase and shepherded a pale Finlay back into his chamber.

  Just then Alex’s wee wife, still as beautiful as the day they’d married, stepped out onto the balcony. She caught his gaze and gave him an almost imperceptible nod, letting him know it was indeed Kyla’s time.

  As he stared up at this woman he adored, so many thoughts ran through his mind that he made his way over to the staircase, never taking his gaze off Maddie. Fortunately, she saw him coming and waited for him, a nervous smile on her face.

  He’d seen that same smile the day he married her, the day she’d struggled to bring Elizabeth into the world, and the day she sat by his side on the cold ground after he took a sword wound that nearly killed him. Love wasn’t a strong enough word to express his feelings for this woman. After all these years, he knew exactly what that smile meant—she was worried about all that was upon them. Their first three bairns were about to become parents, and she feared something would go wrong. He headed up the stairs to give her what comfort he could.

  When he reached her side, she gave a slight nod. “I think ’twill be today, Alex.”

  He noticed the tear in the corner of his tender-hearted wife’s eye. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet, eliciting the same squeal he’d heard from her many times before. He planted a kiss on her lips, wondering how she could taste more delicious every day. The small roar in the hall beneath them didn’t stop him, but he gave in to her sensibilities as he always did, knowing that when he glanced at her, he would see the deep blush covering her face and traveling down her neck. He slid her back down his body and she whispered, “Alex, they’re all watching.” He let out a small Grant war whoop and clapped his hands together.

  He turned to lean over the balcony railing and shouted for all to hear, “Aye! Two in one day.” He couldn’t help but lift his gaze to the rafters, a small prayer chanting in his mind to keep all healthy on this momentous day.

  Or would it be on the morrow?

  He really didn’t care.

  Maddie said, “I must go back inside. You’ll not be offended that Kyla does not want you at her side?”

  He spun back around, his eyes wide and his jaw open. “Nay, I’ll not be in there.” He made his way back down the staircase, enjoying the sight of all his clann together.

  Quade asked, “Do you think they’ll both have them today?”

  Alex snorted. “Mayhap they will. The healers have a way of knowing, but I surely don’t.” Who would have known that the wee woman he’d brought back to his clan so many years ago could have brought him such joy? They’d been blessed so many times over the years and would soon count even more blessings. Today or the morrow, he did not care.

  The group in the hall spread out as more and more people arrived to celebrate.

  Brodie and Celestina.

  Nicol, Finlay’s sire.

  Fergus and Davina.

  As soon as Finlay heard that his brother had come, he flew down the stairs to greet him. Jamie heard their voices, so he joined them down below, leaving his wife for a spell.

  And so the bragging and taunting began.

  Jamie started. “You just could not let it be, could you, Finlay? Did you sit on Kyla’s belly or something? We’re having the first laddie. Tell her she can take her time with the lassie. No reason to hurry.” He did his best to appear calm, but his sudden need to pace took over. He started a small path near the staircase, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “You think I would do that to your sister?” Finlay barked. “I’d knock you out, Grant, if not for the fact your wife is about to deliver. You’re pacing because Kyla will have our lad first. See if I’m not telling the truth.” His hands settled on his hips and he leaned forward, nearly touching his friend each time Jamie paced past him.

  “Just not another word, Finlay,” Jamie barked.

  Robbie grinned at Alex and Brodie. “We can sit here by the hearth and watch this show for days. Wait until Jake shows up, then they’ll really get going.”

  The three brothers pulled a few chairs away from the hearth and turned them to face the two new fathers-to-be, wide grins on their faces.

  “Promises to be great entertainment, I say,” Alex bellowed. The bickering had continued, unabated by all of the not-so-subtle observers. “We could start wagering. Bring out the coin, lads, if you’re so certain of the outcome.”

  Brodie helped Celestina into a chair while he chatted with his two brothers. “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything. Celestina kept telling me to slow down, but I couldn’t. Look at Nicol.”

  Nicol, soon to be a grandpapa, paced behind Finlay, chewing on a thumbnail and glancing up at the door to Kyla’s chamber every once in a while.

  To everyone’s surprise, Jake came barreling out of the tower chamber entrance to the hall, his usual sleeping chamber, carrying Aline cradled in his arms. Aunt Jennie followed him out.

  The entire group stopped to stare. Jennie hurried over to kiss Alex on the cheek. “Oh, dear brother, this is quite a day for you.” She chuckled and patted his shoulder as he stared in excitement at Aline. Jennie reached up to close his mouth. “She’s a wee bit closer than Caralyn thought. It could be three bairns born on this day.”

  Roddy said, “I thought she was sick for the last moon.”

  His father chuckled. “Had to keep the secret, lad, though ’twasn’t easy.”

  Jennie laughed. “Nay, Aline was just carrying a big belly around that she was doing her best to hide in large gowns.”

  Jake grinned at his brother and Finlay. “We only kept her in hiding so we wouldn’t have to listen to you two. ’Twas her choice to stay away from both of you over the last moon. But I could not be more pleased we handled it this way and no one suspected. We’ll see who has the first laddie.” He carried his wife up the stairs, his shoulders squared, and his deep laugh echoed across the hall.

  Finlay and Jamie both ran over to hang onto the railing as Jake carried his wife up the stairs.

  “You hid it?”

  “You were so afraid of us that you could not tell anyone?”

  Jake slowed a bit to reply. “Aye, Aline didn’t want you arguing with us about whether we’ll have a lad or lassie. We do not care what we have.”

  A loud boom caught all their attentions. “Lads!” Alex shouted, having just stomped his foot on the floor. “Give the mothers-to-be some peace, please.”

  Finlay and Jamie both shrunk back from the stair railing. Jamie blushed a bit and whispered, “My apolo
gies, Aline.”

  Aline replied with a long moan, her hands clenched in fists across her belly. “Hurry, Jake. I know Aunt Jennie wanted us all upstairs together since it seems we’re going to have our bairns on the same day, but you need to make haste or I’ll have our bairn on the staircase.

  Jake traveled the rest of the way up the stairs, taking Aline to a chamber off to the right. Finlay and Kyla were to the far left with Jamie and Gracie’s chamber in the middle.

  Jennie checked on Kyla first, then emerged long enough to lean over the railing. “Things are progressing well. Maddie and Caralyn have everything under control.” She moved down to Gracie’s room, then came back out to give them another update. “Gracie is also progressing well. Brenna and Ashlyn have everything under control. I’m going to stay with Aline. Celestina, would you mind assisting me?”

  Celestina jumped with delight. “I’d love to.”

  Moments later, Jake came flying down the stairs and charged over to Jamie and Finlay, the two of them still arguing. He gave Jamie a shove and said, “And that is why Aline and I kept it a secret. I didn’t wish for my wife to have to listen to you two. Lad or lassie, I’ll love both, though I’m quite sure we’ll have the first laddie.”

  “Hellfire, Jake, that was underhanded,” Finlay ran his hand through his dark red hair, sweat dotting his brow. “I didn’t know I had to worry about both of you. One is hard enough.”

  Alex sat down in his chair and allowed the banter to continue for a few moments, before he finally ground out, “You’re all fools.”

  In unison, the three fathers-to-be repeated, “What?”

  “Why?” Jake asked, bewilderment clear on his face.

  “Because your wee wives are up there working harder than they ever have, and you three are down here acting like having a bairn is naught. If you truly wished to show your wife respect, you’d be by her side mopping her brow and holding her hand. I never missed one of my children’s births.”

  The three young men exchanged glances and then took off toward the staircase at the same exact time, shoving at one another along the way.


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