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Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)

Page 9

by Horton, Amanda

  ‘’Wanna go for a walk?’’ Ben asked Laurel and she nodded happily.

  ‘’Bye guys, we’re leaving. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!’’ he yelled at his friends.

  ‘’Dude, don’t forget the time changed for figure tomorrow. It’s 11 instead of 10.’’ One of them yelled back.

  ‘’Great, an extra hour in bed!’’ he replied and laughed a little nervously, giving Laurel a sideways glance.

  ‘’Figure?’’ she said slowly, ‘’As in figure skating!! What the hell? You said it was a secret!’’

  She flounced angrily away but he was jogging next to her laughing uncontrollably.

  ‘’You really thought you were blackmailing me!’’ he cried, ‘’It’s so funny! You’re so funny!’’

  And he grabbed her and kissed her again and again until she calmed down and saw the funny side of it too. ‘’You sweet, evil, irresistible girl’’ he told her, and kissed her once more.

  ‘’But why were you so weird with me some days? And so mean at the beginning?’’ she asked, still puzzled and trying to get her head around everything.

  ‘’I was angry that you snuck in on me and watched me. And at the start I really didn’t want anyone to know that I figure skated. At my high school they made fun of me for it. I even beat up a kid real bad after he said something.’’ He grimaced, ‘’I’m not proud of that. And my Dad, well he’s old-fashioned. He was the ice hockey star of this college in his day and that’s all he wants me to be too. I hope he’ll come around eventually.’’

  She stroked his face, looking concerned.

  They reached the diner, and he held the door open for her to walk inside.

  ‘’Plus you were always hanging out with that tall nerdy guy. I was a bit jealous, I have to admit.’’

  ‘’Me and Paul are friends, nothing more,’’ she smiled, remembering the incident at the diner where they were sitting right now.

  ‘’As far as the blackmailing goes, I was resentful at first, obviously,’’ he said, ‘’and then I was disappointed that you still continued with the deal even after we… you know.’’

  ‘’Yeah, I know,’’ she looked at the floor, ashamed, ‘’I wanted to. But I was scared. I didn’t want to lose you. Or my training.’’ She glanced at him, wondering whether they would carry on as usual.

  ‘’I love training you,’’ he reassured her, ‘’Of course our sessions will continue. You have real talent, you know! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come! We’ll have you at those state championships for sure!’’

  Laurel beamed from ear to ear and said, ‘’Really?’’

  ‘’Yes! And I have something else to ask you too. I want to start pair’s figure skating. And I want my partner to be you. What do you say?’’

  It was all too much for her to take in and she started sobbing again although she didn’t really understand why.

  ‘’Pompoms!’’ Ben was laughing at her and then she was laughing again too. ‘’What am I going to do with you? It’s ok, you don’t have to be my partner if you don’t want to,’’ he said, teasing.

  ‘’Of course I want to be your partner,’’ she whispered up at him, hardly able to believe the turn of events in the space of the last hour or two.

  ‘’Well good,’’ he said, ‘’Because you’re coming to the training session tomorrow at 11. You’re ready for it! And I have a little something for you too.’’

  He opened his bag and pulled out a beautiful new pair of skates. They were gleaming white with shiny new blades.

  Laurel couldn’t believe her eyes; they were beautiful! ‘’Thank you so much!’’ she muttered, almost in tears again.

  The waitress approached their table and he said, ‘’Now let me guess, your favorite milkshake flavor is… Chocolate? Butterscotch?’’

  ‘’Nope’’ she shook her head, smiling, ‘’Peanut-butter!’’

  ‘’Of course!’’ he grinned back, ‘’Me too!’’

  ‘’Two peanut-butter milkshakes, please!’’ Laurel ginned at the waitress.




  2.Legal Pleasures

  Billionaire Office Romance

  Maria moved through the hallway, taking long, purposeful strides. She carried a thick file, almost overflowing with details on a case she had been working on for the better part of several months. She passed a few of her colleagues and gave them each a small smile and a nod as they went about their separate business.

  Maria Hester was the youngest recruit at Elliot & Saunders, a top criminal law firm in New York City. She had been thrilled to receive the position after her internship, and she was eager to do well. At the same time, however, she was constantly on edge. This firm was known for the high level of competition in the workplace. Maria knew very well that if she was not at her best one hundred percent of the time, she could easily be swept to the side, and all her hopes of advancing in her career would be lost. She knew she would have to keep a level head on her shoulders.

  Maria was an attractive young woman, with long, wavy dark hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes. Her body was well toned from her dedication to exercise, as she believed it helped her to stay sharp and full of energy. She was of average height, at about five and a half feet, but she often wore heels to appear taller. She was confident and determined to succeed, and her good looks would make her even more effective in the courtroom.

  Her specialty was prosecution in homicide cases. Her mother had died shortly after she was born, and when she was fourteen, she had witnessed her father being shot by an intruder. Maria had been able to escape by hiding and playing dead until the man left and she was able to call the police. She had clearly seen his face, and had even been able to identify the intruder in a lineup.

  Unfortunately, the prosecutor on her father’s case was weak, and was not able to overpower the murderer’s defense. Maria watched this all happened helplessly, and the experience changed her. She knew she could never get her father back, but she could at least find justice for other people like her who had loved ones taken from them.

  With this new job at Elliot & Saunders, Maria finally had the opportunity to really take action. Not only had she accepted a job at one of the most cut-throat firms in the country, but she had relocated to New York City. This was an immense change for her, but one she was more than willing to embrace. She had grown up in a small town in Georgia, and after that she had studied law at the University of Virginia. Neither of those settings could have ever prepared her for the intensity of life in New York City. She felt invigorated and enthralled by the sheer amount of people around her. She knew that if ever she slipped, even slightly, she could instantly be replaced by one of the millions trying to make it in the city.

  Fortunately, Maria did not let this discourage her. She had always been determined to succeed, no matter what the cost. She had graduated as the valedictorian of her class in high school, and she graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA and letters of recommendation from all of her professors, one of whom fortunately had connections to the law firm where she was now a recruit. She attributed much of her success to hard work, and she knew that in order to continue on her path, she had to keep a level head and succeed in order to be recognized.

  When Maria got her first case, she had been enthralled. This would be her chance to prove herself to her new colleagues and make a name for herself at this new firm. She had jumped into it right away, eager to put her education to good use.

  At first, Maria could hardly wait to get started. As soon as she opened the file, though, she was sobered up from her excitement. She was immediately greeted by the photographs of a crime scene, and the bloody remains of a girl who seemed to be about her age. She read the report on the autopsy, and examined the photographs of the murder weapon. There were even fingerprints, and they had a suspect in custody. All of this was good, but that was about where her luck ran out.

  The suspect, unfortunately, had good r
eason to have touched the knife, as he was the personal chef in the home of the victim. It could be easily argued that the murderer had used gloves and fled the scene, and the chef’s prints were merely left over from his daily cooking. However, there were no signs of forced entry in the home, even though the alarm had been set. It seemed to Maria that there was just as much evidence pointing to the suspect as there was against anyone else. Her job, though, was to prosecute this man, and she would do it at all costs.

  As determined as she was, though, Maria found herself running into dead end after dead end. After spending weeks on the case, she was running out of options, and growing ever more frustrated. She knew that she had exhausted all the resources available to her, and she had even made several phone calls to her professors. Alas, nobody had been able to send her in the right direction. Maria was beginning to feel the claws of defeat sink into her.

  It was only as she was leaving the office for lunch one day that help seemed to appear before her very eyes. The elevators slid open to reveal the senior partner of the firm, and one of the most renowned homicide prosecutors in the country, having cracked over a hundred cases and landed just as many criminals in prison. She locked eyes with him, and he immediately flashed her a brilliant white smile.

  “Hello Maria,” he greeted her.

  “Mr. Boone,” she inclined her head in greeting.

  “Please,” he gave her a wink. “Call me Daniel.”

  Maria could not help but blush at the informality, considering his status in their field.

  Daniel Boone had worked at the firm for twenty years, and had climbed his way to the top by proving his skill in the courtroom. He was known for his eye for detail on a case. He easily caught evidence and slips in testimonies that any other lawyer would have never even noticed. Maria had been beyond humbled and honored to get to work for him, based solely on his reputation. Standing before him, though, she was feeling more than just honored and humbled.

  The senior partner of the firm was nothing less than absolutely, breathtakingly good looking. He was tall, over six feet, with broad shoulders. His hair was dark, but tinged with gray, letting everyone know that he was middle aged. His face was clean-shaven and his jaw was strong. His lips were constantly curved up into a slight smirk, as if he always knew something that no one else did. His eyes were a light blue, which could switch from playful to steely at a moment’s notice, a skill which served him well in the courtroom.

  As if that was not enough, the man was exceedingly, ridiculously wealthy. His penthouse apartment had been featured in many magazines, and even television shows. He was proud of his collection of luxury vehicles, ranging all the way from classic muscle cars to futuristic European models. He owned all manner of fine suits, all of which were tailored to fit his frame perfectly, which only served to add to his physical appeal. In short, Daniel Boone was the whole package.

  As such, Daniel had quite a reputation with women. The press constantly spotted him with all manner of women, all of them beautiful. He was, in every sense, a playboy, and he knew it. He had no shame in flirting with the women in the office, and seemed to have no fear of the consequences for such behavior.

  Try as she might to be professional, Maria could not help but be attracted to the older man. And try as she might, she could not shake the suspicion that he was attracted to her as well.

  No, she could not deny that she was attracted to the man, but she knew better than to pursue it. There was a strict policy forbidding any kind of misconduct between employees of the firm. As competitive as it was, she knew she could not afford to make even one wrong move, or someone would simply swoop in to take her place. Daniel’s position was perhaps a bit more secure, but she knew very well that there were many men and women who were just waiting for the opportunity to replace him.

  Even so, now that he was right there in front of him, the temptation to give in to his charms was very real, and it was all she could do not to give in and play along with his flirtation.

  “I hear they put you on the Alexis Miller case,” Daniel noted. “Not exactly a walk in the park.”

  “No it isn’t,” Maria grudgingly admitted.

  “Well, if you ever need any help,” Daniel smiled down at her. “You know where you can find me.”

  With that, he gave her shoulder a light squeeze and proceeded down the hallway to his office. Flustered, Maria moved into the elevator and shook her head to clear it. His sexuality she could get over. His expertise, however, may prove to be something she could not do without. He could probably crack this case wide open with one glance at the case files.

  Maria debated with herself about requesting his help over lunch, but made little progress. She resolved to ask one of her friends about it, and when she got back to the office that was the first thing she did.

  “It’s a bad idea Marie,” the young woman, Angela, frowned at the notion of asking him for help. “You’re not the first woman who has needed his help. And trust me, it never goes as well as they think. It’s better to just stay out of it.”

  At first, Maria had agreed with her friend, and she just buckled down and redoubled her efforts to gain some ground on her case. But her first court date was drawing nearer and nearer, and she was no closer to drawing any conclusions. Maria had researched the case endlessly, and she was at her wits’ end. As much as she hated it, she knew she needed help, and Daniel was the leading expert in this area. Eventually, Maria steeled herself to ask for his help.

  Maria knew that she would have to be very firm with him, and not allow him to get any ideas about her, especially any physical ideas. She believed Angela when she said it would be a bad idea, so she knew she would have to tread very carefully if she wanted to come out of this with her reputation intact.

  She took a deep breath as she stood in front of his door, and then knocked. A few seconds passed, and then the door swung inward to reveal her boss. Maria could not help but run her eyes over him. He wore a dark blue suit with a matching tie and he had matched a light brown belt and shoes. His cologne wafted into her nose, and her stomach fluttered at the sight of him.

  “Good morning Maria,” he smiled down at her knowingly. “I wondered when I’d see you here.”

  “Good morning,” she smiled back, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, and moved into his office as he held the door open for her.

  Daniel’s office was large and extravagant, with an entire window on one side that looked out upon the expanse of New York City. A set of doors led out to a balcony, which was complete with chairs and side tables. Inside, the office was furnished with a black leather couch and two chairs situated around a glass coffee table. On the other side, there was an enormous mahogany desk, with a large leather chair behind it, and two smaller leather chairs in front. The whole office was a testament to his important position, and it served to slightly intimidate Maria as she entered it.

  She took a seat in one of the chairs across from him, and put her thick file on the desk. Her eyes were riveted on his fingers as he easily undid the top button of his suit as he took a seat before her.

  “I hope you’re doing well,” he said casually. “Care for a drink?”

  “No, thank you,” Maria declined, glancing at the decanter of scotch.

  “Straight to business then, I suppose,” Daniel raised his eyebrow and gave her a smirk.

  “My latest notes on the case are the first item in the folder,” Maria informed him simply.

  Daniel gave a soft chuckle and opened the file. He took up the document that contained her notes, and his expression grew serious as he read over her words. Maria watched his expression intently, all but watching him think. She knew he was analyzing every one of her notes carefully and critically, and she could not help but feel incredibly exposed. This was her work, and she put all of herself into it. She waited eagerly for his response.

  At length, he put the document down and looked across the desk at Maria. Maria searched his face eagerly for any sign of what he
may be thinking, but it was fruitless. He wasn’t one of the best lawyers in the country for no reason. Finally, he gave her a small smile.

  “It’s excellent work, Maria,” he said approvingly. “You’ve already come a long way.”

  Maria felt a rush of relief as he praised her. She realized though, that he had likely already caught something that she had missed, and it frustrated her to no end.

  “But…?” she inquired, wanting him to lead her in the right direction. He smirked and chuckled at her eagerness.

  “But nothing,” he shrugged. “Your notes are very comprehensive, and your case is coming together very nicely. Plenty of recruits would never have gotten this far. Your work is very impressive.”

  “Well, thank you,” Maria accepted the praise, but she could not keep a note of frustration out of her voice. “I just feel like I’m missing something.”

  “That’s because you are,” Daniel gave her an amused smile from across the desk, and Maria scowled at him. He merely laughed at her.

  “Well, what could it be?” Maria threw her arms up in exasperation. “I’ve looked over the original case files, my notes from the courtroom, and the testimonies. I’ve looked at everything.”

  “Apparently, you haven’t looked closely enough,” Daniel shrugged, and Maria heaved a frustrated sigh.

  “Well, where should I look?” Maria pressed, eager to find the threads of connection between the points she was arguing before the judge.

  Daniel smirked at her as he took up the file folder, and Maria watched intently as he slowly flipped through the files and transcripts, his eyes skimming the words. He lingered on a particular document, and he rubbed at his chin as he read the words on the page. He offered the page to Maria, and she eagerly looked to see what it was. It was the testimony of one of the defense lawyer’s first witnesses. She frowned and looked back up at Daniel, confused.


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