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One Week to Win His Heart

Page 11

by Lucy Clark

  ‘Your car is here, ma’am.’

  Melody forced herself to look away and walked out of the hotel. George pressed the button for the lift and glanced her way. She was magnificent, and she had become far too important to him, far too quickly.

  The lift bell chimed and George hobbled in, recalling the way he’d felt as she’d cradled his foot in her hand. As she’d been angry with him, he’d half expected her to be rough with her examination but, instead, she’d been extremely gentle. Her skin had been soft against his and although she’d touched him in a professional, medical way, George hadn’t been able to stop the stirring of excitement that had shot through him.

  At the fourth floor, he walked to his door and reached into his back pocket for the key card. Once inside, he opened the curtains and turned off the lights before settling back on the bed, propping his foot up on a few pillows.

  He’d come so close to kissing her—so agonisingly close. Ever since they’d met, George had wanted to sample her mouth and the longer he waited, the more urgent the desire grew.

  He knew the score. He knew she didn’t want to get hurt and he had no desire to hurt her. He raked an unsteady hand though his hair and groaned in confusion. What about Veronique? Would she mind if he kissed another woman? The feelings of betrayal hit him forcefully but it still didn’t stop him from making a decision. He’d be leaving at the end of the week and, regardless of the war taking place inside him, he knew one thing for sure.

  Despite everything—he needed to kiss Melody.


  MELODY DIDN’T SLEEP at all well that night and when she did manage to drift off sometime before dawn, she dreamt she was anxiously trying to glue a vase back together. The pieces were tiny and the tears she was crying kept blurring her vision. She stood and looked down at the mess and only then did she realise that the vase was heart-shaped.

  The realisation only increased the urgency as she was expecting a new delivery of flowers at any minute. Working frantically, Melody managed to piece the heart-shaped vase back together. The doorbell rang and she hurried to open it. There stood George, holding a bunch of roses. Melody stared aghast at the vase. She couldn’t accept the flowers from George because the vase was still drying.

  She wanted the flowers but where was she going to put them? Anxiousness and fear gripped Melody’s heart as George held the flowers out to her. What was she going to do?

  She sat bolt upright in bed, her heart pounding fiercely against her ribs. ‘Just a dream,’ she whispered to herself. She lay back and sighed, breathing deeply. She glanced at the clock and realised it was one minute before her alarm was due to go off. ‘So much for a good night’s sleep,’ she muttered, and clambered out of bed.

  She glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked horrible. ‘Perhaps a little make-up might be in order today.’ Melody finished getting dressed, deciding that she wouldn’t chance breakfast as her stomach didn’t feel settled.

  She arrived at the hospital and went straight to the ward. All through the round, she kept anxiously glancing at the door in case George decided to join them again. He didn’t. Feeling a bit flat, she returned to her office, hoping to catch up on paperwork before her theatre list began in half an hour.

  Sitting at her desk, it wasn’t long before further thoughts of George intruded and, instead of fighting them, she gave in. She was exhausted from fighting her emotions, as well as lack of sleep. She thought about her dream, reflecting on the symbolism of the heart-shaped vase. It was true that Emir had broken her heart but she’d managed to mend it.

  With George, her feelings for him were so out of proportion in comparison to what she’d previously felt. She’d been committed to marrying Emir, to spending the rest of her life with him. He’d been a charmer, just like George. He’d been a gentleman, just like George. He’d been a dashingly handsome man, just like George. He’d wooed her, made her feel special, made her feel as though she was valued.

  Well, George hadn’t wooed her exactly, but he did make her feel special. Melody realised the biggest difference between George and Emir was that George appreciated her intelligence, that he treated her as though she had a brain to talk things out, to be open and honest. Right from the start George had been upfront about the attraction between them, and although she wasn’t used to a man treating her in such a caring and thoughtful way, it was very refreshing. Refreshing and scary because it only endeared him to her more. She wanted to spend time with him, talk to him, laugh with him, press her mouth to his and hold him close.

  Somehow, in such a short time, George had managed to break down the barriers she’d so carefully erected. Back when she’d split with Emir, she’d told herself she preferred loneliness rather than being used, but loneliness wasn’t the greatest thing in the world, not when she went home to an empty apartment after long and exhausting shifts at the hospital.

  Whether this thing between them was something temporary or permanent, didn’t she owe it to herself to find out? What if George was the one for her, the one she would spend the rest of her life with, and she’d let him go? What if—?

  A knock at her office door startled her out of her deep reverie and she jumped in her chair, clutching her hand to her chest as Rick sauntered into the room.

  ‘Finished with that file yet?’

  ‘Huh? Oh, sorry.’ She looked down at the open file and realised that she hadn’t started. So much for getting through her paperwork. ‘Not yet.’

  ‘Everything all right?’ he asked.


  ‘Sure? You seem to be…preoccupied.’

  She shrugged and looked down, not wanting him to see the tell-tale blush she could feel creeping into her cheeks. ‘It’s been a busy few days,’ she rationalised.

  ‘It certainly has. Today, thankfully, isn’t going to be as hectic.’ Rick went over her schedule, which included her operating list that morning and time to work on her research project in the afternoon. ‘Then there’s a dinner this evening.’

  Melody groaned. ‘Do I have to go?’ It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see George, she did, but she didn’t want to see him surrounded by a room full of other people. She wanted to spend time with him one on one, to really talk, to really start to get to know the man better than she did.

  ‘Yes. You do,’ Rick told her. ‘And now you need to go to Theatre. Starting your list late will not make anyone happy.’

  Melody stood. ‘What would I do without you, Rick?’

  ‘Fall flat on your face and fail,’ he answered with a cheeky grin.

  Chuckling, Melody left her office and headed to Elective Theatres. Everything progressed smoothly and she de-gowned just after midday, pleased with what she could accomplish when she pushed thoughts of George aside.

  With determination in her step, she headed to the medical research building and walked into her lab. She chatted with the technician who was a collaborator on her research project and spent a good two hours working. Once that was done she headed back to her office determined to tackle her paperwork. So far she’d managed to have a very productive day and she was positive it was because she’d hardly thought about George at all.

  Back at her office, she managed a steady half-hour of work before being called to the ED to consult on a case with Dr Okanadu. She was in the doctors’ tea room, eating an exceptionally late lunch, studying the X-rays on the computer screen, when the door opened and closed. She didn’t break focus to see who had walked in.

  ‘Interesting case?’

  A flood of excitement washed over her at the sound of George’s voice. She looked up in surprise, right into his deep brown eyes, eyes that were gazing at her with repressed desire. She breathed in and swallowed at the same time, choking on the last mouthful of her sandwich. She coughed violently and George patted her on the back.

  ‘Take it easy,’ he said, quickly fetching a glass of water.

  ‘I’m fine,’ she whispered, but then coughed again, proving herself wrong.

>   ‘You seem to be forever choking,’ he jested.

  ‘Only when you’re around,’ she mumbled as she took a sip. She cleared her throat. ‘What brings you to the hospital?’ His spicy scent entwined itself around her and she fought hard to resist it.

  ‘Aren’t I allowed to call in without an invitation?’ He smiled as he leant against the edge of the table. His firm thigh was so close to her arm that she could feel the heat radiating from him. Her breath caught in her throat and her mouth went dry.

  Melody took another sip of water. ‘No, it’s just that… I thought you were lecturing.’

  ‘I was.’ He glanced at the computer screen and winced. ‘Ouch.’ He frowned at the image. ‘What on earth happened to your patient?’

  ‘She caught her hand in a conveyor belt. I’ll be using this case for my research.’ Melody glanced at the clock. ‘I want to get to Theatre soon to make a start on it.’ Why was she so aware of him? She closed the file on the computer and went to turn the monitor off but accidentally brushed his leg with the back of her hand. An explosion, similar to fireworks, burst through her, and her eyelids fluttered closed for a brief second. When she glanced at him, it was to discover he was gazing down at her with burning desire.


  George fought hard for control but it wasn’t easy. She set him on fire. With the mildest touch, with the momentary flutter of her eyes, with the perfume that was driving him insane. She set him on fire and he was sick of dousing the flames.

  He fought for something to say. ‘Er…how many reconstructions have you done like this one?’ He couldn’t help the huskiness that accompanied his words and as Melody looked away, he feasted his eyes on the slender, smooth skin of her neck. Her hair was clipped back at her nape and he remembered how incredible it had looked flowing freely around her face last night.

  ‘Um…quite a few.’ She shifted her chair slightly, trying to put a bit of distance between them without appearing rude.

  ‘Are you operating in the theatre with the viewing gallery?’




  ‘This type of operation should be recorded for future reference.’

  ‘There are already a few in the hospital’s library,’ she told him as she gathered her notes, and he noticed her hands weren’t quite steady.

  ‘Ones you’ve done?’ He could see she was getting ready to take flight and he wanted to stop her. If he edged a little to the side and bent his head, he was positive he’d be able to capture her sweet lips in his. Lips he ached to taste.


  ‘I’m impressed.’

  ‘Really?’ She looked up at him from where she sat, warmed by his praise. Here was a man who had worked with some of the finest surgeons in the world, and he was impressed because some of her operations had been recorded?

  ‘Yes.’ He gazed into her eyes and leaned closer. ‘I know only the most impressive surgery is recorded.’ Unable to resist touching her any longer, he reached out and tenderly ran his fingers down her cheek, bringing them to rest beneath her chin. ‘Melody.’ As he breathed her name, he lifted her chin slightly, angling her head towards his.

  Melody gazed at him, her heart pounding wildly against her ribs. He was going to kiss her. This time, for sure, he was going to kiss her. She watched from beneath her lashes as his head slowly drew closer. She shouldn’t be doing this. She had an operation to concentrate on.

  ‘George… I—’ She didn’t manage to finish her sentence as his mouth finally made contact with hers, and she gasped with anticipatory delight. George groaned as she leaned closer to him. Her lips were soft and pliable, just as he’d known they would be.

  Melody sighed and opened her mouth beneath his subtle urging, elated to finally give in to her feelings. He tasted like chocolate and coffee—both sweet and addictive.

  Without breaking contact, his hands cupped her face, urging her closer, and she edged from her chair, reaching out for him as she moved to stand in front of him. She was amazed to find her usually wobbly legs were willing to support her.

  He shifted to accommodate her, his hands sliding around her back as he deepened the kiss. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined torture could be so agonisingly delightful. She simply melted into his embrace as though they’d been made for each other. The realisation only increased the overpowering emotions swamping him.

  Fireworks like she’d never felt before exploded one after the other throughout her body, each new burst sending her senses spiralling out of control. This was impossible. Never before had she been so overwhelmed by a kiss. Then again, this wasn’t any ordinary kiss. The spark that flowed freely between them now, had been repressed for two and a half full days, building and simmering within, only to be unleashed with such intensity.

  Her hands were pressed against his chest and she could feel the contours of his firm, muscled torso beneath his cotton shirt. Delighted at being able to touch him at last, she slid her hands up his chest, entwining them about his neck, her fingers plunging into his rich, dark hair. A low guttural sound, primitive, came from him and she revelled in her power.

  His hands slid ever so slowly down her sides, his fingers splayed, moulding her ribs. His thumbs lightly brushed the underside of her breasts and she gasped in shock as yet another wave of pleasure coursed through her.

  Her excitement was mounting with every passing second and she was having difficulty breathing. What did she care about oxygen when she had George? With a satisfied moan, Melody pulled her mouth from his, dragging air into her lungs, pleased to note that his breathing was just as erratic as hers.

  He pressed kisses to her cheek, working his way towards her ear, and she tipped her head to the side, allowing him access. A thousand goose-bumps cascaded over her body, increasing her light-headedness. He was a drug and the more she had of him, the more she knew she’d become addicted.

  He brought his hand up and brushed her neck, gently urging her collar aside to make room for his hungry lips. She had the smoothest skin and the most luscious lips. Now that he’d kissed her, the realisation of how incredible they were together only made him want her even more.

  His mouth met hers again, their lips mingling together like old friends. Although he wanted nothing more than to deepen the kiss, heightening the intensity, George could feel her starting to withdraw.

  He pressed his lips to hers one last time before allowing her to rest her head on his chest, their breathing slowly returning to normal. His arms embraced her, holding her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

  As she stood there, listening to his heart gradually return to a steady rhythm, Melody started to feel uncomfortable and awkward. What would happen now? George had kissed her and it had been…mind-blowing. Her frazzled thoughts acknowledged that she would never be the same again. The kisses, the passion, the desire—everything had changed. Never had she experienced anything like the onslaught of emotions or the intensity of feeling that had just taken place.

  His hands rubbed gently up and down her back. She knew it was supposed to relax her but all it did was increase her anxiety. Why had she let George kiss her? She was due in Theatre. He would leave at the end of the week. He was still in love with the memory of his wife. She eased from his hold and took three giant steps backwards.

  Helplessness and confusion were running rampant through her mind and along with it came fatigue. She didn’t have the energy for a post-mortem on what had just happened and she hoped George realised that. She tucked a stray curl behind her ear and shook her head.

  ‘We shouldn’t have done that.’ Her words were a whisper.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Well, for starters, someone could have walked in and caught us.’ She pointed to the door.

  ‘They didn’t.’

  ‘I’m due in Theatre soon. I should be concentrating. Hand reconstruction isn’t the same as a knee arthroscopy, you know.’ She turned and walked over to the kitchen bench, bracing her
hands on the edge.

  ‘I know the difference,’ he replied, and she heard him walk towards her. She was so instinctively aware of him it frightened her. George rubbed his hands up and down her arms, making her resent her outburst. ‘I apologise for the timing. You’re right. You should be concentrating.’

  He dropped his hands, although he didn’t move back. Melody felt slightly bereft but drew warmth from the nearness of his body.

  ‘We do, however,’ he continued, ‘need to talk.’

  ‘No, we don’t.’ She turned to look at him, determination running through her body. ‘We don’t need to discuss or dissect what just happened, George. It happened. Let’s just leave it at that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get my thoughts in order regarding this operation.’ With that, she sidestepped him and walked to the table.

  She collected her notes, conscious of his gaze on her. When she reached the door, she congratulated herself on not giving in to the urge to throw herself back into his arms. Just before she opened the door, he spoke.

  ‘We do need to talk, Melody, and we will.’

  She glanced over her shoulder, to see brown eyes that had not too long ago been filled with desire were now filled with determination. Not trusting herself to say anything, she continued out the door, heading to the emergency theatres, determined to push all thoughts of George Wilmont aside and do her job.


  GEORGE STOOD IN the tea room for a good ten minutes after she’d walked out. His thoughts were completely jumbled and he was having a difficult time making head or tail of them. He’d kissed Melody—he’d kissed another woman!

  Guilt swamped him and he closed his eyes. The guilt wasn’t only because he felt as though he was cheating on his wife, but the fact that he’d actively pursued Melody, desperate to taste the sweetness of her mouth. He’d wanted to kiss her and the guilt from that alone was enough to keep him company for a very long time. What kind of man did that make him? He’d always thought himself honourable, trusting and sincere.


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