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One Week to Win His Heart

Page 13

by Lucy Clark

  ‘Sacrifices.’ He laughed without humour. ‘I’ve made plenty of those.’ George looked out at the city lights before them. ‘In almost every place I’ve been I’ve taken a mental snapshot of the lights, the buildings, the essence of a place, talking to Veronique about what I see and what I’m doing.’ He raked a hand through his hair. ‘Or at least that’s how it started. Then, somewhere along the line, I stopped doing that because I was tired or had to write another lecture or the thousand other things Carmel needs me to do.’ His sigh was one mixed with wistfulness and regret. ‘I do miss her. So very much.’

  ‘Uh-huh.’ Melody wasn’t even sure he was aware of her presence as he seemed to be almost talking to himself. He missed his wife, he was lonely and loneliness could make people do desperate things, like kiss a colleague in the heat of the moment. It made her realise she shouldn’t read too much into the personal moments she’d shared with George. He’d be gone in a few days and she’d be here, getting on with her life.

  She’d known that all along. At the end of the week George would leave and that would be the end of that. However, that wasn’t what she wanted any more. Melody wanted to continue to explore where this burgeoning relationship was headed, to see whether George really was the one for her. She’d been so unlucky in love in the past, with both Ian and Emir breaking her heart through their cheating and their lies. Now she’d found a hard-working, open and honest man who could make her insides melt with just one desire-filled glance, and kissed her in a way that no one had ever kissed her before.

  Still, there was a streak of distrust in her psyche. If they were to pursue this frighteningly natural chemistry that existed between them, would there come a time in her life when she wouldn’t question and double-check everything he’d said to her? She’d believed him when he’d said he didn’t have a woman in every port, that she was different, unique and special, but who was to say that wouldn’t change after he returned to his life in Melbourne?

  He would go back to work, find the natural rhythm of his life again, and he would forget all about the crazy redhead in Sydney who had given him a pleasant momentary interlude. She would be cast aside once again, left to pick up the pieces of her life, because from the way he was talking, the way he was reminiscing about Veronique, his tone clearly radiating his love, Melody started to really get it through her thick, emotional skull that George wasn’t ready to move on.

  ‘George! There you are.’ Carmel opened the door to the balcony. ‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Several people are asking after you.’ It was then Carmel saw Melody standing back from George and she smiled brightly. ‘Oh, hey, Melody. I didn’t see you there.’

  ‘I was just about to head inside,’ Melody stated.

  ‘OK. I just need to go over a few things with George.’

  ‘No problem.’

  Carmel held the door for Melody, then turned her attention to George. ‘I know you’re tired, George, and I know coming to Sydney has probably been one of the more difficult stops on the tour,’ Carmel was saying as Melody left the balcony. ‘I know Veronique planned for a full day off so she could show you some of her favourite places but we can cut our time here short and—’

  Melody didn’t want to hear any more. It was time to face facts, to be honest with herself. George couldn’t be part of her life, couldn’t be part of her future. She had to view this week as being akin to a holiday romance, one pleasant week of diversions, but soon it would be time to return to reality and her reality was here, at St Aloysius, focusing on running the department, treating her patients and concentrating on her research project.

  Did it really matter if she was to never marry, to never find the one person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with? Did it really matter if she never had children? Even at the thought, tears began to mist her eyes and she quickly sniffed them away.

  The exhaustion of Melody’s day—in fact, the combined exhaustion of the entire week so far—began to catch up with her, and when she looked towards the dining room she decided she’d had enough. George needed the time to properly grieve for his wife, to come to terms with his loss, and to do that it meant that she needed to completely remove herself from the equation. Being around her, spending time with her, was probably more of a distraction for George than anything else, despite what he’d told her. Right now, she couldn’t be certain George knew what he wanted, and it was up to her to be the strong one and to keep whatever was happening between them on a purely platonic level.

  Sadness swamped her at the decision. Not bothering to say goodbye to anyone, she returned to her car and wearily drove home. It was too late for her bubble bath. Once inside, she merely stripped off her glamorous clothes, brushed her teeth and pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and a singlet top before climbing between the sheets and crying herself to sleep.

  Once again, she was the one to miss out.


  MELODY MANAGED TO concentrate during most of Thursday but as the day wore on the more nervous she became. Had George meant what he’d said? Was he still planning to come around to her place that evening to watch the recordings of her hand and microsurgery reconstructions? Had he only been joking?

  She checked her phone several times to see if he’d sent her a message or if she’d missed a call but there was nothing. She knew he had a hectic schedule but surely he could have texted to confirm or something? Perhaps that meant he wasn’t coming. The knowledge deflated her.

  She’d managed ward round and clinic without a problem, as well as getting a debrief from Andy on the status of Rudy Carlew. So far there had been no complications with his surgery and it looked as though he was going to make an uncomplicated recovery.

  ‘Apparently,’ Andy told her, ‘he’s quite impressed with our Evelyn. He’s asked her to stay on as his private nurse for the rest of the movie shoot.’

  ‘Good.’ Melody nodded sternly. ‘That way we can be sure his arm won’t be exacerbated. Evelyn knows what to keep an eye out for.’

  ‘Good heavens, Melody. Don’t you see the underlying meaning here?’

  ‘What?’ Melody frowned at her registrar, focusing on his face as his words started to sink in. ‘What’s the underlying meaning?’

  ‘That Rudy Carlew and Evelyn are a couple.’

  ‘Really?’ Melody was surprised. ‘So soon? They hardly know each other.’

  ‘That doesn’t matter. When it’s the right person, it’s just right,’ he pointed out. ‘That’s how it was with me and my wife. Bam!’ He clapped his hands together. ‘Like a bolt of lightning. Two months later we were married.’

  Melody continued to think about what Andy had said for the rest of the day. She had been trying so hard not to think about George but perhaps she should? Perhaps she should consider that she’d been struck by lightning! When her phone rang, she immediately hoped it was George, calling to let her know whether or not he was coming, but instead the image of the caller on her phone screen indicated it was her brother.

  ‘Ethan. How’s everything going, big brother?’

  ‘Good. CJ’s back at work three and a half days a week and I get two whole days of being Mr Mum to my gorgeous Lizzie-Jean.’

  Melody giggled. ‘I can’t believe you’re married with a little girl. After everything you’ve been through, you finally got your happy ending.’ As she was speaking, she felt tears choke her throat.

  Before marrying CJ, Ethan had been married to Abigail and expecting his first child, but both his wife and his baby girl had passed away, leaving Ethan almost killing himself with work. Thankfully, Melody’s new sister-in-law, who had been left alone and pregnant, had saved her brother. Now the three of them were a family and she couldn’t have been happier for them. Everyone was getting their happy ending. Andy had found his wife, even Evelyn had found Rudy Carlew. What about her?

  Images of George immediately came to mind and she gasped a little at how readily her thoughts turned to him. She cared about him and she always would. C
losing her eyes, she whimpered as she realised she might have given her heart to a man who might not return her feelings—again.

  ‘Mel? Are you OK?’ Ethan asked.

  ‘What? Yeah. Why?’

  ‘Because you’re whimpering down the phone. What’s wrong, sis?’


  Ethan chuckled. ‘That narrows it down.’

  ‘Uh—I’ve sort of met someone.’

  ‘Sort of?’

  ‘Remember I told you about the visiting orthopaedic surgeon who was coming?’

  ‘Yeah. A week of lunches, lectures and dinners. You weren’t looking—’ Ethan stopped. ‘You like the VOS?’

  ‘Like? That may be a mild word for the way I feel.’

  ‘What? Wait. What’s this guy like? Do Dave and I need to come and meet him? We can come on Saturday and meeting this guy and—’

  ‘Whoa, there, over-protective brother. Steady on.’ Melody sighed and told Ethan what had happened over the past few days since George had burst into her life. When she finished, Ethan chuckled.

  ‘It sounds as though you’re definitely smitten. I remember feeling like that with CJ. I struggled against it but in the end I came to realise that although we hadn’t known each other long, we knew each other deeply. Sometimes, Mel, you just click with people and it sounds as though you’ve really clicked with George.’

  ‘But what am I supposed to do if he does come over tonight to watch these surgeries?’

  ‘If he does come over, Mel, I don’t think it’s going to be because he wants to watch the surgeries,’ Ethan chuckled.

  ‘Why? What does he want to do, then?’ She gasped, answering her own question. ‘Do you really think he wants to…?’ She spoke softly into the phone, a warm blush tingeing her cheeks. She was glad she was alone in her office.

  ‘I think he might just want to spend time with you. From what you’ve said, he seems to be the gentlemanly type. I should know. I’m one.’

  ‘Ha!’ Melody teased her brother. ‘Seriously, Ethan, what do I do if he does just want to—you know, hang out.’ She’d only been telling herself just that morning that she wasn’t going to get involved with George on anything other than a professional and platonic level, yet even at the thought of George being in her apartment, Melody’s body had ignited with desire. The memory of being held close against him, the way his mouth had melded perfectly with her own, the way he could make her forget about absolutely everything when he stared deeply into her eyes…

  ‘What if I get hurt again, Ethan?’ she blurted out before her brother could answer. ‘I mean, yeah, it’s great that I’m putting myself out there again, but do I really want to? Should I? Can I trust my judgement? Is that actually why I’ve fallen for George, because I know he’s unavailable and therefore it’s as though I’m doing a pre-emptive strike on getting hurt? Emir didn’t want me, so why should George? What if I’m destined to only fall for unavailable men?’

  ‘Oh, sis,’ Ethan empathised. ‘You’re not doing any of those things and Emir was a fool. So was Ian. Both were idiots because any man would be lucky to have someone as awesome as you.’

  ‘You have to say that. You’re my brother!’

  ‘Perhaps but you’re actually being much braver than before and it does sound as though this George Wilmont guy—who I’m going to investigate online as soon as we’ve finished this conversation—is a decent fellow and if there’s one thing you definitely deserve, it’s someone decent.’

  Melody forced herself to calm down. ‘You’re right. And, besides, he might just want to have a platonic evening of watching surgeries.’

  ‘Because we surgeons are quite boring like that,’ he joked. ‘Look, you like him so use the opportunity to get to know him better. Ask him the burning questions that are no doubt churning through your mind even now, or just let go and enjoy wherever the evening takes you.’

  ‘But he’s still in love with his first wife.’

  ‘And he always will be, but it’s not a love that’s based in the present. It’s a love that’s based in the past and sooner or later he’ll realise that living with ghosts may be detrimental to his health.’ Ethan’s tone was soft. She knew he was speaking from experience, that he would always have a love for his first wife, but he adored his present wife.

  ‘OK. So I should just enjoy where the evening takes me.’


  ‘I think I can do that.’

  ‘And remember—forward is good. You told me that.’

  ‘I did, didn’t I?’

  ‘Take your own advice, sis. I’d better go. I can hear Lizzie-Jean grizzling for attention.’

  ‘Ooh. Give her a big kiss from her aunty Mel.’

  ‘Will do. Love you, sis.’

  ‘Love you, too, Ethan.’

  After she’d ended the call, she sat at her desk and mumbled, ‘Forward is good.’ She was still telling herself that as she unlocked her front door a few hours later. She’d heard no word from George, so obviously he’d decided not to keep their—their what? Appointment? Date?

  She hurried to her room and kicked off her shoes, pulling the clip out of her hair at the same time. Well, if he wasn’t coming round, she might be able to finally get that bubble bath she’d promised herself yesterday evening. At least there was no dinner to attend tonight. Still, she’d give him another hour and if he didn’t turn up she’d break out the bubbles. Melody changed out of her work clothes into a loose flowing skirt and top, taking time to brush her hair before heading to the kitchen for a drink. She eyed the choice of soothing herbal teas in her cupboard while she waited for the kettle to boil and eventually chose chamomile. She checked the kitchen clock—seven thirty-seven.

  ‘Oh, stop it,’ she told herself as she ran a hand through her hair, but the words were easier said than done. She was anxious and on edge. Would he or wouldn’t he come? Perhaps she should call him?

  When the doorbell rang she jumped in fright, then remained glued to the spot for a whole ten seconds. Was it him? With her heart pounding rapidly, she smoothed her hands down her skirt, telling herself there was nothing to be concerned about, and forced her legs to carry her towards the door.

  She opened the door to see George standing there, holding a bottle of wine. ‘Hi.’ He was wearing a navy polo shirt and the same denim jeans she’d seen him in the other night—the ones that fitted him to perfection. Melody simply stood and stared at him for a long moment, completely forgetting her manners. He was here. ‘Can I come in?’ he asked slowly, and she finally snapped out of her trance.

  ‘Of course. Of course.’ She stepped back to permit him access to her apartment. ‘I wasn’t sure if you were coming or not.’

  ‘I left a message on your phone.’

  ‘You did?’ She frowned as she grabbed her phone and checked. Sure enough, there was a message from George, the time indicating he’d tried to call her while she’d been talking to Ethan. ‘Sorry. I didn’t get it.’

  ‘Never mind.’ He handed her the wine and she turned to take it into the kitchen and put it onto the bench. She knew she needed to pull herself together, she knew she needed to be professional and platonic. Friendship. That’s what she could offer him—for now, or at least until she figured out what was really happening between them. ‘Would you like a glass now?’ She turned to open the overhead cupboard to retrieve glasses.


  She jumped at the sound of his soft, deep voice from behind her, not realising he’d followed her into the kitchen. When she turned to face him she gasped in surprise. The look in his eyes was unmistakably raw with repressed desire and she parted her lips, her breathing instantly erratic.

  His gaze travelled the length of her body, taking in her clothes. ‘You look…’ He didn’t finish the sentence but instead slowly drew closer to her, causing her insides to heat and spiral with warmth. Nothing could have made her look away from him at that heart-stopping moment, and before she could utter a word George hauled her in
to his arms, his mouth hungrily capturing her own.

  In contrast to the kiss they’d shared yesterday, this one was hot and heavy, leaving Melody in little doubt about just how attracted to her George was. So much for the decision to offer a professional and platonic relationship.

  His hands roved over her back as he deepened the kiss. She went with him, eager to keep up, eager to show him just how mutual the desire was. He groaned and urged her backwards and soon she felt the coolness of the wall against her back. He leaned in, his body pressing against her own, and she felt her breasts crushed against the firmness of his chest.

  The smell of raw, unleashed craving mingled between them as the need for more rose urgently in both of them. She dug her fingers into his shoulder blades before sliding them firmly down his back, feeling the flexed muscles beneath. Wanting to touch him, she impatiently tugged his shirt from the waistband of his jeans, her fingers now itching to make contact with his skin.

  When the task was finally completed, she moaned with delight when she reached her objective. His skin was hot to her touch just as she’d known it would be. Giving in to the itch that had been building within her since early Monday morning, she allowed her hands to explore the solid contours of his torso, committing each one to memory.

  George groaned against her mouth, unable to believe how this woman could set him on fire. The sensations he was experiencing were all completely foreign but he was definitely enjoying each new one she discovered. The touch of her hands on his body, the way her mouth was responding to his, giving in to every one of his needs, matching them eagerly.

  She lifted one leg slightly and coiled it around the back of his, before sliding it slowly down to the floor. The action caused a stirring deep within him and he could feel himself losing control of the situation.

  Breaking his mouth free, they both gasped in air before he pushed her hair aside and smothered the smoothness of her gorgeous neck in hot, feverish kisses. He then changed direction and dipped towards the exposed skin above her breasts. Her hands slid out from his shirt at the same time she murmured his name. ‘Mmm,’ she sighed, lacing her fingers through his hair. ‘George.’


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