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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 8

by Kelly, D.

  “Kate, you are beautiful, sweet, sexy, and the most amazing kisser I’ve ever been with. I want to know every single part of you, sweetheart. I need to know if you feel the same way.”

  So much for taking things slowly, I’ve never called a girl sweetheart before her. I hardly recognize myself and I feel like a pussy, especially because this is moving so fast. I already can’t imagine being without her. She’s yawning, and I’m pretty tired, too. I would love to fall asleep like this but I need to hear her answer.

  “I’m so sorry I just yawned on you. I’ve been up since five and it has to be after two by now. I think you’re a pretty amazing kisser, too, but more than that, I think you’re a pretty amazing person. Listening to you talk about making your own family mirrors my exact feelings. Honestly, it’s a huge turn on knowing how much we think alike and how much we already have in common. I feel drawn to you in a way I’ve never been drawn to anyone before. It’s like I have a carnal need to be with you and that scares me. To go from dwelling on the loss of a long-term relationship to wanting to be with you so completely, it’s frightening but still very exciting. So yes, I feel exactly the same way, and right now I want nothing more than to fall asleep in your arms if that is okay with you”. Holy hell.

  “Sleep, Kate. I want nothing more right now than to hold you while you sleep. In the morning I’ll take you to breakfast and we can spend the day together.”

  I kiss her forehead and she asks me, “I thought you came up here to do something with Connor tomorrow. You can’t blow him off.”

  Smiling at her, I let her in on a little secret, “Happy Birthday, Kate. I was coming here to be your date. Jess and Connor are tired of seeing you alone. We’re all supposed to spend the day together tomorrow, well, today now; it’s been planned for weeks. That’s part of why I didn’t want to come up early because I was afraid we wouldn’t hit it off. After thinking about it, though, I figured if we didn’t get along tonight, then your birthday wouldn’t be uncomfortable because plans can be changed.” She’s shocked, I can tell, but so sleepy.

  “Thank you for coming. I think you might just be the best present I could have gotten. I feel like I’m finally alive after being numb for so long.”

  Giving me a final perfect kiss, she closes her eyes and is asleep in just a few minutes. Lying here with her in my arms, out here under the stars, is the best feeling I’ve ever had. I could literally watch her sleep all night but I’m exhausted. I’ve been up almost a full twenty-four hours. I continue to look at her and run my fingers through her hair until I fall asleep.

  I wake up to the sun shining brightly in the sky with Kate still asleep in my arms. Carefully, so I don’t wake her, I reach for my phone to check the time. It’s barely seven, but because of my job I’m an early riser, so this is like sleeping in to me. She slept in my arms all night. Looking down at her now, I see all the details I didn’t see last night in the dark. She has a cute little nose with a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has the longest eyelashes I have ever seen, perfectly shaped eyebrows, three piercings in each ear, the best lips I have ever had the pleasure of putting mine on, perfectly proportioned breasts, and her shirt is rising up just enough that I can see her belly button ring peeking out. Her stomach is flat and toned. She’s sexy as all hell and I’m hard just from looking at her.

  I would love nothing more than to wake her up and have my way with her but I can’t. Instead I kiss her, starting at her chin and slowly making my way up her cheek to her forehead, down her nose, and finally to her lips. She’s starting to wake up and opens her eyes.

  “Good morning, birthday girl,” I whisper into her mouth as I kiss her some more.

  “Hmmmm, so it wasn’t a dream after all? Good morning to you, too. This sure is a nice way to wake up.” I lay her back on the pillow and roll myself on top of her, propping myself up on my elbows. Now I’m between her legs and pushing up onto her. Kate moans loudly and I kiss her. I can’t help it; my body wants her like I have never wanted anyone else before.

  She kisses me deeper, taking control as we explore each other’s mouths and bodies. It feels like we’re about to spontaneously combust. Unfortunately, we’re no longer alone.

  “Ahem,” Connor says loudly, followed by giggling. I slowly turn my head to look over my shoulder. I can’t really move right now or my excitement will be on display for everyone. Kate’s a bright shade of red and it’s truly adorable. Jess and Connor are staring at us with equal looks of pride.

  “Well you two put on quite a peep show, and we hate to interrupt, BUT it is my best friend in the whole wide world’s twenty-fourth birthday today and we need to start the festivities with breakfast. So, Daniel, while I’m sure the present you were about to give her is…ummmm…exceptional, you need to get your horny ass off my girl so we can go inside and get ready for the day.”

  I give Kate one more quick kiss and roll off. “Okay, birthday girl, go get dressed so I can feed you. Please don’t take too long; we might die from starvation by the time the two of you are done.”

  Laughing, Kate jumps up. “Nope. I’m starving, too, and it’s MY birthday which means this is one day out of the year Jess has to forgo the hour long makeup process and go natural with just the basics. Between the two of us, we’ll be showered and ready to go in under an hour, won’t we, Jess?” She says the words drippingly sweet and bats her long eyelashes at her friend.

  “Of course, birthday girl, anything you want on your big day.” Jess grabs her by the arm and leads her into the house.

  Connor sits on the swing so I get up and sit next to him.

  “So I’m guessing you two hit it off?”

  I nod my head. “Connor, I don’t know what it is, and you better never repeat this, but I think I could marry that girl someday.”

  He takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. “Those are some serious words. I knew you two would hit it off, but holy shit, you just said the motherfucking M word! You’ve been in serious relationships before and never said that, never even mentioned it. What the hell happened between you two last night?”

  I think for a minute and try to explain it to him, “We talked, really talked, about deep life issues. It wasn’t just the typical getting to know you kind of stuff. Her thoughts and my thoughts are the same in so many ways. It’s crazy. I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s this sexual chemistry that is beyond comparison to anything I’ve ever felt for anyone before. You know when girls talk about butterflies and sparks? That was us last night. Even just brushing against her by accident sent these sparks through my entire body. She said she felt it, too. I’m drawn to her. I’ve never moved this fast with a girl, and I feel like an ass for doing it, but I’m not the only one. She moved just as fast and admitted that it was unusual for her, too. We didn’t have sex; we just kissed a lot and fell asleep. The most we did is what you guys just walked up and interrupted. It’s a good thing you did, too, or we may not have stopped.”

  “Wow, Daniel, that’s amazing. I know you’re a good guy or I would’ve never hooked you up with her. Last night Jess filled me in a little bit more on what happened to Kate. I’m not going to say much because it isn’t my story to tell, but that guy Michael is a real piece of work. Let’s just say if I ever run into him on the street I might just knock him out. I’ve known Kate for a year and she’s the most honest, trustworthy person I’ve ever met. This guy not only turned on her in an instant over something she didn’t know about, but he also told her that one day she would turn into a traitorous bitch because her father’s blood runs through her veins and she can’t escape it. If you think she could really be the one for you, I’m happy for you both. The whole time I’ve known her I have never seen her eyes as bright as they were this morning. I think she likes you, but I know she doesn’t do casual relationships, so be prepared. Daniel, just remember, if you hurt my girl I’ll have no choice but to kill you.”

  I’m thinking about everything Connor just said. I can’t believe
what a douche her ex is and how he could say those things to her. I just met her and already know she’s the real deal; she would never hurt anyone intentionally. I think I would do more than knock him out if I ever cross his path and I hope that day never comes.

  “I would never intentionally hurt her so you can stop planning my murder. Connor, I know I don’t want to be casual with her. I’m going to try and not freak her out, but by the time I leave here tomorrow, I want to Kate to be my girlfriend.” Connor gives me a half smile.

  “Can I tell you a secret that won’t be one for long? Last night I had sex with Jess and it was the most mind blowing experience I’ve ever had in my life. You know I’ve been with more girls than I can count, but none of them come close to what we shared last night. That girl is a motherfucking goddess; we had sex three times last night and talked all night into the morning. She’s so much deeper a person than I would have ever guessed, maybe because I don’t usually take time to get to know girls on that level, you know? They both grew up like we did, with money and nice houses, but neither of these girls had parents. They were both pretty much raised entirely by Jess’s Aunt Maryanne who is only fifteen years older than they are. At twenty two, when Maryanne graduated college, Jess’s mom hired her to be Jess’s full time live-in nanny. Jess calls her mama because she’s the only one that was ever around. Apparently, Kate’s dad is a self-centered bastard who never checks in on his daughter and only calls when something exciting happens in his life. That’s why they stick together; they’re sisters in every sense of the word. They met when they were six years old and have never spent more than a week apart from each other. There weren’t many family functions for them in their own houses. Well, Maryanne made it good for them but I mean parent wise there was nothing after Kate’s mom died. Only Maryanne cheering them on at gymnastics, cheer practice, and softball. It really made me realize how good you, Jake, and I had it growing up. Our families had money but they also had love; Jess and Kate grew up without it.

  “So, anyway, back to my original point. I really got to know her last night and I can’t say I want to marry her but I did ask her to be my girlfriend. I think I’m ready to take that step; I’m tired of rotating girls. Well, new girls are nice, but I think for once I’m in a place where it’s nicer to have someone stable by my side. I’m seriously tired of all the parties and superficial people. I think I want things on a smaller scale for a while, you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, man, I know exactly what you mean. I think it’s great you’re ready for this. I also think neither one of us can afford to screw it up, especially since the two of them are so close; it might make for some awkward situations. We should go get ready. I’m starving and we don’t want to make the birthday girl wait.”

  Connor has just given me a lot to think about. As we walk into the house, I can’t help but feel happy about the childhood I did have.

  Chapter 6 – Kate

  I managed to avoid the inquisition I know is coming on the way into the house. Jess was way too excited about our day and babbling about birthday plans to bring it up. Most likely it’s because she wants to have some time to drill me without having to take a break to shower. Jess showers in Connor’s room and I shower in the guest room. Since Jess and Connor had this planned out, I have an overnight bag with multiple outfit changes. I guess we’re starting off with breakfast and a trip to the Santa Monica Pier. It’s January, and even though the weather is nice, the high today is only supposed to be around seventy degrees which means about sixty-five or so at the beach, too cold for swimming.

  I look through my bag, trying to figure out what to wear, and find a Victoria’s Secret gift box at the bottom with a card attached that says ‘open me don’t freak I’m pre-washed’. Leave it to Jess. I can only imagine what is in this box, but considering I have no panties and no bras in my overnight bag, I have a clue. I pull out the box and open it to find three new bras and six new pairs of panties. There’s also a really cute baby doll negligee that is blue and black and mostly see through. She is something else. I’ve never worn lingerie before, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to wear it now.

  However, thinking of Daniel on top of me this morning, grinding on me, and the way he made my pulse race maybe I do want to wear this for him. I could give myself a birthday present by giving him me. Ugh, enough thinking about sex. I put on the black bra and matching black panties which are both a perfect fit, grab a pair of dark blue jeans, a lightweight black sweater, and throw on a pair of black boots.

  Just as I’m getting ready to open the door to go put makeup on with Jess, Daniel walks in and jumps back quickly as to not bump right into me.

  “Look at those cat-like reflexes you’ve got. Must come from all those years of football,” I say, laughing as he closes the door behind him. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me close; his touch makes me tingle all over. He puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me toward him. Instead of kissing me, though, he nuzzles his face into my neck and slowly kisses up to my ear. This feels amazing.

  He gently bites at my earlobe and whispers, “You look beautiful. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now, but instead I’m going to take a very cold shower and take you out for your birthday. I’m giving you fair warning, Kate, if you decide to stay again tonight I don’t think I’ll be able stop myself from giving you a mind blowing orgasm for your birthday.” With that proclamation he gives me a quick kiss, steps back, takes off his shirt and says, “Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be ready to go. If you’re heading to Connor’s room I suggest knocking first.” He winks at me and heads into the bathroom.

  I’m left standing in the middle of the room, stunned. That is the sexiest thing I have ever heard. I realize I would very much like an orgasm for my birthday, and maybe I’ll have a use for Jess’s gift after all. His body— that chest and those arms are like sculptured works of art. There’s no fat, only muscle. Well-defined arms, washboard abs—the kind of body women drool over and pay to see dance naked in front of them and he wants me! He had some ink, too. That’s sexy as hell. I love a man with tattoos. Too bad he walked away before I could get a good look at them. Maybe I’ll get the chance to explore them further tonight.

  I haven’t been this happy on my birthday since the last one I shared with Michael. Thinking about him instantly makes me sad. I have to stop giving him power over me. I tell myself I’m over him and have to move on. I still love him, I will always love him, but I also hate him almost as much as I hate what my dad did to us. I still can’t comprehend how he was able to just cut me out of his life the way he did. I called him for days, weeks even. After he left me in the condo he never answered a single call. One day his phone was just disconnected. I know he changed his number so I couldn’t reach him. Jess tried to talk to him for me, and he flat out told her that not only did he want nothing to do with me, but since she was my best friend, and always would be, that he could no longer have anything to do with her, either. I know it hurt Jess more than she let on. We were like The Three Musketeers. Never once did Jess complain to me about missing his friendship, but that night I heard her crying in her room. I never told her I heard her crying because I knew she missed him, too.

  Not too long after we moved into the condo, Jess made new friends here at school. Michael and I had all the same friends in high school. Since he left me and lives in town with all of them, I never tried staying in touch. It would have been pointless. I’m sure they would all have been on his side. I made some new acquaintances, I wouldn’t really call them friends, and just pushed on as best as I could. Enough thinking about the past; today is for new beginnings and I’m really excited to have a fresh start. I take Daniel’s advice and knock on Connor’s door. God knows I don’t want to walk in on that!

  “Come in.” I pop my head in with my hands over my eyes.

  “Are you guys decent in here?”

  “Ha ha, very funny. Connor went downstairs to shower so that we wouldn’t hold thi
ngs up, if you get my drift.”

  “Oh, I get it all right. I can see your ‘I got laid’ glow from a mile away. So spill the beans, Jess, was it everything you always hoped and dreamed of?” Giggling, I flutter my eyelashes at her.

  “Oh, Kate, it was so much more than that! We had sex three times last night and each time I had the most amazing orgasms I have ever had in my life! God blessed Connor with more than just good looks. He knows how to really make a girl feel everything. It was the best sex of my life, but more than that, we talked about life, love, our dreams, AND he asked me to be his girlfriend!!!!” Jess is squealing at decibels so loud I’m afraid the mirror’s going to shatter on her as she puts on her makeup.

  “Wow, Jess, that’s fantastic,” I give her a big hug. “You don’t think it’s too fast though to be his girlfriend?”

  “Nope. Life’s too short to worry about taking things too fast. It feels right so I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  “I’m sure that won’t be the only ride you’ll be enjoying.”

  “Well that’s a given, but we’ll talk more about that later. Okay, done with my makeup. Natural day is always quick and easy. Now it’s your turn. Come let me make you even more beautiful than you already are, birthday girl. Don’t roll your eyes at me. Gloss, blush, eyeliner, and mascara and poof we’ll be done. So, tell me more about what we walked in on this morning, my friend.”

  “Jess, if you hadn’t walked up I may have actually had sex with him outside in the open for anyone to see. I have no clue what I was thinking, but Daniel does amazing things to me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m out of practice, really horny, or if it’s just the fact that we have incredible chemistry, but I’ve never felt these kinds of feelings before. There is electricity with us—sparks, butterflies, fireworks, whatever you want to call it. When he just slightly touches me I feel it. When he kisses me, my stomach clenches. I’m scared, Jess, really scared. I like him a lot. Too much. I think it’s too fast. I don’t want to scare him away although we talked a lot last night and we’re really compatible. He asked me if I’m ready to let my past go and be with someone else. For the first time in three years I think I am, but I’m terrified of being hurt again. Does that make any sense?”


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