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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 32

by Kelly, D.

  “God, I love the way you grip my cock when I’m fucking you. It’s yours, Kate, my cock is yours forever and your tight little pussy is mine. You understand that, right? Tell me, baby, tell me your mine.” I love the way her cries of pleasure mix with the acoustics of the shower. She’s not holding back this morning; she’s on fire. I’m sure Jess and Connor can hear us but I don’t care.

  “God, yes! I’m yours, Daniel—always. Take me, baby, I’m so close. Fuck me; show me how much I turn you on. Show me that you’re mine and only mine. Deeper, let me feel all of you. I’m so close, Daniel…so close!”

  Feeling her come so hard and wet all over my cock drives me to the edge, fast. I can’t help it after hearing her talk like that; I was lucky to hold out as long as I did. I love coming inside of her. I can’t wait until one day when coming inside her creates a life made of the best parts of her and me.

  Spinning her around, I claim her mouth. I can’t fuck her and not kiss her; she needs to feel how much love I have for her. I break away quickly, though.

  “Here, let me help you clean up really quick. You probably only have about fifteen minutes to get out there.”

  Kate finishes up quickly and kisses me as she gets out of the shower. “I’ll see you later when we get back. Thank you for planning all of this today. I love you so much.”

  “It was my pleasure. I love seeing you happy, but you won’t see me until tonight. Connor and I will come and pick you and Jess up around six and walk you over to the party. Stay here until then, okay?”

  “Sure, whatever you want. Love you!”

  After getting dressed, I stroll into the kitchen for breakfast. The nice part about staying in the guest house is that Linda always has the staff bring out a continental breakfast. Connor’s drinking coffee and shaking his head at me. I guess they heard us but I really don’t care.

  “Dude, I really don’t need to hear you fucking my god-sister like that. It sounded like a fucking porno, but a good one, you lucky bastard.”

  “You act like you didn’t get any last night or this morning.”

  “I didn’t, it’s that time of the month for Jess, so beware of attitude and carry chocolate in your pocket. Watch out because you know how girls sync up and shit when they live together. Kate’s probably going to start anytime.”

  “Thanks for the warning—I think. As long as I can peel that dress off of her tonight and have my way with her, I don’t care when she starts.”

  “What are our plans for today? I have something I want to do and I want you to come with me.”

  Connor looks up from his coffee. “We’re not supposed to do anything for a few hours yet. Dad and Jake are dealing with some last minute details for tonight and Mike got delayed, so he won’t be here until after the party starts. I don’t think we’re going to end up doing much of anything today. Why? What do you want to do?” I know he’s going to shit bricks in about five seconds.

  “I want to go to Ben’s”

  Okay, less than five seconds since he just spit his coffee all over the place. I can’t help but laugh; his face is priceless.

  “Daniel, seriously, why do you want to go to Ben’s?”

  “I want her name, Connor; she’s the one and that will never change for me. I want her name permanently on my skin because she is permanently in my heart.”

  “Daniel, it’s too soon, you can’t; you’re going to scare her away. It’s only been two weeks, and don’t give me the love at first sight speech. I know all about how all the great loves in your family were all love at first sight. This is Kate though—my Kate—the girl who, less than a year ago, was struggling to not be so broken and live her life again. She’s not ready for this. If you do it you’re going to blow it with her.”

  I take a deep breath, he sounds awfully possessive of my girlfriend. “Connor, I’m sorry I have to ask this, but I need to know—do you have feelings for Kate beyond friendship?”

  Connor puts his head down and won’t meet my eyes. I drop down into the chair across from him and wait. If he has feelings for her this is going to be so fucking bad. Sighing, he finally lifts his head up.

  “Truth?” I nod at him. “Always, man, no matter what” Nodding, he continues. “I don’t know what I feel for Kate and it’s confusing the hell out of me. I have always felt friendship for her and a deep-rooted sense of needing to protect and care for her. I love Jess, more than I ever thought possible, but also I love Kate, and the thought of her being hurt or broken again tears me up inside. I don’t think I feel for her the way you do, and I don’t love her the way I love Jess, but what I feel for her is on another level. I’ve never felt like this before and I just don’t know what it is or how to act.”

  We sit in silence for what seems like forever, both deep in our own thoughts. “Connor, I’m trying to piece this together, and we’re going to figure this out before we leave this house today. Let me ask you a few questions, okay?” He nods, looking genuinely distraught and a little optimistic at the same time.

  “If you think about Kate being with me, does it make you happy or angry?”

  “Normally it makes me happy, but today it made me angry.”

  “If Jess were to cheat on you, how would that make you feel?”

  “I would be digging the SOB’s grave that messed with her.”

  “If Michael came back into their lives and wants to be friends again, what would you do? Heads up, Kate is calling him tomorrow so this is a very real question.” Connor slams his fist on the table.

  “I would be fucking pissed. He broke both of their hearts in different ways. He doesn’t deserve either of their friendships. We’re not going to let that happen, right? We’re going to protect them from him?”

  “We don’t have a choice, Connor. We have to let them go through the motions with him, and whatever they decide we have to abide by. However, we don’t have to like it, we don’t have to let them go off alone together, and we can damn well make sure he knows that our girls are spoken for.”

  “Here’s the big question, can you picture yourself marrying Jess someday? Same question again but exchange Jess for Kate.”

  Connor smiles. “Yes, no and yes.” What the hell?

  “You can’t answer yes and no for Kate; you have to pick one.”

  “Ah, but that is where you’re wrong; I can. First, let me clarify. I can absolutely see myself marrying Jess one day, no doubt about it; I think the girl might have stolen my soul. No, I don’t picture myself with Kate under normal circumstances, but we kind of have a pact that if we both hit thirty-two and are single, and haven’t been with the two of you within two years, then we’ll get married and give each other sexy-ass kids.” Son of a bitch, he has the thirty pact with my girl.

  “Well, I guess it’s too bad for you I plan to marry her long before then.” We both laugh and it seems to break the tension in the room.

  “Connor, here’s what I think. I think that you’ve always felt a connection with Kate, and you’re very protective of her which is a good thing—she needs people looking out for her. I don’t think you’re in love with her, but I think you have a very deep love for her that you’ve never had with anyone else. Yesterday, you found out how close the two of you used to be and started wondering about the ‘what ifs’; it has you in a mood. Kate was questioning them last night, too. What if you two were supposed to be together? What if the two of us were supposed to be together sooner? What if Michael was never supposed to be such a huge part of her life? Would any of us have dated? How would things be different? I’m telling you the same thing that I told her—everything happens for a reason. I’m not sure what could’ve been, but I know that maybe we weren’t supposed to be together so that we could grow up before having this epic love and these strongly bonded friendships. I think you’re mad at all you missed out on and you’re confused in your feelings. I think that if you didn’t want to go pull me away from her and beat my ass while we were showering that you aren’t in love with her. You just love
her tremendously and that’s okay.”

  “You’re right, Dr. Daniel, I didn’t want to beat your ass; it was hot as hell, lucky bastard. It just made me want to have sex with Jess, but that’s not possible right now and it put me in a bad mood. I still think you’re jumping the gun getting the tattoo, though, but I’ll go with you if it’s what you really want to do.” I’m so relieved that Connor’s just mixed up in his feelings because I don’t think I could have given Kate up to him.

  “I wasn’t going to get it done. I mean, I’ve wanted to from almost the second that we met, but I knew it would scare her. She told me today that she can’t wait until the day I have her name on me so she can finally feel like she’s claimed me. Do you know how fucking hot that is? I just feel like I don’t need to wait after that.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I would have waited, either. The fact that she said she wants you to claim her is smoking hot. Let’s go to Ben’s, but you better start thinking about cover-ups because you know he isn’t going to ink some girls name on you unless you pick out a cover piece in case it doesn’t work out. Thanks for talking me through that little crisis and not flipping out. I definitely think I’m just suffering from finding out all that stuff yesterday and the periodic memories that seem to be hitting me because of it all. The lack of sex probably isn’t helping, either.”

  “No problem. I really didn’t think you would’ve set me up with her if you were in love with her, but you better find a new girl to make a pact with because I’m not letting this one get away.”

  Bryan and Jake look at us like we’re crazy when we tell them we’re heading to Ben’s. “This is for Daniel’s whipped ass not mine, do you want to come?” Both of them decline and go back to their afternoon beers while overseeing the setup for the party.

  It only takes a few minutes to get to Ben’s. He’s a good friend of mine. No one does my tattoos but him. We went to high school together. He married his high school sweetheart and they’re still going strong. Ben looks like the guy you would be afraid of in a dark alley. Callie, his wife, was valedictorian of our class, homecoming queen, and looks like a Barbie. No one can believe it when they find out they’re happily married, but like April and Jake they’re very much in love. Ben told me to find a cover while I wait for him to get to the shop, always overprotective but I appreciate it. After handing him the cover art to put with my file he has me straddle the chair.

  “So, you finally found the one to make you fill in your tat, huh? How long have you known her?”

  Connor fake coughs and says, “Two weeks.”

  “Seriously? Two weeks? Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. She is absolutely the one—no doubt in my mind.”

  He’s shaking his head while he gets the needle ready. “Okay, man, you’re not one to jump the gun on anything. In fact, you’re one of the most level-headed guys I know, so if you say she’s the one then let’s do this. What’s her name?”

  “Her name is Kate. K-A-T-E.”

  Most artists sketch out the design and let you see it first, but I’ve always given Ben free range. I trust him that much; I don’t need to see it drawn out.

  “Also, Ben, just something to keep in mind for the future—she had a daughter that passed away before she was able to carry her full-term. I don’t think it would be right to put her in my infinity symbol since she was someone else’s child, but I might want to do something like a tribute tattoo later down the line if it’s okay with her. Maybe you can come up with some concepts in your spare time?”

  “Yeah, I can definitely do that. Just give me a head’s up when you’re ready. Tell me about this girl; how did you meet her?”

  “I get to tell this story since I introduced them. Turns out we were attached at the hip when we were kids, but I haven’t seen her since we were five. Daniel even knew her back then. Now here we are, years later, finding out we are God brother and sister. I knew she was perfect for Daniel, and it got his head out of Vanessa’s ass, so it was a win-win. You guys will meet her tonight. You’re still coming, right?”

  “Yeah, we’ll be there; Callie can’t wait to catch up with April. So, you got a date to this shindig or what, Houston?”

  “I get to tell this one. His girlfriend is going to be there, too. Jess is Kate’s best friend. Kate introduced them and they decided Kate and I were meant to be. Not that they were wrong, but it just sort of pisses me off that he gets to take credit for it.”

  “Connor, when are you finally going to let me get a hold of your virgin skin?” I see him back up a step, as if he’s afraid Ben’s going to attack him with the gun. Ben laughs at Connor’s wussy ass.

  “Never. My skin is staying virgin. I’m a stud without the ink. I just haven’t seen anything that has made me want to put it permanently on my body. Maybe someday, you never know.”

  Ben finishes the tat. It really doesn’t take that long since it’s just her name and it’s pretty small inside the infinity symbol. Taking the mirror he hands me, I walk up to the big mirror and hold it up behind me so I can see. It looks good; not that I doubted it would.

  “Dude you are so getting the shit fucked out of you tonight. Maybe I should buy some earplugs on the way home because I have a feeling what I heard this morning is going to be quiet compared to tonight. Kate’s going to claim your ass hard.” God, I hope so. I love her name on me. I know it belongs there; I just hope she doesn’t freak out after all.

  “Thanks, Ben, it looks great. Let me pay you so we can all get out of here and get ready before the girls are pissed at us.”

  Ben shakes his head. “This one’s on the house. I’ve been waiting a long time to put that name in there. I’ll charge you once you start popping out a bunch of kids. I’m just glad you finally found her. Now maybe Jake and I won’t be the only ones settled down. Now that you two have been taken off the market, what’s Mike up to?”

  “Mike’s actually not dating or sleeping with anyone right now. He’s sort of reflecting on life and how he got to where he is. I guess there’s a girl in his past he wants back and is trying to figure out a way to make amends. I hope it works out for him; he really seems to miss her.”

  “Yeah, we usually miss the ones we can’t have anymore. Alright, I gotta get back to Callie so she can get ready before the babysitter gets there. If I make her late I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  We get back to the house and head out to the yard to find Jake and Bryan; it looks incredible out here. There’s a huge white canopy set up with black bows tied around each pillar. There are tons of space heaters so people will be warm. Inside the canopy, there are dozens of round tables set up with chairs covered in white with black bows wrapped around them. The settings are all white plates with black trim; it’s definitely very black tie. To the far right, there’s another canopy set up with a dance floor surrounding the D.J.’s stage. When the girls get here, they’re going to go crazy; April will fall to pieces, I’m sure. We see all the guys out by the covered patio.

  As soon as we walk up, Jake is all over me. “Take it off; I want to see.” His statement causes everyone’s attention to turn my way, especially my dad’s.

  “Too late to worry now, lover boy, they already know what you went and did, so let us see.”

  “Fine, asshole, but NO ONE breathes a word of this to anyone that will tell Kate, so that basically means no one talks about this at all until tomorrow. You’re going to have to peel the bandage back to look; just make sure you put it back on right.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. You really did go and do it, Son. I don’t know if I should be proud or if I think you’re acting a little prematurely, but I already love that girl so I’m going to just go with proud for now.”

  It’s nice to see a smile on my dad’s face for once. I’m happy things between us are better than they’ve been in a very long time. Everybody finally settles down and the topic changes to the Super Bowl. By the time we’re done with lunch, and have had a few beers, it’s tim
e to start getting ready. The girls got back about thirty minutes ago and were ushered straight into the guest house. We can hear them giggling and laughing which I guess is to be expected since there are at least twelve of them in there. Connor, Jake, and I go to Jake’s room to get ready.

  “Why the hell isn’t Mike here getting ready with us? I miss him hanging out with us.” Jake just got out of the shower and answers Connor, “That’s my fault. I wanted everything perfect at the house and Mike offered to help make it happen. I owe him a lot for all he’s done at my house this week. He’s got his tux with him and said he’s just going to get ready at my house and head out. I don’t know why you keep asking the same question; we keep giving you the same answer.” Jake whacks Connor upside the head and I laugh.

  “Whatever, butt munch, it would just be nice to have him around more; he’s been totally MIA lately. I’m looking forward to spending some time with him tonight.”

  “Well, April made it to where the five of you and Ben and Callie will all be at the same table so you’ll get your fill of Mike tonight. Unfortunately, I have to be a puppet and do the song and dance to make sure I visit everyone here. Not that I mind because all of this is worth it to see April happy, but I do kind of miss being able to hang out with the guys.”

  I pat Jake on the shoulder. “You’re lucky to have her; you guys have something special. Kate called it undeniable love this morning. She said that’s why she agreed to sing at the wedding.”

  “Yeah, we really do. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find the girl of my dreams in high school. Kate has a set of pipes on her. She could really go pro if she wanted to, or at least do some American Idol shit.”

  “Right? I had no idea she could sing like that; she and Jess really could tour the world. It’s funny how they don’t seem one bit into it. It’s incredible how talented and humble they both are considering the amount of wealth they come from. Both of them would rather spend their days helping others than doing anything for themselves; it’s inspirational. Honestly, though, I just can’t wait to see what Kate looks like in the dress she bought.”


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