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Preach to me Baby

Page 82

by Hazel Parker

  Friday came faster than she expected. Once again they were waiting outside the creepy building in the cold. She wished Anderson would get there on time. Instead, once again he showed up fifteen minutes late much to Monica’s frustration.

  Once inside Anderson’s office Anderson got right down to business. “I have noticed a great improvement in your work. However, as it stands you will more likely than not get a B in my class. I know this will not satisfy you so I called you here today in order to propose another exercise, this time a little different.” Monica and Eric looked at each other, remembering their first exercise. Would Professor Anderson want to see them fuck again?

  “Go on.” Eric urged. If he could get an A in this class then all the better.

  “Well, the last time we met I noticed a few things that I briefly mentioned after our meeting. First of all, it seems that you Eric are the dominant one in the relationship. You seem to take control of the actions and you are the one that makes the big decisions in the relationship, am I correct.” The two of them looked at each other. Monica eventually nodded.

  “I will admit I am more of a submissive.” Monica could feel her cheeks redden as she admitted this fact. Anderson nodded, taking off his glasses and chewing on the end.

  “Secondly, it seems like you two tend to go through the more tradition route of sex. Your more frequent position is missionary, is that correct?” Anderson raised an eyebrow. This time, the two of them nodded quickly. It was true. They didn’t like to experiment much, sex to them always ended up with Eric on top of her pounding away.

  “This being said I would like to experiment tonight.”

  “Experiment?” Monica asked confused. What did he mean by experiment?

  “Well I would like to test your boundaries and if all goes well then you both will receive an A in the class and I promise that your relationship will benefit greatly.” The two students looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Should they go for the A or should they keep their relationship the way it was? If they experimented, what if they ran the risk of ruining their relationship?

  “What do you think we should do?” Monica whispered softly. She looked at Eric for guidance and Anderson chuckled a little. They were a classic example of a male dependent relationship. Monica was dependent on Eric to make big decisions for her. Tonight Anderson hoped to flip that relationship on its head.

  “I think we should go for the A. I mean it would really help our GPAs.” Monica nodded. Eric was right. It was worth a shot.

  “We’ll do it,” Eric answered confidently as he looked at his professor.


  Chapter 8

  “Now, for the experiment I am going to add two new “elements,” so to speak, into your sexual environment. First of all, I am going to ask Monica to take on the dominant position tonight. Secondly, I will introduce a third partner into the equation.” Anderson explained as he started to loosen up his tie.

  “A third partner?” Monica asked, confused. What did that mean?

  “Yes. Me.” Anderson stated as he started to unbutton his link cuffs. Monica and Eric looked at each other a moment. Would they really be fucking their professor? However, they had talked about this. After their first meeting, they had gone home and Monica had commented on how attractive Anderson was. This comment then led to the discussion of threesomes and how they were okay. In the end, they had agreed that while the occasion would never arise they wouldn’t mind fucking their professor in a threesome.

  Now they couldn’t believe their hypothetical situation was coming to life. Would they really go through with it? Eric looked at Monica and they eventually both nodded.

  “So I have to be dominating huh? I can just do whatever I want?” Monica asked a little excited by the prospect of being in control. She was so used to letting Eric have control all the time that this would be a new and exciting experience for her.

  Anderson nodded as he unbuttoned his shirt. He had been slowly undressing this whole time and as Monica noticed this she pointed to Eric, “Why don’t you help Professor Anderson undress?” Monica giggled at her first command. Eric was a little shocked but decided to play along. He walked over to his professor and slowly started to unbutton his shirt. He made a show of undressing him, which made Monica giggle even harder.

  Monica took a moment to stare at her professor since he was now naked and grinned. “Okay now I want you, Andy, I’m calling you Andy now because I’m the boss, to undress Eric. You have to be just as sexy about it as Eric was.” Anderson smirked and started to take off Eric’s clothes.

  “Now I want both of you to undress me!” Monica giggled and spread out her arms as if telling the boys to come and get her. They both moved toward her and started to fondle and tease her body before they undressed her. Monica grinned. She could get used to this dominant business.

  Once all three of them were naked the two men looked at Monica waiting for her next command. She giggled and then tried putting on a serious face. “Okay… now I want you two guys to fuck me.” Monica had a naughty grin on her face.

  She felt like she was being naughty as she commanded the men to fuck her. They looked at her and Anderson clarified. “You need to be clearer. Fuck you how?” Monica thought about it for a moment. She looked around and grabbed Eric and pushed him onto the love seat.

  “I want you to start rubbing your dick for me. Make sure that it is nice and hard.” Eric grinned and wrapped his hand around his member. He started to rub it as best he could. Anderson continued to look at Monica, waiting for direction.

  She grinned and placed her hands on his shoulder before pushing him down on his knees before her. He grinned at her. “You are going to eat me out and finger fuck me.” Monica’s voice was already taking on the tone of a mistress as she grinned. She felt like she was getting the hang of things. She loved being in control.

  “Now while Andy eats me out I am going to blow Eric who doesn’t get to cum until I cum! If you do then I think I will have to punish you!” Monica giggled. Eric and Anderson both grinned at her.

  Monica bent over the arm of the chair, aligning her mouth with Eric’s dick. “What are you waiting for Andy, get to work.” Anderson grinned. He didn’t expect Monica to shift into her role so quickly. He was impressed. Moving forward a bit he placed his hands on her thighs and started to lick her wetness.

  Monica tasted good and so Anderson was encouraged to lick more and more until he was licking her in earnest. His tongue was all over her, up and down and even entering inside of her a moment. He continued to toy her with just his tongue for a moment before completing the second part of his task.

  Suddenly he jammed one of his fingers deep inside of Monica. She moaned out loudly when he did and arched her back in pleasure. Before Anderson could move his finger her hot mouth was already wrapped around Eric’s dick.

  She loved sucking his dick. She wrapped her lips around him tightly, her tongue teasing the tip of his engorged member. He was excited, extremely excited. Monica couldn’t see it, but Eric was watching Anderson eat out his girlfriend. It was weird seeing another man fuck your girlfriend. Eric had expected to feel jealous but instead he just felt deeply aroused.

  As he heard Monica moan he felt his dick jump to life. So far the experience was amazing and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. The combination of Monica’s expert mouth around his member, her tongue all around him, and her hard sucking were driving him wild with desire. Plus, with the addition of Anderson pumping three of his fingers in and out of Monica only made things worse.

  Eric tried to hold back, but it was difficult. He was so aroused. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. He felt like he would blow his load at any moment. He just hoped he would cum after Monica. In the mood she was in there was no telling what his punishment would be.

  Monica meanwhile felt amazing. Anderson’s tongue was working wonders on her wet folds. His tongue seemed to be everywhere at once and it felt amazing,
there was no other way to describe it. Plus, with his fingers pumping in and out of her she felt truly euphoric. She knew she was close to cumming.

  Monica held back, however. She wanted Eric to cum before her. She wanted to punish him. She didn’t know what his punishment would be yet, but she wanted to punish him. Maybe she would spank him; that would be fun. It would be payback for all the times he had spanked her. Monica smirked and with those thoughts she sucked him harder and faster still.

  Eric couldn’t contain himself. He blew his load down Monica’s throat. She felt herself gag and choke a bit on the large load but greedily swallowed any and all cum that remained. The sweet taste in her mouth inspired her to climax as well and in a moment she was spewing her juices all over Anderson’s face.

  Anderson this whole time had been jerking himself off with his free hand and he too could no longer hold back. A few moments after Monica climaxed onto his face he exploded all over the carpet in the middle of his office.

  All three of them smiled happily. It was one of the best orgasms they had ever experienced.

  Chapter 9

  After the experiment, life for Monica and Eric was much different. In the end, they ended up getting an A in Human Sexuality 101. They recommended the class to all of their friends. They, of course, excluded to tell them that their A came from fucking the professor, but no one needed to know that. It was their dirty little secret.

  Their relationship also changed drastically. They had been happy before, but now life seemed perfect. Their sex was even better. Monica and Eric now switched off control in the bedroom making it a much more equal and enjoyable experience for the two of them. They were thankful that Anderson had shown them the benefits of a dominant female in the bedroom.

  In the end, the couple had not forgotten about Anderson. After winter break, they came back to campus and applied to be teaching assistants (TAs) to the course. Eventually, Anderson accepted them onto his teaching team and they became even closer.

  With their closer relationship came even more experimentation. They tried different positions, toys, and ideas. Basically, anything that was related to sex was not off limits to the trio. They were up to trying anything which made for a very interesting relationship.

  Now Monica and Eric had their own office hours on Friday nights. No one had visited them yet, but they knew that one night they would find a student knocking on their office door.


  The first student to visit them was a girl. She was a shy freshman taking the class as an introduction into gender studies. She seemed meek and adorable as Eric opened up the door, bringing her into the warm office.

  Their office was much smaller than Anderson’s, but it would get the job done. They had a desk set in the back right corner as well as a chaise lounge where they envisioned most of the exercises to take place. They smiled at the girl now.

  “Come in. We are glad you could meet with us tonight.” Eric greeted her warmly as he offered to take her coat. He hung it up on a coat hanger and smiled at her. Monica sat down on the couch. It was her turn to be dominant tonight and she wondered what it would feel like to assert her dominance on someone of the same sex. She wondered if she would find out.

  The girl looked a little nervous as her hands squeezed her backpack straps.

  “Please sit down. I promise we don’t bite… very hard.” Monica giggled at her own joke, but it only seemed to make the girl even more nervous. The old house was giving her the creeps and she just wanted to go home. She was cold and she wanted to go home.

  The girl wondered why the TAs only had office hours on Friday nights. Maybe they were just really busy people with really busy schedules or something. The girl wondered what kind of people the TAs were since they were almost never in class yet whenever she emailed them they always seemed to know exactly what was going on. It was like they were inside Anderson’s head.

  The girl was having difficulty understanding some of the course material and had visited them with the intention of going over sexual orientation. She was a girl from a very religious small town. The thought of two people of the same gender being attracted to one other bogged her mind a little and she didn’t know how to take it.

  She looked at Monica and felt her face flush and her heart beat quicken. She thought about what it would be like to be in a relationship with someone as beautiful as Monica. She tried not to stare, but she couldn’t keep her eyes of Monica. Little did she know that by the end of the night, she would be doing a lot more than just stare. By the end of the night, she would know all she ever needed to know about sexual orientation. By the end of the night, she would be left to question her own orientation.



  Lust Unleashed

  For the life of me, I just simply couldn't seem to believe what an amazing birthday this was turning out to be. I'd never, ever, really managed to enjoy anything remotely close to a happy birthday, and as I was getting older, it was becoming harder and harder to see these days as anything more than a continuation of my descent into old age. And I mean hell, for that matter, I wasn't exactly over the hill or anything, either. Just my late twenties, which wasn't at all the sort of age that a person should go around throwing in the towel.

  But, I don't know. Maybe I just didn't feel like I'd gotten what I'd wanted out of life on a number of levels, and that made the prospect of aging seem more harrowing than it actually was. There were so many things I'd taken too long to get around to in life, and I came to regret it more and more with each passing year. For the longest time, I'd been something of a shy person, suffice it to say, and my plethora of inhibitions had always gone a long way in preventing the sort of life I'd really wanted for myself.

  It was better now, I guess. Not perfect, not by any means, but I lived a happy enough life with my husband, and I had long since learned to appreciate the little things, the blessings that so often go overlooked by a person. I'd gotten through some of my shyness, and could at least enjoy life now, but days such as birthdays tended to emphasize just how much time I'd lost all the while.

  But this year was different. This year, I didn't feel like I was getting old any more, and in fact I felt almost younger than ever in my present state of mind. I felt like I was really, actually celebrating the gift of being alive, living to the fullest for a change and simply taking things as they came along.

  And I knew, with every fiber of my being, that it was my husband I had to thank for all of this, him and him alone, and in so many, many ways. At present, I stared at Charles across the table. Our dinner at this most exquisite of fine restaurant has been an amazing experience, and the man, sitting across from me, lit by candle light as he was, seeming almost angelic in appearance. We both had a reasonable amount of wine in our systems by this point, and before our server had returned with our meals, we'd spent a great amount of the evening playing footsies with one another underneath the table.

  I was, suffice it to say, getting very, very hot for my immaculate love by this point in the evening. Leering over at him with a pair of unmistakable bedroom eyes, my nostrils flaring, and my body squirming and shifting into very suggestive positions so as to lure him into me- as though he really needed enticing at this point, because I could tell by his demeanor that he was about as eager to take me when we made it home as I was to be taken by him.

  God, I had so much to thank this man for. So much of what had at last gone right for me in life were a result of him stepping into the picture, and taking me under his wing, so to speak, when no one else seemed able to break me out of my shell.

  I'm not sure what it was, exactly, that had always kept me so quiet and unassuming before. I mean, for that matter, I guess there doesn't have to be a real reason for that sort of thing. Some days I liked to blame the extremely conservative manner in which I was raised, or any number of other circumstances in my life. But I knew that no such factors would ever fully account for the way I was. I was just sheepish, awkward about putti
ng myself out there, and coupled with my appearance, this tended to be quite the recipe for sheer frustration.

  I had always been a beautiful girl. Starting college, I could have taken a man's breath away had I possessed the nerve to look him in the eyes long enough. I had sleek, blonde hair, a beautiful, angelic face, and a petite figure that was almost agonizing to behold, everything perfectly portioned, every nook and every crevice in precisely the right spot along my charming little anatomy. Had I been brave enough to actually make use of what I had and not hidden myself away all the time, I probably could have had just about any guy I set my heart on, and have made my way out of the infuriating hole of my shyness far sooner than I ended up doing.

  But, the fact of the matter was, I just never quite seemed capable of breaking free of it, and I tended to just shy away any time any guy at all showed me any sort of affection whatsoever. Eventually, the guys around me stopped making any sort of advances. I guess because they mistook my shyness for being stuck up, and thought that I couldn't possibly want anything to do with them.


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