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In Love

Page 1

by Brook Greene

  Table of Contents

  In Love

  The Story of Matty and Tessa

  Brook Greene

  In Love


  Chris Kovacich, Sam Price, Lena Gaitanou, Debbie Dumke and Linda Jones

  Cover by Margreet Asselbergs

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven



  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen



  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen




  Chapter Eighteen




  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Chapter Twenty-One



  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Chapter Twenty-Three



  Chapter Twenty-Four



  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Chapter Twenty-Six



  Chapter Twenty-Seven





  Chapter Twenty-Eight




  Chapter Twenty-Nine







  Chapter Thirty






  Chapter Thirty-One


  Two weeks later…..



  Chapter Thirty-Two



  Chapter Thirty-Three



  Kate Bolick


  The End

  A Mayhem Wedding

  In Love

  The Story of Matty and Tessa

  Your soulmate will be the stranger you recognize.

  R.H. Sin

  Brook Greene

  In Love

  Copyright © 2017 Brook Greene

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is purely coincidence.

  No part of this publication can be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or by other electronical methods.


  To my readers who have stuck with me on this crazy fun journey. I will always be eternally grateful.

  Thank you to all my beta readers who help more than they know with the process of writing a book.

  Chris Kovacich, Sam Price, Lena Gaitanou, Debbie Dumke and Linda Jones

  My editor Dana Hook who works tireless hours on my hot-mess of words. Thank you so much.

  Cover by Margreet Asselbergs

  Thank you Margreet for the beautiful cover, you never disappoint with you wonderful talent.

  Chapter One

  Matty Boy

  I lay on my back, in my bed, with my hands tucked behind my head, looking up at the ceiling. The first rays of the morning sun peek around the blinds, covering the small window of my room at the clubhouse. I take a deep breath, feeling the heaviness of her head on my chest. Her long legs are entangled with mine as we both lay bare and uncovered, the sheet bunched around our feet. Aerial had said she wanted to make me feel better, and I told her I would make her scream, which I had, over and over again.

  I’ve been drowning my pain in pussy and whiskey, but now I know it’s time I pull myself out of my funk and get back to my everyday life. I can no longer find the excuses I need to do what I’ve been doing with my wounds finally healed. I’d given up the crutches a month ago, and I only suffer from a slight limp now. The doctors say as I heal more and get stronger, the limp should fade, and I’ve been working my ass off in the clubhouse gym to make sure it does.

  Of course a little extracurricular activity on the side is always good for stretching the muscles and keeping the mind clear, not to mention the cardio. But it’s what I do—I love them, fuck them, make them scream for me, then send them on their way. I make no apologies for who I am or what I do. I never take a woman against her will. Everything we do she offers up to me willingly.

  I run my fingers gently through her long hair, making her stir awake. She tilts her sleepy eyes up to me. “Good morning, handsome.”

  I nudge her in the stomach with my rock-hard morning wood. “Morning, beautiful.”

  There’s nothing better than a morning blow job…well, other than morning sex. She smiles as she climbs up my body to straddle me. She digs her nails into my pecs, rocking her ass against my dick. I grab the soft skin of her round hips. I close my eyes at the feel of the friction between us, but this isn’t what I want. “Put my dick in your mouth and suck it till I come down your throat,” I tell her, seeking the much-needed relief I’ll find between her lips.

  She smiles and lifts her legs from the bed, sliding her body between my spread thighs. She grips me at the base of my cock and licks the head, smoothing the precum around with her tongue before taking me into her mouth. “Oh, that’s it, baby.” She pumps me with her hand as she takes me deeper into her sweet mouth, letting me slide in until I hit the back of her throat, then slowly pulls back off, giving her hand a twist. “Shit, that’s good.”

  I press my head back into the pillow, closing my eyes as she intensifies her speed and pressure. The woman has a mouth that’s made for sucking dick. My body jerks as she surprises me by flicking her tongue across the sensitive head. I can feel my balls tighten up as the all too familiar tingle at the base of my cock begins to build.

  Now most of the time, I would give her pleasure too before I blow, but this morning I’m being selfish, and she’s lapping every bit of it up. I thread my fingers through her hair, forcing her to the pace I want her to suck to prolong the pleasure.

  “Take it all, now,” I demand, and she doesn’t hesitate to do what she’s told. I feel as the head of my cock brushes the back of her throat, and being the pro that she is, there’s no gag reflex. She rocks her head back and forth, brushing my head with the softness of her throat, making me groan out loud.

  Her free hand drifts down. Taking my tight sack into her hand, she gently massages them in time with her pumping motion. The added sensation has my body drawing tight. “Ariel, baby, I’m coming,” I tell her through gritted teeth, just as I blow my load into her mouth. She swallows it all down, giving my cock a few more strokes until I’m spent. Sitting up, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, giving me a big smile.

  “Is that what you wanted?” she asks as she moves off the bed and heads for the bathroom.

  I roll to get up as I hear the water from the sink in the bathroom running. Reaching for my jeans and pulling them on, I slump back to the bed as she comes through the door, stopping her naked body in front of me. I take her by the hips and pull her between my legs. I ki
ss her belly, then lay my forehead against it. I take in the smell of us on her skin, considering who she is to me. But like the rest of my women, I feel no connection to her.

  She runs her fingers through my hair. “Baby, I gotta go. He’ll be home in a little while.” She leans in and kisses my head, then steps back to dress, and leaves. I lay there for an hour, staring at the door she had left through.

  I use her body and she uses mine. We give each other pleasure without the complications of feelings or the promise of anything long-term. I could care less she has a piece of shit for a husband. I know I should, but she’s the one who steps out on him, as he does to her, and she’s chosen to stay with him because he has money.

  Sitting up, I shake my head and go to the shower to start my day. I need a ride to clear my head and focus my thoughts.


  I turn the throttle on my bike and drop a gear, feeling as the beast I’m sitting on surge beneath me. The wind blows through my illegally uncovered hair, and I feel free from the hell I’ve turned my life into for the first time in a long time.

  I thought Eno was an idiot for letting the lifestyle we’d loved for years go over a woman. And by no means am I turning my back on the life I have for one pussy, because there is no certain one. But all of them have grown old to me. I’m not saying I’m ready to settle down, but getting lost in mindless pussy for a night has lost its excitement and intrigue.

  I take the turn heading to the clubhouse, open up my bike, and roar down the street, right before I have to turn into the gates of my sanctuary.

  I find myself riding alone these days. The others have found themselves asking for the use of their balls that are usually stored in mason jars on their women’s dressers. And when I say anything, they all get butt hurt and run off kissing the asses of said women. That will never be me again.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love all the women my brothers have chosen. They’ve taken care of my ass over the past couple months, and quite honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done without them. But do I ever see myself settling down again? No, I don’t. Not putting myself through that again.


  Fifteen minutes later, I’m holding a beer in the clubhouse, listening to Avery ramble on about some sort of charity event going on at the local hospital she works at. I look around the room, letting my eyes land on a rare, silent Piper, who’s standing behind the bar. She gives me a crazy scary smile before I look back to Avery.

  I hold up my hands, stopping her mid-sentence. “Okay, hang on, Avery. Tell me exactly what it is you want from me?” Trying to get her to the point when she’s flustered is like trying to herd a bunch of cats.

  She bites her bottom lip as she looks up at me through her long, dark lashes. It’s not very often that the women come to me needing something, so being cornered by the queen bee herself is very unusual.

  “Well, you know we have this charity event every year at the hospital, and this year we’re going to do things a little different.” She pauses. Avery has been working at the hospital ever since Gia was four months old, the same hospital Eno and I found ourselves in a few months back.

  “Okay…and?” I take a drink of my beer as I sit down on one of the stools at the bar, watching Piper rock back and forth out of the corner of my eye. She looks like she’s about to burst.

  “This year we’re having a special auction…” Avery hesitates once more, and it’s starting to grate on my nerves a little.

  I tilt my head to the side. “Auction?”

  She smiles, and her eyes light up. “A bachelor auction.” She clasps her hands together in front of her as she pushes up on her toes.

  “I see,” I say, nodding my head as all the pieces begin to fall into place. “And I’m the only single guy you know.”

  “Yes,” she replies sheepishly.

  I run my hands through my overly long hair, then scratch my bearded chin. “So you want to auction me off to a high bidding, horny old lady?” I say with a smile.

  I jump as Piper claps her hands together, busting out into laughter. “It’s perfect for you and your whoring ways, Matty. Maybe you’ll find yourself a sugar momma, some old lady that will buy you shiny things.”

  I shudder at the thought of having to entertain the advances of someone the same age as my grandmother.

  “Piper, shut up. You’re not helping,” Avery snaps as she directs her green eyes back to me. “It’s Saturday night—”

  “Wait, this coming Saturday?” I interrupt her.

  “Yes, I know its short notice and I’m sorry, but I will completely understand if you can’t or don’t want to do it.” I have to admit, it does sound interesting, and who am I to not help out?

  I hold out my arms to her and smile. “I would love for you to sell my body for charity, Avery.” She jumps into my arms as I stand.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She practically sings the words.

  I laugh. “You’re welcome, babe.” I kiss her cheek as I let her slide down my body to her feet.

  Piper bursts out into laughter. “Holy shit! I’m gonna have to see this.” She leans over the counter to ask Avery, “You got tickets in there for me and Dalton too?”

  “No. Dalton can do like everyone else and buy the tickets.” She redirects her attention from a disappointed looking Piper back to me. “Okay, you’ll need a tux. I can get it ordered for you today if you need me to,” she says as she flips through papers she’s pulled from a folder.

  “I have a tux,” I inform her as I round the bar to get another beer. I look up from the open fridge door at the two silent women. “What?”

  “What the fuck do you have a tux for?” Piper asks me, taking my newly retrieved beer from my hand for herself.

  “Why yes, Piper, I don’t mind getting you a beer,” I grumble sarcastically as I dive back in to get another one for myself.

  I turn to the curious gazes of them both again, taking a drink. I don’t understand why they’re so shocked I would have a tux. “What?”

  Piper throws her hands out to either side of her body, giving me a head bob. “Tux. Why do you have one?” She plops her beer down on the bar, like me having dress attire is against the damn law.

  “I needed one a couple years back, so I bought one.” I walk around the stunned, silent women.

  Avery holds her hand up, stopping Piper from asking any more questions. “It doesn’t matter, and it’s good you have one.” She hands me a piece of paper. Taking it, I look it over as she continues. “Here’s the itinerary for the event. There’ll be a meet and greet before the auction, where you’ll walk around the crowd, letting the bidders get to know you a little. Then the auction will start at nine, and you’ll need to be backstage by eight thirty.”

  I listen to her as I scan over the list of things that are expected of the person being auctioned off. I lay the paper down on the bar and hold out my arms with a smile. “What do you think the little old stuffy ladies will think of these?” I eye my arms that are covered in full sleeve tattoos, all the way down to my wrists.

  Avery smiles back at me. “Even little old ladies love a bad boy with tattoos, Matty.” She reaches out to pat my hand before I drop my arms back to my sides.

  She eyes my shaggy hair and beard. I reach up, giving my hair a tug. “Don’t worry, I’ll make myself presentable.” I’ve been debating about cutting my hair and shaving off my full beard, and now I have a reason to. It’s been years since I’ve had a smooth face and short hair. Not sure the girls have ever seen me any other way than I am right now.

  Avery bites her bottom lip, then pulls it through her white teeth. She says somewhat sheepishly, holding up her hands, “I know it’s short notice, and I hope you don’t have any plans.”

  I shake my head. “Nope. No plans, other than your event.”

  Piper jumps up, clapping her hands again. “This is going to be so fucking fun.” I look at her, rolling my eyes.

  Chapter Two

  Matty Boy
  I look in the mirror on my dresser, adjusting my bow tie one more time. Stepping back, I take in my reflection. It’s been years since I’ve had the need to wear a suit, much less a tux. I’m surprised to find it still fits as perfectly as it did when I had it tailored for me a few years back.

  Grabbing my keys and wallet, I leave my room and head out to my garage. Exiting the kitchen, I lock the door behind me and look longingly at my bike, thinking of how many pairs of panties I would melt if I pulled up to a stuffy charity event in a tux, on a Harley.

  But not wanting to get bugs all over the shins of my slacks, I opt out of the freedom and head for my car that rarely sees the light off day.

  The sleek Mercedes patiently waits for times just like this one. I know I’m gonna catch hell from my muscle car driving brothers, but I really don’t give a shit. She’s a badass machine that purrs like a well-satisfied woman.

  I run my finger along her lines, caressing her curves before opening the door and settling myself down into the Italian leather driver’s seat. I turn the engine over and listen as she coos to life around me. I rub my hand along her soft dash. “Hello, girl,” I greet the only other woman in my life, aside from my mother.

  I don’t get to spend as much time driving my girl as I would like, and I’m at the clubhouse too soon. I park and make my way inside where everybody’s waiting for me.

  I stop short as I walk through the door. “Holy shit! It looks like a James Bond convention in this fucking joint.” My brothers turn to me, all wearing tuxes, and the women are in ball gowns.

  They fall silent, and I shift under their curious gazes. Reaching for my lapel, I tug on it, then shove my fingers through my now short hair. “What?”

  “Holy shit, Matty, you’re fucking hot,” Piper blurts out before slapping her hand over her mouth, but the rest of the women nod in agreement, exploding my ego. I strut over to the bar and take the open bottle of Jack and an empty glass.

  Pouring three fingers of the drink, I salute them all before taking a sip. “Cheers, ladies. You’re all pretty fucking fine yourselves.” I give them all a devilish grin. They’re all wearing various colors that complement each of their individual colorings perfectly, and the quality of the dresses are impeccable. While all the men have on, as I do, the basic black tux.


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