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Encore: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 30

by Lane Hart

  Am I going to get hurt?

  I try to think about how I would feel if, after the game today, instead of inviting me to one of their rooms, Nixon and Cameron told me that they don’t want to do this anymore.

  That would be a hard pill to swallow, no doubt, but I would like to think that I would be sad that it’s over but move on within a few days.

  Or weeks.

  Possibly months.

  God, I’m already so far gone after just two nights with them that I would be heartbroken if they ended things. And that is a very scary thought, because every time we’re together I’m only going to get closer to them until Nixon or Cameron, maybe both, break things off with me, and they will do that eventually. That’s one of the few things I’m actually certain of in life, and damn if I’m not still sinking deeper into the stupid quicksand that is love.

  I need to get a grip, to distance myself from the guys emotionally and remind myself that it’s only about sex with us. Just sex. No feelings, no commitments, nothing else.

  The Bears fans go wild around us as their home team comes out on the field with fireworks going off at the tunnel. And then finally the Wildcats take the field with barely a mention over the PA system.

  I immediately search out Cameron in the number thirteen jersey and then spot Nixon in his number nineteen. Both guys look incredible out there in their uniforms, helmets off, for now, looking so hot I want to spank those navy blue spandex asses and then have them spank mine. See, it’s just about sex with those two, nothing more. I may have had a brief slip, but my head is back in the game. The old Kelsey would end up getting hurt, but not the new Kelsey, who has learned from previous experiences and is smart enough to set up tough linemen to protect her fragile heart.

  But then the Bears kickoff to Cameron, who is receiving for the Wildcats from the end zone. He runs the ball out to the thirty-yard line; and when he’s tackled by two guys, he doesn’t get up…

  “Oh no,” I whisper as I hold my breath, waiting for him to get to his feet. And thankfully, he does before the trainers even jog out to him, only he’s clenching his right arm to his waist, and from the jumbotron, I can see that his face is pinched in pain. “He’s hurt,” I tell Callie as Cameron comes off the field and the medical team walk him right back through the tunnel to the locker room.

  The stadium replays the kickoff, showing how Cameron caught the ball and took off running down the field only to be brought down hard, landing with all of his weight and the other two guys on his right arm.

  “That looked awful,” Callie says. “Maybe they’re gonna just wrap him up so he can come back out.”

  “I don’t think so,” I say as tears prickle my eyes. I can’t imagine how much pain he’s in or how upset he’ll be if he can’t play.

  Cameron does come back out on the field during the second quarter… with his right arm in a sling.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  During the first quarter, it’s hard to concentrate even when I’m on the field running a play because I can’t stop worrying about Cam.

  The trainers took him to the locker rooms after kickoff, probably to get some x-rays to see how badly he hurt his arm.

  It could be a minor injury, or it could be a serious one for a wide receiver who has to use his arms to go up and catch the football.

  As much shit as I give Cam and compete with him on and off the field, I don’t want him to lose any playing time.

  He loves football as much as I do, so he’ll be crushed if he’s out of the game…

  When we come off the field after another three and out because the Bears defense is crushing us, I spot Cam, who is finally back on the sidelines, still in his uniform, which is a good sign…until I see his arm in a sling.

  Removing my helmet, I jog over to him and say, “How bad is it?”

  “Broken,” Cam replies through clenched teeth. “In two places.”

  “Shit, man.”

  “Doc thinks I’ll need surgery when we get home for pins or some shit,” he adds, making me wince.

  “Damn, I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault,” he mutters while avoiding my eyes. I get it, Cam’s upset because his season is over, which sucks even if we only have one more home game after today. He hates missing anything, especially when this game today was so crucial for us to win, but we’re all playing like shit.

  “Are you in a lot of pain?” I ask.

  “Hurts like a son of a bitch, but the trainers gave me something for it,” he answers, eyes still on the field watching our defense miss a tackle and let the Bears running back go untouched for forty damn yards.

  “At least the season is almost over,” I tell him. I’m not sure what else there is to say. Nothing to help, that’s for fucking sure.

  “Could be more than a fucking season,” Cam grumbles.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “My contract’s up, and no one’s gonna pick me up if I have to have surgery and I’m put on injured reserve.”

  “Even with surgery, you’ll be ready for next season,” I assure him.

  “Probably, but I doubt if the Wildcats are willing to bet on it,” Cam replies with a frown.

  I hope he’s wrong.



  Not only did I end up breaking my arm in the first seconds of the game, but the Wildcats lost, big time, which means that our chances of going to the playoffs went out the window, right along with my contract negotiations.

  When the bus brought the team back to the hotel for the night, I came straight up to my room to crash. I’m trying to ignore my phone that keeps vibrating with calls and messages from my father, who I refuse to see right now. The only reason I don’t turn the damn thing off is because I find myself wanting to hear from Kelsey. Nothing else would make me feel better than having her beside me in bed where I feel so fucking alone.

  That’s where I am, lying face down in the pillow with the hotel room spinning around me thanks to mixing the pain pills with alcohol, when there’s a knock on my door.

  “Go away,” I shout since Kelsey doesn’t know my room number and I don’t want to see anyone else right now as shitty as I feel, emotionally and physically.

  The knocking starts again, this time even harder, and I know without a doubt who it is.

  “Give up and get lost, Nix!” I call out.

  “No!” his muffled voice says through the door. “Open the door.”

  Knowing he’s a persistent asshole who won’t give up, I reluctantly push myself up off the mattress with my left arm and stumble over to open up.

  “I’m not in the mood,” I say as I careen into the door frame.

  “Whoa! Are you drunk?” Nix asks.


  “Should he be drinking with pain pills?” I recognize Kelsey’s voice before I spot her small frame hidden behind Nix. My heart speeds up at the sight.

  “No, he shouldn’t,” Nix replies to her with a scowl leveled right at me.

  “Fuck you,” I tell him. “You didn’t just get broken like me.”

  “You’re not broken,” Kelsey says as she steps around in front of Nix. “I bet your arm will be as good as new soon.”

  And great, maybe having Kelsey here was a bad idea because now her pity makes me feel even worse.

  “Not soon ’nuff,” I slur before I turn and bounce my way into the walls to get back to the bed where I fall down and faceplant on top of the mattress again.

  The bed shifts, and then I feel Kelsey’s hand rubbing my back through my long-sleeved henley. “Do you need anything?” she asks softly.

  “No,” I tell her since she can’t magically heal my arm overnight or secure a new contract for me. My pride is too stubborn to ask her to hold me.

  “Maybe we can find a movie to watch on TV,” Nix suggests.

  “I’m gonna sleep. Go to your room and watch,” I tell him.

  “We’re not gonna leave you,” Kelsey says, her warm pa
lm still rubbing comforting circles on my back.

  “Don’t want you here,” I lie, instantly regretting my drunken words when her hand stops moving.

  “Too bad,” she says when she starts back up rubbing again. “We want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Whatever,” I mutter as I roll to my side, putting my back to her.

  Rather than the move deterring Kelsey, she stretches out and presses her body along my entire backside and throws her arms around my waist to hug me.

  “I’m so sorry you got hurt, but it’s gonna be okay, Cameron,” she whispers.

  I shake my head because she’s wrong. My dad is probably going ballistic. He’s likely leaving voicemails telling me that I’m not getting any younger in the league where new rookies are coming in faster and better every year. He’ll remind me that there’s a line a mile long of college football stars who would love to take my place in the starting line and that the Wildcats would rather have a rookie who will take less money than an old, injured veteran like me who costs a fortune to keep on the team.

  Another shitty team hundreds of miles away might need me as a backup, but that’s only if my arm heals properly, and fast.

  “When we get home, do you want me to make you some cookies?” Kelsey asks, and I give a one-shoulder shrug even if my mouth waters because that does sound perfect. “What kind do you want?”

  “Chocolate chip,” I mumble.

  “Chocolate chip it is then,” she replies. “And I’ll smush them together into pairs, so that when they come out of the oven they’ll look like a bunch of boobs.”

  I smile just picturing that image despite how hard I’m trying to wallow in my self-pity and depression.

  “Anything else I can make you?” Kelsey asks.

  “An apple pie?” I ask.

  “I can make that too,” she agrees. “With a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top while the pie is still warm enough to melt it.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I mutter as my heavy-lidded eyes drift closed. “Thanks,” I tell her, meaning not just for the offer to cook for me, but for getting my mind out of the dumps and not leaving me alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “You’re like the drunken receiver whisperer,” Nix says softly when he climbs on the bed and nestles in close behind me with one of his big palms gripping my hip.

  Looking over my shoulder at him, I mouth, “I think he’s asleep.”

  “Me too,” Nix agrees with his damp lips lowering to my bare neck and causing goosebumps. “Thanks for coming up here with me to see him. I knew you could make him feel better.”

  “I don’t know about better. I just put him to sleep,” I reply.

  “He needs the rest,” Nix says. Reaching up, he tugs on the front collar of my Wildcats jersey to reveal my collarbone and kiss me there. “You’re wearing the wrong number by the way.”

  “Quinton gave me this jersey,” I tell him as I try not to melt into a puddle of need on the bed thanks to his soft kisses.

  “So you’re saying that if I gave you one of mine, you would wear it to the game next week?” he asks as his lips move to the back of my neck where he lifts my hair.

  “If Cameron’s not playing and didn’t mind, then yeah, maybe,” I whisper to him.

  Laughing into my hair so that I feel his warm breath, Nix says, “There’s that annoying word again – maybe.”

  “Nothing is ever certain in life,” I respond.

  “Very true,” he agrees. “But I’m certain that if you let me undress you right now you won’t regret it.”

  And god, do I want to let him take my clothes off and stop the throbbing ache between my legs right this second, but it doesn’t seem right, not with Cameron injured and asleep next to us.

  Rolling over to face Nixon, I tell him, “I’m sorry, but we can’t tonight.”

  Nix watches me as he licks his full bottom lip before he finally nods. “You’re right,” he says softly, his deep voice all rumbly. “But I’m hurting so bad for you, Kelsey. Kiss me until I can’t take anymore, then I’ll go jerk off in the shower, okay?” he asks.

  “Okay,” I agree with a smile as I wrap my arm around his waist to press my palm against his back, urging him closer. We both lean forward and, with a tilt of my head, our mouths are joined in a soft, sweet kiss. When Nix’s tongue parts my lips, I feel a rush of tingles that bottom out in my belly like when you’re riding a rollercoaster. It’s exciting and scary, but you crave more of that sensation all the same.

  Nix’s hand moves lower until he’s cupping my bottom and grinding me against the proof of his need for me. He’s so long and hard against my thigh, and I want more, so I throw my leg over his to feel him against the ache between my legs.

  The longer we kiss, the deeper it becomes until we’re both trying to climb on top of each other. Have I ever been so turned on before? I know it must be caused by the fact that we have to stop soon, but I can’t seem to get enough of what I need with all of these clothes between us.

  “Can’t take anymore,” Nix says as he pulls back and scrambles off the bed so fast I can’t help but laugh.

  But then I realize sadly that, while he’s giving himself some relief, there’s no one to give me any.



  Seeing how Kelsey was with Cam when he was distraught blew me away. She’s just so kind and caring that it made me fall a little harder for her.

  Which is insane because I shouldn’t want her when she obviously cares so much for Cam. But I do. I want her so damn much that it took all of my strength to walk away and not fuck her on that bed, not because I’m horny, even though I seriously am, but just from seeing her interact with Cam.

  My dick got hard from watching a woman cuddle with my injured best friend.

  And yeah, I guess he’s my best friend again and not former best friend now that he’s hurt and I feel bad for him.

  As I rinse off in the shower, I reach down to grab my balls to make sure they’re still attached and that Kelsey hasn’t stashed them in her purse.

  They’re definitely still there, and it feels so good to touch them that I don’t stop. I keep rolling them around in my left hand while my right tugs on my cock.

  Closing my eyes as I savor the warm water washing over me, I think back to Friday night and bite down on my bottom lip when I remember Kelsey on her knees with my cock sliding in and out of her mouth…and then Cam’s…and then mine…and then…both stretching her lips so wide to fit both.

  “Fuck,” I groan as my hand moves faster thanks to the hot-as-hell memory permanently inducted into the Nixon’s Spank Bank Hall of Fame. The naughty image is then replaced with a fantasy, one of us three on the hotel bed. Instead of Kelsey cuddling with Cam, she’s grabbing his dick and jerking it while I fuck her from behind. And god, does that fantasy turn me on so much that my shaft jerks and then my release is oozing over my knuckles.

  When the last shutter disappears, I’m left standing in the shower with my dick in my hand wondering why the fuck Cam keeps popping up in my fantasies with Kelsey. Why do I get turned on seeing him with her…

  And then it hits me a sledgehammer to my guts.

  I like seeing my best friend being taken care of.

  I want Cam to be happy; and when he’s not, I’m not. That’s why it was such a relief for Kelsey to get a laugh out of him tonight, to comfort him when I couldn’t.

  So why is Cam’s happiness so important to me? Shouldn’t I be worried first and foremost about my own and say to hell with what he wants?

  If it were any other man in the bed with Kelsey, yes, but not my best friend because I care about him so much that I like knowing he’s content and satisfied by the woman we’re sharing.

  The problem is that I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t feel the same. He would rather have Kelsey all to himself.

  Well, screw that.

  I’ll just have to find a way to convince him that this threesome is a good idea, not just for th
e sex but for Kelsey to give us both what we’ve been missing — compassion and kindness from a beautiful woman who is genuine.

  After my epiphany, I climb out of the shower, dry off, and then put my clothes back on to head to bed, just because I know that if I strip down to my boxer briefs they won’t offer enough protection to keep my dick away from Kelsey.

  And even if I hate it, she’s right.

  For now, we shouldn’t fool around behind Cameron’s back while he’s hurting and worried about the future.

  I’m sure he’ll be better in no time after his surgery and then the three of us can get back to the incredibly hot fucking.

  Here’s hoping Cam has a very speedy recovery, not just for his sake, but for my own.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I wake up with my arm throbbing and try to rub it.

  That’s when my hand hits the cast and I remember the day before when I broke my fucking arm.

  Goddamn it.

  Then I hear the buzzing of a phone vibrating close by and realize that must be what woke me.

  Figuring it’s mine, I slap my left hand on top of the bedside table and feel around until I find the annoying device and bring it in front of my face to try and see who it is.

  Through blurry eyes, I read the all too familiar three-letter word and groan aloud because I really don’t want to have to deal with him right now.

  The phone finally stops buzzing in my hand but starts right back up again.

  Knowing I have to deal with him sooner or later, I remove Kelsey’s arm from my waist and push myself out of bed so I can head to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me to answer it.

  “Hello?” I say.

  “Cameron, I’ve been calling you since last night. Why the fuck didn’t you answer?” my dad barks into the phone.

  “The pain pills the team doc gave me made me crash early,” I tell him.

  “Pain pills? What the hell do you need pain pills for? Just tell them to put a cast on your arm and to let you play next Sunday!”


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