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The Cayman Proxy (Box One): An Erotic Hotwife Box Set

Page 7

by KT Morrison

  Her orgasm came ruthless and unyielding, she slapped at her belly like she'd been burned, clawed at his thighs as he continued to thrust, she was wild-eyed like a witch being burned at the stake, a cry building within her that started low and quickly went high and loud and encouraging. Urging him to fuck her harder, pounding on his thighs, she squeezed her eyes hard until she saw stars. And then a bliss, a warm comforting glow that spread through her like she'd slipped into a hot bath, her hair stood on end, and she squirmed away from him, getting him out of her. She squeezed her breasts, and clasped her thighs together, gyrating against a phantom invader that continued to fill her and she rode it, gyrating her hips, the longest orgasm she'd ever felt.

  Kate looked worn, her hair wet and clinging to her, her whole body had a clammy sheen. Omar turned her onto her side and she fell over lifeless. He got himself behind her and pulled her apart like frog's legs, her heels touching. He took his cock in his hand and sought out her wet centre. She turned her head and he kissed her. The tip of him found her and he pressed it into her again and she grunted into his mouth, a high squeak.

  The light from the bathroom fell across their exposed sexes, Kate’s tufted mound split wide and gleaming deep-pink and wet, Omar’s thickness buried in there, his balls hanging into the bed sheets.

  Her right hand was in his, bracing her from underneath, disappearing inside his big grip as he started to fuck her again. Her other hand scratched at his backside encouraging his thrusts. They were locked in a kiss like that and he was fucking into her hard, his balls swinging against her, slapping his leg.

  Mitch felt his heartbeat in his throat, Kate was over the top, snorting through her nose as he fucked her, her lips still locked on his, she made noises like she was talking, saying, Yes over and over, but they were formless sounds that ended in her strained throat, the tendons standing out like thick cords.

  Omar roared, his head thrust back and he pulled himself out of her, leaving her puckered and stretched, falling heavily against her leg. He grabbed himself at the base and humped himself into her stomach, his thick thing gliding across her slickened skin. Kate’s hips thrust despite his absence as he fucked her smooth belly, her little wedding-ringed hand rubbing his broad underside, pushing him against her. The first stream of semen went up her front and under her breasts, he kept thrusting and spurting on to her, across her belly and up onto her chest and into the sheets. She was groaning too, high and encouraging, squeezing his tip against her, watching her hand on it and seeing the last white surges squirt from him.

  Omar had disappeared behind her, spent, and Kate fondled his dwindling erection watching it in her grip. Kiley handed her a t-shirt and she took it, wiped down Omar's cock between her legs, then wiped herself in slow circles, looking down to see if she'd got it all. She lay back, looking exhausted but not unnoticeably content. She looked over at them, Omar's hand gently stroking at her belly, his cock draped over the inside of her thigh. It was their turn now.

  It hadn’t occurred to her what it would be like to have to follow a performance like what she saw Omar give until he had Kate on her side, fucking her from behind, her legs spread, his manhood splitting Kate apart slowly, on full display for Mitch and her.

  Now all eyes were on them and she felt the enormous pressure to provide a show--a spotlight on her, a silent expectant crowd, a cleared throat somewhere in the steep horseshoe of a two-tiered concert hall. She suddenly couldn't swallow.

  She looked at Mitch, his eyes were wide, a fear of the unknown. They kissed hesitantly, facing each other, sitting cross-legged. She felt his hands cup her shoulders, and the feel of him broke her tension. She kissed him back, putting her fingers to his neck.

  It felt good to kiss him. She wanted him to enjoy this, to give him a good time. She stroked him, felt how hard he was. He wasn't much longer than her hand, but he was good and stiff and that turned her on. She held him with her lips while she pulled him onto her, laying back on the bed and spreading her legs for him. She watched as he looked down over her, his hand gripping his erection and slowly sliding it into her. He felt good inside her.

  It was intense, she felt a sudden rush, her face flushed and she filled with emotion. She'd stood by her friend as she married this man, she loved him as a friend. Had seen him when he was a little puppy dog in love with Kate, encouraged him over a cup of coffee, gave him the inside scoop on how to win over her best mate. Attended funerals, hospital trips--she cared for him deeply, and she felt her eyes get a bit wet as she felt a warm happiness come over her. She put her arms around him, she held his eyes with hers and watched him gently make love to her.

  Mitch looked down at Kiley, her beautiful face inside a halo of her wicked mane of hair. Her eyes were open, watching him. He was inside her, he felt her gripping him, but he couldn't shake the sweat-dripping show they'd been given. The display of ecstasy that came from his wife that he'd never seen from her before. The idea that another man's organ, the size of it, was what it took to produce that from her. He looked at Kiley, unmoved by his erection inside her, enormously aware at her lack of passion, no display from her of any kind of excitement. She wasn't thrashing or squeaking, bucking, recoiling, or squirming away from him because his manhood was hurting her. She looked back at him, calmly, sweetly.

  She was used to the fucking they'd just watched. That would be a normal night for her with her boyfriend. She was used to getting it from a cock that was at least more than twice the size of his. Did she look like Kate when she took it? She sure didn't lay there and mildly receive it like he saw right now, he was sure of that. She held his face with her hands, looking into him, he felt her grinding against him, it felt good to be inside her. But was he even making an impression?

  He felt himself withering inside her and he was gripped with a sudden panic. He reached down and squeezed himself at the base trying to plump himself up. But it was too late. He could feel himself buckling and folding against her exterior as he tried to get it back inside her.

  The room felt desperately quiet. Kiley sat herself up now, and was trying to stroke him back to hardness, he looked over at Kate, lazily watching, the jangling of Kiley's metal bracelets the only sound in the room. She watched her husband getting jerked by her best friend, him sitting back on his haunches looking back at her. She was absently stroking Omar's flaccid cock as it lay on her leg, pulling it, rolling his thick foreskin between her fingers. Kiley leaned him back, pushing him with her hand and lowered herself to put her mouth over him. He lay back on his elbows and watched her work on it under the cover of her thick mane.

  He looked at Kate play with her new favourite thing, feeling so inadequate, overwhelmed by everything he'd seen tonight. He thought of Kate responding to Omar's touch, her gasps as he thrust into her, the ecstasy he gave her. The orgasm he gave her. Something Mitch had never done for her with his penis in his life.

  It was over, he couldn't go on. This big adventure was at a close and he was alright with it. He lifted Kiley off him, and she looked at him troubled. She looked like she wanted to go on, didn't want to be stopped, but he knew he was done. He just shook his head at her and then hugged her. She put her arms around him. He looked at Kate and saw that she was asleep.


  Shell Shocked

  Mitch lay on his side in the bed and watched Kate's back as she slept, the sun rising and putting a glow of yellow light across her. He watched her bare skin as she breathed. He took the edge of the grey cotton bed sheet and gently pulled it down trying not to wake her. She lay on her side, naked, her legs drawn up, and he looked at the soles of her little feet tucked up under her bottom.

  He just wanted to squeeze her, to hold her and make everything better. If anything was even wrong. What he saw last night disgusted him but he couldn't deny that he was aroused by it. Hated himself for that. If what she was doing was wrong, and God, just wasn't it, then shouldn't he stop it? Was he enabling some sort of deviancy, some sort of mental illness? But maybe if she'd got what s
he'd wanted this would finally be all over.

  He put his hand on her waist and felt her move with her breaths. He felt her soft skin and hated that another man had felt it just last night. She breathed in deeply and held it, turned her head up as she woke.

  She groaned something, her eyes still closed, and put her hand over his hand. He said, Good morning and she lifted an arm up and put it behind her head, still half asleep. He looked at her big, naked breast exposed to him. He ran his hand up her side and over her breast and underarm wanting to erase all the spots that another man had touched.

  She groaned again and he saw her frown, troubled. He saw a little glint of light reflect under her long eyelashes as she very slowly opened them. She turned over to him, onto her back keeping her legs drawn up, her knees held together.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Mm. My pussy is really sore," she said, her dry lips sticking together.

  "Really. Is that really a thing?"

  "Mm-hm," she said, eyes closed again.

  "You seemed all right last night." He watched her left hand come up and rest on her belly just above her thatch of pubic hair.

  She opened her heavy eyes and looked at the ceiling, still not quite awake. She looked over at him saw him looking at her, eyes trying to focus. She looked embarrassed.

  "I'm all right," she said, and put her hand on his cheek. She kissed him and he kissed her back, said, Why don't you get washed up?

  She looked down, and said, Yeah, I probably should. He caressed her face, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone. "Let me run you a bath," he said.

  "See if we have some epsom salts, that can sometimes help."

  He thought about what that meant. Like she's taken some real big ones before. A little glimpse into the life of Kate Simon, the Kate before. Fuck me, why did that turn him on? He told her he would have some brought up, got up and into the bathroom and ran the hot water.

  "Oh, and an aspirin too," she said from the bed, rolling back onto her side.

  Kate got up and walked into the bathroom, between the marble counters lined down both sides and to the tub. She turned the water off and checked the temperature. He'd run it well and he'd left a glass jar of epsom salts someone must have brought up. There was a small square tin of aspirin too.

  She padded over to the sink and looked at her naked body from mid-thigh up. Looked at herself in the mirror, and grinned wide, then broke into a laugh and covered her mouth. That was fucking crazy.

  God, she thought, how fucking hot was that? She couldn't believe that it had been done. That she'd actually managed to get this thing done. She poured some cold water from the tap into a glass. She tapped out an aspirin from the tin and swallowed it. Mitch seemed a little shell-shocked this morning. She wondered how he'd taken it. Could she ask him? She wanted to. He would assume, or want to hear that her crazy little fire had been put out. Maybe it had. She hoped it had.

  She put her hand down between her legs and felt herself. She was throbbing but somehow it felt so good too. It felt a bit like she'd been kicked with the toe of a boot or something, a dull ache that practically went up her backside.

  She sat on the toilet to pee and it felt like it was hot turpentine coming out of her. She sucked air in through her teeth and gripped the roll of toilet paper, digging her nails into it. It gradually subsided, down to stinging needles at least, and she could get through that.

  When she was in the tub she thought of Mitch with Kiley. Seeing her best friend put her husband's cock in her mouth, watch him climb onto her, and put himself inside her. She was okay with that. God, how she loved Kiley. They looked good together fucking, even as awkward as they were.

  She put on a heavy white robe and walked out to the kitchen.

  Kiley got up and looked out the window down to the beach, the shadows of the hotel stretching blue across the sand as the sun came up behind them. She turned and looked at Omar stretched wide out, bare on the bed, his legs bent into a number four. She shook her head at him laying there. That had been something, what she'd seen last night. She'd heard Kate with guys before, they were roommates for years. But seeing it happen was obviously a crazy new level. She'd been prepared for it, and frankly it was a little more than what was expected. She hoped it wasn't too much for Mitch. He was obviously affected by it. Not finishing. I mean, he couldn't think she wasn't attractive could he?

  There were a million more likely things going through his head. He’d just his seen his wife get the fucking of a lifetime by a bonafide stud. He probably wondered how could he fill up Kiley when he thought Kiley was used to a man like Omar. God what would he think about being with Kate now too, after what he'd seen? But she felt nothing for Omar. Hadn’t been with him sexually in almost a year and a half. Had no intention to be with him now either. She had been obsessed with him when they met but it fizzled quickly. She really was just into the novelty of it. The sex was good, but painful really. And ultimately Omar was very aware of his size, and the sex mostly revolved around how great he thought that dick was. He could be an asshole too.

  When he stuffed that thing into Kate last night, she did a quick emotion check on herself and was relieved she felt nothing. No jealousy. She had wondered how that might feel when they finally got down to it. She was happy for Kate that she somehow made this all work. Dangerous game though, Kate.

  She liked fucking Mitch, but he was so stiff, so self-conscious. She'd hoped it would be better but she was glad she could do it for Kate. And for Mitch too. Didn't know how Kate could manage it though. If she loved Omar she couldn't share him. She wouldn't let Kate touch a man she loved no matter what she felt for Kate.

  She picked some panties off the floor and slid them on under her nightshirt. She looked down again at Omar, watched him sleeping. She looked at his bare body. He did look good. She pulled the sheets up over him, covered that obscene manhood, and went to get something to eat.

  Mitch was already up, she saw him standing out on the patio with a cup of tea in his hand. He was handsome, distinguished, staring out at the sea in the growing light. She felt a little wave of embarrassment come over her, felt her cheeks flush. She felt inadequate, aware that she'd failed at pleasing him. Such a strange thought but it made her realize she was going to be very uncomfortable when she first spoke to him today. She walked to the kitchen before he might turn and see her.

  She ran the Nespresso machine, standing in front of it with her hands on the counter, her back to the kitchen. Listening to it hiss.

  She heard Kate come in behind her and say good morning. Her coffee was ready but she just couldn't turn around and face her. She said, Hey, but it sounded maybe too quiet to hear. She felt Kate standing behind her looking at her, waiting for her. Finally she heard the soft sounds of her bare feet walk across the tile and out of the room.

  What the fuck was that? Why couldn't she turn around and face her? She hadn't even seen that coming.

  She felt a bit sick, took her coffee and sat on the couch in the living area. She could see Kate out there with Mitch now, talking to him. He kissed her, she smiled and laughed about something. She watched them talk a while as she sipped at her coffee. He was so happy with her. Looks like it all worked out for Kate.

  When Kate was sixteen she'd turned up at Kiley's door in the Estate. Kiley's mom was the one who'd been there. Her mom had been upset about whatever Kate had told her and Kate never wanted to really say. But she'd run away about a hundred times before. Always in trouble. She'd lived with her best friend as a sister, sharing her room, for almost a year after that. Then she went home to her mum after her Dad had run off and didn't come back. Hard to believe this was Kate Simon on a patio in Cayman, sweet talking her handsome billionaire husband wearing nothing but an expensive terry robe. Then it fucking hit her. Jesus Christ of course it was, wasn't it? This or dead, and that made her smile.

  Kate opened Mitch's robe and started kissing his chest. Kiley thought, Oh boy, and made to leave but the thought of going back in with
Omar right now this morning was worse. She turned in the couch but couldn't help peeking to the side. She could see Kate kneeling, hidden in his robe, her head with her wet hair over her collar twisting on him. Her hands holding the back of his knees. She saw Mitch from the side, his head back, then quickly thrusting down, chin to his chest. She watched them go like that for a while until he buckled, finishing in his wife's mouth. Kate doing the job Kiley couldn't do.

  She turned back and put the television on. One more look over her shoulder and she saw Kate smiling, wiping her mouth, her robe open now, the little dark thatch of her hair between her legs. Mitch looking at her, the love for her in his face. Kate said something to him over her shoulder, waving her fingers as she came back in and went to the kitchen.

  Kiley was watching the news with the sound turned low, curled up on the couch with her coffee as Kate came back in, tying the belt around her robe. She wanted to say something to Kiley, make sure she was okay, but she wasn't sure how to start. That was a lot for Kiley to take in last night. They'd been roomies and heard each other with men every once in a while over the years. Well, Kiley heard it more than Kate. But while Kate had no feeling seeing Mitch get between Kiley’s legs and put himself inside her, maybe Kiley was given a show that was a bit too extreme. X-rated as it were. She felt a bit embarrassed that it was just her and Omar who were vocal, who had really surrendered to it. She thought that Kiley and Mitch would at least have had some success. What had she looked like to them? She hoped it was alright.


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