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The Kiss of a Vampire, the Heart of a Wolf (The Silver Series)

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by Samantha Bates




  I would like to thank the readers that continue to follow the lives of the Silver Wolf Pack. I also want to say a big thank you to my girls Katie, Hannah and Molly who continue to get excited every time I publish a book. I love you all so very much and continue to be proud of everything you do.

  Chapter 1

  As he stumbled and swayed, Theo knew going home was not a good idea. His head was fuzzy, maybe he shouldn’t have drunk the tequila or the whiskey, he knew Imogen would see him arrive and again he cursed his insistence that she and her sister live so near to him.

  Tonight he and some of the other pack members decided to celebrate club Silver’s 7th birthday. Before going out Theo had been to see Nicky and Morgan’s little boy, although only nine months old, he didn’t tend to see the fun in baby’s, but when he held baby Charlie this afternoon he could see why Nicky was absolutely bowled over by the little thing. He was so completely dependent on Nicky and Morgan; he couldn’t imagine having that much responsibility. He knew without a doubt that they would make great parents, they had survived too much, and their love was too strong not to be.

  Theo stumbled again as he came out of the clearing from the woods, any other night he would have shifted to wolf form, but tonight he couldn’t even contemplate changing, a drunken wolf was no laughing matter.

  He never drank to this extent; he liked to have control of his faculties. As the man in charge of Silver Pack security, well he shared the job with Connor, Connor managed security in the bars and club, Theo managed security on the Silver land. Either way he needed to make sure he was available for a crisis should one occur, so the inability to string two sentences together was not a feeling he liked. He also knew that if he hadn’t have argued with Imogen again this afternoon, he wouldn’t have spent the evening drowning his sorrows, he didn’t blame Imogen but he did blame himself. The ridiculous thing was the argument was over nothing, well not quite nothing, today he had found out she was going on a date with the local school care taker of all men.

  Still indignant at the slight to him, he stumbled up the 3 stairs to the porch and fell into the swinging chair, it wasn’t big enough to take his full body length but it made an acceptable resting space between here and the door. Leaning back so he was laid out he used his foot to push the chair into a swinging motion. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, maybe swinging the chair wasn’t such a good idea. Even in this inebriated state he could smell her, he could still smell the roses she so carefully cultivated, god he wished he could get her out of his head.

  "Theo, are you okay. I saw you stumbling up the steps, are you hurt?"

  He could hear the worry in her voice, he had no doubt she worried about him, several of the arguments they had were over what she considered to be his lack of concern over his own welfare. But worry was about as good as it got, as he took a deep breath, savoring her beautiful scent he opened his eyes. She stood there looking just perfect, wearing a pair of joggers with her long brown black curly hair cascading down her back, in the sunlight you could see strands of mahogany, and her petite figure was encased in 5’8 of perfection. Actually there were three of her looking at him from above, with their hands on their hips, maybe he should drink more often, he quite liked looking at three Imogen’s,

  "Itsh ok, nooooooo injuries at all, shjust a little, tiny bit of teqwillas, shome other thinness’s. Blame Ben, celebrating Silver’s"

  He heard her chuckle ’so what you’re saying is that the slurring is because you are drunk as a skunk' she laughed again "I’ve never seen you drunk before, why is that?"

  "I don’t getttt drunk anymooore, not shince I met you."

  The small left over sensible Theo that hadn’t been consumed by alcohol, was screaming for his mouth to shut up, but that seemed unlikely, the drunk part of his brain was in charge and for some reason had decided let it all out,

  "Why not Theo" Imogen lifted his legs and sat next to him placing his legs onto her lap.

  "Weeeellll it’s like this, I met you what 10 years ago"

  "5 nearly 6 years ago" Imogen corrected,

  "Whatever, but I knew ifff I got a little tipsy I may shay shome thing stupid and that wooould not be good",

  god his head was starting to spin and while it had been good to see three Imogens he didn’t like seeing three sets of stairs leading onto the porch.

  "Theo, about earlier, I didn’t mean to spring me going and a date on you, but you absolutely infuriate me. You spend so much of your time telling me to go out and get a life, when I am happy with my life as it is. Then when I take your advice you go all ape man on me"

  "Shhhhh it doesn’t matter, your choice to pick a schcrawny little care taker to screw, what do I care" following with a big hand gesture to emphasise his point, he moved his legs and fell off the chair, taking a minute to orientate himself, he managed to stand.

  "There you go again, here I am apologising and you just want to pick faults and arguments, what is the problem with me dating, you told me I should? For god’s sake Theo let me help you in" she put her arms around his waist.

  Theo moved out of her embrace and fell against the doorway, "no I don’t want your help, you don’t want me, go finnnnnnd you little caretaker man" he could feel rather than see her anger.

  "God you are an ass" although she only whispered this he heard it loud and clear.

  "Welll don’t worry cos this ass is not yours anymore" he hoped to god that shout was in his head.

  "When was it my ass, because in five years of knowing you, I have never had your ass nor anything else, you seem to think it’s okay to tell me what to do yet you look at me like I am a sister to you, actually no, not even a sister but more like one of the pup’s you train."

  Theo certainly heard her voice rising and knew it would end in yet another screaming match "whattt do you knowwww Mish Imogen, how would you know whattt is yoursh or not? You walk around withhhh that pretty head in the sannnnd."

  "Stick my head in the sand, how dare you? I am happy with my life, I am here with you most days, in fact some days I spend more time here than at my own house."

  "Don’t I know it, welllll I hope you and your wonderrrful caretaker are happy."

  He could hear Imogen stomping around the kitchen, the kettle was boiling but right now Theo was sat on the bottom of his stairs, he looked up at them knowing that his big warm bed was up there, he just couldn’t quite work out how to get up there or even which of the three stair cases led to his bed.

  "What are you doing down there? Get up and I will make you coffee" he heard her steps moving away.

  "No, just goooo away, I don’t need you, in facttt I mightt just ring…." he pulled the paper out of his jeans, he knew it was a low blow "Na…Nadia" he didn’t see her move but he felt the paperweight hit him full in the face, he felt the blood trickle down his chin, at least her aim was good, he had trained her well, she had hit him squarely in the mouth.

  Looking up, he closed one eye to bring her back into focus "go make your new man coffee, you do knoww he won’t makee you happy, he won’t be able to satisfy you" why couldn’t he just fall asleep and stop talking, he slowly stood and faced the livid Imogen.

  "How the hell do you know that, how do you know what will make me happy" he stalked forward, now he had his balance he was good, Imogen backed away from him, through the door to the lounge room. She was stopped when her knees hit the back of the sofa, before she fell he grabbed her arms and pulled her close, her body was
flush against his, he could hear her heart pounding or was that his? It didn’t matter, roses, he could smell roses and arousal; he put his hand around her neck.

  "Because he won’t be able to do this" he pulled her mouth against his, she parted her lip’s immediately, he thrust his tongue in, scraping it along the top of her mouth, along her teeth, she tasted of lemon, he knew it was her lemon tea, he felt her tongue dart out to meet his, this was pure passion, he felt like his body was on fire, she had always made him hard but now he felt hard and heady.

  Her body quivered, quaked; five long years she had waited for this, for any hint that he saw her as a female and now she knew that given enough alcohol he did. But she wasn’t stupid, she wouldn’t get involved with him, she was too damaged and he more than anyone knew that, but maybe just for tonight she could enjoy him.

  She could taste the alcohol on his breath, even his mouth was all male, he was the epitome of masculinity but he didn’t even realise this. As his tongue darted in and out, she felt like he was making love to her mouth. Too scared he would stop she slowly slid her top up; pulling away just for a split second she whipped it over her head leaving her torso covered in only a small black lacy bra.

  As Theo slid his hands up her stomach to cover her breasts with his hands, he was in heaven, he massaged them without breaking the kiss, she could taste the blood, from where she had thrown the paperweight, on her tongue, the tangy copper taste, she gently tugged at his lip and more of it dripped into her mouth, strangely she didn’t mind, she wanted as much of him as she could get.

  "Imogen wait" he pulled away, god she was beautiful, how many times had he imagined what it would be like to cup those gorgeous breasts, but his imagination was nowhere near the reality

  "I don’t want you to regret this and I don’t want to hurt you."

  All she wanted to do was kiss him again, she wanted him and all of him "I won’t regret it and you won’t hurt me, I know what I am getting into" she leaned forward and he kissed her again but then pulled back again, it was Imogen who growled in frustration.

  "When I say hurt I mean physically" he grabbed her hand and placed it against his rock hard penis, "god’s Imogen, I want you but I know on a good day I can be rough, right now I am on fire and I want it to be a good, no better than good for you."

  She sighed and leaned her head against his chest "why are you being sensible, all this thought and contemplation when you are the drunken one. I promise you Theo you can't and won't hurt me, and I can take a little rough. I want to do this and I want it to be with you."

  As soon as the last word was out of her mouth, he kissed her, squeezing her body against his, his lips were pure passion, he tilted her head back and pushed against her. As she lost her balance Theo found himself falling on top of her as she hit the sofa. He nudged her leg’s open with his, as he settled on top of her, he moved down, freeing her breast’s from the bra using the front clasp, he took a nipple into his mouth, gently nipping at it while kneading the other one.

  "Harder Theo" he scraped his mouth over her nipple and then took a gentle but firm bite, her back arched and he did it again before moving over to the other nipple.

  Imogen moved her hands down to tug at his shirt, she pulled it over his head, as he slid his hands down and tugged at her joggers, she slipped her runner’s off to help him, he didn’t wait to remove her panties but removed them with the joggers. She bent her knees using her feet to try and pull his pants down, she didn’t need to, he did it for her, and then he was stood in front of her naked.

  "Just heavenly", Imogen moved to cover her body, she knew she had scar’s and he would see them but he bent and stopped her with a growl "move your hands, let me see you, your scar’s are part of who you are, they are a part of your life story, don’t ever hide them."

  She knew he was talking about his own as much as hers. She looked over his body starting with his shaved head, the patterns covering one side, then leading down the side of his face and body; at some point in his life he had suffered horrific burns. He didn’t talk about it, but seeing him now she saw the scarring spreading down one side of his face, his strong broad shoulders, his chest and side, over his hip and down his leg. One side of his body was marred, but over the years he had covered it with tattoos, all beautiful swirling patterns with a mixture of colours. The tattoos covered the scars, making it difficult to see them. Although she hadn’t seen them in their entirety before, what she had seen had always mesmerized her, but tonight she saw it all and his body was completely amazing.

  She couldn’t help but look back up towards his hip where his long and wide penis stood to attention, clearly wanting her attention; she had just knelt up and took it in her hands, when her phone rang. She stopped and bent to take it from her pocket which was now on the floor. She knew Theo could hear the call so wasn’t surprised when he started getting dressed.

  "You drive, even though I am feeling much more sober, I am still pretty drunk" they both knew the ring tone was her sister Celia.

  Imogen laughed, Celia had gone out with friends tonight even though she wasn’t feeling well, so Imogen was certain the call was saying she needed to pick her up.

  It had been hard taking care of Celia, their parent’s had died when Imogen was 19 and Celia was 14 years old. Rather than allow Celia to go into the foster care system, she petitioned the Court to get custody of her, but it hadn’t been easy. At times Celia had been difficult, she had rebelled and for a long time she had been an angry little girl, she had every right to be. No child deserves to lose her parent’s leaving an older sister as her only family member. Imogen had quit college and worked in fast food restaurants to get by; they had just gotten settled with each other, when they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  "There she is" Theo was already getting ready to jump out of the car, Imogen smiled, it didn’t matter how angry they were with each other they both loved Celia and made sure she was completely safe. She didn’t even have to stop the car completely, he bundled Celia in the car along with her friend, she had to give him credit he would never leave a women alone and neither would she.

  "Hey princess, you okay" Celia did look a little pale.

  "Mmm I just have this horrendous headache" she drove and listened to Theo quiz her about what she had drunk, who had given her the drink’s, could anyone have spiked her drink, Imogen had heard this before, in fact every time she or Celia returned from a night out they went through the same routine. His protective streak was the only time he was utterly predictable.

  By the time they arrived back home, Celia and Theo had fallen asleep in the backseat, Celia was tucked under his arm and his head was resting on hers. As she looked at the both of them laid there she smiled, the two people she loved the most in the world. As she nudged Theo to get him out of the car, she felt somewhat emotional, she didn’t know whether it was the moments she and Theo had shared earlier or just seeing them together looking innocent and quiet that sparked it.

  Imogen tried to wake Celia gently but only woke Theo who then carried a sleepy Celia to her bed. She was stood outside the door, Celia might be 21 years old, but she had always been her baby sister and when she and Celia moved here, Theo had taken her under his wing and Imogen would never be able to thank him for it.

  As he came to the door and pulled it close, he proceeded to pull her closer "I want to carry on where we left off but Celia would be terrified to see my naked ass wandering round your bedroom if she wakes up."

  "There are ways around that’ she smiled at him hungrily, he swept her into a kiss, but this time it was a slow, lingering, passionate kiss that curled her toes and sent spasms through her body.

  "While there are ways, I want to take my time, remember every second and most importantly I want you to be sure. So hold that thought until tomorrow," and with that he left her, hot and horny, he had actually left her and she was stunned. Stunned that they had kissed and it felt amazing, stunned that they would have had sex if Celia hadn’t ca
lled, and stunned that he had left her in this state. As she wandered to her bedroom she still had a smile on her face, it had been a long, long time since she had gone to bed happy, normally she went to bed anticipating the nightmares ahead. In her sleep she was powerless, alone and scared.


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