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The Kiss of a Vampire, the Heart of a Wolf (The Silver Series)

Page 17

by Samantha Bates

  "Can I tell her about the twins" she stood in deep contemplation for about a minute before she nodded and then he was no longer in Spain.

  Chapter 24

  Instead he was in a darkened room, his sight allowed him to make out the sleeping form, he moved to stand near Imogen’s sleeping head, he could see where her mascara had run and knew she had been crying, she was beautiful, his own personal angel, he wanted to wake her but she seemed so peaceful, sliding off his jeans and shirt, he moved around the bed and tried to gently slide into the bed.

  Imogen was roused from her dreams of Theo by the movement in her room, she was still sleepy, her eyes heavy as she felt the bed dip, opening her somewhat swollen eye (she felt a little better knowing she had killed the vampire who gave her the black eye), she saw the door was still locked and braced herself for action. Closing her eyes she tried to do what had seemed simple earlier; she pictured the stranger pinned to the bed, unable to move. She wasn’t sure if it had worked but she had to trust that it had, flipping the covers she jumped into a crouch over the stranger, when she opened her eyes and saw him there she squealed, her heart leapt, he was here, Theo was here. She grinned and kissed him, falling over him, raining kisses on his cheeks, his head, his lips.

  "Is it really you? God I missed you." She bent and kissed him again, he moved his lips to meet her kiss but otherwise didn’t touch her.

  "God’s you don’t know how much I have missed you, tonight I would have given anything to have you hold me and here you are."

  Looking at her he knew his dreams and fantasies were nothing compared to the real thing.

  "Baby I want nothing more than to hold you, but for some reason I can’t move." She sat up, straddled over him, hell if he could move now he would be in her in a heartbeat. Imogen looked down at his immobilised form.

  "Sorry" he watched her close her eyes and he felt movement, in that second he flipped them so she was underneath him.

  "First things first, I love you so much" he kissed her hard.

  "The only rule for tonight is not to ask what the other is doing and before you argue I don’t know why, second thing is why the hell have you been crying and why do you have a black eye? Fuck the rules, tell me who?" as he waited for her response, he saw her smile.

  "I wasn’t going to argue about not asking anything" he stared at her and she laughed "okay I was only going to argue a little bit but only because I really want to know what’s been happening for you, I miss you so much and I can’t talk unless you move your penis away from me, it’s too distracting" he laughed and moved his penis closer to her entrance "keep talking."

  "Damn Theo let me think, here goes, I still don’t know where I am going on this supposed journey, but I do know that the most important part of who I am is your mate" his wolf howled in agreement and he kissed her again harder and longer, he didn’t think it possible but his cock lengthened.

  "About time baby, it’s the one thing we agree on but that doesn’t explain the tears and black eye."

  "I am started to understand my path I think, but I want to finish this side by side, I want us to find ourselves together. I love you so much" she rolled her hips closer to his cock and he couldn’t help it, partially shifting to free his claws he pulled at the sides of her underwear, then followed by pushing himself into her. She arched against him and wrapped her legs around him, with a second push he was buried in her to the hilt and his body felt like he was home; there was no other feeling in the world that matched this.

  He kissed her as he started moving inside her. Pulling almost all of the way out and slowly moving back into her, for the first time, there was rush, no frenzy, it wasn’t about an argument or ownership, just about two people in love coming together as one.

  Imogen moved her hips to meet him, the feel of him inside her sent her heart pounding and she wanted to stay like this forever to feel this sense of utter fulfilment every day for the rest of their lives. She was arching further into him, nipping at his neck; he felt her distance herself.

  "Don’t pull back from me Imogen" he thrust a little harder in an effort to display his feelings and dominance.

  "Theo, god you do things to me, but I don’t want to take that for granted" her breath was short, her word’s gasps.

  "I want you to Imogen, this is who you are now, and I want all of it" his words were a growl and then a moan, as she sank her fangs into his neck he came, and she fed from him as she came. And for the first time since he left, his wolf felt contented, relaxed and truly happy. And then he just held her. He cradled her in his arms, he lay behind her as their heart rates lowered, and it was Imogen who broke the silence.

  "I meant what I said Theo, I want the mating bond as soon as possible, I don’t know what’s coming but whatever it is we face it together" he had waited forever, well it felt like forever, to hear those words, to hear the conviction in her tone.

  "You are preaching to the converted baby but I need to tell you something’ he felt her tense "don’t worry it’s nothing bad, well I don’t think so."

  She turned to face him as she sat up, he didn’t move, there was no need for any light they could see each other perfectly.

  "So as much as I hate this separation, apparently we each had some sort of journey to make to be together permanently right."

  "Right" he could see her waiting for him to continue

  "Well I can’t tell you what my journey is about, but I can tell you that on my journey I have found out that I have a brother and sister" he waited but not for long.

  "Oh my god, that’s great you must be so excited, we have to find them, what do you know about them? How old are they?"

  Theo sat up laughing, he put his hands on either side of her face and he kissed her tenderly this time "what was that for?"

  "For being you, I have found them Imogen, they are twins, Lewis and Liza, 10 years old and they are amazing, Lewis is without a doubt a warrior, he has tried so hard to protect Liza, he reminds me of you, strong on the inside and out, but unsure of himself. Liza is so sweet and gentle, she reminds me of Celia, so innocent but kind."

  As Imogen watched his face light up, her heart soared for him, he had so much love to give but for centuries he had hidden it deep down to protect himself. Over the last 5 years she had watched him open his heart to her and Celia and now he had a brother and sister, it was her turn to kiss him "I know you will be an amazing older brother."

  He had his hands behind his head, Imogen had never seen him so relaxed and content "where are they now?"

  "They are where I have to return to tomorrow. I can’t explain the details at the minute, you know I can’t but when this is over, they will be returning with me and I need to know you are okay with this, you don’t have to answer now, but they are a new part of the package" although he knew she would be happy he had found them, he wasn’t sure how she would feel about having them live with them.

  She stroked his chest, her big hearted warrior "I know we haven’t spoken openly about what happened to me Theo, but when you rescued me I had a lot of tests done to see how badly damaged I was. I found out, that the damage was so severe that I would never have children of my own. I hadn’t really thought much about it until a couple of weeks ago when May confirmed it again from the reports she pulled about me. At first I thought it was okay, and then I thought it was unfair to you."

  "Me? Why?"

  "Just because I know you would make such a wonderful father. I have no problems with Lewis and Liza living with us, in fact I think it would be pretty great but how do you feel about never having your own children?"

  Theo didn’t answer straight away, she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad "I have always known how much they damaged you, I made sure to know everything so I could help you through it. In a way I would have loved children with you, but having you is more important to me."

  Imogen smiled and kissed him "then we have an agreement, oooh when can I meet them, will their wolves look like yours?"

; "Not at all, in fact they are both vampires!"

  "What? How if you’re a wolf? Hold on I have been learning about vampires and their history, you can’t be born a vampire."

  "Do you mean can’t ever or very rarely, because I am talking very rare. My father is a wolf and theirs is a vampire."

  Imogen lay down next to him "you do know if that’s the case they will become very strong, and this in itself is going to be dangerous to them, people will want to make a name for themselves through them."

  He sighed "I do."

  "Good, then you know what that means don’t you?"


  "That they will need the pack to back them up, a big brother to kick ass, a sister in law to guide them and a sort of aunt to have fun with. It’s all sorted." That was the point when Theo knew he was the luckiest wolf in the world.

  With a sigh Imogen relaxed before asking THE question, "now tell me what you know about Ice?"

  "Mmm you mean Vlads, Ice, why?"

  She was stroking his stomach and it was very relaxing, her hands traced the burn scars on his side, he didn’t feel conscious when it was Imogen doing the touching.

  "He’s training me."

  He opened his eyes and sat up "has he hurt you, was he the reason you were crying, don’t think I have forgotten your face when I arrived, if he’s giving you shit just say the word" she pushed him back down and he noted the strength in her gesture.

  "Calm down, I was crying for a lot of reasons but I am fine now I have seen you, believe it or not I was comforted by Nina."

  She could feel him chuckle lightly "Nina, Goddess of War, every bodies fairy god mother, it’s funny, sorry carry on, tell me about Ice."

  "To be honest he has been pretty good, hard but good, tonight inadvertently he made me face my greatest fear and I kind of flipped on him."

  "How so? Listen baby Ice is a good guy, doesn’t say a lot but there is a heart in there deep down, I have seen him fight and you don’t want to mess with that so you be careful and tell him I will kick his ass if he upsets you."

  Imogen started laughing hard "what’s so funny? You think I can’t take him?"

  She tried to stop laughing "it’s not that, when I first met him, he didn’t know you and I were, well you know and I pretty much said that to him, along with a few of my favourite choice words."

  "That’s my girl" he lay there stroking her head like they had been doing this forever.

  "You know Ice reminds me of you when I first met you."

  "Hey I am so much better looking than him." She cupped his sac and moved along to his thigh as she answered "I absolutely agree, but he is sullen and broody like you used to be."

  Theo moved his hand to stroke her breast "maybe he needs a good woman to mellow him out, as long as he leaves mine alone it’s good" she stroked his raging length.

  "I don’t think that’s a problem, I have it on good authority your woman has no interest in any other men" he slid his hand down into her thatch of hair and stroked her wet folds "she better not" and then he plunged a finger into her making her cry out.

  Chapter 25

  Imogen woke to a knocking at her door, normally she woke to a pounding at the door, she found Ice there with a tray containing her morning glass of blood, it was normally Albert there, raising her eyebrow in question Ice continued "a peace offering, can I come in?"

  She moved to let him in; she had Theo’s t-shirt on so it was long enough to protect her modesty.

  "Look I am truly sorry, if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know. If you want me to speak to Vlad about finding you a new partner then just say the word. But before you do let me say something, I know I didn’t want to train you, I know I have been hard on you but without a doubt you have the heart and soul of a warrior, I enjoy partnering with you and completely respect you, that is the reason I have been pushing you, I know you are so much stronger than you think."

  As a plan formed in her head, Imogen felt a big smile try to show itself "so you want to be my partner?" He nodded.

  "Good because I do like working with you" and she meant it, she really did "but I don’t want to if you don’t trust me and won't have my back, okay?"

  He nodded again so she carried on," just one question though, are you sure your apologising for the right reason and not because my man will kick your ass if you don’t?"

  It was Ice’s turn to laugh," you are kidding right, for a wolf he’s tough but no offence Imogen, I would kick his ass."

  With that the bathroom door opened and out stepped Theo, Ice’s face was a picture.

  "What the fuck?" he looked at Imogen who was doubled over laughing.

  "That was real nasty Imogen." Theo was trying not to laugh as he looked at her; Ice was trying to hold his tongue, when Imogen started laughing he couldn’t "what the hell was that for?"

  She stood straight still laughing "payback, call us almost even" and then there was another presence.

  "Morning Nina" both Theo and Imogen greeted her at the same time.

  "Well it looks likes two people are much happier now, I am pleased, but Theo we need to go" he leaned over to kiss Imogen, Ice was looking between every one.

  "What the hell are you having parties here or something?" It was Nina who laughed, "a party for two, for one night only" then she turned to Imogen "when he trains with you, you should make him take his top off."

  "You say the strangest things; do I want to know why?" She raised her eyebrows at Theo as he kissed her again and moved to stand by War.

  "Because the goddesses are voyeurs, I love you baby, see you soon, let’s go," he was still laughing when they flashed out of the room.

  Ice was stood there looking somewhat flabbergasted "I’ve only ever seen Vlad teleport, who the hell was she and why does she scare me in a weird sexy sort of way?"

  Imogen slid some pants on as she answered "she is the Goddess of War, let’s go find Vlad, I have an idea that will help settle the score between us, I will ring Ben on the way."

  He groaned but followed "I don’t think I like the sound of this."

  Chapter 26

  Theo arrived back in the middle of a training session, this time the women were practicing their shooting and a stray bullet just missed his ear, as he jumped, another fired past his neck "what the hell" he ran out of the way and made his way to Connor and Mitch.

  "Look who the cat dragged in, we have been up since the crack of dawn and you just pop along" Mitch was actually jesting.

  "He also looks like the cat that got the cream; I wonder where you spent last night?" Connor clapped him on the back "I take it Imogen is not at all rested."

  Theo laughed as he followed the smell of food, which was where he found Sylvia and her little shadows, Lewis and Liza. He scooped them into a big hug and kissed them on the forehead, followed by Sylvia who he grabbed into a bigger hug and kissed her forehead.

  "I am starving, in fact I am so hungry I think I could eat a couple of small vampires if you know of any Sylvia," although Sylvia was over 600 years old, she looked 40 with her long blond hair and petite figure.

  "Well for sure I know of a couple, but then I would lose my little helpers who I have to say I am very fond of, so I am not so sure I can give you them" he could hear them giggling behind him and the sound warmed his heart.

  "I know you can have Lewis" cornflakes Theo" Liza handed him Lewis" bowl, Lewis tried grabbing them back but Liza was too quick.


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