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Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors)

Page 7

by Morgan Kelley

  Being kissed by death, the harbinger of her kind, didn't mean that she didn't like a grand festive ball. It was a time to dress the part of the powerful killer she was as she mingled with others just like her. Galas were a part of their societies for hundreds of centuries, and something to look forward to when the times had been bleak.

  One of the reasons this little fun fest was happening was that the local society wanted to invite all of their people back into the fold. Humans outnumbered them and with numbers so small, they needed more of the undead to stand together.

  While Jolie wasn’t one to socialize with the other societies or council, she couldn’t help but enjoy a gala. Sue her, but beneath the killer was a woman who loved beautiful things.

  Being a harbinger meant she was Death’s right hand reaper. With her body the vessel, it was her duty to feed her mistress. It wasn’t a pleasant job, and made her life difficult, but still…

  It meant her survival.

  What choice did she have?

  With the two men she loved at her side, Jolie was a force to be reckoned with. In fact, she was shocked that their family was invited. At first, she was wary, but a visit from the council’s head vampyre, Nathaniel, reassured her.

  This was about unity and celebrating Mardi Gras.

  While the humans would be down on Bourbon Street, catching beads, flashing breasts, and getting shitfaced drunk, their kind would be at the local museum, hosting a ball. It assured that their kind would be accounted for, just in case one of the humans was to have an untimely end.

  Not that it could be stopped. They were the hunters, and too often the humans had become the prey.

  Everyone knew that a rogue vampyre was bad, and no one wanted Jolie Harcourte to be sent out to take a life-especially her.

  Instead, they would party.

  The gala was being touted as a charity event, but no one was ignorant enough to believe that. Nathaniel was tricky and a very good leader of the council. There was no doubt that his minions were keeping track of who would attend. They would be watched and monitored in case an ‘incident’ occurred.

  If being monitored was a way to appease the societies in New Orleans, so be it. She’d be escorted around the room like some trophy to keep her family safe.

  She’d take whatever she could get at this point, as long as her obligations were met.

  Despite her initial reservations about going, deep down she believed tonight was going to be special. Being a costume ball, she, Jacques, and their human mate Flynn, had decided to go their separate ways. They would find costumes, get ready, and meet up there.

  It was making her crazy thinking about it.

  There was nothing sexier than the prospect of meeting up with the two men there and catching each other’s eyes across the room.

  Jolie had tried to get them to tell her what they were wearing. In fact, she also attempted to peek.

  Jacques shut her right down, and from the feel of the mental wall blocking her from Flynn’s mind, he was helping their human keep it secret.

  That meant one thing…

  They were conspiring against her. You didn't live as long as she did and not know when to be wary. Eight hundred years didn't make her naïve. It made her paranoid and ready for any sneak attack which would pop up.

  Now, she was forced to ride to the Mardi Gras ball on her own and seek them out. It was only fair, since they made a deal.

  No vampyre powers once there.

  Since Flynn was a human, only bonded with some of their traits, they didn't think it would be fair to him. Instead, they opted to go in blind. When she arrived, there would be no scanning for their energy. Jolie would have to check out every attendee to find the ones who belonged to her.

  Jolie was betting that she could pick them out of the crowd. After all, she’d been with Jacques Degaul for six hundred years. She knew his gait, his motions, and his tricks.

  Oh and yes, she was very familiar with his glorious form.

  He was tall, well-built, and perfect, as was most of their kind. It was hard to find an unattractive vampyre in their ranks. Don’t get her wrong; they existed, but not her Jacques. He was Romanesque and powerful. From his chiseled features to the valleys and muscles across his pale flesh, he was perfection.

  No, make that mouthwatering.

  Jolie liked nothing more than watching the crimson of his blood dripping down his skin in sexy little rivulets.

  His emerald green eyes drew her attention as they stood out in his pale featured face. Their kind had the most brilliant of eyes in sometimes odd colors. It’s like what nature didn't give them in skin pigment, they got doubly for their eyes.

  Jolie knew she’d recognize his shoulder length black hair and body in any clothes he used to try and disguise himself.

  There was no question about it. While they doubted her skill, she’d studied him for centuries.

  This was going to be embarrassing for them.

  Jolie found herself laughing. The soft sound of her joy, melodiously filled the room. Her thoughts raced from her vampyre mate to her human one.

  Detective Flynn Brogan.

  May the powers that be have mercy on her shared soul. Talk about sexy as sin. This man could be one of her downfalls in life. While she had her vampyre mate, Jolie had never taken a human lover before, and for one good reason.

  They didn't do anything for her.

  Until him.

  He was fate’s choice for her human partner. The second she saw him, it clicked, and she just knew.

  His body was a little bulkier than Jacques’s. Where her vampyre mate had more of a runner’s physique, Flynn was like a sexy rugby player.



  And hotter than hell.

  Flynn had the largest hands that she’d ever seen in her life. When he put them on her body, Jolie’s heart skipped a beat. There was something about his strength and power that she found very alluring.

  Then, there was his skin.

  Unlike her kind, he was tan and sun-kissed. The rugged good looks, of being a tough bad ass homicide detective, were very alluring.

  It made her want to run her lips all over his flesh and taste every inch of him. Then, when he’d stare at her with his icy blue eyes, she was a puddle.

  Jolie shivered.

  Picturing the three of them was making her hot and bothered. What she wanted was to get to the ball, find her men, and do really wicked things with them.

  At the knock on her door, she turned.

  “Mistress, your limo is here. You should be going. Masters Flynn and Jacques left twenty minutes ago, so the coast is clear,” stated one of her human donors.

  Jolie placed the giant blood red diamond around her throat and stared into the mirror.

  Finally, her outfit was complete.

  “I’m ready,” she said, grabbing the trail of fabric that was elegantly draped across her body. She couldn’t wait for them to see her. Jolie had picked this costume with them in mind.

  In the limo, there were two bunches of roses and a note waiting for her.

  Dearest Mistress,

  We can’t wait to see you. We’re sure you’ll astound us with your radiance and beauty.


  Your men.

  It made her smile as she brought the note to her nose and could distinctly smell the colognes of both men there. The mingled scent drove her insane with need. It called to something so primitive in her, that she couldn’t hold it back.

  Tonight would be spectacular.

  There was no doubt in her mind.

  At the museum, Jolie stared out the window of the limo in awe. The society had made a huge donation to get their hands on this place for the evening. But, when you wanted to make an impression, you went big or you went home.

  The lights were pointed at the giant stone structure, casting shadows on the elegant building. There were limos pulling up with other vampyres and their human mates getting out. As hers arrived, she waited
for her driver to help her.

  “Thank you,” she offered, handing him a very generous tip.

  “Anything, madam,” he said in lilted French, as he offered her a bow.

  Jolie admired the other guests’ costumes. They wore everything from the risqué to old world couture. She saw someone dressed as Marie Antoinette and nearly laughed. She’d been at the beheading, and the woman looked nothing like that, before or after…

  Immediately, she had the attention of all those around her, and Jolie wasn’t surprised. Since arriving there, the societies and council were atwitter with talk.

  They had made a statement.

  It was what she planned after all. Maybe her costume was scandalous, but she couldn’t help herself. She’d dressed for the men in her life and no one else.

  Jolie ignored their stares and headed to the large doors. Once inside, she would be required to have herself introduced. It was part of the evening’s fun. Each master and mistress had to declare their costume, and it was a first come, first served party. There would be no duplicates, and that made her grin.

  Knowing her Jacques, he would have done the research required to pick his and Flynn’s outfits. While Jacques was more likely to play dress up, she wouldn’t be surprised if Flynn showed up as a gangster.

  It was just his thing.

  Once at the top of the stairs, Jolie handed her card to the man, and he gave an approving nod.

  “You have done well, Mistress,” he offered before ringing a giant bell. “Hear ye, hear ye. I offer you Cleopatra, Queen of the Night.”

  There were stares as she began the descent into the museum ballroom. It was lit with thousands of lights and candles, giving it a truly spectacular appearance.

  Once at the bottom, she could feel their eyes.

  They were here.

  Jolie knew it. Now, it was about finding them, claiming her men, and beginning the festivities.

  As she was offered a glass of champagne, she regally nodded at the other powerful leaders but said nothing. There was a purpose at hand, and she needed her men in the worst way. Without them by her side, Jolie felt naked.



  She needed to reunite them to feel whole.

  So began her mission.

  They stood off in the shadows together, watching as she made her way down the stairs. They’d been preparing for this evening all month, and it was finally here.

  “My God! She looks beautiful,” whispered Flynn to his mate. “Jolie’s amazing.”

  Jacques had to agree. Of course he wasn’t surprised that Jolie had picked Cleopatra. She had two lovers, power, and sometimes liked to skirt past law into the shadiness of life.

  It was a testament to their existence.

  Jacques was finding it increasingly difficult to take his eyes off her body, since there was a great deal to see. She’d chosen a gold bra-like thing to hold her ample breasts in place. Then, there was some red and white gossamer like fabric, wrapped artfully around her body. Each arm held a gold snake coiled around her upper arm. From her long, straight black hair, adorned with a fig leaf crown, to the tips of her sandaled toes, she was spectacular.

  “Good choice on the costumes,” said Flynn, fully aroused. Their Jolie was the loveliest creature there, and he couldn’t wait to taste her. With the erotic intents bouncing around in his head, he already had a plan.

  “I did a little research so we would fit in,” Jacques said, handing his mate the feathered mask that they were all instructed to wear. Even with hers on, they could see her eyes. The very color gave her away. No one had lavender eyes quite like Jolie. Then, there was her body and the regal way she carried herself.

  Since every male there was staring, it wasn’t hard to find her among the throngs. Her job would be far harder.

  “Shall we, Marcus Antonius?” Jacques asked, glancing over at his mate.

  “Yes, Julius, we should. Is everything ready for tonight?”

  The man laughed. “We’ll have access to what we need. Money speaks, and I bought us someplace to make one hell of a memory.”

  They began their move toward her, each going a separate way to keep her off guard. Once they approached her, the night would begin.

  Reuniting was just the tip of the iceberg. Once they reached Jolie, the evening’s plans would really begin.

  Tonight, they would be making love to the Queen of the Night.

  Jolie saw him first.

  What she was feeling wasn’t surprise by what he was wearing, but arousal. There stood her Roman general in all his leather finery. Jacques Degaul had done it justice that was for sure.

  He’d chosen a leather breast plate, battle scared and worn. With his hair down, and sword at his side, he could have stepped right off the pages of a history book.

  How could he ever believe that she couldn’t pick him out of the crowd? While standing in the group of people, he stood out. They fell away until he was the only one she could focus on. His beauty stole her breath.

  If she needed more proof that this was indeed her mate, as he approached, the emerald eyes gave him away from behind the mask.

  With each step toward her, Jolie’s body went warm.

  Since she’d seen him defend her over the centuries, dressed in armor, this didn't surprise her at all.

  Jacques was incredibly sexy.

  When he finally closed the distance, Jacques went down on one knee and held out his hand.

  “My Mistress,” he whispered with his voice thick with need.

  Jolie was generally one who was in control, but seeing him like this was making it very difficult indeed.

  Offering Jacques her hand, he reverently laid a kiss across the multifaceted jewel. It was one he had given her while she was a countess in France. While the ring sparkled in the lights, it didn't compare to her.

  “Are you Julius Caesar or Marcus Antonius?” she asked calmly, as he stood.

  Moving incredibly close to her body, he brought his lips to hers for a kiss. It was warm, sexy, and completely her Jacques.

  When he pulled away, he ran his fingers from her collarbone to her adorned belly button. “I’m Julius, and I’m at your service, my queen.”

  Jolie placed her hand over his heart and leaned into him. “I find that I’m incredibly turned on, Julius. Maybe it’s you in that leather gladiator kilt that has me wild.”

  He ran the tip of his tongue over her ear lobe and whispered, “I am completely naked beneath it, mon amour. I believe it is just how you like me.”

  Jolie’s temperature rose. Before she could reply, she felt him near. Turning, she found her other mate leaning against the wall as he watched her.

  The stance was very Flynn-like. She had to admit that the way he looked in his gladiator garb was making her hot and bothered too. Where Jacques’s sword hung at his hip, Flynn’s was over his shoulder and down his back. His leather armor was more rugged, designed to fit the needs of the general himself.

  As soon as their eyes met, he began his move toward her. Crossing through the throngs of vampyres, he drew a great deal of attention from the females surrounding him. Yet, when anyone got in his way, he simply moved them with his broad, tan shoulders.

  Jolie wanted to melt into the floor.

  In front of her, he dropped to one knee and took her hand. Flipping it over, he kissed her pulse. “My Mistress and queen, I’m here to offer my services for anything you desire.”

  Oh, she had one hell of a list.

  “Rise, Marcus Antonius, and show your queen your greeting.”

  He didn't have to be asked twice. Pulling her forward, his mouth sought hers roughly. Plundering, taking, and stealing, Flynn showed her what services he was willing to offer her.

  Jolie’s arms went around his neck as she fell into the kiss. There was something so alluring about this man, that it made her heart skip whenever he was near. At her moan, all three of their fangs descended, proving what they already knew.

  They needed to
get somewhere private, and fast.

  Breaking away, he touched her cheek to get her attention. “Your costume is scandalous, Jolie. You know that, right?”

  Jolie leaned over to his ear and nipped it, drawing blood. “Wait until you see what is under it, Marcus Antonius,” she promised.

  His body shook.

  “Come,” stated Jacques, offering her an arm. “We have a surprise for you, Cleopatra.”

  She willingly let them lead.

  As they moved away, Jolie was acutely aware of the females watching her with absolute envy.

  Yes, she had the sexiest men in the universe.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, as they led her toward the kitchen.

  “Close your eyes and don’t peek,” Jacques ordered.

  Jolie was so excited.

  She couldn’t wait.

  As they led her through the kitchen, they arrived at another door. With a regal nod, Jacques signaled the security guard. Immediately, he led them down a dark hall. At a locked door, he entered a code, held up one finger signifying the time they’d have, and then held out his hand.

  Jacques handed him an incredibly thick wad of cash.

  Brogan smiled wickedly. Once more, money talked, and in this case it screamed as it bought them a secret off-limits spot for some debauchery. While the cop in him should be appalled, the man in him was too damn horny to care.

  Once inside, they led her to the main area.

  “Open your eyes, my queen,” Jacques said, running his hands over her body. “We’re here.”

  Jolie did what he asked and gasped in surprise. “Where are we?” she questioned, taking it all in. Inside the room were all the antiques from Cleopatra’s time.

  “It seems the museum will be setting up a new exhibit, and this is the housing area. We have one hour here before we have to leave,” he replied.

  Jolie wasn’t surprised that her men had planned this. Since coming together, the sex had been wildly plentiful.

  Thank the universe for that…

  Flynn couldn’t wait any longer and made his move, pressing his body along hers from behind as Jacques did the same. Once she was sandwiched between them, he allowed his need to take over.


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