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Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors)

Page 19

by Morgan Kelley

  The room was filled with their labored breaths, and the antiseptic smell was replaced by the scent of sex.

  Chris was totally spent, yet grateful his wife was pregnant. Her sex hormones were running rampant, and he couldn’t wait to further explore this side of their lovemaking.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, trying not to lean on her, but his legs were wobbly.

  She giggled. “I’m more than fine, Christopher. I can’t seem to feel anything from my bellybutton down.”

  Chris was about to say something funny, when he heard it.

  The elevator doors outside the morgue were opening. “Shit! Someone’s coming! Grab your things!” he ordered, Yanking on his pants, he tried to pull a giggling, naked, and entertained Cyra to the office.

  Now, he needed to get this under control and fast.

  Once inside, he shoved her under his desk before dropping into his seat. Chris tried to remain calm as he buttoned his shirt.

  She whispered from under the desk.

  “Shhhhhhhh!” he ordered, trying not to laugh. If they got caught, he would likely have to explain to his bosses what the hell was going on at four in the morning in the morgue.

  At the knock on the door, he called out to the guard. “Come in!”

  The man entered and looked around. “Everything okay, Doc? I see you sent all the staff home.”

  Chris tried to focus, but Cyra was unzipping his pants from her hiding spot. “Yes, it’s dead down here tonight.”

  “Did your wife find you?” he asked, leaning against the couch.

  Chris swallowed. “Oh, she absolutely did.”

  “You’re a lucky man. My wife wouldn’t be showing up anywhere at three in the morning.”

  Chris nodded, unable to speak. What had happened in there was far more than luck. He was convinced that he was married to a sex maniac.


  “Well, I’ll be back at six for the next rounds. See you then! If I miss you, catch you tomorrow night.”

  He let out a sigh when security was gone. Pushing his chair back, Chris helped Cyra out from under the desk. She was grinning wickedly at being able to pull him back out of his pants.

  “You’re out of control!”

  She giggled. “I can’t help it. My sexy doctor husband makes me absolutely crazy.” Cyra pulled his mouth down to hers and showed him how insane she felt.

  When she finally released him, he struggled to catch his breath. “You need to get dressed Cyra. We can’t be doing this again.”

  Cyra was amused as she slipped back into the lacy lingerie. “Then, you have a problem, Christopher.”

  He tucked his shirt in and stared at her. “What kind of problem?”

  “Suddenly, I find myself loving the night shift. I foresee this happening again, and soon.”

  “Cyra…” He was torn between lust and logic. Maybe pregnancy hormones weren’t a good thing.

  She laughed, knowing that this wouldn’t be the last time she caught him off guard in the morgue.

  In fact, Cyra already had a plan…

  Who knew kinky sex with her sexy husband could be this much fun?

  Chapter Eleven:

  Girls Gone Wild

  ~~ Christina & Kane ~~

  There are a few constants in life. We’re born, we meet people who impact our lives, we build bonds, and then one day we pass from this marble in the universe. In Christina’s life, as far as she was concerned, she was just beginning to live. For years she’d toiled away, working with the FBI as their head tech, and now she was following a new path as a private investigator.

  Along the way, she met many different people who would impact her life. From Elizabeth Blackhawk, who would become a close friend, to Tori Littlemoon, her new boss.

  They all moved into her life and cemented her into an existence that she loved very much.

  Finally, fate was giving her all she deserved.

  Christina had happiness, she was engaged to marry the Native of her dreams, and they were starting a family.

  It couldn’t get any better than this.

  Soon, she and Kane would be getting married. The day would be arriving before they knew it, and Christina was beyond excited.

  Life was perfect.

  When Christina was offered a bachelorette party, it seemed like a really bad idea. To back up her initial impression, her fiancé, Kane, wasn’t all too keen on it either. The idea of his woman checking out half-naked men with her friends, scared the hell out of him. That response alone made her want to giggle like a lunatic.

  How he could ever doubt her fidelity and love was crazy. Here, she was carrying his child. That meant everything to her as a woman, partner, and soon to be wife.

  It all happened the day Christina mentioned it to her ex-boss. The second it escaped her lips, Elizabeth was all over it. Her belief was that everyone deserved a bachelorette party to send them off into married life. Although, none of women who were attending had had one, so this was more like a little gift to them all.

  Ironically, the attendees were all pregnant.

  It was kind of funny if you thought about it.

  Who went to see strippers while you were having a baby? It was so ridiculous that they had to do it. It was more for the camaraderie than the chance to check out oiled up men.

  When the men, who were married to her friends, heard about it, they adamantly said it wasn’t happening. Each husband had put his foot down, including Kane.

  Yeah, that made it even funnier. Plus, it made all of the women decide to do it anyway. They had only suggested it in jest, but when the men demanded it wasn’t going to happen, that sealed the deal. This was some hormonal wife lesson that they needed to learn.

  So, the plans were made, and all the women dug in their heels.

  That was how they ended up at the all-male review. At least the place was upscale and not some sleazy strip joint. Being Feds, they’d all seen the insides of these kinds of places. This one wasn’t too scary at all.

  Sitting there, Christina was joined by Elizabeth Blackhawk, Tori Littlemoon, and Vivian Littlemoon. As they watched the men getting money shoved into their brightly colored, overstuffed G-strings, each woman snickered. It was very reminiscent of a pack of high school girls doing something outrageous behind their parents’ backs.

  It wasn’t like they didn't have their own sexy men to ogle. It was just that being told no when you were an adult, by your significant other, was way over the line. Sometimes the Native men in their lives crossed a big line.

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” said Tori, as she laughed wickedly.

  Christina couldn’t either. She was incredibly entertained.

  “Well, had the men not been jackwagons, we would have been going with my initial plan,” stated Elizabeth. “I really planned on massages and pampering with some really expensive bubbly water.”

  Vivian laughed, recalling the look on Justin’s face and his absolute outrage. “Yeah, we didn't tell them they couldn’t go to that pricey cigar bar and drink whiskey all night. We all know that the women there serving up the smokes aren’t wearing full body covering.”

  Christina was beginning to feel bad over the entire thing. “I hope I didn't hurt Kane’s feelings. He really didn't want me to come here.”

  All the women laughed. They were each married to a Native man who was a tad bit overprotective.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it,” stated Elizabeth, as some oiled up man in leather pants placed a diet soda in front of her. In all honesty, none of the stripping men even caught her attention. She had enough sexified Nativeness going on at home. This was more about Ethan and Callen forbidding her to go.

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. It’s like they had lost their damn minds.

  “In a relationship, there has to be trust. I get they’re over the edge about this, but we’re behaving,” Christina added. “I wish he trusted me.”

  They all stared over at her. Finally, Elizabeth spoke, “He
trusts you,” she reassured. “It’s that oiled up beefcake doing a handstand in that G-string he doesn’t trust.”

  All the women glanced towards the stage and started laughing outrageously. At the same time, they all tipped their heads to check him out.

  Yeah, this was going to be one hell of an evening.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe they all went!” stated Kane, still in shock over all of this. Was it so wrong that he demanded his pregnant fiancée stay home where she was safe? “I can’t believe that none of us could convince them that this was nothing but insanity.”

  Julian snorted. “Oh, I believe it. My soldier girl gets testy when I start ordering her around.”

  Ethan agreed as he started laughing. “Yeah, I saw this one coming. The minute Callen told Elizabeth her ass was staying home, we had a disaster in the making.”

  “Well, who knew she’d pick strippers. I know she jokes around a lot, but really? They’re all pregnant!” Callen stated, trying to remain calm. “Out of all of them, I expected her to have the most common sense.”

  Julian knew where he went wrong. “I shouldn’t have told Tori that it was happening over my dead body. I thought she was going to kick my ass.”

  He wasn’t the only one.

  “Yeah, well Vivian made me sleep on the couch when I told her that no wife of mine was sticking dollar bills into some man’s junk pouch.”

  Kane still couldn’t believe it. Five men, and none of them were in control of this fiasco.

  When the ladies left, he opted to forgo his own party to assure this didn't turn into a huge mess. All he wanted was to get Christina to the altar. Once the ladies left the house, the men started ‘Operation Crazy Train’. When he told the men what he wanted to do for his bachelor party, oddly, none said no.

  It looked like a recon mission was on the schedule.

  In fact, it was unanimous. All five men were more than willing to stalk their women. This is what happened when Feds and PI’s collided. They became crazed husbands who were more than willing to follow their women around.

  Apparently they were crazy or had too much time on their hands.

  “If they discover we’re sitting out here watching the place, we’re dead men,” Callen reminded them.

  No one disagreed on that one.

  “They just can’t find out,” stated Julian, pulling out his binoculars to check out the half-naked man at the door playing bouncer. His oiled up torso irritated the hell out of him. “I can’t believe that I’m checking out male strippers.”

  Yeah, none of them did.

  “I wish I could get in there,” stated Kane. “I don’t want my Chrissy anywhere near those men. Look at them! You can tell they want to snack on some helpless little lambs.”

  Ethan grinned. If they tried to put their hands on Elizabeth, they were in for a big surprise. She’d kick their asses in a heartbeat.

  “Great. Now, I feel so much better,” stated Justin, staring down at his watch. “Only three hours to go.”

  Kane couldn’t handle it. “There has to be a way in.”

  “Yeah, well we can’t stroll through the front door,” stated Ethan. “Well, you can if you want to play the role of ‘desperate gay man on the troll’, but I’m going to pass. I trust Elizabeth.”

  They all looked over at him. That statement was funny, considering he was the getaway driver on this mission. If that were true, Ethan would be at the cigar bar drinking aged whiskey.

  He caught the looks they were giving him. “What? I do. She’d never cheat on us. Now, as for getting into a fight and tossed in jail, that’s more what has me freaked out.”

  Callen offered him a fist bump. That was likely the outcome of this clusterfuck.

  Just the visual of all their women getting into a brawl with some inebriated patrons scared him shitless. “Okay, we need one of us to get in there,” Kane said. “What if they need us?”

  Again, the men weren’t going inside that strip joint. If they got caught, hell would be a better place to be than their homes.

  Their wives would skin them alive.

  When none of the men said anything, Kane knew this was going to be up to him. “I need a way in, Mr. FBI,” he stated to Callen and Ethan. “I’ll take the chance, but tell me how to do it.”

  Both men took turns looking through Julian’s binoculars.

  Callen had broken into a lot of places in his life. “I wouldn’t make a front door approach. They aren’t going to buy that you’re interested in checking out the beefcake.”

  Ethan completely agreed. “These bars have building codes in case of massive fires, so there’s likely a back door.”

  The idea of his Chrissy being in a fire made him want to puke. “Okay, then how do I do that? Am I supposed to kick it in?”

  Ethan and Callen did rock, paper, scissors without saying a word.

  “Shit!” Ethan muttered. He lost and was up to bat. “I’ll get you in, but then you’re on your own.”

  Kane stared at him. “How?”

  Callen reached into the glove box to pull out a little black kit. “He’s going to pick the backdoor lock for you.”

  Everyone stared at them. The head Fed was going to commit some felonious acts.

  “Do I need to reiterate that what happens in this vehicle stays in this vehicle?” asked Ethan Blackhawk. “You don’t ask questions, and we all go home tonight forgetting that I’m about to break the law.”

  “Let’s get going.”

  Kane was out of the Navigator so fast that Ethan had to rush after him. Apparently, the man needed inside pretty damn fast. He couldn’t blame him. Whenever Elizabeth was pregnant with their children, there was this overwhelming need to keep her safe.

  He could sympathize.

  Following him into the shadows, Ethan Blackhawk prayed they didn't get caught. He wasn’t worried about the cops. Tonight, he was more worried about his sadistic wife and her revenge.

  Callen watched from the passenger seat and started laughing. It was just like old times. They were scoping out a joint with the intent to break in.

  Yeah, boys will be boys.

  “You two have a lock picking kit in your car?” asked Julian, a little surprised.

  Yeah, they absolutely did.

  “Do you know our wife at all? This won’t be the first or last time that we’ve had to do something insane, all in the name of love for Elizabeth.”

  Where had they all gone wrong?

  Ethan and Kane slid effortlessly into the alley behind the building. It wasn’t hard to get there unnoticed. Everyone was focused on the women in line, and the half-naked man at the door, who was a little too Fabio-esque for his own good.

  “Get in, check on them, and get the hell out,” Ethan stated. “If you get caught in there, you’re a dead man, and so are we. This isn't a one man mission.”

  Kane didn't care. He had to know if his fiancée was okay. It was killing him. If anything happened to his Chrissy, he would be lost.

  She was his entire life.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Ethan dropped to one knee and handed Kane the flashlight. “Give me some room,” he said, as he went to work. With the two picks, he worked the little lock until it clicked.

  “That’s a handy skill to have.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” he replied. As Kane went to open the door, Ethan stopped him.

  “You can’t go in like that so try to blend in. If you’re fully dressed, you’ll stand out.”

  Kane stared at him. “How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

  He checked out the man. “Untie your hair and take off your shirt. You’ll be able to walk around and no one will notice. Then, you’ll fit in better.”

  For his woman, he’d swallow a live snake. Stripping out of his shirt, he did what Ethan suggested.

  “Now, don’t get caught,” he said, taking the man’s shirt as he headed out of the alley. “If you want to get to that altar and married, don’t let her see
you acting like a barbarian. After you get her to sign the paper, then you can be an idiot.”

  Kane took a deep breath and headed in. All he needed was a little reassurance that Chrissy was fine, then he’d get out fast, without anyone noticing.


  Kane was appalled.

  This was worse than a strip club for horny men. The women were rowdy, raucous, and out of control. Where in regular joints, males couldn’t touch the women on stage, the same wasn’t true for this place. Half the women in there were grabbing parts of men that they had no business fondling.

  The only good thing was that Ethan had been right. Taking off his shirt helped him blend right in.

  Unfortunately, it also got his ass grabbed, some woman’s hand on the fly of his jeans, and various offers for some debauchery.

  If one more woman touched his hair, he was going to lose his temper. Apparently, he was the only Native man in the place. God help him.

  This was a free-for-all.

  Now, Kane was really sorry he came inside.

  This was a nightmare.

  Luckily for him, it didn't take long to find the women. At a table, not far from where he stood, Kane found them, minus Christina. They were laughing and cheering as much as the rest of the lunatics in the room.

  He almost charged over there to ask where his woman was, when he finally figured it out.

  They weren’t cheering for the men, but his woman.

  His sweet, innocent Chrissy was on the damn stage.

  Kane stared in disbelief as his fiancée sat in a chair while a mostly naked man shook his junk close to her face.

  Oh, he was going to lose his damn mind.

  When the guy picked up her hand, trying to place it on the front of his red thong, Kane nearly went ballistic.

  This was a nightmare.

  He should have eloped.

  When Christina blushed, trying to move away, it took everything in him to not rush up there, beat the man to a bloody pulp, and drag her out over his shoulder.


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