Take Me Now

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Take Me Now Page 6

by Sullivan, Faith

  “Wow, that’s really generous of you, Eric.” My mind is racing through all of the possible scenarios as to why he decided to open up to me while keeping Lauren in the dark. Does she already know everything he’s about to tell me? She is his girlfriend after all. I’m sure she’s familiar with all of the details. She hasn’t gone public with anything he might have told her, so why doesn’t he trust her with reading the first draft? Something else is going on here and I’m going to find out what it is. I am a reporter after all, and this scoop has the potential to change my life.

  “Yeah, I thought it was about time I got certain things off my chest.” His biceps are straining against the fabric of his shirt but I can’t bring myself to look at how it accentuates his lean torso. My flaming cheeks are sure to give me away. But he must have purchased the shirt a while ago because it’s a style more suited for a man with a slimmer frame, not one with his muscular build. And I can’t help comparing him alongside Will. Eric is a man’s man. He exudes masculinity from every pore. Yet his eyes are soft when he looks at me, like he wants to envelop me in their depths. Where Will is so stylized, he’s almost too perfect. His whole appearance is designed to be flawless, like he’s ready for a high definition close-up at any moment. Will can be so intimidating in his demeanor—he draws you in while keeping you out.

  “So where would you like to start?” I get the ball rolling as Eric offers me a seat on one of the matching rocking chairs adorning the front porch. On the accompanying table is a pitcher of lemonade and he pours me a glass as he contemplates my question.

  “I’m still ambivalent about the whole personal angle but if I’m going to go there, let’s go all the way. Why don’t you ask me things that a dating web site would be interested in?” He takes a sip of lemonade and reclines back in his chair, trying to gauge my reaction to such a complete turnaround. If he’s putting feelers out to try to find Ms. Right, then why’s he with Lauren?

  “Okay.” I rub my forehead to assuage the beginnings of what is sure to be a killer headache. “Let’s start at the beginning. Are you comfortable with my use of a recorder?”

  “As long as you’ll be the only one listening to it, yes.” That sounds so much sexier than I’m sure he intended. I can picture myself alone in bed with his voice filtering through my earbuds, describing what qualities he’s seeking in the ideal woman. I’m not sure I can look him in the eye as I ask him these questions. I’m feeling hot and bothered all of a sudden. Wherever this is leading is turning me on, big time.

  “Would you describe yourself as single?”


  “You’re not in any kind of committed relationship?”


  I want to ask him about Lauren but I chicken out. Whatever they have together, he doesn’t think it’s serious. She’d go on the warpath if she knew that and I’m not going to be the one to tell her.

  “What traits are most important to you in a woman?”

  “A kind smile. A willingness to speak her mind. A passion for life. Sensible footwear.”

  I can’t help it. My eyes dart over to his after that last remark. Is this whole thing a rouse to hit on me? Is that what he’s doing? My feminine instincts are kicking in, and although Will just kissed me an hour ago, I’m tempted to play along. Eric is in such a different place in his life. He has his own business. He’s a homeowner. He’s twenty-four. Compared to me, I’m an unpaid intern who lives in a dorm room with one year of college left to go. What could he possibly see in me?

  “What would you describe as the perfect date?”

  “Well, let’s see. I guess it’d be a stormy night with the rain tumbling down the roof and splashing up against the windows. We’d relax in our sweats or pajamas or whatever in front of the TV, watching old movies and eating popcorn. We’d be curled up in front of the fire, and I’d kiss her whenever a blast of thunder would rattle the foundation. But before things went too far, I’d go upstairs and run a bubble bath surrounded by candles. I’d call out to her, and she’d come looking for me only to find me already waiting in the tub. She’d take off her clothes, letting me watch until she was completely naked. I’d start to rise out of the water to go to her but she’d push me back among the suds as she joined me. Do you need me to go on?”

  I cross my ankles as a surge of heat hits between my legs. I’m virtually panting at the picture he’s painting. Who knew he had such a vivid imagination? And I’m the one who’s supposed to be the writer? He’s well aware that he’s got me all flustered. But I’m determined to be daring. Eric is offering me something Will never could. Here is a man who knows what it’s like to lose the one he loved. He realizes how precious life really is. He’s not employing me in some grand scheme to conquer the world. Maybe he hasn’t even been with a woman since Cassidy. It’s possible he’s only ever been with Cassidy. Maybe he’s ready to try something new.

  “Yes, go on.” I click off the recorder and stand up from the chair. His eyes widen in amazement as I softly lower myself onto his lap. I can feel him against me as the chair continues to rock. He stares at me before burying his hands in my hair then his lips crush against mine. This isn’t a kiss that’s meant to be on display, not like Will’s. It’s full of desire and need and hunger. He slides his hands under my shirt, cupping my breasts with his palms. His hands aren’t smooth. They’re callused and rough as they run across my delicate skin, but it just urges my arousal even more as I caress the stubble across his jawline. He refuses to release my lips, but I’m desperate for air as I arch my back, breaking our kiss.

  It’s then that I hear a car rolling across the gravel. Eric hastily pulls down my shirt to cover me up. I’m horrified to have to turn around and face whoever it is. Eric kisses the tip of my nose before whispering that it’ll be okay. Reluctantly, he hoists me off his lap, his strong hands encircling my waist. His touch lingers like he doesn’t want to relinquish his hold on me. I wish we could continue where this was going but it’s too late now. We’ve been caught.

  With no other option, I straighten my knees and set one clog in front of the other. But there are no words to describe what I’m seeing. The scenario is too unfathomable. Eric rises behind me and I hear him gasp in disbelief.

  “I bought you a tie for the gala, Eric. I thought you might like to try it on.”

  It’s Lauren.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m not sorry I made a move on Ivy. I’m just sorry we got caught. She has stepped away from me, and I can see that she’s visibly trembling. She’s afraid of Lauren and I don’t like it. I hate the idea of Lauren having any type of power over Ivy. I have to fix this.

  My body is still not over what was happening between us. I uncomfortably adjust my pants as I proceed to the top of the steps to tell Lauren she has to leave. But she’s already beaten me to it, as she stands before us on the porch, not even bothering to look at Ivy. Her full attention is on me.

  “There you are.” Lauren reaches up and glides the tie through the collar of my shirt before I realize what she’s doing. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by.” She continues forming a knot. “This color is amazing on you. It really brings out your eyes.” She secures the tie under my chin and lingers with her hands resting on my shoulders. “Let’s say we go inside, huh?”

  Ivy appears traumatized from being forced to stand and watch her boss effectively ace her out of the picture. I need to speak up but I don’t want to say the wrong thing and cost Ivy her job. Lauren is extremely volatile and Ivy will have to deal with the fallout if I’m not careful in the way I handle this.

  But before I have a chance to say anything, Ivy bolts from the porch and runs to her car. Instinctively, I make a move to go after her but Lauren’s hands push against my chest, holding me in place. This can’t be happening. We were so close to the beginning of something really good and Lauren is destroying any connection I was establishing with Ivy in one fell swoop.

  “Ivy!” I call out bu
t it’s too late. She’s already behind the wheel with the engine running. She shoots me a tortured glance before tearing out of the driveway in a cloud of dust. I’ve lost her. Even if I’m able to call her later, she’s never going to forgive me for refusing to go after her. Everything hinges on what I do next.

  “Let her go, Eric,” Lauren commands, turning her back on the dramatic exit of her intern. “I realize you’re a guy and you were just having some fun with her. We all need to blow off some steam every once in a while. We’re all human, right?”

  Just the way she’s insinuating that I’m taking advantage of a girl in order to satisfy myself makes me want to get in my truck and leave Lauren standing there for all I care. That’s not what was going on between us. I wasn’t using her for my own satisfaction. I was trying to show her how much I’m getting caught up in her.

  “But if you think about pursuing her, I have to tell you, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” There’s a malicious glint in her eyes as she tugs on the lapel of my tie.

  “And why’s that, Lauren?” I have to feel her out, see how far she’s willing to go.

  “Because I hold that girl’s future in my hands. You wouldn’t want to see her get hurt, would you?” She smiles up at me, and I want nothing more than to shove her away from me. “My stepbrother’s practically in love with her and I can’t stand by and let you break his little heart now, can I?”

  What is she talking about? Her stepbrother? How many boys is Ivy fooling around with? Whatever hope I was kindling in my heart for some kind of rebirth starts to extinguish. Maybe Ivy isn’t the girl I thought she was.

  “You see, they’ve known each other their whole lives. He has a whole stack of letters from her over the years that he has saved in his dresser drawer. They always spend their birthdays together.” These details are killing me and she knows it. She’s taking pleasure in ripping through my heart. “There’s a significant bond there. Similar to what you had with Cassidy, I think.”

  She couldn’t hurt me any deeper if she tried. This woman is sadistic. It’s like she’s toying with me for her own amusement. She can’t have me so she’s going to destroy me for anyone else. I can’t stand here and listen to this. After coming so far, I feel like my world is crashing in on me all over again.

  “Lauren, I think it’s time for you to leave. You’ve done enough damage for one day.” I take her wrists in my hands, forcing her to loosen her grip on me. “For all I know, Ivy may very well be in love with your stepbrother, but don’t even think about taking her job away from her.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, Eric.” She leans back on her heels appraising my emotional discomfort. “She’s far too valuable to me, I assure you. I intend to keep her close to me so I can keep an eye on all of her clandestine activities. I heard from Will Clark that he had quite a romantic lunch with her this afternoon.”

  Visions of Ivy kissing Will flood through my head. The sheer torment Lauren is inflicting on me is unbearable. Why is she so intent on making me suffer? What did I ever do to her to warrant such a hostile reaction to kissing one of her interns? She can’t possibly have feelings for me. She doesn’t know what it means to truly care for someone. She’s nothing but a vicious manipulator.

  “I’m sick of listening to your innuendos about Ivy’s supposed promiscuity, Lauren. She has more decency than you’ll ever have, that’s for sure.” She raises her arm, and for a minute I think she’s going to strike me, but she regains her composure, slowly lowering her clenched fist to her side.

  “You’re making a terrible mistake, Eric Young. We could have been really good together. We’re closer in age. We’re two rising stars in the business community. It was a match made in heaven until you had to go and ruin it.” She sashays off the porch in a huff. “But don’t think you’re getting out of taking me to the opening gala. Everyone is expecting to see us there together as co-sponsors, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to let you embarrass me by showing up with that little tramp.”

  Something snaps inside me at hearing her insult Ivy like that. I storm down the steps but she’s already in her car. Rolling down her window, she gives me a wave, leaving me standing there. She thinks she has the upper hand but I refuse to let her win. I’m going to find out what’s really going on between Ivy and all of these guys and take it from there. If I’m not what she’s looking for, I’ll have to deal with it. I can’t force her to be with me if she’s already with somebody else.

  Chapter Nine


  I don’t go back to the office. There’s no way I can face Lauren right now. I feel so beat up inside. My thoughts are a confused jumble. I sigh at the impossibility of ever making sense of what occurred today. Will kissed me. Eric kissed me. And Lauren nearly fired me. It sounds simple but it’s oh so complicated.

  Slouching up the dorm steps, I pause at the entrance to the third floor, trying to hold back my tears. There’s hardly anyone living here over the summer but I don’t want anybody to see what a total wreck I am at the moment. I might be a schmuck when it comes to love but I still have my pride.

  The hallway is pretty dark as a late day thunderstorm hovers on the horizon. My room is down the opposite end of the corridor, meaning I’ll have to pass by my friend Sophie, who is sitting with her back against her open door, eating a microwavable pretzel, and listening to some boy band on her phone. I’m not in the mood to keep her company but she’s already seen me so there’s no turning back.

  I push my sadness beneath the surface and put a fake smile on my face. She doesn’t smile back, meaning my charade is not the least bit convincing. Her irritation turns to sympathy the closer I get to her. She must be able to sense the impending doom literally rolling off my shoulders.

  “Girl, what happened to you?” Her eyes sweep over me in concern but it just makes me want to break down and cry. Sophie is usually unstable and I’m the one propping her up. I’m not liking this role reversal. I just want everything to go back to normal. I don’t understand anything about this mixed-up universe I somehow wandered into. Why can’t any aspect of my life make sense?

  “My boss caught me making out with the guy she likes on his front porch and I’m not sure if I’m fired or not.” The shock value of my statement alone is enough to make Sophie jump to her feet.

  “What? You haven’t had, like, any action for the three years I’ve known you, and you had to pick the guy your boss likes to hook up with? Are you nuts?” Her running commentary isn’t making me feel any better. It’s only accentuating the mess I find myself in. A little pep talk would be nice instead of being slammed for my transgressions.

  “So if she pulls the plug on my internship, I might as well say goodbye to transferring to the main campus in the fall. I’ve taken all of the credits I can here. I’ll be stuck in some kind of college limbo for the rest of my academic life.” I slump against the wall as thunder rumbles through the building. At least the rain held off until I made it inside. There’s nothing worse than being miserable and soaking wet.

  “It’s like a double jeopardy situation, right? If you don’t complete the internship, you can’t stay here because you’ve taken all of the available classes in your major and the ones you have left are only held on the main campus?” Her convoluted speech actually makes sense so I simply nod my head in agreement. I’m stuck in no man’s land if Lauren decides to seek her revenge on me for locking lips with Eric.

  “But how was the kiss? Was it worth it?” Sophie bestows on me a wicked grin, and I can’t help but blush as I remember what it was like having Eric’s hands on me. I’ve never experienced anything like it. There was so much unhindered feeling behind every caress, every touch. It’s like he wanted to commit every inch of body to memory, as if I were something precious he wanted to treasure. He wasn’t indulging in me for his own enjoyment. It was more like he wanted me to know how tenderly he cared about me. No one has ever made me feel that way before. It was life altering.

  But he stayed b
y Lauren’s side. He didn’t follow me. And in my mind, that makes him no better than Will. Neither of them will go the extra mile to prove that their feelings for me are genuine. I’m not important enough to them. Will always puts himself first and Eric apparently chose Lauren over me. It doesn’t exactly feel good to come to the realization that you’re not number one in anyone’s life.

  “It appears it meant nothing to him because he’s with my boss right now and not me. That about says it all, right?” Raindrops slowly make their descent down the windowpane and I observe their fall. They’re mimicking the tears my body yearns to shed but can’t release.

  “Not necessarily. Did you check your phone?” Sophie stretches and I catch sight of a bellybutton ring as her shirt rides up, baring her midriff.

  “He doesn’t have my number and I checked my extension at work. There were no messages.” I shake my head, trying to clear any thoughts about what he might be doing with Lauren that would leave him too busy to even leave me a thirty-second voice mail to see if I made it home okay. I was so emotional when I left but he doesn’t seem to be that worried about me.

  “I’m sorry, Ivy. I really am.” Sophie extends her hand and gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “Not to change the subject, but what do you think of my new body piercing?” She looks at me expectantly, like she hopes I’ll say it’s the coolest thing ever.

  “When did you get that?” Despite all of my problems, I am curious. Sophie’s such a wild child that there’s sure to be a whopper of a story behind it.

  “Today.” She fiddles with the silver hoop in her navel. “You know how I’m doing that internship down at the museum? Well, I’ve been flashing one of the curators since I started and…”


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