Take Me Now

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Take Me Now Page 7

by Sullivan, Faith

“Wait. Hold up. What do you mean by flashing?” I raise my eyebrows in concern.

  “Like showing him my tits. Don’t give me that look, Ivy. It’s all done in fun. It gets so boring there. I have to liven things up or I’ll go insane.” She crosses her arms acting like I’m the one with normalcy issues.

  “So how old is this guy?” I’m almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “He’s forty-five and married but he says he hates his wife. And trust me, I’m not looking to hook up with him or anything. That’d be gross. He just helps me pass the time, and when he offered to pay for my bellybutton ring if I let him watch when they did it, I was like, ‘Hell yeah.’” Sophie’s moral compass is so skewed that, at this point, I don’t think any rational argument against her bad decisions will even register with her.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. You could be playing with fire.” I can’t help but warn her anyway.

  “You’re one to talk. Look at you getting all up on your boss’s man. At least no one is pawing up my hotness unless I want them to.” She eyes me disdainfully while waving her finger in my face.

  “But I did want him to.” The admission of guilt is out before I can stop it. Shit. I did want Eric—so bad that I didn’t care if he was cheating on Lauren or not. I wanted him all to myself. I reveled in what I was doing to him and what he was doing to me. And it didn’t bother me that Lauren might be getting hurt in the process.

  “Well then, it appears we’re two different people then. Listen, I gotta bail. I’ll catch you later or something.” And without a backward glance, she closes her door decorated with multi-colored condom wrappers spelling her name. I’m left out in the hallway alone with only the rain as my confidant.

  Chapter Ten


  I repeatedly tried calling Ivy’s extension at the Gazette but her voice was removed from the outgoing message. I panicked that Lauren might have gone back on her word and let her go, but her name is in today’s paper under her byline. She’s still writing even if Lauren is monitoring all of her phone calls to keep me from getting to her. Ivy’s probably furious and doesn’t want to talk to me anyway. It’s been nearly a week since I let her drive away. I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see me again.

  But I need answers and I’m not going to be satisfied until I get them. The gala is Friday night and I have a lot of ground to make up between now and then. But first off, I have to find out if Ivy’s still going. And as much as I hate doing it, I’m going to have to track Will down and get information that he doesn’t want to divulge. For some strange reason, my intuition is telling me he’s in cahoots with Lauren against Ivy but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe if I pin him down on some of the facts, he won’t be able to cover up anything. I don’t trust those shifty eyes of his.

  It’s not even eight thirty in the morning and already the sun is blazing hot. I finish watering the remaining marigolds and petunias we have for sale and place the ‘be back soon’ sign in the window with the clock hands pointing at nine thirty. I don’t want to miss out on any customers but this can’t be helped. I need to start thwarting Lauren’s attempts to destroy my relationship with Ivy. It may be hanging on by a thread but I have to at least salvage whatever’s left of it. If she felt a fraction of what I experienced while kissing her on my lap, then she can’t walk away from me that easily. There’s something there between us and I dare her to try and deny it.

  I whistle for Shep and he comes running out of the greenhouse, no doubt chasing the birds that love to hang out in there. He saunters up to me, wagging his tail as I open the truck door for him. Checking to make sure his paws aren’t muddy, I hoist him into the cab as he takes his place in the passenger seat. We must look like a comical duo riding side by side, but today we’re on a mission. Shep’s antics brought Ivy into my life, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he can serve as my good luck charm to win her back.

  The wind is blowing through my hair as I roll the window all the way down. I turn on the radio from the button on the steering wheel and it’s already set to my favorite country music station. There’s a sappy love ballad playing and for a second I imagine it’s Ivy sitting beside me and not Shep. It’s strange to imagine another woman in my life. I’ve been alone for so long now, and before that, the only other woman I pictured next to me was Cassidy. I never thought I’d make it to this place again of starting over and having feelings for somebody else.

  I barrel into town well above the speed limit so I purposely slow down when I see the marquee of the theater. Will is outside on a ladder affixing letters to the sign announcing the start of the gala. I have to admit that the boy is competition. I can see why Ivy might be into him. He’s everything I’m not. Handsome. Exciting. Dangerous. There’s an edge to him that I’ll never have, and some girls fall all over that. I didn’t think Ivy was the type to get swept away on looks and bravado but I bet he’s a pretty smooth talker, thinking he can get any girl he wants. Well, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him have her.

  “How ya doing, Will?” I put more friendliness into my voice than I’m feeling, but he didn’t see me coming, and I have the pleasure of startling him. He sways a bit on the ladder before setting the last letter in place.

  “Just fine, and yourself?” He’s wary as he descends. No doubt he’s trying to figure out what I’m doing here and if it has something to do with Ivy. I decide to jump in, feet first.

  “I heard you’re escorting Ivy to the gala. Is that true?” It kills me to have to ask, especially when he sees where this conversation is headed. He thinks he’s already won. But here’s a word of advice—never count out Eric Young.

  “Now why would you be asking me something like that?” He’s going to milk this for all it’s worth. He enjoys having me beg. But I’m willing to swallow my pride if it means bringing Ivy back into my arms.

  “Curious, that’s all. You see, Ivy and Lauren are sort of on the outs, and man to man, I’m trying to get a heads up as to what to expect. If they’re both going to be there, I’d like to keep Lauren on the other side of the room.” It’s a flat-out lie, but let’s see if he calls me on it.

  “Then I think you better ask Lauren and leave me out of it.” He grins at me and I’m nearly blinded by his startlingly white teeth.

  “That’s funny. I normally would but you know how women are. If they’re in a catfight, the last thing they want to hear is the other one’s name mentioned.” I’m backpedaling furiously. He can’t clam up now. I have to find out if Ivy’s going to be there.

  “Or if it’s that important to you, why don’t you call Ivy yourself and straighten it out?” He secures the ladder under his arm and starts to walk away from me. His attitude is anything but cooperative and it’s making me see red.

  “Man, why do you gotta be such a dick, huh? All I wanna know is if you’re bringing Ivy or not. End of story.” My anger flares up and I can’t contain it. If he insists on being a prick, I’m going to let him have it.

  “Yeah, I’m bringing her, and I’ll be leaving with her too, if you get my drift. She’s been in love with me since we were kids. I hate to break it to you, man, but you don’t stand a chance.” He smirks at me and I completely lose it. Hurling myself at him, I pin him against the wall of the theater as the ladder clatters to the ground.

  “You better watch yourself, big shot. She’s way too good for a scumbag like you. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing with her, but I refuse to stand by and let you use her. She deserves better than that.” I loosen my grip on his throat and he shoves me away, gasping for breath.

  “She’ll never love you the way she loves me. I’m the standard by which she measures all other guys. She’s never even dated anyone her entire life because she’s so hung up on me. Go on and tell yourself that she’s interested in you, but I know she’ll always come running back to me.” He spits onto the pavement between us and I feel like slamming him back into the wall. It’s hard but I resist the impulse. Peopl
e are beginning to wander out of the bank and the post office to stare at us. The last thing either of us need is to be the source of bad publicity for the festival, especially when gossip spreads like wildfire in a town like this. He’ll be returning to California soon and I’ll have to stay and deal with the consequences. I let my temper get the best of me but I got the information I wanted. Now it’s time to be the bigger man and walk away.

  “And even if you do end up getting Ivy into your bed when I leave, it’ll be my face she’ll see when she gets off, not yours.” That remark causes me to halt mid-stride as he snickers behind me. I bend my head and keep going, but he continues to taunt me. “I practically gave her an orgasm when I kissed her the other day. She’s so hot for me, it’s pathetic.”

  I despise guys who trash talk women behind their backs. But to hear Ivy’s name mentioned in such a foul way makes me want to turn around and rip his head off. It takes every ounce of restraint I possess to keep walking. He’s trying to goad me into an all out brawl on the street. He knows I’d probably win but the damage to my reputation would be irreparable—the fiancé of the pregnant cancer victim who assaulted the poor innocent Hollywood playboy. Yeah, he’d be sure to spin it to his advantage. I have no doubt.

  Getting back behind the wheel, Shep whines sympathetically. He can feel the frustration I’m giving off. The sooner I get out of this town, the better. I turn off Main Street and retreat along the desolate country road. My thoughts start to wander back to what Will said. How many childhood sweethearts does Ivy have? First, there’s Lauren’s stepbrother, and now she grew up with Will too? I can’t keep track of all these guys who are after her. Leave it to me to fall for the one girl where I’m running dead last in winning her heart.

  That’s it. I’m settling this once and for all. No more hedging the issue. I’m going right to the source. Into the lion’s den, if that’s what it takes. The tires squeal as I do a U-turn before roaring out of town.


  I don’t even stop to think as I charge up the stairs into the Gazette’s office, leaving Shep alone in the truck. I have one goal in mind: seeing Ivy. I have no idea where her desk is located as I rush by a cluster of computers in the front room. The graphic designers eye me up like I’m crazy. Yeah, I’m sweaty from the ride over, but I remembered to throw on the jacket I had in the back of the cab. I certainly didn’t rush in here in nothing but my white sleeveless t-shirt. The receptionist is calling after me but I proceed down the hallway. I’m almost to the door of Lauren’s office, a place I’d rather avoid, when the restroom door opens and Ivy steps out.

  “Eric?” She seems surprised to see me before checking to see if the coast is clear. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you.” The look I give her must be making her uncomfortable because she bites her lip and glances away. She’s giving off a mixture of nerves and disappointment. I’m having a hard time reading her.

  “In here.” She grabs me by the arm and hustles me into an empty room, shutting the door behind her. “Eric, we can’t do this. If Lauren catches you in here with me, it’s all over. She already told me to stay away from you.” She’s about to remove herself from my life and I refuse to let her.

  “Ivy…” I need to level with her. She needs to hear what I have to say. “Please…” I reach for her but I’m constricted by this stupid jacket. I take it off and move closer to her. She trembles beneath my touch as I lightly stroke her face with my finger. Her eyes close and I let my hand get lost in her hair. Getting bolder, I lower my arm to her waist, pulling her against me. She’s still resisting me so I whisper again, this time directly next to her ear, “Ivy…please…”

  But instead of responding to my entreaties, she pushes me away. I stagger backward but manage to reach for her hand. And then she does something I don’t expect. She raises my hand to her lips, kissing every knuckle in turn. She’s pleading with me to let her go. I should have known better. I’m not the one she wants.

  I release my grip and her hand lands on my chest, right over my heart. She pauses a moment, letting its rhythmic beat travel through her fingertips. It’s then that she starts to cry. This time she shoves me harder, venting her frustration. I stand there, dejected. I can’t believe I was so wrong about all of this.

  Tears are beginning to form behind my eyes as well, so I turn away from her. I choke back my emotions. If this is what she wants, I have to respect her decision. I won’t force myself on her. Squaring my shoulders, I move forward until my fingers grip the doorknob. I hear her bump up against the table as she sniffles, so I wait. Maybe she doesn’t really mean it. Maybe she’s going to call me back. But she doesn’t.

  Instead, she’s crying as if her heart will break and it’s eating me up inside. It’s more than I can take. If I mean nothing to her, why is she acting like this? Why is she sending me away? It doesn’t make any sense.

  All I know is that I have to get out of here. She doesn’t want my comfort. She wants me gone. So I won’t torture her with my presence. Turning the knob, I step back into the hallway, slamming the door behind me.

  “Who did that?” It’s Lauren’s demanding voice, coming from her office. “I want to know who’s responsible…” She drones on and on, but I can’t focus on anything she’s saying. Somehow I’ve lost Ivy. Maybe I never even had her to begin with.

  Chapter Eleven


  Ryan is waiting by my car when I get out of work. It was one hell of a day, and I’m grateful that Lauren has already left. Thank goodness she didn’t catch me with Eric, because ever since our showdown at his house, she’s been punishing me with a variety of menial tasks. Today, I had to carry fifty-pound boxes of paper up the steep flight of stairs leading to the office. They were heavy and dirty, and I thought I was going to topple backwards and break my neck at least a dozen times.

  My appearance was pretty disheveled after that but she didn’t care. She sent me to pick up her lunch at an exclusive restaurant downtown where there was absolutely no available parking. I ended up stowing my car in a garage eight blocks away. When I arrived, the maître d’ refused to acknowledge my presence as he continued to seat the well-dressed patrons who waltzed right by me like I didn’t exist. When I was finally granted the privilege of paying for her take-out order, the price was double what she gave me and I had to dip into my own wallet to cover the tab. Running back to the garage, I turned over my ticket only to discover I didn’t have enough money on me to pay for the fare. When I started to freak out, the attendant took pity on me and let me drive away when I promised to mail in a check.

  But my ordeal didn’t stop there. When I got back, Lauren immediately had me get to work reorganizing the filing room containing years’ worth of old copies of the Gazette. It’s a monster task that no intern has ever completed in the history of the newspaper. She gave me a deadline of Friday for getting it all done. And just when I thought I would collapse from hunger and thirst, she ordered me to drop everything and go to the post office to pick up the mail.

  I have no hope of ever being able to write something for the paper again. She even took the two stories I was working on away from me and said that she would finish them herself. Of course, they were the ones dealing with Eric and Will. She forced me to turn over my notes and any research I’d already conducted. I wouldn’t be receiving any credit on the byline, either. Of which she took remarkable pleasure in informing me.

  All I can do now is count the days until my imprisonment is over. I have to stay and finish out the internship, but that’s not to say Lauren’s going to write a glowing letter of recommendation to my advisor when it’s all over. I could be suffering for nothing only to have my credits revoked by a bad review from Lauren. So even if I want to sulk in her presence, I can’t. I have to kiss her ass and hope that I’m able to salvage some part of this wretched experience.

  I really want to pretend I don’t see Ryan standing there and hit the nearest liquor store. I can lock myself in my dorm ro
om and drink myself into oblivion before the whole process starts up again in a few hours. And that’s not even counting the gala that’s looming on Friday. Lauren made it clear that it’s a requirement that I attend with Will but she’s not giving me any time to go back and change. I have to show up to work in my dress which will no doubt be ink smudged by the time I get there while everyone is milling around in their finery. I probably won’t even be allowed to brush my hair or spritz on some perfume. She’s expecting Cinderella to go to the ball in rags. Yep, the joke is on me.

  “Get in,” Ryan commands, holding the door open to his Jeep. He has the top down and it’s a beautiful night. Some part of me yearns to feel young and alive again. I can’t let this entire summer pass by in drudgery.

  “I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since seven o’clock this morning. Can you please take me somewhere, even if I have absolutely no money? I promise I’ll pay you back.” I give him my most pitiful, beseeching expression and collapse into the front seat.

  He nods and looks like he wants to kill somebody but he keeps his mouth shut.

  The balmy night air feels good against my skin and my eyes start to close.

  “Hey, don’t go falling asleep on me yet. I have to get you fed.” Ryan turns into the nearest shopping plaza and pulls up outside a pizzeria. Lethargic and practically comatose, I fumble with the door handle, but Ryan opens it for me, placing his arm around my waist to keep me upright. The hostess leads us to a table for two, and I stumble on the way and nearly go down. Thank goodness Ryan’s holding me up or I would have made a spectacle of myself.

  Sliding back my chair, he deposits me in my seat and gives our order to the hostess. He’s not pulling any punches. He knows my blood sugar level must be at an all time low. He glances at me across the table in concern but he doesn’t force me to speak. When our beverages arrive, he makes me drink the whole thing before signaling for another. I start to revive by the time the pizza comes, and half the tray is gone before I even look up at him.


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