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Business is Business PT 4

Page 5

by Silk White


  Nicole quickly silenced the man with a bullet to the face. She then placed her gun back in her thigh holster. Nicole quickly stuffed her oversized pocketbook with as much cash as it could hold.

  Nicole walked from the back as if she hadn’t just killed six men. “You ready?” She asked Eric with a smile.

  “Was waiting on you,” Eric said as the two exited the restaurant. When Nicole got back in the car, she made sure that she sat her pocketbook in the back seat. Nicole put her seat belt on and quickly wiped a few dots of blood off of her arm. “I hope those guys didn’t ruin your night.”

  “I’m good,” Eric said with a fake smile on his face. The truth was that Eric wanted to go back in the restaurant and kill every last one of the Jamaicans who had disrespected him. The only reason things didn’t hit the fan tonight was because Eric didn’t want to scare Nicole with an act of violence on their first night out, but little did he know that Nicole was as violent as they came. Eric pulled up in front of Nicole’s building and placed the gear in park. “Sorry about dinner.”

  “It’s okay, I understand,” Nicole brushed it off. She grabbed Eric’s hand and looked him in his eyes. “You have been the perfect gentleman and thank you for taking me out tonight. I’m sure our next date will be amazing.”

  Eric leaned over and kissed Nicole passionately. “Thank you for tonight. It was a pleasure meeting you and would love to do this again.”

  Nicole smiled. “Anytime,” she leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Nicole stepped out the car, opened the backdoor and grabbed her pocketbook, and then disappeared inside of her building. When Nicole made it back inside of her apartment and quickly removed her gun from her thigh holster and sat it down on the counter. Nicole was glad that she was able to do the job without raising any suspicion with Eric because that would of surely ruined everything.

  Chapter 18


  Rico stepped out the bedroom with a cool bop dressed in all black. Tonight, he and his crew were heading to a club to get their faces out there and let the streets know that they were here to stay. Rico was against having his face in the lime light, but felt as if he had to support his team. All Rico cared about was getting paid and taking care of his family. He had been to jail twice and vowed that he would rather die than step foot in another jail. Rico stepped in the living room and saw his eight-month pregnant girlfriend Samantha laying on the couch.

  “Hey baby, where you going?” Samantha asked looking up at the clock that hung on the wall that read 10:30 p.m.

  “Me and the team going to hit up the club tonight,” Rico said as he leaned down and kissed, Samantha’s pregnant belly.

  “Please be careful Rico, the last thing we need is for you to end up back in jail,” Samantha said with a worried look on her face. The last two times Rico went to jail, Samantha held him down the entire time, and the time away from her man killed her.

  “Baby I told you a hundred times that I’m never going back to jail,” Rico told her.

  “I hate when you go out with that asshole Kaine,” Samantha huffed. She couldn’t stand Kaine. In her eyes, he was just trouble waiting to happen. Every time Kaine came around, it just made Samantha’s skin crawl.

  “I know baby, but I promise I won’t be out too late tonight,” Rico lied. He knew with Samantha being pregnant she didn’t need to be stressing herself out over nonsense.

  “I love you baby, be careful,” Samantha kissed Rico on the lips then watched him walk out the door.

  * * *

  Rico arrived to the club and met up with Benny and Kaine in the parking lot. Rico took one look at Kaine and could see that he was already drunk, which was a bad sign. A sober Kaine was bad, but a drunk Kaine was ten times worst and right now, Rico wanted to get through the night without incident. “You good?”

  “I’m great,” Kaine flashed a drunken smile as he openly checked out a pack of chicks walking by. “Damn!” He snarled as he checked out all of their asses. “Come on, all the hoes are inside,” he said as the trio headed towards the entrance.

  Chapter 19

  Jack Mason

  Jack sat in the passenger seat of his pearl white Benz, staring out the window at all the beautiful women that stood on the long line to get inside the club. Jack stepped out onto the sidewalk dressed in an expensive looking black suit. Alongside Jack were three of his best bodyguards. He decided to beef up his security after getting robbed in broad daylight. Jack and his crew were escorted straight inside the club and led straight to the table they had reserved. As Jack walked through the club, he spotted the man that had robbed and humiliated him sitting over at his own table with a bottle in his hand. Jack quickly headed over into Kaine’s direction. There was no way he could let Kaine get away with what he did to him like that. When Jack got within striking range, he pulled his 9mm from his holster and let it rip.

  Blocka! Blocka! Blocka! Blocka! Blocka!

  Jack let off five rounds and then quickly blended in with the rest of the crowd that scrambled to get out of the club without getting shot.

  * * *

  Rico sat in the cut sipping on his drink when he heard a loud series of gunshots ring out. Things happened so fast that before he could figure out what was going on, he saw Benny laid out on the floor with two holes in his chest. “Shit!” Rico cursed as he kneeled down next to Benny’s body. He looked up, saw Kaine hop over the rail down into the crowd, and began returning fire.

  Kaine pushed his way through the crowd in search of his target. He was so drunk that he didn’t spot Jack until after the shots had rang out. Kaine aimed his gun in Jack’s direction and fired off four shots in rapid succession.

  * * *

  Jack rushed through the club as innocent party goers dropped left and right next to him. Jack spilled out the front door, quickly climbed in the driver’s seat of the Benz, and pulled off in a hurry, leaving his security behind. Jack drove down the highway with a smile on his face. He may not have shot Kaine, but shooting a member of his squad was just as refreshing. Thirty minutes later, Jack stepped inside his baby mansion feeling good about himself. He walked to the refrigerator, grabbed a beer, and then headed upstairs to the master bedroom. Jack removed his suit jacket and took a sip of his beer when he saw a figure dressed in all black emerge from his bathroom. “What the fuck?” Jack said with a confused look on his face. “Who the hell are you?”

  Nicole stood before him dressed in all black with a silenced 9mm aimed at his head. “Millie said to tell you goodnight,” Nicole pulled the trigger and exited the room before Jack’s body hit the floor. Out in the hallway stood one of Jack’s bodyguards. Nicole crept up behind the guard and slit his throat from ear to ear. Downstairs, Nicole ran into another guard she quickly put him down with a silenced bullet to the back of the head.


  Nicole stepped over the guard’s body when another guard walked in on her. Nicole quickly put the big man down with two quick shots to the chest, but before the guard went down, he managed to get one shot off. That one shot was all it took to alert all the other guard’s that something was wrong.

  “Shit,” Nicole cursed as she scrambled towards the exit. She ran around the corner and was roughly tackled down to the floor by a three hundred pound guard. Nicole grabbed the big man’s arm, swirled underneath him, and somehow got the big man’s arm into an arm bar.

  “Urggggghhh!” The big man howled as he heard his bone snap. Nicole made it back to her feet just in time to see two more guards rush inside the room. Nicole quickly grabbed two throwing knives from her utility belt and tossed them at the two guards. Both guards grabbed their throats then went down. Nicole stepped outside, put down three more guards with her perfect aim, and then disappeared in the bushes.

  Chapter 20


  Samantha laid on the couch in a daze as the TV watched her. She was supposed to be in the house resting, but instead she was stressing. Samantha would never be able to rest properly wh
ile Rico was out running the streets. It seemed like the harder she tried to rest, the more her mind wondered. Samantha stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. She trusted Rico, but she just hated when he was out with Kaine. The problem she had with Kaine was that he didn’t think, he just did things and just from meeting him only a few times, Samantha could tell that Kaine didn’t care about his life and didn’t mind sitting in jail for the rest of his life. She never understood how Rico could be friends with someone like that. Samantha waddled back over towards the couch when she heard the front door open and Rico stepped inside with blood on his shirt.

  “Oh my god!” Samantha stood to her feet and placed her hand over her mouth.

  “It’s not my blood,” Rico said quickly as he closed the door behind him.

  “Are you okay? What happened?” Samantha fired off questions back to back with a worried and scared look on her face. This was just why she hated when Rico hung out with Kaine.

  “Was at the club and things got a little crazy,” Rico said with a shrug. He was hoping that Samantha would be sleep when he got in but he had no such luck.

  “Rico, what happened?” Samantha asked with her hands on her hips. “And don’t give me no bullshit!”

  Rico huffed. “Was at the club and some guy that Kaine had static with showed up and started dumping shots,” he gave her the short version.

  “How did I know that Kaine had something to do with this?” Samantha spat. “He’s going to get you killed!”

  “I don’t wanna hear this shit tonight,” Rico headed down the hall until Samantha firmly grabbed his wrist stopping his motion.

  “I’m leaving!” Samantha snapped. “I can’t sit around and watch you throw your life away like this.”

  Rico grabbed Samantha and stopped her from heading down the hall. “Fuck you mean you leaving? I thought we was in this together I’m doing this for us!”

  “You not doing this for us. You doing this for yourself!” Samantha snapped. “I don’t need or care about none of this shit!”

  “Baby I’m just trying to give us a better life that’s all,” Rico said.

  “What good is having everything, if you in jail and you can’t even enjoy it?” Samantha barked. “You smarter than that Rico. Please start using your head. We can’t live how we used to live and we can’t take the risks that we used to take because we have a family now,” Samantha looked down at her swollen stomach.

  “I promise from now on I’ll make sure I move smarter,” Rico promised. “And as soon as the baby gets here I’m done.”

  Samantha’s face lit up. “Say that’s your word.”

  “That’s my word baby,” Rico pulled, Samantha in and hugged her tight. “I love you baby.”

  “I love you more.”

  Chapter 21


  Nicole stepped out of her drop top Benz and handed her keys to the valet that stood out front. She walked inside the five-star hotel looking like a million bucks. She was dressed in a nice form fitting black gown that came down to her ankles, a beautiful necklace glittered around her neck, and the bracelet on her wrist stood out even more. The brunette wig and dark sunglasses gave Nicole a little more swagger in her walk as she approached the front desk and smiled at the man behind the counter. She reached inside her purse and slid the man an envelope filled with cash.

  The clerk quickly took the envelope and in return, he slid Nicole a room key. “Room 505,” he whispered.

  Nicole took the key and headed for the elevators. She stepped on and pressed five. Nicole made sure she kept her head down so the camera couldn’t capture her image. Nicole stepped off the elevator and headed towards room 505. Nicole looked over both shoulders before she swiped the card key across the lock and let herself into the room. Nicole walked inside the room and saw a white chick laying across the bed asleep. “Wake the fuck up!” She yelled causing the white girl to jump up with a startled look on her face.

  “What are you doing in my room?” The white girl asked with fear in her eyes.

  “Is your name Kelly Mason?” Nicole asked as she removed a photo from her purse to confirm she was looking at the right girl.

  “What do you want from me?” Kelly asked with a scared look on her face.

  “Millie Mason sent me here to kill you,” Nicole said as she removed her .380 with the silencer attached from her thigh holster. “So you’re Eric’s wife,” Nicole said with a look on her face that said she wasn’t impressed.

  “You know my husband?” Kelly asked. “Can I please call him real quick?”

  “Eric’s my man now and he doesn’t need any distractions,” Nicole said as she raised her arm aiming her gun at Kelly’s head and pulled the trigger.


  Nicole placed her gun back in her thigh holster when the room door opened and another woman stepped inside.

  “Who the hell are you?” The woman asked with a confused look on her face. Nicole walked up to the girl with a smile on her face and as soon as she got within striking distance, she made her move. Nicole watched as the girl’s head violently snapped back as her jab landed in the center of her face. Nicole quickly swept the girl’s legs from under her, pinned her down with her knee on her chest, and wrapped her hands around the girl’s neck. Nicole watched as the girl’s face turned bright red and her legs kicked and moved as she tried to remove the death grip that Nicole had around her throat. The girl desperately clawed at Nicole’s arm but it was no use, Nicole’s grip was too strong. Two minutes later, the girl’s body finally stopped moving. Nicole stood to her feet, fixed her dress, and then exited the room as if nothing happened.

  Downstairs, Nicole got back in her rented drop top Benz and pulled away from the hotel in a hurry. On the ride back to the airport, Nicole thought about Eric. Even though she hadn’t known him that long, she had to admit that she was definitely feeling him and could see herself with a man like him. Nicole may have liked Eric, but she still worked for Millie.

  Nicole returned the rental, ditched all her weapons, and then took the shuttlebus to the airport. Nicole walked through the airport. She heard her cell phone ring, looked down at the screen, and smiled when she saw Eric’s name pop up on her screen. “I was just thinking about you,” she answered.

  “I was thinking about you too,” Eric sang. “I miss you and want to see you.”

  Nicole looked down at her watch. “I have a few things to do meet me at my place in about five hours?”

  “That’s perfect. I have a couple of things I need to handle as well,” Eric said. “So five hours will be good.”

  “Aight bae I’ll hit you in a minute,” Nicole said then ended the call. As Nicole walked through the terminal, she noticed two white men following her. They had been following her ever since she entered the airport. St first, she thought they were cops, but from the way they carried themselves she knew right away that they definitely weren’t cops. Nicole walked regular then quickly stepped inside the ladies room.

  * * *

  “Don’t let that bitch out of your site,” Eddie said. He and his brother Marcus had been trying to track Nicole down for the past five years. Five years ago, Nicole had murdered their mother in cold blood. When Eddie and Marcus came home that night, they saw Nicole running away from their home. From that point on, they vowed to find the woman that murdered their mother and kill her. The only problem was they had to get rid of their weapons upon entering the airport. Weapons or no weapon, they were going to make the woman who murdered their mother pay.

  “I’m on her,” Marcus said with a serious intense look on his face. “She just went in the ladies room.”

  “This is the perfect opportunity,” Eddie said as he headed towards the ladies room and quickly stepped inside. Marcus was the last one in the restroom and he quickly locked the door behind him. From first glance, the restroom appeared to be empty, but Eddie knew better. He bent down, peeked under all the stalls, and didn’t see any feet. Eddie walked up to the first stall
and kicked the door open.



  Eddie walk up to the next stall and kicked the door open.



  He reached the third door and before he could raise his leg to kick the door open, the door opened on its own and Nicole rushed out and tackled Eddie back into the sink. Nicole grabbed Eddie’s head and slammed it into the mirror shattering it. Nicole went to punch Eddie in his face when she saw Marcus creeping up on her out of the corner of her eye. She quickly delivered a sidekick that landed on Marcus’s chin. The kicked dazed him a bit but didn’t drop him.

  In that split second, Eddie grabbed Nicole in a bear hug and tried to squeeze the life out of her.

  “Urggh!” Nicole groaned as she felt her oxygen begin to cut off. She quickly landed a crushing head-butt that shattered Eddie’s nose. The pain was so severe that he was forced to take a knee. Nicole used that opportunity to slip behind Eddie and put him in a chokehold. Before Eddie could get his second wind, Nicole gave his neck a hard twist until she heard a loud popping sound. Nicole stood to her feet and faced Marcus. Marcus charged Nicole, grabbed her as he hit her hard lifting her up off her feet, and drove her into the hard, unforgiving wall. Nicole hit Marcus with a rabbit punch, a shock to his temple that stunned him. Nicole quickly grabbed Marcus’s shirt, spun him around, and slammed his head into the tiled wall. Marcus tried to fight back but a vicious knee to the pit of his stomach stopped all that. The pain was so bad that Marcus doubled over in pain and dropped down to his knees. “I’m sorry please don’t kill me,” he begged as tears of fear rolled down his face.


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