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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

Page 10

by Mandy M. Roth

  I cringed. She said it out loud.

  “Interesting,” Dale said, looking at me. I felt myself blushing. The slow smile that spread over his face didn’t help.

  At least Paige hadn’t mentioned everything.

  “If you think that’s interesting, ask her to explain the finer art of a certain ‘sexual taboo.’ I couldn’t believe my ears when anal sex came up. Now, that is really interesting!”

  Dale couldn’t have looked more surprised if he tried. I dropped my head down on his shoulder, hiding my face and groaning softly. His shoulder shook up and down and I knew he was silently laughing at me.

  “Would you be willing to smoother me with a pillow when we get home?”

  Dale nudged me and let out a soft laugh. “Maybe.”

  Paige continued and I prepared to be mortified. “Anyway, Elizabeth’s list of recent partners was almost nonexistent. It was pathetic just one for how long now? The mystery man she refuses to name got damn fine scores. What were the specs on him again?”

  Between the smell in the cab and Paige’s question on Charles’ penis size, I almost threw up. Turning away from Dale fast, I cracked the window and tried to breathe normally. It didn’t work.

  “Something wrong?” Dale asked sardonically.

  I glanced back at him and found his stare hard and uninviting.

  Paige laughed. “Of course nothing’s wrong. Hell, Lauren and I grilled her for over an hour about Mr. Mystery. We did manage to find out that he’s a sex machine. That while he didn’t used to try to cuddle with her, he’s fast turning into one. She isn’t comfortable with that.” She cleared her throat. “Oh, and how you can be female, Elizabeth, and not enjoy being held after sex is beyond me. Women would die to have a man who is always insisting on taking them exotic places. What do you do? You spend your time watching movies with my brother, curled up on his lap. You’re still with Mr. Mystery I hope. The guy is a machine. I want one for Christmas just in case anyone cares.”

  “No, you don’t,” Dale said sharply.

  Paige waved him off. “Whatever. The point is Elizabeth’s in the prime of her life. I mean just look at her. She’s tall, always a bonus. I’ve never seen her do anything besides blow-dry her hair and yet it looks like she spends hours on it. She’s beautiful. Men don’t turn down raven-haired women with royal blue eyes. I’m not even going to comment on her figure, but I think it’s safe to say it’s more than acceptable. And she’s actually a nice person.

  “Anyway, Lauren and I agreed to find her some fresh samples to toy with. Why you might ask? That’s easy, because we love her and that’s what friends are for. Our goal is to find her at least ten new samples to choose from. I’m hoping she selects at least five to take for a test ride.”

  Dale did a double take. “You can’t be serious. I can’t believe the two of you are going to toss Liz to the wolves when she’s already seeing a snake.”

  “I hardly call helping the girl find worthy men to sleep with tossing her to the wolves. And Mr. Mystery doesn’t sound at all like a snake. He certainly knows how to make Elizabeth blush when she talks about him.”

  Stunned, I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. I looked ridiculous. Hell, I felt ridiculous. Why was everyone so concerned with how much sex I was or wasn’t getting?

  My cell phone rang and I had to dig it out of my silver handbag. I checked the number. Looks as the though the powers that be were done helping me out. I stared at Charles’ number and flipped the phone over fast. Closing my bag, I looked up to find Paige and Dale watching me.

  “Do you do that to me when I call?” Paige asked.

  Dale’s eyes locked on mine. “Looks like someone is trying to get a hold of you, Elizabeth.”

  It stopped ringing and I exhaled. The minute I inhaled again, I regretted it. The funky odor in the cab filled my nose, making me cough a bit.

  “I’m with Paige. Do you do that to me when I call?” Dale asked.

  “No,” I said a bit too fast.

  “What if the call was important?”

  What if you minded your own business and stopped trying to make me feel bad about Charles.

  “They’ll call back if it’s important.” Instantly, my phone rang again.

  “Must be important.”

  Giving up, I snatched my baby blue phone out of my bag and flipped it open. “Yeah?”


  I touched my tongue to my top lip and wagged my eyebrows at Dale. “Hi Cindy, what’s up?”

  Never before had my childhood friend, Cindy Caros’ voice sounded sweeter.

  “Is this a bad time? I just wanted to double-check that you’re still going to make it in for the reunion. Don’t forget that we’ve got festivities planned for the week. And I also need to know if it’s okay to release your name as one of the attendees.”

  I thought about it a moment and still couldn’t make sense of it. “Why do you need to release my name? I’ll be there, but I’m not clear how that matters to anyone else. The only girlfriends I had know I’m coming. I don’t think any of the guys I used to hang around will show. They never were much for parties, unless Pink Floyd tapes and illegal substances were involved.”

  Cindy cleared her throat, something she did whenever she was nervous. “Some people have been asking. That’s all. It’s really no big deal. I just wanted to clear it with you before I said anything.”

  I chuckled as I took a guess at who might care if I showed up for a damn reunion or not. “Is it the bitch brigade? Have they missed making snide comments at me as I walked past them in the hall? Maybe they’ve come up with new ones. String-bean, Lurch, Amazon woman were so over used by them that I can only hope they’ve been expanding their limited vocabulary. And is it wrong to hope their asses expanded too?”

  Dale and Paige laughed hard. So did Cindy. “I miss you so much, Liz. You always know how to make me laugh. And no, the bitch brigade were not the ones asking. Though, I’m sure they’ll love seeing you again.”

  “Cindy, I can tell by your tone that you really don’t want to tell me who it is. I can think of a hundred reasons why and who might want to know. But could you just tell them that I’ve yet to respond?”

  Whoever the mystery wondering party was could wait for me to show up. Then I’d be on a level playing field.

  “Whew, that’s what I’ve been telling everyone. But I still had to ask. I’m making a note now.”

  “Ohmygod, you’re still as anal as ever. But I love ya all the same. You do realize that without you, I’d have forgotten my way home. I didn’t have to worry about a thing. I had a friend who filled out my agenda book along with hers, making sure to note times I needed to remember to call her.”

  “I have your itinerary done for when you are home this time, too. I want some extra time with you.”

  I let out a soft laugh. “Deal. I might even have someone you’ve been dying to meet come with me.” I glanced at Dale.

  “Tell me who.”



  “Nope.” I laughed.

  We said our goodbyes, and I shoved the phone back in my bag. I shot Dale a victorious grin because I knew damn well he’d assumed it was Charles both times. One out of two wasn’t bad, but not perfect. No sooner did the thought pass than my phone rang again.

  “If only people wanted to talk to me that much,” Paige said jokingly.

  Flipping it open, I brought it to my lips. “Cindy, the answer is still no.”

  “Well, I was hoping for a yes, but I’d be willing to take a maybe,” Charles said.

  Don’t panic. Don’t give them any indication that it’s not Cindy.

  Dale leaned over and pressed his mouth to my ear. “Tell Cindy I said hi.”

  “Elizabeth? What’s the matter, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. What’s the matter?” Dale whispered.

  Wonderful! Because I had trouble hearing with the normal hustle and bustle of the streets, I’d jacked the volume up al
l the way. Now Dale had the ability to hear exactly what Charles was saying.

  “I’m ... umm ... fine.” I tried to push Dale away. He didn’t budge.

  “Are you still out with your friends?” Charles asked, sounding as sexy as ever.


  “You don’t sound like you’re having a good time. Why don’t you tell them you’re not feeling well and come over? When I got home, I walked into my bedroom, and I realized how empty the bed looks without you in it. In fact, I was thinking about how empty I am without you under me. Come over. Spend the whole night with me. You never stay. If I didn’t know every inch of you I’d swear you were a man. The way you roll out of bed, shower, and run home is a very male thing to do.”

  I let out a nervous laugh because I couldn’t think of anything better to say.

  “Come over, Elizabeth. You got me all worked up today and then ran out the door with Corbin. That brings up another matter I’d like discuss with you. I’d also like to tell you that I can go to your reunion with you. I’ll need to be back by Tuesday but that will give us a few days together. And getting to roll over and have you under me anytime I want sounds incredibly good to me. I miss touching you and it’s not even been twenty-four hours yet. But the feel of your—”

  “I get the picture.”

  “Do you? If you need me to explain it to you in more detail I can. I can tell you exactly how you look from every direction. Mmm, remember your guess this morning on what I was thinking about you doing with your legs? Do you? It involved them wrapped around a certain something.”

  I saw the train wreck before it was going to happen but couldn’t seem to stop it.

  “So, Liz, what was your guess?” Dale asked, his voice still a whisper, only now it was a very harsh whisper.

  “This really isn’t a good time. I’ll call you back later. I think it would be best for you not to come home with me for the reunion. I’ll call you or, better yet, meet you for coffee in the morning. Okay?”

  “Elizabeth, are you with another man right now?”

  “How’s Belinda doing?”

  “Point taken, but I have to admit I’m hurt that you’d choose a man you just met over one who you have been with over a year. Things have changed for us, Elizabeth. I know you don’t like to admit that, but they have. I’m not trying to pressure you. I’m just pointing out a fact.”

  “Over a year? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Dale didn’t bother to whisper that time.

  “Ah, well, I can hear that you’re busy, Elizabeth.”

  “Hey, Mr. Baum! How are things at the office? Did something come up that you need us in for? We can cut our date short and meet you there. It’s no biggie. We’ll just pick up where we left off when we’re done.”

  Hearing Dale address Charles directly startled me. The phone slipped out of my hand and fell into Dale’s lap. The irony of the situation was not lost on me. Reaching for it, I hesitated just above his groin. Dale smiled wickedly with a daring look.

  Light pink fingers nails appeared and ripped the phone off Dale’s lap. “Here,” Paige said, shoving the phone at me. “Gawd, Elizabeth, it’s just Dale. You’re acting like his penis is going to leap out and get you.”

  “Paige!” I couldn’t believe she’d said that.

  “Never, ever mention my ... umm ... me again. That’s just not right. Go back to calling screwing being intimate. I liked you better like that.” Dale narrowed his eyes on Paige before moving them to me. “You going to talk to him or just let him sit on the phone while you stare at me?”

  I’m going to leave him on the phone and stare at you.

  Shaking the insane thought from head, I brought the phone back to my lips. “Sorry, I dropped the phone.”

  “Elizabeth, are you having sex with Corbin too?”

  “No! Corbin ... errr ... Dale and I are not having sex.”

  Not in the technical sense of the word.

  Dale pressed his hand to his ear. “Listen. Do you hear it? Is it the sound of splitting hairs?”

  “What?” Paige asked coming off her seat slightly. “Dale, I heard that and you said the two of you weren’t intimate. I have to call Megan and Lauren. Took you two long enough. Geesh.”

  “No,” I said sternly to her.

  “Elizabeth, I understand that our relationship is very open, but I don’t want you sleeping with Corbin. Pick another man, and I’ll do my best not to comment. I can’t make any promises but I’ll try. We agreed this morning that at this point in our relationship I have the right to be jealous. I’m working on that. But there is no way I can look at Corbin every day at the office and know that he’s sharing you.”

  “I know the feeling, Baum.”

  I elbowed Dale hard, and he grunted. I then focused on Charles. “He’s just kidding. Goodnight, Charles.” I shut my phone and turned it off. Looking up at Dale, I found him staring straight ahead.

  Chapter Nine

  The rest of the cab ride to Fever, a local hotspot, was odd to say the least. Dale sat next to me but didn’t say a word to me. He laughed at Paige’s quirky jokes and smiled when needed but other than that, he was quiet.

  “You feeling all right?” I touched Dale’s leg lightly. He tensed before moving his leg away from me.

  Slap me in the face. It would hurt less.

  I’d have dwelled more on it but we arrived at Fever sooner than I thought we would. Lauren was already near the entrance with Megan. They both lived on the floor below me. Megan’s apartment was directly under mine and Lauren’s was under Paige’s. Guess which one complained about the bed thumping noises coming from above them.

  Lauren had on a silver tank and a tight pair of black boot cut slacks. The four-inch, silver, ‘kick’ mule pumps she’d paired with the outfit sealed the deal. She was a woman looking to score tonight. Knowing Lauren, she’d have one or two men with very happy looks on their faces leaving her apartment tomorrow morning. I admired her. She was a driven woman who knew who and what she wanted.

  Megan’s red leather skirt and tiny white top made her look just as eligible as Lauren in a red light special kind of way. Her only saving grace was the knee high black leather boots she had on. Piles upon piles of blonde curls cascaded down her shoulders lending to her perfect diva appearance.

  I’ve really got to stop hanging around gorgeous women. It’s hell on my self-esteem.

  I stepped out, adjusted my top, and smoothed my jeans. Dale grunted and thrust my tiny silver handbag into my hand. I’d reached my limit. His newfound jackass routine had worn on my nerve. “You planning to tell me what’s going on or are you fixin’ on making me guess?” I asked, realizing that I really did have an accent when I was upset. I concentrated quickly on toning that down.

  “I’m fixin’ to make you guess,” he said coldly.

  Lauren and Megan stood there with their mouths open.

  “Help us all. You can take the girl out of country but you can’t take the county out of the girl!” Lauren yelled, running towards me. “Honey, I was wondering if that dick of a boss of yours would let you come out and play tonight. I’m starting to think he wants you all to himself.”

  “Pftt, if you only knew,” Dale snorted.

  Was it wrong that I wanted to smack him and hug him?

  Staring at Lauren, I immediately noticed the new blonde highlights in her long dark hair. They went beautifully with her light bronze skin. Italian through and through. I touched it lightly and smiled. “Somebody going blonde again?”

  She rolled her green eyes and shrugged. “Every now and then I like a change. Is it too much?”

  “No. It’s perfect! And I’m loving the shoes.”

  She beamed. “I just picked them up yesterday. They’re Constanca Basto’s and I managed to get them for only two hundred bucks.”

  Gee, only two hundred dollars.

  I had no clue what she was talking about, but I pretended with the best of them. “Get out! They retail for a heck of lot more than that, do
n’t they?”

  Lauren laughed. “You’re getting better at faking fashion knowledge.”

  “Thanks, I’ve been working on it. Dale talks non-stop about it so I’m bound to learn through osmosis. Give me credit, at least I know the difference between Hilfiger and Lauren now.”

  “Seth will be happy to hear that.”

  “No doubt.”

  Lauren smiled and pointed towards the line at the door. “We waited for you before heading in. The doorman is expecting us.”

  “Yeah, we were afraid you’d lay into a bouncer again and not be allowed in,” Megan said, between bubble gum chomps while she stared at me.

  Paige laughed and Lauren’s gaze met mine. I knew exactly what she was thinking—airhead. Regardless how flighty Megan was, she was our friend. The girl would do anything for you and that spoke volumes for her character. How she succeeded as a personal shopper was a question we’d be asking ourselves for years to come.

  A cool breeze picked up, and we all shivered. My luck, it would rain the first night I finally get out with the gang in months.

  Dale moved up behind me, standing closer than I thought he would. Something else flashed over Lauren’s face as she stared at Dale. She’d be playing twenty questions with me as soon as she got a chance.

  I can hardly wait.

  Megan and Paige paired off, leaving the three of us to stand together. No one said a word for a minute. The tension in the cab ride was already more than I could take. Fearing a major melt-down coming on, I headed for the club door.

  “Get in line, girlie!” a man shouted.

  I ignored him, heading straight for the freakishly large bouncer at the door. He nodded and opened the door for us. Pausing a moment, I turned and touched Dale. He cringed and it felt as though someone had punched me in the gut. “He’s with me.”

  “Am I, Liz? Are you sure, because you may think I’m at your beck and call, but I’m not.”


  Ignoring me, he put his hand on my back and pushed me towards the door. The bouncer nodded again, holding the door open for us. As we stepped through, the volume level increased dramatically. Lauren grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me hard and fast towards the dance floor. Quickly, I captured Dale’s hand in mine. Lauren whipped us out onto the dance floor and shook her way next to me.


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