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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

Page 16

by Mandy M. Roth

  Charles grabbed hold of the back of my thigh and pressed his body to mine. His warm breath skated over my neck as he leaned in close only to pull back and stare down at me. “If it’s not what I think, then tell me what it is. Is he special?” He rolled his blue eyes and huffed. “You’ve fallen for him, haven’t you?”


  Why did that feel like a lie too?

  He slid his hand up and cupped my bare ass cheek. I tried to back up but he squeezed me tight and kept me close. “If you were special to him, he’d still be here.”

  “Charles, this isn’t any of your—”

  “See, it is my concern, Elizabeth. I do care what happens to you. Despite what people say about me, I do have the capacity to care. And when I see you being used it hurts me.”

  That made me laugh. “Why, because you aren’t the only one getting to use me?”

  Charles moved his hand higher, lifting the towel as he went. I touched his arm and pushed down on it. It didn’t budge. “We spelled it out before we did anything. What each of us did and did not expect was on the table for all to see. Somehow, I don’t think this is the case here. I could be mistaken. Tell me if I am. But has he told you he wants a relationship? Has he asked for the two of you to be exclusive?”

  His words began to jab at me, making me think, making me wonder about how wise my decision to sleep with Dale was. I couldn’t look at Charles as he continued on.

  “Has he told you that he loves you? That he’d give up anything for you?” Charles bent back slightly and glanced downward. “There’s no ring on your finger.” I opened my mouth to tell him to leave it alone--he let go of the towel and pressed his hand to my mouth. “Don’t defend him, Elizabeth. He doesn’t deserve it. You didn’t open that door glowing from a night of love and passion, you opened it bothered by something and it showed.”

  Damn, Charles was a hell of a lot more observant than I gave him credit for.

  “If you want to be treated this way so badly, then why do you push me away when I do it? I try to give you gifts and do special things for you and you refuse to accept them.” Tipping his head back, he laughed slightly. “Hell, I’ve been trying to get you to accept the watch I had engraved for you on our one year anniversary and you still won’t take it. And if you tell me that you have a perfectly fine watch that not only goes with everything but is comfortable, I swear I’ll scream.”

  Letting go of my mouth, he took a step back and put his head down. I’d never seen Charles be anything but put together so this wasn’t just odd, it was troubling.

  I reached for him and he backed away from me. “Charles?”

  “I’m fine. And I’m sorry that I said all those things to you. It’s just that this is the first time in a year that I realized I won’t always be a part of your life.”

  “We agreed....”

  The angry look he flashed left me backing up. “I know what we agreed on. I was there for it. Hell, I even made eighty percent of the rules. But things change, Elizabeth—people change.”

  Was he trying to say what I think he was trying to say?

  “If I asked you to stop seeing him and anyone other than me, would you? Would you commit to being in a monogamous relationship with me, Elizabeth?”

  Yep, that’s what I was afraid he was saying.

  “Are you feeling okay?” I asked, concerned he may be having some sort of attack that may require medical attention.

  Charles laughed softly and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. That just flew out. Sorry. I’d say I didn’t mean it, but I think we both know that I say exactly what I mean.”

  I wasn’t sure how we’d even gotten to this point in the conversation, but I knew I didn’t want to be here. I wanted things packaged up nice like they had been. I didn’t want a sexual partner asking for a commitment or a best friend turned lover, turned crazy. The room suddenly felt hotter than it should. I wiped the back of my neck and stared at Charles, waiting patiently for him to tell me it was April Fools’ Day. He didn’t.

  “Elizabeth, are you okay?” He touched my arm lightly. “Honey, forget I asked. I have no idea what’s gotten into me. I think I have a sudden fear of sharing my toys. And before you knee me in the groin, I don’t consider you a toy--I just used that analogy.”

  I relaxed my knee. Good save.

  “I know, let me help you clean this all up and then I’ll take you out to eat and spend the day with you like he should have.” Charles turned and stopped dead in his tracks. I followed his gaze and froze too. On the wall, above the sofa bed, there were three eleven by seventeen, black and white, framed photos of Dale and me. In one, I was getting a piggy-back ride from Dale in the middle of Central Park. Paige had been with us and had insisted we stop for a picture. I tried to tackle Dale but didn’t get far. We both wore huge smiles as we laughed.

  The picture in the middle had the two of us dressed to the nines and dancing. It had been taken at Seth’s sister’s wedding. We’d been dancing and the guests had all been given disposable cameras. This was one of about twenty that had come back showing Dale and I holding each other. This one in particular showed us staring into the other’s eyes. It looked so intimate but when it was happening I hadn’t noticed it.

  The third, and last, picture was one I’d never seen before. Dale and I were asleep. He was pressed against my back, spooning me, with his arm around me and our hands locked. It took me a minute to recognize Megan’s leopard print carpet. I knew then that one of them had taken the picture during one our movie nights.

  “Looks as though the mystery man isn’t a mystery any more. And you are sadly mistaken, Elizabeth. You are most certainly his type,” Charles said, his voice low.

  All I could think of was Dale’s job. “Charles, please don’t hold this against him. He doesn’t feel the same way about me. It’s just like you said, he pulled away, changed, after we ... err ... everything you said. Don’t fire him. I’m turning in my resignation anyway. Please.”

  “I’m not going to fire Dale. You don’t have to quit.” Charles put his hand out to me, and I took it. “I am sorry he hurt you. And, I can’t promise not to take him into the boardroom and kick the shit out of him for being stupid enough to ruin what he had with you. But I can see you care for him.” He pulled me close and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips, lingering a bit longer than one normally would.

  Charles pulled back and gave me a slight smile. “You know where I am if you need me. My door will always be open to you, Elizabeth. Always.”

  I just stood there as he turned and walked away. He closed the door softly and it hit me that Dale was in the house. Slowly, I turned and opened the bedroom door.

  Poking my head inside, I saw no sign of him. That was strange considering there was no way out other than the door. I noticed that all the candles were blown out and most of the flower petals were missing. “Dale?”

  “Over here,” he called from the back of the room. I entered slowly and made my way towards the wardrobes.

  I turned to find Dale scooping up handfuls of petals and dumping them into the bathroom trash can. His face was blank. “Who was at the door?”

  He didn’t hear the outburst? Was he deaf or just trying to see if I’d lie to him? Was Dale that crafty? I didn’t think so, but knowing my luck he was.

  “Charles. We were supposed to meet for coffee this morning and I forgot. He was worried.”

  Why in the hell did I spit that out? I could have gone with no one.

  He didn’t look as he scooped more petals into the trash. “Charles, huh? You should have got me. I’d have come out and said hello.”

  That wasn’t even funny.

  “Yeah, well, he’s gone now.” I walked towards him and began picking up petals too. “I can get these.”

  “No, I put them here, I’ll clean them up.” His words were clipped. He took a handful of petals and smashed them down hard into the trashcan.


  Dale looked up at me, and I could see he was
hurt. “Don’t what, Liz?”

  “Don’t smash them all. I want to save some of them.” I looked away, embarrassed to have admitted that to him.

  “Whatever. It’s totally your call. If you want to hang onto something to remind you of the night I did all this just to have sex with you, then that’s your choice.” Dale stood and stormed off, kicking over the trash and sending flower petals everywhere.

  When I heard the front door slam, I thought about going after him. I took a deep calming breath and focused. I was stronger than this. No man had dictated my decisions in almost ten years. I’d fallen for that once and would not fall for it again. I would not start to kowtow to make one happy now, not even if the man was Dale.

  I let the petals fall and went to find my suitcases.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Look at this one!” Lauren shouted. I turned to find her holding up a light grey, floral chiffon dress.

  “Try not to shout too loud. My head is still marching to the beat of the club last night.” I rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to wipe the headache away.

  “Mmmhmm,” Lauren murmured. “Yeah, I’m thinking the beating of the bed against the wall is what did it.”

  I ignored her and went back to browsing while inside my stomach was threatening to bring the coffee I’d spent twenty minutes trying to get down, back up.

  “How about this one?” Lauren held up a red dress. Its front split open, revealing two additional layers of matching red. The breast line around it was elastic to make its fit perfect. The breast cups themselves resembled a bikini top and the straps were thin and looked to be silk.

  “How much?”

  She glanced at the tag. “A little over two-hundred dollars, but I think I might be able to talk her down a bit.”

  “I’ll take it, but I think I’ll use that to go out one of the nights I’m home. I’d like something a bit more for evening for the reunion itself.”

  “How about this one?” Megan called out from the other side of the tiny boutique. The retro mini skirt she held up had every shade of blue known to man. I’d give myself a headache in it. I could only guess what I would do to other people. I gave her questioning look, and she burst out in laughter. “It was a joke.”


  “I’m trying this one on.” Megan held up a sixties styled green print, short dress. Lauren and I just smiled.

  The bell to the door chimed and a head of white-blonde hair came charging through. “I’m here! I’m here!” Paige yelled, waving at us just in case we missed her dramatic entrance. The baby blue blouse she had on had the tiniest variations of flowers printed in a light plum color. It looked perfect with her double buckle jean capris.

  “I’m digging the cutout mules there, honey.” Lauren moved in to get a closer look at them. “Cute. Watch them like a hawk or they’ll be mine.”

  Laughing, Paige turned and looked at me. Her face fell slightly. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m tired and cranky.”

  “That’s not what I mean. Dale stormed out of your place and into mine.”

  All eyes fell on me. Lauren was the closest and first to say something, “What happened?”

  I didn’t respond. Turns out, I didn’t have to.

  Paige stared at me. “Dale crashed on my couch and looked horrible. It gets worse. My mother called to inform me that the luncheon they planned for us tomorrow had to be cancelled due to one of my father’s business partners taking ill. Apparently, he’ll have to fly to Los Angeles. So, they want to meet this evening. Dale had only spoken with her about half an hour or so before and said he’d be bringing you--,” she looked directly at me, “--with him. So, they’re expecting us tonight.”

  “Hmm, let me think. Umm, no. No. And no.”

  Her mouth dropped. “Why?”

  I wanted to yell ‘duh’ but didn’t. “One, we are all having dinner at Seth’s tonight. Two, your mother doesn’t like me. And don’t try to tell me she does. Have you ever seen the looks she gives me? And lastly, your brother stormed out on me today. I’m sure he doesn’t want me there any more than I want to be there.”

  Megan cleared her throat, and I knew I wouldn’t like what she was about to say. “I was supposed to stop by your place and tell the two of you that Jeffrey woke up with a temperature and stomach cramps. Dinner with Seth is off.”

  Of course it is.

  “Elizabeth, my mother doesn’t like anyone but Dale,” Paige said frankly.

  She was right. Mrs. Corbin only seemed to smile at Dale, no one else. She had some crazy hold over him. I never understood it, but I did have two brothers that were scared to death of my mother and they were in their thirties now. If she corrected them, they listened. Maybe it was a mother son thing.

  “I’m not sticking my nose in, but I’m fairly sure you could do anything and Dale would forgive you,” Lauren said, not turning to look at me. A murmur of agreeing voices backed her up.

  Sure, they love ganging up on me.

  Paige pulled a pack of gum out of her purse, took one, and tossed the pack to Lauren. “Catch!” She glanced at me and smiled. “We need to be there by six.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Elizabeth, please don’t do this to Dale. By inviting you to our monthly family lunch, he’s got my mother convinced he’s intending to marrying you. If you don’t come she’ll grill him until the wee hours of the morning and then she’ll start on me. Please.”

  It was their problem and their mother. And Dale had only asked if I was free tomorrow. He’d never come out and asked me to meet his parents for lunch. Probably because he knew I’d say no. His mother scared me.

  “Fine. I’ll go. But I’m not sitting next to Dale or your mother. I’ll eat with the kitchen help. I’d actually enjoy their company. And, if your mother starts giving me that creepy glare, I’m leaving.”

  Paige squealed and ran towards me. I ducked behind the rounder, hoping to avoid her clutches. She was short, she might not see me. It didn’t work. She hugged me tight and shook me a bit. “Thanks. And it’ll be fine. I promise.”

  Famous last words if I ever heard them.

  I went back to trying to find a dress. “Hey, what do you think of this one?” I lifted a floor length, black satin evening dress for them all to see.

  Paige’s eyes lit and Lauren damn near tackled me to have a look at it. She ripped it free of my hands and began to stroke it. I was creeped out, but they all seemed to react to clothes that way. I’d pet clothing, if it had the right man under it.

  “Oooo, let me see,” Megan said, running in the sixties dress.

  “You planning on getting us arrested or are you changing back into your own clothes?” I asked, grinning.

  “This is mine. I just paid for it. Now, let me see the dress.”

  I thought for a minute that she and Lauren might come to blows over it. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Once, Megan had found a pair of Anya Hinmarch flats that were crimson red. Lauren loved them and they both wanted a pair. Of course, they only had one pair left. So, Paige and I had to drag them out of the store to keep them from clawing each other’s eyes out. The saleswoman had been very understanding. She said that it happens all the time.

  Megan held the dress up and launched into one of her spiels. “Look at the detail on the back seam. I’m loving the hidden zipper. This around the back bodice is divine. Oh, look it drapes in the back. This will stop just above your butt. And the criss-cross black straps will just pull those boys’ eyes directly to you and then down to that fabulous ass.”

  I tapped my foot lightly and waited for her to finish. The look on her face said she had. “Oh, right. So, you’re saying that one will work?”

  All three of them stared at me like a circus freak. “Guess so. Hand her over and I’ll go pay for it.”

  Lauren glanced around at all of us. “Where to next?”

  “Shoes,” Paige said smiling.

  Megan beamed. “Most definitely, shoes.”
br />   “Looks like shoes,” I said, smiling at them. “Then I’ve got to get packed.”

  * * * *

  I stood, staring at the large oak door and glanced down at Paige. “We could make a run for it.”

  She smiled up at me and adjusted her already perfect hair. “I wish they were still in France. Is that wrong?”

  “Not at all. I’ve met your mother.” I took a deep breath in and did a quick double check. I’d decided to go with a long, sheer black mesh dress with white embroidered flowers on the edges. The black, opaque slip under it, while not attached, had come with it. It was sleeveless with a v-neck and mid-way down my calf. Paige had reassured me that it was acceptable dinner attire for her mother. I seriously doubted that anything was acceptable to her mother.

  Already I was wondering if the shoes were a bit too much. I’d gone with a pair of Giuseppe Zanotti black strappy sandals. With four-inch heels, I’d be almost Dale’s height. Since his mother was only as tall as Paige, I’d tower over her and I liked that.

  Paige went to knock and stopped. “Why do I insist on knocking on my parents’ door?”

  “Because ... never mind. I love you so I won’t say why.”

  She laughed and looked pale for a minute. “Are you sure I look okay?”

  The pink and black cotton stretch dress she’d chosen looked beautiful on her. It was strapless and covered all of her breasts. Black silk ribbon ran along the top trim and had a small bow in the center. Another black ribbon ran around the waist. The fitted bodice showed off her petite frame and gave her the look of a fifties movie star. While I decided to leave my hair down, Paige had opted to sweep her curls into tiny pins. White-blonde tendrils fell over her shoulders, framing her delicate features.

  “You look beautiful and if anyone tells you different I will attack them.”


  I exhaled. “As I’ll ever be.”

  Paige tapped lightly on the door. No one answered. Shrugging, she opened the door. Instantly, we were struck with the shrill sound of her mother’s voice from the other room. I’d only been to their apartment twice, but both times it had shocked me how huge it was and how it lacked any sort of real color. It was done entirely in cream, light tan, and white. Every now and then there was a piece that had a bit of burnt orange in it, but that was it. I couldn’t imagine growing up here.


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