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Elemental Pleasure

Page 5

by Lila Dubois

  “Not quite like that. Lean back on your hands to brace yourself.” Preston took her foot and slid it out to the side, exposing her to his gaze, his touch. When he was satisfied, he stroked her ankle.

  “Keep your foot there.” He rolled his chair a bit closer, which bent the knee of the leg he’d bound, opening her body even further.

  He stroked the insides of her thighs and felt her tremble, and then he touched the glossy lips of her sex. They were parted enough that he could see the slick inner folds. He traced the crevices of her sex, coating his fingers in her moisture. Spreading her sex open, he exposed her clit.

  “Preston, please.”

  Now it was he who obeyed her command. Dipping his head, he licked her clit, tasting her pleasure, her desire. He rubbed the nub with his lips, pressing his chin against her inner folds. When that wasn’t enough for either of them, he dipped his head lower and licked the entrance to her body, fucking her with his tongue. His lips and face were coated with her arousal and his cock was hard again.

  Standing, he examined her—legs spread wantonly, head back, lips parted. Grabbing her hair, he forced her to look at him, watched as she struggled to focus through her desire. He kissed her, hard. He wanted her to taste herself on his lips. Mouth fused to hers, his tongue brushed her lips, then ventured into her mouth. He mirrored the action lower, sliding two fingers into the entrance of her body while his thumb made circles around her clit.

  He felt her orgasm building as her body tightened around his fingers, the muscles in her legs trembling. She sucked on his lower lip, making little sounds of arousal and pleasure. Foolishly, he’d put his pants back on, and his cock was throbbing against the rough fabric, pounding with the need to sink into her moist heat. Some dark part of him was ready to forgo what he knew was right and take her, make her his, and damn Lance Glassco.

  Preston was vaguely aware of the door opening, of footsteps.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Jerking back, Preston looked at Lance, who stood by the door. The other man wore jeans, zipped, but not buttoned. His chest was bare, his arms crossed, and he did not look happy.


  Chapter Five

  Carly gasped when she saw Lance watching them. How long had he been there? She started to lower her free foot, but Preston caught her leg, forcing her to stay where she was, spread open on the desk.

  “What are we doing?” Preston drew his fingers out of her sex, only to slide them back in. Carly shivered, and from the look on Lance’s face, she guessed he was not happy about where Preston’s hand was. “We’re getting to know each other, the same way you two did earlier.”

  “So that’s how this works? One of us fucks her, then the other does?”

  “No, it’s not.” Preston’s tone was calm. He wasn’t intimidated by Lance; that much was clear.

  “Then get your hands off her.” Lance’s words were hot and angry, fire to Preston’s ice.

  “Stop.” Carly wanted to curse her weak voice. Her body felt alive with desire. Seeing Lance reminded her of the rough way he’d touched her, which only ratcheted up her need. She was a powder keg, ready to blow.

  “No. I won’t. Carly is mine until ten p.m.”

  “There’s a schedule?” Lance’s words dripped with scorn.

  “We’re playing a game.”

  “What game?”

  “She has to do what I say until ten.”

  Lance took a step forward, his arms falling to his sides though his hands fisted. “Did you fuck her?”

  “You mean the way you almost did?” Preston continued to leisurely work his fingers in and out of her pussy, effectively keeping Carly in an incapacitated state of arousal. She tried to react, aware she should stop this, but she couldn’t.

  “I didn’t fuck her.” Lance’s eyes were glued to Carly’s pussy, to Preston’s hand as he continued to finger her. His hungry luck made her hotter.

  “And neither have I. We’re just getting to know each other.”

  Silence fell for a moment before Preston’s thumb passed over her clit and Carly moaned. “Please, I can’t stand it anymore. I need to come.” She felt both of their gazes on her, and she shuddered.

  “God, she’s gorgeous.” Lance’s voice was almost a growl. Carly opened her eyes and looked at him. Their gazes met, held, and as had happened with Preston, the connection lasted far longer than was comfortable, than was normal. Something powerful lingered between the three of them.

  “Yes. She is. That we can agree on.”

  Lance’s gaze narrowed. “I don’t know why, but I like seeing you touch her.”

  “That doesn’t sound strange to me.” Preston smiled. “I enjoyed watching you touch her too.”

  “You watched?”

  Preston nodded.

  Lance grimaced. “I’m not a voyeur. I like action.”

  “It’s not voyeurism if you participate.”

  Preston withdrew his fingers and stepped back.

  “Damn it, no,” Carly reached for him, needing his touch, any touch to help her find the release she so desperately longed for. Off balance, she started to fall from the desk, unable to catch herself with her leg still bound.

  Preston caught her, and a moment later, there was another set of hands on her, supporting her. Looking over her shoulder, she stared at Lance’s chin. This close she could see the stubble on his cheeks, smell the whiskey on his breath. Preston untied her foot and helped her stand.

  Lance was at her back, his bare chest brushing against her. Preston, still dressed, stood in front of her. They remained there, still as statues, three people bound together for the rest of their lives, and yet they had no idea how to deal with each other. Carly was struck by the bizarreness of their situation. If she wasn’t so painfully aroused, she’d laugh at the absurdity.

  Lance’s hands were at her waist, but after a moment, they slid along her hips, pulling her ass against his crotch. She wasn’t surprised to feel the hard ridge of his cock.

  Preston reached out and cupped her breasts. “Perhaps it’s time we stop acting as couples when we’re meant to be three.”

  Lance’s hands tightened on her hips. “You think we should have sex, the three of us?”

  “We have a choice to make,” Preston said. Carly suspected he used the same quiet, confident tone at all times. Did anything ever ruffle his feathers?

  She wished they would both stop and step away, so she gather her thoughts and contribute to this discussion. After all, it certainly concerned her. Yet she wouldn’t ask for that distance, because right now all she could think about was their touch and achieving the climax she so desperately craved.

  “We don’t have any choices,” Lance growled.

  “We do. We can choose to exclude sex from our trinity, to act sexually only when we’re in pairs.”

  “Fuck that,” Lance said. “If you’re going to fuck her, I’m going to be there.”

  “Really?” Preston raised a brow. “Then what were you doing earlier?”

  “I said if you fucked her, I wanted to be there. If you choose not to be there when I fuck her…” Carly felt Lance shrug. “I can’t make that decision for you.”

  Preston smiled, but it was not friendly. It was almost…dangerous. “If you touch her again without me present, we’re going to have a problem.”

  Carly could feel them staring at each other, could feel the tension stretched taut. Sandwiched between them, she realized how small she was and exactly what it would mean to have two men in her life. A vague sense of unease crept in.

  The strained silence broke when Lance nodded. “Fair enough.”

  Preston smiled, but this time there was genuine pleasure in his eyes. “Then perhaps it’s time we truly engaged in our ménage a trois.”

  Lance’s response was to dip his head and kiss Carly’s neck. Preston had done the same not long ago, but she would never mistake one man’s touch for the other. Lance’s stubble scraped her skin. Preston had gone for the
spot where neck met shoulder, while Lance found the sensitive area just below her ear. She gasped when he kissed and licked her there. Prickles of heat zinged between her neck and breasts, making her nipples even more responsive to Preston’s rolling and pinching.

  When Lance’s hands slid around to her belly and dipped between her legs to fondle her pussy, alarm bells signaled confusion in her brain. There were too many hands, too many sensations. She shifted, suddenly nervous.

  “The bed,” Preston said.

  She wasn’t sure which of them lifted her, but she found herself placed in the center. The mattress shifted under her, rolling her first to one side, then to the other, as two heavy male bodies positioned themselves on either side. There was a small voice in her head saying she needed to stop this, that she should take control and assert herself. That thought was silenced when they touched her.

  Lance was on her left, propped on one elbow. He drew her arm over her head, laying her wrist on the pillow, and then he kissed his way down over her chest to her breast. He held the mound of flesh firm with one hand as he took her nipple into his mouth. Preston, on her right, lifted her leg, hooking it over his and exposing her sex to his wandering hands. She was so wet, so ready, she was sure a single touch to her clit would send her over. As if he knew that, Preston’s hands stayed away, instead fondling and tugging the lips of her sex.

  “Lovely Carly.” Preston’s fingers stroked her as Lance suckled her. “Have you had anal sex before?”

  “What?” The question startled her. “Yes. Why?”

  “Was it recently? We don’t want to hurt you.”

  Lance raised his head. “If we’re both going to fuck you, we’re going to need options.”

  Confusion tore through her at Lance’s words. Options? Oh god. They were going to use her, fuck her…and she wanted it. She craved it so much, it hurt. When had she completely lost her mind?

  “Don’t scare her,” Preston said.

  “I’m not scared.” It wasn’t true. She was frightened of them, of what they made her feel, of what she’d gotten herself into. She wasn’t this woman, wasn’t the sort to lose herself in the passion.

  “Good girl.” Lance grabbed her chin and turned her head, kissing her hard and deep. Preston’s lips touched her belly, moving south toward her sex. Lance broke the union of their lips to watch the other man’s descent.

  Preston raised his head when he was just a breath away from where she desperately needed his mouth. A wave of disappointment and something like rage coursed through her. Couldn’t he see how close she was? These near misses were killing her. She needed to come.

  She opened her mouth to berate him, to demand he satisfy her, but Preston spoke first.

  “Carly, you didn’t answer my question. When did you last have anal sex?”

  “I don’t know. It was a long time ago.” How could they expect her to think at a time like this?

  “We can’t risk it,” Preston said. “We might hurt her.”

  Lance frowned. “We’ll go slow.”

  “No, we won’t.”

  Lance chuckled, the sound vibrating against Carly where they touched. “You’re right, we won’t. I want her too fucking much.”

  Preston unhooked her leg. “On your hands and knees, my beautiful Carly.”

  Before she had time to respond, they rolled her to her belly. Hands at her hips drew her ass up and helped position her on her knees in the center of the bed. She was a ragdoll, theirs for the taking. What was she doing?

  Lance ran his hand through her slit and she moaned. “Her pussy is mine.”

  “No,” Preston replied simply.

  “Listen. You need to step back or we’re going to…”

  “She’ll decide.” Preston’s hand smoothed over her ass, his fingers brushing her aching pussy. “Carly, one of us is going to fuck your pussy, while the other takes your mouth. The choice is yours.”

  Jesus. Had she ever been asked such a question in her life? Carly closed her eyes, trying to think. How could she choose between them, and what would it mean if she appeared to favor one over the other? They’d already come close to blows several times tonight.

  Had she been less stimulated, less needy, the question and its ramifications might have paralyzed her. As it was, her reply was instinctive. She liked Lance’s rough, needy touch, but she trusted Preston more.

  “I want Preston to fuck me.”

  There was a beat of silence, and then the bed shifted as Preston climbed off. Lance looked at her. She turned away, afraid he would be angry with her. Hard fingers caught her chin, forcing her face to him. He was propped on one elbow, lying beside her. Somewhere along the line he’d removed his pants, but his boxers were still on. She could see the bulge of his cock under the fabric.

  “Come here, gorgeous.” Lance scooted down the mattress, and then guided her into position over him. She had a hand and leg on each side of his body; her knees were at the edge of the mattress, her feet dangling in space. Lance’s hands wrapped around her upper arms kept her from sliding off the bed. A moment later, falling wasn’t a concern as Preston’s hands stroked her ass, holding her in place. She looked over her shoulder and got her first look at Preston’s naked body.

  He was long and lean with ropes of muscles on every limb. While Lance was thick and broad, Preston was chiseled with the body of a runner or cyclist. His hands kneaded her legs and ass. When he slipped two fingers into her sex, she shuddered and dropped her head on Lance’s thigh.

  Lance tangled his fingers in her hair. She looked up, and together they worked his boxers over his cock. It was rigid, the head already wet. He was thicker than Preston, but not as long. She licked her lips, wondering how she’d take it in her mouth and what it would feel like to have it stretching her pussy.

  His hands returned to her head and his fingers were gentle as he caressed her cheeks, her lips. The show of tenderness was unexpected in the heat and fire of the moment, and Carly’s heart clenched. She wondered if he was trying to make amends for his roughness earlier. The idea that he could show such kindness touched her and, for the first time, she began to think she could feel something genuine, something real for these men.

  Lance’s gaze moved from her to something over her head, then he guided her mouth to his cock. Carly didn’t need any more prodding. She opened her mouth, swirling her tongue over the tip, then closed her lips around his dick, just below the head, so she could tease and torment the most sensitive part.

  Fingers opened her sex. Preston’s cock slid between the folds. He positioned himself at the entrance to her body as Lance’s fingers tightened in her hair.

  Together they moved, Preston’s cock thrust into her sex with one hard shove. He took her with a self-assurance, a confidence that convinced her he knew who he was and what he wanted.

  Lance’s dick filled her mouth as he lifted his hips. Preston pushed deeper inside her pussy. She tensed against the sudden invasions, but in the next heartbeat, a wave of pleasure crashed over her. She closed her eyes and gave herself to them, to this amazing moment.

  Preston thrust in and out of her pussy in a steady, slow rhythm. Each plunge pushed her forward driving Lance’s cock deeper into her mouth. The head brushed the back of her throat.

  She pressed her arms along the outside of Lance’s powerful torso, her fingers clenching at his warm skin, his firm flesh. Lance propped himself up and reached under her, finding a nipple. He pinched it, the rough touch reminding her of their interlude by the piano. That memory sent lightning sparks straight to her clit and when Preston stroked it, she came.

  The orgasm ripped through her, tightening the muscles of her belly and pussy. She swallowed Lance’s cock, needing that fullness in both her mouth and her sex as she rode the waves of pleasure. Her orgasm started to fade, but her lovers clearly weren’t finished.

  Carly shuddered anew as Preston drew his cock completely out of her, then thrust back in. His motions weren’t slow and deep, but hard and fast and her wh
ole body shook from the force and speed. A moment later, she felt Preston tense with his climax, his body coming over hers. He took hold of the breast Lance wasn’t playing with, twisting her nipple.

  “I want her pussy,” Lance said.

  Carly barely had time to understand what that meant when she was rolled over onto her back. Lance grabbed pillows and shoved them under her ass, elevating her hips before he slid off the bed to stand beside Preston. She wrapped her legs around Lance’s waist, and in the next breath, his cock slid into her. He was wider than Preston, so he had to go slow to allow her orgasm-tight body to accommodate him.

  Preston lay down beside her, his hand sliding along her belly to her sex. His fingers found her clit, rubbing it gently for several moments before moving lower. He touched the stretched flesh at her entrance where Lance’s cock slid into her and Carly gasped for air. She’d never experienced such dark, almost forbidden pleasure, and she was struck by the realization there was nothing she would refuse these men if they simply asked. Hell, Lance wouldn’t request, he’d take. And she—dammit—would give. Without hesitation.

  She could still taste Lance in her mouth as Preston’s fingers teased her clit until she returned to the height of another orgasm. Lance was seated to the hilt, filling her with his hard flesh.

  “Fuck,” Lance growled. “This is so fucking hot.”

  “Can you come again, lovely Carly?” Preston asked.

  “Yes, yes.” Her entire vocabulary had shrunk to that one word. It was all she needed. “Yes.”

  Lance pressed in once more as Preston applied even more pressure to her clit. Then it was over. Or had it just begun? This orgasm wasn’t a surge of pleasure like the first. It was too intense to be given such a kind name. It ripped through her. Her teeth clenched and her back arched as something so acute it was almost pain shattered her. They prolonged her pleasure—Lance fucking her hard and fast as he too came, Preston sucking her nipples with a pressure that hovered on the razor’s edge between rapture and discomfort.

  “No more, no more,” she begged, her head thrashing from side to side.


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