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ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

Page 4

by Amanda Anderson

  “Fuck Candy. You could take it easy on me this once.”

  Janice heard him grunt and wanted to throw up. She heard the bed creak and a woman giggle.

  “Oh Ace, you never want me to take it easy on you.”

  She heard him grunt again.

  “Mmmmm now how is that? Does that feel better baby?”

  “Fuck yes. Damn it Candy you’re fucking amazing.”

  “Mmhmm I am.”

  Janice couldn’t take anymore. She turned the phone off and tossed it to the seat beside her. She was a fool to think Ace felt anything for her. Just like Tank. He was off fucking some woman while she made a fool of herself over him. She wanted to turn the car around, but thought of Marty. She would do this for Marty, but Ace could think again if he thought this was for him.

  Ace had hated cutting it short with Janice. He hadn’t wanted her to hear him being a pussy when Candy stuck him with that damned needle. He hated shots worse than bullets and this one had to stay in while that damned medicine dripped into his veins.

  Candy wasn’t a nurse, but she was smart. Lizzie had shown her what to do and Candy had worked with Ink too long to be afraid of needles. She wasn’t gentle though and Ace always whined more than he liked anyone to know about.

  Candy was fun though and Ace liked her. She tried to take his mind off the pain too in the most unconventional ways. When she saw him in pain she just whipped her shirt off over her head and gave him something else to think about. Ace knew that if he reached out and touched her that she would probably stab him with the damned needle, but she would let him just look.

  Before he knew it he was all hooked up and getting drowsy. Candy had one hell of a bedside manner that was for damn sure.

  She leaned down until her breasts pressed against his naked chest and kissed his cheek.

  “Feel better Ace. I’ll be back in a little while to unhook you.”

  “You could stay for just a little while longer…”

  “I could, but Toothpick gets out in a week and I don’t want to give him a reason to go back in.”

  “You’re a good woman Candy. Pick’s a lucky sonofabitch to have you.”

  “He doesn’t have me yet, but I’m damned determined this time.”

  Ace looked her over as she pulled her shirt back on. Her tanned skin was flawless except for the tattoos she sported. Her short blonde hair was tipped with hot pink similar to the way Ink’s was tipped with blue. Even with her different style she was a beauty.

  “A man doesn’t do what he did for a whore Candy. You’ll be patched the minute he gets home.”

  Candy’s smile lit up her face. “I sure as hell hope so. I love that man more than myself and that’s dangerous business around here.”

  Candy left the room and Ace’s mind turned to Janice. He picked up his phone and dialed her. Janice didn’t answer her phone and Ace frowned. He tried her three more times before the pain medicine kicked in and he fell asleep. He hoped she was alright.


  Janice pulled into the gravel drive in Cool Creek, West Virginia. She had avoided Ace all day and she knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid him much longer. The problem was, she wasn’t any closer to understanding her feelings than she had been when she left home. She would have to tell him something though and she sure couldn’t tell him the truth.

  She rubbed her forehead and tried to think of something to say to him. A tap at the window cut her thoughts short. She looked up to find him standing in the darkness wearing a scowl that should have made her afraid for her life, but instead it got her dander up. She rolled her window down and cocked an eyebrow.

  “Can I help you Ace.”

  His scowl worsened. “You sure as shit can. Why the fuck haven’t you been answering your phone? I was worried sick and I’ve been in this goddamned trailer for the past three hours waiting for you.”

  She rolled up the window and stepped out of the car.

  “I don’t answer to you Ace. It sounded like you were busy when I called. There is no need for us to keep tabs on each other. I’m just here to help you with Marty.”

  “The fuck you say? Are you drunk?”

  She pushed past him. “No I am not drunk. What kind of question is that?”

  Janice stalked to the front door and twisted the knob.

  “You don’t have to stay Ace. I’m sure you can yell at me tomorrow. Right now, I’m tired.”

  Ace didn’t say anything as she walked into the trailer and flipped on the lights. He was silent as he followed her to the kitchen sink where she stopped to get a drink of water. Janice had a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach when he just stood and waited for her.

  “You can go now Ace.”

  He still said nothing and when she hesitated he placed his big hand on the small of her back and directed her to his bedroom. He walked in and held the door for Janice. As soon as the door closed behind them Ace pushed her against the door and bent so his eyes were even with hers.

  “Let me get this straight. You think you heard something on the phone today and instead of asking me so I could tell you what was up, you jumped to a conclusion and refused my calls today and let me worry all fucking day? Does that about cover it Janice?”

  Janice couldn’t breathe. No man had ever treated her this way and it was setting her on fire. She couldn’t speak and she was mortified to realize that her panties were getting wet.

  “Answer the fucking question Janice.”

  “I guess so.” She said with as much spunk as she could muster.

  He raised his brows. “I don’t like games. If you don’t have the balls to ask a question then I’m not real sure how you think you can handle being around me.”

  “Who says I want to be around you Ace.”

  He leaned down until his lips were a breath from hers. “I do.”

  Then his lips crashed into hers and she couldn’t remember why she had ever been mad at this man. Before her next breath she was lifted and pressed against the door. She wrapped her legs around his trim waist and her arms around his neck. He devoured her and she loved it. She was on fire and alive and she felt reckless and young for the first time in too many years to count.

  “Say yes Janice.” He panted as he sucked her nipple through the thin material of her shirt and bra.

  He wanted her to talk? How could she talk when she couldn’t even think?

  “Janice, I won’t do anything else unless you say yes.”

  “Yes.” What had she agreed to? She didn’t care as long as Ace didn’t stop touching her.

  His hand found its way into her shirt as the other gripped her ass. He pressed into the junction of her thighs and she felt him hard against her there. Janice moaned as he pressed his rigid length or his dick against her as his hips began to move.

  “Fuck. Strip Janice and get on the bed.”

  Her feet hit the floor and she started tearing at her clothes as she walked to the bed. Ace was right behind her. By the time they made it the few steps to the king sized bed they were naked. He fell on her with a hunger that threatened to consume them both, but he wasn’t all for one thing, he planned to enjoy her before he claimed her.

  “Hold onto the headboard Janice and don’t let go.”

  She did as she was told as Ace found her hardened nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Janice lifted her hips to rub against him and was rewarded with a sharp bite to her tender pink flesh. He feasted on her. His hands molded her breasts as his tongued toyed with them. She was on fire and begging him to take her before his lips traveled south and he began tasting much more intimate flesh.

  “Shit Janice, your pussy tastes like heaven.”

  She moaned as he lapped at her feminine flesh. He suckled her little bud and commanded her to let go and she had no defense. She let go. She gave him everything as she screamed his name. Then she felt him there. She hadn’t been with a man in years and Ace was no small man. He pressed forward and she felt her body stretch to accommodate him. It burned even
as it felt good and she locked her eyes on his face.

  “Fuck. I didn’t expect you to be this tight Janice, fuck.”

  His teeth were gritted as he tried to take his time. Janice took it from him as she lifted her hips and took all of him into her body. Ace cursed as he held still for a few seconds with his eyes closed tight.

  “You feel so good Janice. So damned good.”

  His eyes opened and centered on her. They moved with one mind, perfectly matched. They didn’t speak as their bodies mated, but they shared each breath. It was several long moments before Ace leaned down and kissed her lips. Then he quickened his pace. They were breathless as he began to pound into her body. It didn’t take long before she was calling out his name again as she felt her body start to convulse around him. Then she felt the heated jets of his release bathing her inner walls.

  She accepted his weight and wrapped around him. She kissed his head and stroked his back as he regained his breath.

  She started to drift off so when he spoke it startled her.

  “I don’t know what the hell you heard, but nothing happened with Candy today. She’s pretty much an oldlady and I don’t fuck a brother’s woman. Don’t you ever make me worry like that again Janice or might just spank that fine ass for you.”

  Janice was speechless. Spank her? As if she would allow that…

  “Oh baby, you might like it. Your ass getting heated up. Little bit of sting is exciting.”

  “I think not.” She murmured, but she was secretly curious.

  He laughed. “Janice, you can’t lie about being excited when I’m still inside you. I feel you getting wetter. I can feel your body pulsing at the thought of me spanking your sweet little ass before I kiss it all better.”

  As he spoke he started to move again and Janice gave up. This man could do anything he wanted to her and she bet she would love every second of it.

  The sun was starting to filter through the curtains when Ace finally fell asleep. Janice hadn’t been satisfied like that since Tank and that had been twenty years ago. She felt tender in the most delicious way and exhausted to her core as only a night of passion could exhaust. She lay in bed and listened to Ace breathe and slowly drifted off to sleep.


  Ace couldn’t decide how he felt. The sex had been out of this world, but he felt guilty in a way he refused to think abobut. He watched Janice as she cleaned the trailer. It wasn’t much, but he hoped Marty would appreciate the gesture. Janice had spent the last couple hours shopping for Marty’s room. She had ordered the furniture a week ago and it was due to arrive any minute. Janice had planned her trip around the furniture delivery and he hoped to hell it was all right when it got there.

  Within a few hours Janice had bought enough stuff to fill the house. He hadn’t had a single clue, but she acted like it was nothing to outfit the entire house. Now all that was left was the furniture delivery and putting everything in its place.

  Ace paced the living room. He wanted to show the place to Marty the next day so he hoped everything could be finished tonight.

  “Would you stop it?”

  Ace stopped pacing and looked to Janice who stood with her hands on her hips looking at him.


  “She is going to love this place. It won’t matter if it’s finished or not. Frankly I could use her help and she would love this part too. Not up to me, but I’m just saying.”

  Ace frowned. “You think she’d rather be down here workin’?”

  Janice just nodded, grabbed another bag and carried it to the bathroom.

  Ace thought about that for a few seconds before he grabbed his phone and dialed Marty. She answered on the second ring.

  “Hey kid. What are you up to today?”

  “Hey there old man. I’m not doing anything much…”

  Ace heard something in her voice that made him frown, but decided not to push it. “I could use some help with something so get your ass movin’.”

  She laughed. “With what and where is it movin’ to?”

  “I’ll come get you. Where are you?”

  She paused. “How about I meet you at the clubhouse in about fifteen minutes?”

  “How about you tell me where the hell you are right now?”

  She’s quiet.

  “Now Marty.”

  “I rode into town with Tommy and Jack to pick something up from the club. Just going there and back…”

  “Damn it Marty. They touch you and I’ll fucking kill them.”

  “They are aware of that fact, trust me. They seem real nice…”

  “They’d better.” Ace heard a male voice, but couldn’t make out the words. “Fifteen minutes Marty.”

  “We are on our way back now. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  “Watch it.”

  “Sorry. See you in fifteen.”

  Ace hung up the phone and fumed a little. She knew better than to run off without letting him know. He knew Tommy and Jack would keep her safe, both men were close to making brother and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that, but Marty was his only blood kin and he couldn’t stand the thought of her in danger.

  “I’m going to get her Janice.” Ace raised his voice so Janice could hear him down the hall.

  She poked her head out of the bathroom and gave him a thumbs up before she disappeared again. That woman was something else.

  Ace couldn’t help the grin that curled his lips. She had been something else last night too. He adjusted his pants as he thought. The clubhouse was only five minutes away…

  He made his way to the bathroom. Janice looked up when he stepped into the room.

  “I’ve got ten minutes.” He started unbuckling his belt and watched as her cheeks pinked. She didn’t resist him when he pulled her to her feel and stood her in front of the mirror. She only sighed when he pulled her shirt over her head and she moaned when he ran his hand down her belly.

  “I want to watch your tits while I fuck you.”

  He eased her shorts down and she stepped out of them as he slowly pushed her to the sink. He grabbed her ass and forced her to stand on the toes so he could get a better angel. Then he slid into her tight sheath and almost lost his mind.

  Marty chewed her lip as she waited for Ace to pick her up. She hadn’t thought anything about riding to town with Tommy and Jack even though they had seemed a little apprehensive. What was the big deal? Ace hadn’t been happy though and that worried her. She heard cursing from the garage where the men worked on their bikes and stuck her head inside.

  “You stupid piece of shit.”

  She saw Jack lying on the floor with blood pouring from his nose. She ran in before she thought.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  She looked up to find Mike standing over Jack.

  “I have a name for you, asshole! That suits you to a t!! Where the hell do you get off shoving everybody around?”

  Jack had recovered enough to stand and push Marty behind him as he faced Mike again.

  “Shut the fuck up. You don’t get to talk to me and you still owe me a bike wash.” Mike said as he glared at her.

  “This is between me and you Mike. Leave Marty out of it.”

  “Fuck you Jack. You are nothing! I will beat the shit out of you and do as I pleas with her so shut the fuck up.”

  Jack gritted his teeth. “Marty. You need to clear out of here right now and I mean it.”

  Marty looked at Jack and for the first time since that first morning in the club house, she felt real fear. She had never been so glad to hear Ace’s bike in all her life. He stepped through the doors and surveyed the scene before frowning at Marty.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Ace demanded.

  “Teaching this piece of shit a lesson and your kid got in the way. You need to teach her a few manners Ace.”

  “We’ve never had trouble Mike, but you keep on my kid and we’ll start. I’ll not get in the middle of you and Jack, but you leave Marty out o
f it. Marty let’s go.”

  “You can’t just let him do this. Jack won’t fight him. You can’t let Mike kill him.”

  “Hush. Jack can handle whatever Mike dishes out. It’s all part of being a prospect. He’s too close to brother to want me to step in.”

  “Bunch of barbarians! I can’t see how any of you ever find women who could stand the sight of you!” Marty said the words to the room but her eyes were squarely on Mike and he knew it.


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