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Mistaken Identity

Page 15

by Montgomery, Alyssa J.

  ‘Spiros thinks you took me to bed knowing that he’d arrive and find us together.’

  She saw a guilty flush touch his face, and her heart fell. She knew Spiros had been right. She swallowed back her tears. ‘I see,’ she said, her voice very soft. She began to turn away from him to conceal her hurt, but she stopped and turned back to face him again. She met his dark eyes. ‘I masqueraded as Susie because I wanted to help her. I didn’t know what else to do.’

  ‘You made your choice. You made a conscious decision to lie to me.’

  ‘That wasn’t easy for me!’

  ‘And yet you kept lying!’

  ‘I didn’t know she was using drugs until you showed me those photos in your office. It was an enormous shock for me. Then she told me she thought could beat her addiction with Spiros’s help. I’d have done anything to help her.’

  ‘She lied about her pregnancy.’

  ‘I know that now, but I didn’t know it then. I believed she and Spiros were in love. They both begged me to keep up the pretence.’

  ‘And you did.’ He turned away from her, and began walking in a different direction. ‘Congratulations. You gave an Academy Award winning performance,’ he said sarcastically. ‘The lengths you went to, sacrificing yourself for your sister — just incredible.’

  ‘Don’t you see? Susie was threatening to kill herself. You were threatening to release those awful photos to the newspapers.’

  He turned back. ‘I would never have done that.’

  ‘I didn’t know that. I couldn’t take that risk. Releasing those photos wouldn’t have just destroyed Susie’s career, it would’ve hurt my parents.’

  ‘Parents who have done a fine job raising two children who are adept at lying and scheming.’

  ‘They have no idea what’s going on,’ she said, defending them.

  He shook his head. ‘Either way, I don’t really care.’

  ‘Your parents weren’t happy together, Alex. That would’ve impacted on your childhood, just the same way my parents’ divorce hurt me.’

  He raised a finger at her, like a parent scolding a naughty child. ‘You think coming from a broken home excuses your behaviour?’

  ‘No! I know it doesn’t. But I’ve prayed all my life that Mum and Dad would get back together again.’

  ‘I don’t want to hear about your childhood fantasies.’

  ‘You don’t understand.’

  ‘I don’t want to understand.’ He started turning away from her again.

  ‘Dad’s divorced his second wife.’ The words rushed out of her mouth. She knew that she was running out of time. ‘My parents are getting closer again. They could re-marry. But if you’d released those photos to the media, they’d find out about Susie’s addiction. Mum would blame Dad, and it would blow them apart.

  His eyes were hard. ‘Why are you telling me this?’

  ‘Because I want you to understand why I pretended to be Susie. I did it because I love my sister and my parents, and I wanted to protect them.’

  ‘You claim that your sister’s lied to you. Manipulated you. How can you love her?’

  ‘She has, but that’s not what she’s normally like. That’s just what the drug use has done to her. I can’t stop loving her.’ She paused. ‘Love isn’t an emotion you can just turn off. Walk away from.’

  She’d stopped breathing. He stilled.

  Please understand. Her future was balanced on the brink of a precipice.

  ‘What about my family? The damage to Spiros’s happiness if your sister had married him? I know first-hand what it’s like to be trapped in a loveless marriage. It would’ve destroyed Spiros to find out that Susan’s pregnancy was a lie. I also know what he would’ve suffered as a result of her drug addiction.’

  ‘Exactly. Don’t you see? We’ve both done things we wouldn’t normally do for the same reason. We acted out of love for our siblings. You broke the law. You kidnapped me and held me against my will out of love for your brother. We’re not so different.’

  ‘I didn’t lie.’

  ‘You lied to customs.’

  ‘I told them you weren’t well, that you were coming to my island to recover.’

  ‘Against my wishes.’

  ‘I brought you here for your own protection. I saved you from Comelli. I paid off your debts and was prepared to pay for your rehabilitation.’ He shook his head in frustration and corrected himself, ‘Susan’s rehabilitation.’

  ‘‘You brought me here to keep Susie away from Spiros. Everything else was secondary.’

  ‘Susan would’ve benefited from the arrangement.’

  ‘There was no arrangement! You’ve excused your own actions. Why can’t you see that I was trying to do the best I could for my family. I didn’t have any other choice.’ She raised her hands in the air, imploring him to listen. ‘I believed Susie was pregnant. You were threatening to take her baby away from her.’

  ‘Don’t be so self-righteous, Leah. You were acting out of your own interests. You thought you could make me fall for you. You wanted to become my mistress and live life on easy street.’

  ‘That’s not true. Stop comparing me to Christina!’

  ‘Theouli mou, you’re both the same!’

  ‘No, Alex,’ she shook her head. ‘Your wife deceived you because she was selfish and greedy. We’re nothing alike. I deceived you only because of my love for my family. I hated doing it.’

  ‘You’re still hoping I’ll forgive you. Still hoping you can win my affection. Don’t delude yourself. I feel nothing but contempt for you.’

  ‘Then you lied to me every time you kissed me. Every time you touched me. I felt your love for me when we were together.’

  He said nothing, but his hands balled into fists at his side.

  ‘You didn’t take me to bed just because you wanted Spiros to find us together,’ she pushed.

  He hesitated. He looked awkward. Remorseful. But he remained silent.

  ‘I’m not proud of my actions, Alex. Are you proud of yours?’

  ‘You wanted to go to bed with me.’

  ‘Yes, I did. I gave myself to you because I love you. I’ve been attracted to you since we met, but I realised today at the tavern that I loved you. I thought you were beginning to feel the same.’

  ‘You were wrong.’

  ‘I’m begging your forgiveness, Alex. I’m hurting too. I’ve been used by my own sister as part of some personal vendetta against you. I’m so sorry that —’

  ‘I’m not a priest, nor is this a confessional,’ he told her harshly. ‘You’d better leave before you demean and embarrass yourself any further.’

  She studied his eyes. They were all black. Cold. No trace of the flecks of gold. Tears stung her eyes.

  Hope deserted her.

  ‘Go!’ he commanded. ‘Get out of my sight!’

  It was over. She’d tried to reach him and failed. She’d begged for understanding. There was no trace of understanding in his eyes. No possibility of forgiveness. There was nothing more she could say or do.

  Pain lanced into her heart and she thought she’d collapse from the intensity of it. Even biting down on her lip, she was powerless to stop a devastated sob escaping her lips.

  Leah turned and walked out of his life.

  Chapter 10

  Alex stabbed at the calamari with his fork.

  It had been two days since he’d sent Leah away. Two miserable, lonely days of intense soul-searching. He’d battled every second to keep her image out of his head, and her parting words out of his mind. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t forget how alive he’d felt every time they’d been together.

  Since Christina had died, he’d buried himself in his work. The day he’d sailed out with Leah he’d relaxed and enjoyed life for the first time since before he’d been married. She’d turned his world upside-down and had made him reassess his life and his goals. For the space of a day, he’d started to live again. To hope. Even to dream.

  Then he’d found out s
he was lying.

  Unable to summon up an appetite, he let the fork drop to the plate. The poignant sound of Leah’s parting sob reverberated in his ears. It wrenched at his heart.

  He remembered every torturous detail of their parting. The way she had searched his face for any signs of softening, her features taut with desperation. The agony etched into her face as she’d begged for his understanding but still seen no compassion in him.

  But the worst memory by far was the way the light in her eyes had faded at every harsh word he’d spoken. The light was gone by the time she’d walked away from him, as though he’d robbed her of her very life force and taken something vital from her soul.

  I don’t give a damn about your money, Alex. I want you. The words echoed in his head.

  Could her claim that she loved him be true? He wanted to believe in her.

  Stomach churning, he pushed his chair away from the table. There’d been sincerity in her words, anguish as she’d opened herself up to hurt in the face of his rejection. But he hadn’t allowed himself to believe her. All he’d felt was shock at her deception and anger she’d fooled him. Pride, rage, and self-preservation had made him build up the barriers between them — to deny he’d ever cared for her.

  He’d believed in Christina and had married her. That was a scar that he’d carry for the rest of his life. But had his wound really healed or was it still infected? Did it have to be reopened to let out all the hurt, so he could learn to find trust? To heal properly, did he need to take a chance to love again?

  Could he take that chance with Leah? He closed his eyes. He wanted to. He swallowed, trying to relieve the tension building in his throat.

  He made his decision. He’d go to Leah. He’d see…

  His housekeeper came onto the terrace. ‘Kirie, there’s an urgent telephone call for you from Dimitri.’

  What now?

  ‘Thank you, Soula.’ He ran a tired hand through his hair and went to take the call in his study.

  ‘Kirie, I’ve just received a call from one of our men in London,’ Dimitri told him.


  ‘He was on the investigation of Leah Bri…Hamlin.’

  Alex felt his muscles stiffen.

  ‘She’s been on the news,’ Dimitri continued.

  His ribs felt like constricting bands around his lungs. Every breath became an effort, as he imagined the worst. She’d gone public! Just when he was prepared to give their relationship a chance, she’d sold her story to the media.

  ‘Is she telling the world I brought her here and kept her against her wishes?’ he asked. Worse still, was she claiming he’d raped her?

  ‘No, boss. She was crossing the road and was hit by a truck in central London. She’s in hospital in a critical condition.’

  Critical condition.

  The two words stopped his world spinning on its axis. For a few seconds, his heart ceased its tempo.

  Leah was fighting for her life?

  ‘I thought you’d want to know, boss, in case Spiros hears and goes to London to support Susan through the crisis.’

  Critical. He couldn’t think past that word.


  ‘Thanks, Dimitri.’

  ‘The next news bulletin is on in a few minutes. The accident’s all over the news. A reporter was first on the scene and initial reports indicated it was Susan Hamlin who’d been hit. Then the hospital released information that it was her sister.’

  ‘I’ll watch the bulletin.’ He hung up and went straight to the television. Minutes seemed to stretch into hours as he waited for the news on Leah.

  ‘Pop star Susie Hamlin has rushed to Royal London Hospital where her twin sister Leah is in a critical condition.’

  He watched the brief, accompanying footage showing Susan arriving at the hospital, and fighting her way through a crowd of fans who were gathered at the entrance. She looked devastated.

  ‘The world has only just learned of the existence of Susie’s twin sister. It was originally reported that Susie Hamlin was the pedestrian hit by a truck, but the hospital has released information that the victim was Leah Hamlin. We’ll bring you more on this story as we find out more, especially on why Leah’s existence has been kept a secret. For now, both twins are at the Royal, where Miss Hamlin’s sister is reported to be on life support.’

  Alex’s legs felt weak. He sank into a sofa and buried his head in his hands.

  Life support.

  He’d never felt the full, heavy weight of his heart press down like a boulder in his chest — until now. He felt haunted by the image of grief on Leah’s face as he’d driven her away from him. He grew aware of a sensation that was unfamiliar to him — one he’d not felt in so many years it took him a moment to realise that it was tears pricking his eyes.

  The light had been extinguished from her eyes. He’d been responsible for that. The guilt was pressing down on him, making it difficult to move.

  His pride had driven her away. Now, she was fighting for her life.

  He got up and picked up the telephone, jabbing urgently at the keypad, straining to see the numbers clearly through the tears in his eyes.

  ‘It’s Alex Kristidis.’ He fought to keep his voice from cracking with emotion. ‘Get my jet ready and file flight plans for London. Be ready for take-off as soon as my helicopter arrives.’

  He needed to reach Leah. Get to her bedside and tell her that he’d been wrong. His life force was now inextricably linked to hers. If Leah died, a large part of him would die right along with her.

  A few hours later, Alex was pounding his fist down on a hospital counter, not caring that he was causing a scene.

  ‘I don’t care what your instructions are! Take me to Leah Hamlin. Now.’

  ‘Listen to me —’ the nurse began in a frosty tone.

  A man in a dark suit interrupted. ‘Mr Kristidis, isn’t it?’

  Alex gave him a brief nod and felt some relief slipping into his veins. The man recognised him. Now, he might get some results.

  ‘I’m Phil Hughes, community liaison officer and spokesperson for the hospital. What seems to be the trouble?’

  Alex’s anger abated, and he was hit by a tidal wave of emotion. He found himself gritting his teeth together, blinking hard to fight back the tears.

  ‘I’m here to see Leah Hamlin.’ His voice carried none of its usual authority. It cracked with the stress of his emotions. ‘I’ve flown from Greece to be with her.’

  Hughes considered him for a few moments. ‘May I ask what your relationship is with Miss Hamlin?’

  ‘No, you may not.’ Damn it all. He didn’t have a relationship with Leah. That was why he’d come. He wasn’t going to explain all that to a stranger.

  ‘Only family members are allowed into the intensive care unit.’ Hughes’ tone was apologetic.

  His anger returned. Alex drew himself up to his full height and felt his features harden. ‘You listen to me, Hughes — I’m not taking no for an answer. You get me to Leah’s sister, and we’ll see if she wants me to stay. This is not your decision.’

  ‘Our hospital policy —’

  Alex cut through the policy speech. ‘You get me to Miss Hamlin and I’ll write a cheque for this hospital that’ll make your head spin.’

  He saw the man’s eyes take on a keen expression.

  ‘Come this way, Mr Kristidis. I’ll take you to Miss Hamlin, and she can make the decision as to whether you stay.’

  He expelled a breath. Susan had to let him remain at Leah’s bedside. She wouldn’t like the fact that he’d flown from Greece to be with Leah, and she wouldn’t easily accept that Leah had won his heart where she’d failed, but he’d make sure she’d let him stay.

  Alex followed the hospital representative into the intensive care unit and into a private room.

  Alex’s eyes passed over the young woman seated at her sister’s bedside. He pressed his lips together as his eyes flew to the hospital bed, and he saw her. There was a mask covering
a lot of her face, but he could see that she was swollen and bruised. Cords from electrical monitors were attached to various parts of her body.

  ‘Excuse me, Miss Hamlin,’ Hughes said.


  He tensed. Disbelief flooded through him as he stared at the young woman seated at the bedside. Hope and happiness filled his heart, and he felt his lips curve into a smile.

  ‘Leah.’ He closed his eyes and felt the heat of tears spill from his eyes and scald his cheeks.

  Leah was unharmed!

  The press were wrong. Susan was the one in the hospital bed, hooked up to all the machines. He knew Leah for who she was now. He’d never mistake her for Susan again.

  He opened his eyes. Leah was staring at him, a strange kind of wonderment in her expression.

  ‘I thought —’ he began, his voice breaking.

  ‘You’re crying,’ she said as she stood up.

  He nodded. The tears were choking his throat. He felt his Adam’s apple working up and down, and he swallowed hard.

  Her voice was only just perceptible. ‘You thought I was the one in the accident?’

  He nodded again.

  She started to come to him, then stopped. ‘Why are you here, Alex?’

  ‘Sa yabo. I love you, Leah. Please forgive me.’

  It wasn’t how he’d planned to tell her. He’d wanted to work up to it, wanted to beg her forgiveness, to explain why he’d been so callous. He’d needed to tell her how much he’d regretted his words and his actions. But he was too overcome with emotion, and the flight over from Greece had drained his control. He’d thought that he might lose her; now, he had to tell her everything straight away.

  She looked at him, and he saw the hesitancy, the disbelief, in her eyes.

  ‘Can you ever forgive me, agape mou?’ His voice was unsteady. Uncertainty clouded his eyes.

  ‘Alex, I love you. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to lie. I —’

  He placed a finger against her lips. ‘Ssh! I know what drove you.’ His finger curled down to rest under her chin. His thumb stroked her lips. ‘You were right. We were both motivated by concern for our siblings. Love for our families, and loyalty to them. I understand that now.’


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