You're The One: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 12)

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You're The One: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 12) Page 24

by Shanade White

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Sven’s voice cut into her musings.

  Elmira shrugged, “I don’t know. I mean she met this chick like five seconds ago.”

  “Yeah, I guess that can be tricky. I mean look at us; we met five seconds ago too and it’s not like we’re serious or anything…”

  Elmira pushed him in the arm so he almost fell off the bed.

  “What? What did I say?” he teased, a wide smile on his face.

  “You love me,” Elmira said sticking her tongue out at him.

  “You love me too,” he replied, his tone much more serious than hers.

  “Yeah. I guess,” she said.

  “Is it because her girl asked her before I asked you? Is this a competition because if it is I could get you the biggest ring you ever saw…” Elmira pushed him right out of the bed amid his laughter.

  “Can I be worried about how fast my friend is moving without everyone throwing a bitch fit?” she asked the room in general.

  “Sure you can. But it’s not like there’s anything you can do about it if she is so…just be happy for her and hope for the best.”

  “Ugh, my mother is going to give me such shit about this…” Elmira said hiding her face in her hands.


  “Just…Sascha’s such a slut you know. I mean not like I’m insulting her or nothin’ but she has a different girl on her arm like every week. And my mother knows it. I can just hear her criticizing me about not being able to get a man before my slutty friend got hitched.”

  “That…doesn’t sound nice.” Sven said.

  “Yeah. My mother doesn’t really do nice?”

  “Is that why you don’t want me to meet her?”

  Elmira flopped back on the bed, hand covering her eyes, “Ugh. That again? You haven’t taken me to meet your folks yet either.”

  “Fine. But I also haven’t been home since I met you. You have.”

  “It was a family dinner!”

  “Your mother said you could bring a friend!”

  “Yeah well you’re not a friend.”

  “Then what am I? huh? Am I your little dirty secret Elly? The wrong color for your mama.”

  “Actually yeah Sven. Welcome to Guess Who, Brooklyn version where Percy Jones is actually Percia Jones and she’s more concerned about your inability to understand how to maintain nappy hair than whether you have a job or not.”

  Sven smiled, “Relax. I’ll just tell her ‘You know, if Elmira had told me you guys were black it really could have saved us an awkward situation’ and everyone’ll laugh and it’ll be over.”

  Elmira sighed again and rolled her eyes, “And it is just that cavalier attitude that is going to get your ass in more hot water than you understand how to get out of.”

  “Aww, you’re worried about me. I’m so touched.”

  “I’m not worried about you. I am trying to save your hide. But you refuse to believe me.”

  “Okay how about this? We have dinner at my place, and invite both of our parents. That way, we’re on neutral ground and they’ll probably be too busy sizing each other up to pay attention to us.”

  “While I like how you think Marcel, the point is are we even there yet? Do we have to do this? Why can’t we just chill out and watch Netflix?”

  “Well mostly because I’m happy. And when that happens, it means that something really bad is about to go down. And if that bad thing is your mother not accepting me, I’d like to get it over with. Because if it’s a deal breaker, I need to find out sooner rather than later.”

  Elmira stared at him in shock, opening her mouth to tell him she knew not what but then closed it again. Sure he’d told her before that he loved her, that he was serious about this thing between them…but this was the first time she understood it.

  Shit had just become real.

  She looked up at Sven, standing at the foot of his bed in his boxers, pacing as he poured his heart out to her.

  Was it a deal breaker if her family didn’t accept him? This wasn’t a movie, it was real life and the possibility was very real. Would she break up with him over it? She just couldn’t answer that question right now. She wasn’t like Sascha; her family was close knit. But in the same vein, it wasn’t like they would ever make her choose…would they?

  “Come here,” she said.

  Sven stopped pacing, “What?”

  “Come here Sven.”

  Sven looked at her and then he put one knee on the bed, “Okay.” He said, “But this isn’t over.”

  “Of course Sven. Now come here and sex me before my ovaries explode.”

  Chapter 11

  Elmira woke up from the most wonderful dream. She kept her eyes closed wanting to hold on to the feeling for as long as possible. In her dream, she had been kissing Sven, feeling the heat from his body wrapping her like a blanket.

  She nuzzled the pillow and breathed in Sven’s scent. Elmira’s eyes flew open, startled. The room was pitch black.She reached over to the lamp she knew was on the bedside table and turned the knob. Dim yellow light flooded the room and she looked around at what was clearly not her room.

  Then, where was Sven?

  She quickly got out of bed, feeling confused and a little disoriented. She opened the door and peered into the hallway. The light was streaming in through the blinds, which meant it was definitely daytime. The hallway was empty, but there only being she and Sven at his house now, that didn’t surprise her. She crossed the hall and returned to Sven’s room to gather her bathroom things and her thoughts; a shower was definitely needed to help clear the cobwebs. She grabbed her towel and bathrobe and headed down the hall for a quick shower.

  When she came back, the place still had an empty feel to it. She wondered where Sven was. Back in the room, she glanced at the time on her phone while she rubbed the water out of her hair with the towel.

  It was 8:00am.

  Chances were that the housekeeper hadn’t arrived yet, but where did Sven go? Elmira got dressed, putting on her favorite pair of black skinny jeans, which outlined her butt so lovingly, a light blue tank top and her green and blue flannel shirt. She laced up her Docs and wandered back out into the hall towards the kitchen to get some food.

  She rummaged in the fridge looking for the pancake paste she’d whipped up before bed. She made a few pancakes while coffee grounds dripped into the expensive coffee maker then headed out to her favorite chair in the breakfast nook where the sunlight warmed her back. It was the right way to start the day.

  She glanced around the lounge and was disappointed to find it also empty. Part of her was hoping that Sven had just woken up early and left the room in order not to disturb her, now she was thinking he had left his house in order to repress and avoid their conversation from last night.


  That was her M.O. not his.

  Elmira stood up, pacing in the sunroom as her thoughts from last night returned. She headed back to the room, changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. She had discovered the training room a few weeks after she first stayed the night at Sven’s house. At the time, it had contained a few mats, punching bag, training weapons; and tons of other equipment. Now there was a treadmill, some weights, a few mats and a new punching bag hanging to one side of the room.

  Elmira headed straight for the bag. She needed to let loose some of her frustration. Letting go of her inhibitions last night had felt so good, but in light of this morning’s confusion all her uncertainties had come flooding back and made her more anxious than before. She wrapped her hands and wrists, having learned her lesson before about hitting the bag without protecting herself and started her series of jabs, hooks and cross punches. As her heart rate increased, she started throwing in some kicks, leaning into the bag as it swung back towards her.

  “I pity whoever you think you’re hitting.”

  Elmira straightened up surprised to hear the gravelly tones of Sven’s voice. She turned around to face him, panting and sweaty from the
activity. He had a disposable coffee cup in his hand. Elmira frowned and turned back to the bag, to prepare for another volley.

  “I thought you had left,” she whispered to the bag without taking her stance.

  “Yeah, well I did leave. The kitchen was empty and I needed coffee. I got you some hot chocolate, left it in the library for you. I saw the book you left out, figured you’d be back,” he had slowly walked up to stand close to her, lowering his voice as he leaned close to her ear, “Then I heard the lovely noises coming from in here and decided to investigate.”

  Elmira’s breath caught and she gasped, sensing his body so close to hers. She was startled and had a hard time thinking of something to say. She felt Sven take a step back and he continued in his usual voice, “Unless I misunderstood last night, sorry. I understand if you have second thoughts this morning.”

  He took another step back and Elmira reacted instinctively. She turned around and closed the space between them. She threw her arms up around his neck and pressed her whole body into his. She reached up with her lips, not quite closing the gap between them. Sven leaned down and pressed his lips to hers hard. He wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping the coffee cup straight so it didn’t spill everywhere. Elmira kissed him hungrily again and again, as he kissed her back, flicking his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like coffee and he smelled like sun warmed leather mixed with his own spicy scent. The combination was intoxicating.

  Sven abruptly broke the kiss and pulled back his head, still holding on to her. He looked into her eyes - a look of uncertainty on his face - as he suddenly looked vulnerable again. The look had a sobering effect; whatever he was going to say was serious.

  “I meant what I said last night, Elmira. I need to know sooner rather than later; if my heart is going to break, I need it to happen while I can still stand it.”

  “Sven Marcel, will you just shut up and kiss me?” she replied taking his face in her hands.

  She felt him smile just before he leaned into her again and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Elmira barely had time to react to the chaste kiss before he turned away, grabbing her hand. He stopped and turned back to her just as suddenly and started pulling off her hand wraps, dropping them to the floor. “What are you doing Sven?” Elmira asked him, but he didn’t answer. When he was done, he took her hand again and pulled her out of the room, setting his coffee down on the dresser by the door. He held her hand all the way down to the first floor hallway where his rooms were. Elmira’s heart was pounding again, and her whole body started tingling with anticipation. Sven pushed open his door, dragged her in and shut the door behind them.

  Sven pushed Elmira up against the closed door and pinned her there with his body. He took her face gently in his hands and his eyes scanned her face feature by feature. Elmira put her hands on his hips and held him up against her. Something stirred low in her abdomen as his beautiful gray eyes looked deeply into her own. He leaned his head in and kissed her, gently at first, but with mounting passion as Elmira responded instinctively. She rocked her hips against his and Sven growled deep in his throat. He ran his hands down her body feeling her contours as he took a step backwards into the room still kissing her, his stubble scratchy against her skin. His hands glided down over her ass, Elmira felt him pull her up effortlessly, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He turned and took a few steps towards the bed. He tilted her to drop weightlessly onto the mattress. Elmira scooted herself up to the middle as Sven followed her, on his hands and knees, stalking up her body, his gaze focused, hungry.

  Elmira felt the twinge in her abdomen again as the butterflies fluttered excitedly. He reached her eye level and he leaned in to kiss her again briefly before dotting her jaw line and neck with his lips. He slipped his hands under the bottom of her shirt and started making his way up dragging the shirt with him. Elmira raised her arms over her head and Sven tugged the shirt up and discarded it to the side. Before he could go back to his exploring, Elmira grabbed the collar of his plaid shirt and pushed it back, Sven straightened up and removed it, for good measure he also grabbed the bottom of his black t-shirt and pulled it over his head and off to the side, to join Elmira’s on the floor. She stared at his hunter’s physique and reached up to trail her fingers along his pecs and abs, down to the belt holding up his jeans. Sven gave her one of his signature smiles, both boyishly innocent and devilishly sinful, as he brought his body down on top of hers, moving her hands to his back.

  Sven kissed her, leaning his body into hers, his weight both crushing and comforting. She slid her hands up his arms, feeling the scars along the way. She lingered a little on his forearm, then moved up to his shoulders. Sven nipped at her ear lobe and she laughed. He pulled back and looked down at her again a trace of a smile on his lips. Elmira leaned up and pushed back on his shoulder, making Sven roll to his side. He leaned back on the pillows as Elmira straddled his hips. She looked down at him a few seconds before removing her sports bra and dropping it away from the bed. His eyes looked down and focused on a point just below her left breast. He reached up and covered the spot on her ribs with his hand. Sven looked lost in contemplation as he traced the slightly rounded planes of her stomach with his thumb.

  Elmira rolled her hips against him, bringing him back to the moment. His eyes snapped back up to her and he sat up, covering her breasts with his hands, squeezing them gently and rubbing his thumb over a nipple. Elmira shivered again and let her head fall back exposing her neck. Sven leaned forward and kissed her throat and along her collarbone. Elmira rocked her hips against his, getting another deep growl from him. She reached up, grabbed some of his longer hair and forced back his head so she could kiss him again, taking possession of his mouth with her tongue as she rocked against him. She could feel his arousal as she pressed into him again.

  Sven reached up and took the elastic out of her hair careful not to mess up her weave as he let it cascade around her shoulders and down her back. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and rolled them both back so he was on top again. He pulled away and stood by the bed tugging on his belt and dropping his jeans to the ground. He pulled off his boots and socks next, his boxer briefs followed quickly, and Elmira caught sight of his fully naked body and his stiff cock before he reached over to his bedside table, muscles rippling just under the skin.

  Elmira quickly removed the rest of her own clothes before he turned back to the bed holding a condom. He placed the unopened package on the pillow by her head and lay down next to her, resting on his elbow. He took in her naked form the same way she was taking in his. She turned her body towards his, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing every inch of herself against him as she opened her mouth for another searing kiss. She ran her hand down his body and confidently wrapped her fingers around his large hard cock. Sven moaned and pushed against her as she stroked him, pumping him.

  “God, that feels good Elly,” he spoke into her ear.

  “Yeah? And what if I do this?” she gave him a half smile before pushing him back onto the pillows and moving down his body to wrap her lips around the tip of his cock. She heard Sven catch his breath and felt rewarded for her boldness. She rubbed her tongue all over the salty head, still pumping the shaft and tasting his precome. She moved her hand down to cup his balls as she tilted her head to take more of him into her mouth and sucked in her cheeks. Sven moaned again and threaded his hand in her hair grabbing a handful. Elmira gave a few more sucks and licks, enjoying the feel and taste of him in her mouth even as she bemoaned the befouling of her wig.

  “This is going to be over too soon if you keep that up, babe,” Sven told her, his voice hoarse.

  Elmira pulled her mouth off of him smiling to herself. She glanced up at him along his length and saw him looking right at her. She gave his cock one last lick, smiling mischievously.

  “You’ll be the death of me woman,” he growled as he pulled her hair a little to bring her back up. Elmira stretched up along his side draping one of her legs over
his and pushing against him. He pushed her shoulder into the mattress then grabbed her thigh none too gently and held it up away from him, effectively spreading her legs. Elmira gave him a demure look and Sven narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Don’t give me that look, I’ll make you lose that cool mask, Elmira,” he leaned close to her ear and slowly slid his hand down the inside of her thigh as he whispered, “When I’m done, you’ll be screaming my name.” Elmira raised her eyebrows.

  “Promise?” She put every bit of her desire into making that word sound seductive.

  Sven captured her mouth as his fingers pushed her open and slipped inside her. “You’re so wet, babe,” he said into her mouth as he stroked her clit with a now slick finger.

  “You tend to have that effect on me,” she told him between gasps. Sven pulled back from her lips as he pushed his fingers back inside her tight pussy.

  “Is that so?” Elmira moaned in reply and closed her eyes. “Have you been imagining us like this?” He asked as his thumb rubbed her clit again and he slowly pulled back and pushed his fingers in and out of her. All Elmira could do was nod, shivers running up her body.

  Sven gently rubbed her sensitive nub with slicked fingers and Elmira could feel the knot building in her lower regions. She clutched at the blankets as her body gave involuntary shudders and she moaned from pleasure. The heat from her pussy was slowly spreading to her fingers and toes and she felt like a tightened spring. Just when she thought she couldn’t take much more, Sven’s fingers would dip back inside pushing against the sensitive walls, denying her release.

  She squirmed trying to control where his fingers stroked, her moans turning into little whimpers as Sven continued to give her pleasure without release. Elmira felt like she was going to burst and as she felt Sven return to rubbing small circles around her clit, she thrust her hips at his hand,

  “Please, Sven,” she pleaded with him to let her climax.


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