You're The One: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 12)

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You're The One: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 12) Page 25

by Shanade White

  Sven’s warm mouth covered hers again and he rubbed her more quickly, sweeping down every few rotations to keep his fingers slick, each one getting a gasp from her. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, a strong tingling sensation spread throughout her body, she closed her eyes tightly as all her muscles contracted and she rode the wave of pleasure to its end as Sven slowed down his flicks.

  He rested his hand on her hip, looking down at her with his smile again, looking smug. Not even nearly finished with him yet, Elmira grabbed his face and dragged him down to her for a bruising, demanding kiss. Sven responded with a growl and matching enthusiasm.

  Elmira couldn’t wait anymore, she wanted to feel him inside her, filling her up. She grabbed his ass and tried to tilt his hips towards her, throwing her leg over his again, dragging him forward. He pushed his erection up against her abdomen, grinding against her and she gasped anticipating the feel of him buried deeply inside her.

  Sven reached up and grabbed the condom from the pillow, skillfully tearing it open and slipping it on. He settled himself between her legs, Elmira spreading them wide for him. He bent down and sucked a nipple into his mouth, sending little ripples of pleasure through her again. She could feel him, tip against her outer lips, and she tried to move her hips so he would push inside, but Sven held back, continuing his slow torture of her nipples.

  “Please Sven, I want to feel you inside of me,” she pleaded with him again.

  Sven stopped suckling at her and looked into her eyes. He lowered his mouth to hers and nibbled at her lower lip. Then he pulled back and held her hips with his strong hands. He lined up with her and slowly started pushing in. Elmira could feel herself close around him as he filled her up completely, pushing in until they were pelvis to pelvis. Sven grunted as he bottomed out, watching her again. Elmira reached up and dragged him down for another kiss while pushing her hips against his. He pulled back and thrust back in getting another gasp and moan from Elmira.

  She wrapped her legs around him and he increased the pace, as the bed rocked a little. Elmira was uninhibitedly moaning now as he drove into her again and again, harder and harder as they moved towards their climax. The headboard slammed against the wall, but Elmira was beyond caring about the noise they were making, lost in the excruciatingly building pleasure. Elmira could feel the spring coiled tightly inside her and her moans turned to gasps and then to a mixture of swearing and Sven’s name falling from her lips.

  Sven pulled her left leg from around his waist and leaned it against his shoulder, changing the angle of his thrusts, hitting a sweet spot. Elmira cried out in pleasure and swore in surprise. Sven kept thrusting into her hard as he reached up his hand and licked his thumb. Elmira watched him through her eyelashes as he lowered it to the place where their bodies were joined. He applied pressure onto her swollen clit and their moving bodies caused it to rub her already sensitive nerves.

  “Come for me, Elly,” Sven said, his voice rough from his ragged breathing.

  It was enough to tip her right over the edge and she saw stars as the waves of pleasure hit her again and again. She tightened around his hard thrusting cock and she felt, more than heard as she cried out his name, the power of her release surprising even her. She lowered her leg and Sven thrust into her a few more times before finding his own release and collapsing on top of her, still mindful not to crush her completely.

  He remained there a few moments as Elmira’s heart hammered against her rib cage and she panted trying to catch her breath. As her heart slowed back down to a more normal pace she could feel Sven’s heart hammering out its own wild tattoo. She reached up, stroked his slick hair, and turned her head to kiss his temple affectionately.

  Sven groaned and pushed himself up and away, holding the edge of the condom as he slid out his now flaccid member from her, leaving her feeling strangely empty. He pulled off the condom, tied off the end and threw it into the garbage can by the bed. He stretched out on his back, resting his head back on the pillows and holding his arm out to the side. Elmira moved into his side and let him fold his arm around her shoulders, holding her close. He kissed her forehead and she rested her hand on his stomach.

  “I think my hot chocolate is probably cold by now,” Elmira mused out loud. Sven let out a chuckle and kissed her again.

  “I’ll get you more hot chocolate later.”

  Elmira smiled, feeling so completely happy, just basking a few moments in the closeness of his body.

  Then she sighed and pulled away, rolling out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” Sven asked her, confused.

  “It’s getting a little late to laze around in bed. I’m going to go take another shower and then I’m going to update my blog and finish registering for class.”

  Elmira dug around the discarded clothes on the floor and found her panties and sweats. She put them on, closely observed by Sven, then she threw on her t-shirt. She made her way back to the bed and sat down next to him. She leaned down and kissed him sweetly on the lips, being much more gentle now in the afterglow than either of them had been in the throes of passion.

  “I’ll see you in a bit,” she told him stroking his stubbly cheek. He took her hand in his and looked her in the eye,

  “I told you I was going to make you scream my name, didn’t I?” he winked at her. Elmira smiled wide.

  “Well, you do happen to have a very scream-able name, sir,”

  Elmira kissed him again and stood up heading for the door. She looked back once, her hand on the handle to see Sven lying spread out on the bed, hands interlocked behind his head and looking right at her, grinning. Elmira shook her head and left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Chapter 12



  No, stressed wasn’t quite the correct word for the emotion she felt right now. A more fitting word would be tense beyond compare.

  Well...that was a phrase but she was too hassled to put up an argument.

  Point was the feeling of worry and anxiety greatly overpowered any sense of joy.

  As she gazed at herself in the mirror, hair done into a French braid and make-up applied with a deep red lipstick, she felt like something was off. Sven had told her to look herself over, make sure she was “good”. But every glance she had at herself, her eyes immediately found the rare negatives and imperfections that glossed over her beauty.

  Rocking back and forth, swapping on different legs, she let out a long breath and closed her eyes, hands clenching the bureau. Her nails dug into the hardwood, Elmira feeling like she would most definitely find splinters after she somehow managed to remove them.

  She leaned over, black hair spilling from the sides. She looked up to meet her weary reflection in the mirror. To describe her appearance in one word?


  But that wasn’t really what was important.

  To describe how she felt on the inside?


  This wasn’t some normal occasion she could brush off. Not some ridiculous day trip whose outcome would have no real affect.

  Today she was cooking for her parents and Sven’s parents.

  Today, she’d meet Sven’s parents for the first time. And he met hers.

  Today, she’d be assessed based on – oh who knows – table-manners, speech, behavior, etc. So would he.

  Things that may have seemed petty to Elmira on regular occasion.

  No, they were not petty, frivolous, or trivial today.

  Elmira straightened her back, removing her hands from their death grip on the furniture. She, once again, pushed her hair back into its proper position and tried to control her breathing. She patted her blue knit shirt, tightly pulling a thin white jacket close to her over it.

  “You’re good, Olivette. You’re good.” She told herself, trying to smile.

  But after staring at the façade for too long she knew it was merely an illusion and dropped the act, instead sporting a frown.

kay, we’re ready! Are you-” Sven walked through the door, eyes immediately finding the bureau and his partner’s reflection. Elmira didn’t have enough time to plaster on another fake smile and he saw her upside down smile. “Elmira?” he asked in worry.

  Sven was wearing a black shirt with white capris. Elmira wasn’t sure about the white but she kept her mouth shut.

  He approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around Elmira’s waist. He rested his head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck and pecking the skin uncovered.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see that frown of yours, Elmira Olivette.” Sven scolded gently, furrowing his eyebrows.

  “Sorry.” Elmira answered back, sounding tired.

  “What’s wrong?” Sven asked.

  Elmira wasn’t sure if it was the look in Sven’s eyes or the sincerity behind her words but she ended up confessing her strife to her love.

  “I just...I’ve never been this scared and worried before, Sven...I’ve never been so scared about the consequences. I’m... Sven? What if I fuck this up? What if we screw this up and our parents don’t get along and everyone hates everyone…god why did we think this was a good idea-,”

  By the time she reached the end of the sentence she was hyperventilating.

  “Shhh...shhh,” Sven comforted, kissing her cheek and rubbing her back. “No. . .No, Elmira. There’s nothing you could do to make my parents hate your guts.”


  “No, but nothing, Ms. Olivette.” Sven repeated. “If you somehow managed to make them ‘hate’ you, which I have no idea how you would be able to pull that off, their opinions aren’t going to matter. I love you and they can’t change that. I’m not some boy for them to control; I can make my own choices. Is that clear?”

  Elmira nodded.


  Filip Marcel was a draper who immigrated from Norway as a young man. He’d worked hard at the American dream and one day he was crossing the street when a car had careened around the corner, fishtailed and was headed straight toward a woman pushing a stroller when Filip got between the car and the girl. He pushed her into the ditch, desperately hoping that he hadn’t inadvertently killed the baby in the stroller by doing so. Then he jumped in on top of her. The car screamed as the driver frantically tried to swerve away. He hit a tree, the back wheels of the car coming to land not two feet from the stroller.

  Filip hit his head on the concrete sidewalk and blacked out for a bit. It was the baby’s crying that woke him. He felt a strange mix of relief and fear; relief because clearly the baby was alive, and fear because the baby could be crying because she was hurt. He struggled to his feet but he’d twisted his ankle and couldn’t put any weight on it. So he crawled to the stroller. The baby was still securely strapped into it. There was no sign of injury or blood much to Filip’s relief. He climbed out of the ditch, pulling the stroller with him. The child’s mother was still lying in the ditch, seemingly passed out.

  The driver of the car opened the door and staggered out, clutching his bleeding head.

  “Are you all alright?” he mumbled.

  “Some help would be nice!” Filip called and the man stumbled forward, half blind from the blood in his eye to help pull the woman out of the ditch. People had started to gather, hearing the accident from their houses. Soon the ambulance was there and everyone was whisked off to the hospital.


  Two weeks later the driver of the car came looking for Filip; to thank him for preventing tragedy. He not only saved the woman and her baby, but he saved the driver too…from becoming a murderer. He asked Filip what he could possibly do to repay him.

  Filip and his wife Isobel offered him some coffee and they talked. He found out Filip was a draper; and he had a chain of hotels needing revamping. That was his breakthrough contract. He didn’t look back. He raised his son to do better than he did; and he was proud of the man Sven had made of himself. Not just as a financial success, but as a human being.


  The Marcels arrived first, Filip and Isobel. Filip was dressed in a black Armani suit with a blue shirt and gray tie. Isobel had on a blush pink Chanel suit with pearls draped around her neck and actual white gloves on her fingers. Elmira’s heart sank as she shook her hand.

  The housekeeper was serving drinks when the Olivettes arrived. Elmira had given them directions to Sven’s place. Her mother was surprisingly reticent about getting every single detail on their would be host. Which meant she intended to do her interrogating in person. The evening had barely begun and Elmira already needed a stiff drink.

  Her mother was dressed in purple and black, with her dad acting as a matching accessory.

  “Sven? I’d like you to meet my mom and dad, Dr. and Mr. Olivette,” she said to him as he stood next to her at the front door. He extended his hand first to her dad then her mom to be shaken, murmuring his ‘pleased to meet yous’ as he did it.

  “My parents are in the living room, come meet them.” He said turning to walk away. Elmira’s dad, Luke, followed right away but Mama Olivette just stood first, looking at Elmira.

  “I was going to tell you but…” she said and then shrugged. “Come on. We’ll talk later.”

  If her mother wanted to scold her, she could wait until after dinner.


  “Dad? Mom? I’d like to introduce Elmira’s parents, Luke and Adara Olivette.” Sven said gesturing behind him where Elmira was leading her parents in.

  Filip’s eyes widened in shock, “Nooo!” he said and Elmira froze. She was expecting outright protest from her mother but even she wouldn’t be so overt in her disapproval. Hearing Sven’s father protest was a surprise.

  “Dad? What’s the problem.”

  Filip stepped forward and took Adara’s hand in his. He smiled looking into her eyes, and then he glanced at Elmira.

  “You might not remember me…heaven knows you were unconscious for most of our first meeting. And Elmira you said? Surely this cannot be the little tyke in the stroller?”

  “What are you talking about Dad,” Sven said looking worried as he moved closer. Elmira was still frozen to the spot, as it seemed, so was her mom.

  “Adara is not a name one forgets.” Filip said extending his hand slowly to trace the scar above her right eye, “You got this when your head hit the concrete of the pavement when you leapt forward to use your body as a shield..” Filip turned slowly to point at Elmira, “…to keep your daughter safe.”

  It was Adara’s turn to say, “Nooooo!”

  Filip was nodding and smiling, “Yes.”


  Sven and Elmira stared at each other wondering if they’re parents had completely lost the plot. Isobel seemed to know what they were talking about though and Luke was vigorously shaking Filip’s hand.

  “Mama what is happening?” Elmira almost screamed.

  “Oh honey…” her mother strode toward her, arm around her shoulder as she led her to the bar. She poured her daughter a cream liqueur and then sat her down.

  “This is the most mind boggling situation ever,” her mother said sitting next to her and pulling Sven down on her other side, “Let me tell you a story.”

  “You see when you were about six months old, I was walking down the street with you, heading toward med school for my anatomy class. They had a day care center there, where I used to leave you. Your dad was working all the hours of the day and we weren’t sleeping because you were teething.” Adara caressed Elmira’s cheek and smiled.

  “Anyway, I was really worn out, not really paying attention to a well traveled path when I hear this squealing of tires. I sort of freeze you know?” She turned to look Elmira in the eye, nodding her head to see if Elmira knew exactly what she was saying.

  “I know mama,” Elmira said taking hold of her mother’s hand.

  “I’m turning around right? Kind of like it’s in slow motion and I can see this behemoth of a car in my peripheral vision. And I know it’s coming right for me. And there i
s nothing I can do about it.” Adara stopped talking, just breathing and staring at Filip like she couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “Then this body plowed into me, sent me flying. Right into the ditch.” Adara laughed. “I was scared out of my mind. Scared for you, Elmira. I didn’t know if you were okay; your stroller went flying…” her eyes were far away, back on that fateful day more than twenty years ago.

  “What…happened next?” Elmira asked.

  Adara shrugged and said with a small laugh, “I don’t know. I blacked out. When I woke up, we were in the hospital. What I do know is this man saved our lives.” She said eyes on Filip.

  Filip smiled, “You got me my first big contract so I think we were mutually beneficial to each other.”

  “Why didn’t we stay in touch?” Adara asked smiling back at him.

  Filip shrugged, “You were in medical school with a small baby. I was making drapes for a large hotel chain. Not really a lot of time to socialize is there?”

  “No there is not,” Adara agreed.

  “And yet here we are, decades later, invited by our children to meet each other.” Filip said with a laugh.

  “Who’d a thunk it?” Luke said grinning at everyone.

  “That’s an amazing story,” Sven said.

  “So…do the two of you have something you need to tell us?” Adara asked, glaring first at Elmira then at Sven.

  Elmira burst out laughing, “No mama. We are not pregnant,” she said.

  “Oh…okay. So…dinner?” Adara asked.

  “Dinner,” Sven agreed.


  For the record, Adara didn’t attack him with questions as soon as she took the open seat adjacent to his on the dinner table.

  “How old are you?” she asked as the appetizers were served.

  “Thirty two.” Sven said eyes bright with interest and a slight smile on his face. He was ready for whatever.

  “How did you two meet?”

  Sven glanced away from her at that, winking at Elmira. “Well you know that Elmira has this phenomenal blog right? We hired her to cover fashion week for us and one thing led to another.” He shuffled closer to Elmira, nuzzling her cheek lovingly. She moved her face away from him, eyes widening as she flicked her glance first to her parents then his and narrowed her eyes pointedly at him. It was a very explicit order for him to cease and desist with the public displays of affection.


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