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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

Page 5

by Kyleigh Drake

  * * * *

  Blake knew that she wouldn’t be satisfied with vanilla sex. It wasn’t her, and it damn sure wasn’t him. He could tell she was doing some serious thinking, and he wasn’t going to interrupt her. They could have a long talk tomorrow. So for now, he’d just let her drift off on her own, hoping she was being honest with herself.

  Chapter 5

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Blake said, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her on the side of the neck.

  “Good morning yourself,” she replied, a slow smile forming on her lips. He held her there for several minutes before getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen—naked. Myka stared at his firm, muscular body and sighed. What a way to start the day.

  While he was in the kitchen, she got up and jumped in the shower. When she was almost finished washing her hair, she heard the door open, and Blake stood there, his hands reaching for the soap and washcloth. “Let me help you with that,” he said seductively. He began to wash her body gently, making sure to take his time when he came to her breasts and then her pussy. “Turn around,” he said, taking the washcloth and soaping up her bottom. He then rinsed her off and took his finger, slowly rubbing in between her cheeks.

  “Oh, God, Blake. I’ve never—”

  “Shhh, I’m just touching, that’s all.” He started to kiss her on her back and reached around with his other hand to fondle her breasts. Myka moaned and leaned back against his body. “I want to take you from behind, sweetheart. Put both hands on the shower wall and spread your legs for me.” Myka did as she was told and felt his cock rubbing against her pussy from behind. “Lean forward, baby.”

  As soon as she was in position, his cock entered her wet pussy, and she braced herself against the wall. She could feel the warm water beating down on her back and his warm cock thrusting in a steady rhythm. She let go of her thoughts and just felt the moment one stroke at a time. “That’s it, baby. Let it go,” he whispered in her ear.

  His arm was around her waist, holding her securely in place. She wanted it this way. Him holding her tight or restraining her, she didn’t care. They reached their climax together this time, and as Blake filled her with his cum, he groaned and then leaned forward to kiss her on the shoulder. “That was perfect, sweetheart.” And she smiled to herself, knowing exactly how right he was.

  They both got out of the shower, and Blake began to dry her off, inch by slow inch. He was almost finished when he looked up at her with shock and horror on his face. “Blake, what’s wrong?” she asked, not sure what was happening.

  “Oh, fuck! I can’t believe I just did that, baby. I’m so sorry—it just slipped my mind, I swear. That’s never happened before.”

  “What, Blake? You’re scaring me!”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I don’t mean to scare you, but uh, I forgot to wear a condom. Dammit, I’m sorry!” He began to rub his face with both his hands, looking like he could kick himself. “I swear to God I didn’t do that on purpose. I would never try to get you pregnant just so you’d stay with me. Please believe me.”

  “Blake,” she said loudly, so he would stop and pay attention to her. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose. It’s okay. I’m on birth control. It’s really not a problem.”

  He looked like he was still in shock, but he took a deep breath and pulled her toward his wet, naked body. He held her there for a while before speaking. “I guess I assumed when you said you hadn’t been with a man in a long time that you weren’t on birth control. That’s what I get for assuming, huh? Damn, I need some coffee or a shot of vodka or something.” Myka giggled at him as he finished drying himself off and then went into the bedroom to get his hot coffee.

  “Wow,” she said playfully, trying to get him to relax. “I didn’t think Masters freaked out like that.” He just looked at her and shook his head, still not believing what he had done. They both slowly began to get dressed, and Myka knew that today was going to be much better than the day before.

  After Blake had some coffee and a chance to calm his nerves, he started to return to normal. Myka was looking around in the kitchen to see if there was something she could cook for breakfast and was completely dismayed at the lack of food he had. “You have no food, Blake Lawson. This is definitely a bachelor’s kitchen,” she said, smiling.

  “I know. I really don’t eat here much, baby, but we can change all that if you decide you’ll stay here with me. How about we go eat at the café this morning, and then we can talk, and then we’ll just take it from there.”

  “That, Sir, sounds like a plan,” she replied as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Myka enjoyed the morning crowd at the café and was pleasantly surprised at how many people remembered her name. When they finished eating, Blake paid the bill and they headed out to the truck. “So where are we gonna go talk?” she asked curiously.

  “Well, I was thinking we could go sit at the park since it’s such a nice day. Is that alright?”

  “I think the park would be a nice place, Blake.” She was hoping that their issues could be worked out. She really wanted him to be in her life.

  As they arrived at the park, they got out and sat on one of the benches overlooking the pond with the ducks swimming contently by. Blake began to speak immediately. “Myka, I want you to tell me exactly what you want from me and what you want in our relationship.”

  She sat there and thought a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. “Blake, I thought about this all night, and I don’t know exactly. That’s the hard part. I thought I did know, but I was wrong. I know I want to be your sub, but I just don’t know about all the other stuff. After last night, and it was really nice by the way, I know for sure that I like to be restrained. I would be willing to try other stuff, but I don’t want to do it at the club—at least not right now and not with other people around. I’m really trying to be open-minded, and I’d be lying if I said some of that stuff didn’t turn me on. We just need to go slow, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay, honey. All I would ever ask is for you to try. We’ll go to the club periodically, but I won’t make you go all the time and not again for a while, anyway. We need to get to know each other better, so you can trust me and know that I truly do care about you. Thank you for giving us a chance.” Blake started to kiss her, but she quickly turned away.

  “There’s one more thing.”

  “Go on, honey.”

  “I want you to let me be in charge in the bedroom at least every once in a while.”

  Blake didn’t answer right away, causing her to look up at him cautiously to gauge his reaction. She wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking.

  “Myka, you know this isn’t how this works, right? I’m the Dom, baby, not the other way around. But, being the good sensitive Dom that I am, I will take your request into consideration and might let you be in charge in the bedroom, at least once—but you’ll have to earn it,” he said with a wink.

  Oh my God, I can’t believe he actually said he’d consider that! I love this man. No, not love—I just met him. But I really, really like him—a lot. “Thank you for saying that, Blake. That means a lot to me.” Blake then pulled her into his arms, sealing their agreement with a kiss. Myka felt relief once their talk was over, and she could see that Blake felt the same way.

  * * * *

  Blake had to take care of some business at the club, and since he knew Myka didn’t need to go back so soon, he asked if she wanted to call Kim so she could spend some time with her. Kim’s wedding was only a few days away, and he was sure the girls had things they needed to get done. After she called, Blake dropped her off at the Wade’s ranch and then headed back to the club.

  He couldn’t believe that everything was working out. He smiled when he thought about her asking to be in charge. He had tried really hard not to show his amusement at the time, but he knew she was serious, and if that was the game she wanted to play, then he’d let her try. Who knows, it might even help her to be more comf
ortable with her body and not so damned self-conscious. That would definitely be a good thing. God, she was so damned beautiful, and slowly, one day at a time, he was going to help her to see it, too.

  Once Blake got to his office, he took care of paperwork and made some phone calls. He then went to get Myka a new iPhone. Since the kidnapping, he wanted to protect her even more, so he had a GPS put on the phone as well, just in case she ever got into trouble again. It gave him some peace of mind, knowing he’d always be able to find her. He also got her a credit card so she’d have money until she got a job. He’d be content with her not working at all, but she had worked hard to get her degree, and he wanted to be supportive and respectful of that. They would go car shopping tomorrow. He smiled to himself, realizing how much he missed taking care of someone.

  He hadn’t had a serious D/s relationship in over five years and no relationship at all for the past six months. The last sub he had began to get too dependent on him, so he had to end the relationship after only a few months. Since that time, he had wondered often if he’d ever find the right one. Then, out of the blue, Myka came along. The precious little sub, who didn’t even know she was sub. Now, how ironic was that?

  As Blake drove back to the ranch to pick Myka up, he suddenly realized how anxious he was to get back to her. When he pulled up to the house, there she was, sitting on the porch swing drinking iced tea and laughing with her friend. He wanted her to laugh—to be happy. And he sure as hell hoped he’d be the one to make it happen for her.

  “Hey, baby. You been having fun?” he asked as he got out of the truck. He walked over to her and gave her a kiss and Kim a hug.

  “We sure have, and we just decided we’d go to the spa day after tomorrow so we can get pampered before the big day.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea, ladies. You both deserve a day of pampering for yourselves. Kim, is Logan or Caleb around, honey?”

  “Yes, sir. They are. Caleb’s in his office, and Logan’s grabbing him something to eat. Go on in. They’ll be glad to see ya.”

  As Blake walked in, he found Logan eating at the table. “Hey, man. You want somethin’ to eat?” Logan asked.

  “No thanks. I’m good. I just came to pick Myka up and wanted to say ‘hi.’ So how’s Kim doing after the kidnapping?”

  “Well, she’s had a couple of nightmares, but other than that she’s been doing great. I think I’m having a harder time than she is, actually. Damn if I don’t want her in my sight every waking second. How’s Myka doin’?”

  “She’s done real well. No nightmares or anything yet. They said they have a day at the spa. I think that’ll do them both some good.”

  Both men watched Kim and Myka through the window as they talked out on the porch. Even a stranger could tell those two had a close bond and had shared a history together. “So how long do ya think it’s gonna take before our two girls decide to get into some trouble?” Logan asked flatly.

  Blake chuckled and looked over at him. “Not long, my friend, not long at all. And, I have to say—I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  “So, it’s goin’ good with Myka, I take it?”

  “Yeah, it’s going better than good actually, and I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to make sure she stays mine. Logan, I don’t know how we got so lucky and found those two, but I’m sure as hell glad we did.”

  “Well, Blake Lawson, I believe you’re in love, brother. Welcome to the club,” Logan teased, patting his friend on the back.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about,” he said, walking out the door. “You about ready to go, sweetheart?” he asked, looking over at Myka.

  “Sure. Let me grab my purse.” Myka went inside and got her purse and then hugged Kim good-bye. “I’ll see ya day after tomorrow!” she yelled as they headed to the truck. After she got in she snuggled up to Blake, laying her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad I got to spend some time with her. Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, baby. I know you need your time together. Are you getting hungry? We can stop and buy some groceries if you want, or we can just pick something up and take it home.”

  “I’d really like to get some things at the store if that’s okay, and then we can fix us a snack or something until dinner.”



  “It’s supper down here, honey, not dinner. If you’re gonna live in Texas, you gotta learn to talk like us,” he said, smiling.

  “So, how do you say ‘smart ass’ in Texas?” she asked sarcastically.

  “I’ll be glad to enlighten you, young lady, just as soon as we get home. And I’ll be very thorough in my tutorials.” He watched her as she took a deep breath, looked away, and began to play with the hem of her blouse. He loved when he made her blush.

  They held hands as they went through the store and stocked up on food and drinks, making sure not to forget the Splenda and vanilla caramel creamer for Myka’s coffee. When they got in line to check out, Myka again began to look uncomfortable when he took his wallet out to pay. “Just go with it, baby. That’s part of the package, remember?”

  “I know, Blake, but I should pay for part of it at least.”

  “The hell you will. Now, let’s get these loaded so we can go home. I have a few surprises for you.”

  “A few surprises, like what?” she asked suspiciously.

  “You’ll find out when we get home. Now move it.”

  Myka continued to look at him with doubt in her eyes. “I’m thinking I may not be happy if you give me anything else, Blake. You’ve given me enough already.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not really concerned about you being happy over me giving you gifts. You’ll accept what I give you, and that is the end of this discussion.”

  Myka didn’t say anything else, but the way she crossed her arms over her chest and looked straight ahead told him exactly how she was feeling. He smiled to himself, knowing that if she had seen him, it would have really pissed her off. And since he also knew she would be throwing a fit once they got home after he gave her the credit card and iPhone, he decided it would be better if she didn’t have to get too angry, twice in one day.

  Once they got into the house and unloaded the groceries, Blake made her sit beside him on the sofa. “Now, I am well aware of how you feel about me giving you things, Myka, but you’ll get used to it. When you get a job, your money will be your money and you can buy what you want with it, but I am still going to take care of you. So, your first gift is a new phone.”

  When Blake pulled out the phone, Myka sat there a moment before speaking. “I have a phone, Blake.”

  “Well, now you have an upgraded one.”

  “But, I have all my contacts and everything on my old phone,” she said calmly.

  “Not anymore, baby. I took your old phone when you were with Kim and had everything switched over. So see, there’s nothing to do but enjoy it.” Myka continued looking at the phone, still in shock. “I also have you your own credit card, but it won’t actually be ready until tomorrow.”

  “A credit card?”

  “When I take you to go look for a new car, we can go by and pick it up.”

  “A what? A car? Oh, hell no, Blake! I will not let you get me a car!”

  “You don’t have a choice, Myka. I’m sorry.”

  “I do have a choice! I won’t go!”

  “Then I’ll go get what I want you to have, but by the end of the day tomorrow, you will have a car, sweetheart.”

  He could see the anger building up within her. Her breathing was getting heavier, and her jaw was now clenched. “This. Is not. Okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay.”

  “Quit talking to me like that!”

  “Like what?”

  “Like this is—ohhhh!” She started to get up, but Blake stopped her.

  “You can get angry if you want, baby, but nothing is going to change. I told you that you’d get used to being taken care of, and you will. I won’t
be buying you this stuff every single day, but if you need something, you’ll get it. You needed an upgraded phone. You need to have access to money until you can find a job, so now you have your own card. You have no car here at all, and in order for you to go find that job, you need to be able to get around. So, there you go—all necessities. Now, if you don’t have anything else to say, I’m getting hungry.”

  “Oh, I have plenty to say, Blake Lawson.”

  * * * *

  Myka could feel the anger burning through her veins. He can’t do this! I can’t just let him buy me a fucking car! God, he’s so infuriating. He acted like he was giving me a dozen red roses and a box of chocolate! I do need a car though, and it was nice of him to think of that. Stop it, Myka—he cannot buy you a car dammit!

  “You have something to say, sweetheart?”

  “Yes! No—I don’t want to talk to you right now!”

  “But you just said you did,” he said calmly, with a smirk on his face.

  “I am really, really, really mad right now.”

  “And, I can certainly see that, honey, but again, you’ll feel better about it tomorrow, I promise. Would you like me to leave you alone for a little while, because you look like you need to spend some time getting yourself unmad.”

  “If you use the word ‘time out’ I will fucking go off on you, Blake Lawson!”


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