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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

Page 7

by Kyleigh Drake

  Myka heard her name being called and looked around to see Callie coming toward them. Myka started to go and hug her, but stopped herself and looked up to get a nod of approval from Blake first. “Myka, I’m so glad you came! I really wanted to tell you ‘thank you’ again for helping me out the other night,” Callie said in a bubbly voice.

  “You’re welcome, Callie. And, I have to say, you look much better tonight. I hope you never have to see that horrible man ever again.”

  “Oh, I won’t. Master Blake took care of that for me. I had only been with him one other time before that, and he was okay the first time. You just never know sometimes. Anyway, you go have fun and if you ever need anything or have any questions, just let me know!” Callie quickly hugged Myka good-bye and then went bouncing off across the room. I wish I had half her energy.

  Myka found her way back to Blake’s side and realized he had been watching her the entire time. She really liked being by his side and really, really liked that she felt safe and protected when he was near. He raised her hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly. “You doing alright, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, Sir. It’s not like last time.”

  “Well, good. I’m happy to hear that.” Blake looked away and said, “Hey, I’ve got someone I want you to meet.” He nodded at a tall, dark, extremely built man who was walking their way. “Adriano! It’s good to see you. I want you to meet someone. Myka, this is Adriano Santos. He owns the gym where I work out. Adriano, this is Myka.”

  “It is my pleasure to meet you, Myka. What a lovely name for such a lovely woman,” Adriano had a heavy, sexy accent that made her jaw drop open. When he took her hand and kissed it, she thought her heart may have skipped a beat.

  “Th–thank you. Sir,” she said as she swallowed the lump in her throat. My God, he would be perfect for Sheila! I’ve got to tell Kim.

  “I have been wondering where you have been for the past week, my friend, and now I know the reason for your absence. You have been working out at home, instead,” he said as he looked at Myka and smiled. Myka could feel her face getting red, and she immediately looked away and took a deep breath as the men continued to talk. She couldn’t wait to call Kim and tell her about Adriano, but it was already late, so it would have to wait until tomorrow.

  The rest of the evening was uneventful, and Myka was grateful. After they were finished, she reached up and kissed Blake on the lips. “What’s that for?” he asked in surprise.

  “For bringing me back here. I liked it much better, and I had a good time. So, can I ask you a question?”

  “Myka, you know you can ask me anything.”

  “Well, uh, I was wondering about Adriano. Is he married or anything or in a relationship?”

  Blake looked at her with uncertainty. “No, ma’am, he is not in a relationship.”

  “Where is he from exactly? Is he a nice guy? Is he a Master, too?”

  “Myka, is there something you need to tell me? Are you looking to trade me in already?”

  “Blake, no! Of course not. You’re not getting rid of me that easy, mister.”

  “Okay, well that definitely makes me feel better. So, why all the questions?”

  “Our friend, Sheila, she’s a personal trainer. She’d be perfect for Adriano. She’s tall, blonde, and beautiful. He wouldn’t be able to resist her. Now, tell me everything about him,” she said anxiously.

  “He was married once for about ten years then moved here after the divorce. He’s had his gym about seven years, I guess. He’s a good man and not a Master, but dominant. He’s from Brazil, knows how to speak Portuguese, and loves his mother. I’m not sure of his blood type, but that shouldn’t be hard to find out.” Myka hit him playfully for his sarcasm, but was thrilled the guy was single. And thank God he wasn’t a Master. Sheila wouldn’t go for that.

  After they got home, they made love Myka’s favorite way—with Blake in control, and it was amazing. And as she dozed off in his arms, she could’ve sworn she heard him whisper, “I love you.”

  Chapter 7

  The next day, Myka got up and got dressed for her day at the spa. Before she left, Blake again reminded her, after tapping her on the nose and giving her a warning look “Drive safe, princess, or you won’t be driving at all.”

  “I will, Blake,” she said, sounding like a teenager being lectured by her father. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

  When Kim saw the Camaro she screamed so loud that Caleb came out to check on her. “It’s freaking gorgeous! I’m so happy for you, but I’m jealous, too—they won’t even let me look at a car like this.” Logan and Caleb both came and checked it out, and after they gave their lecture about driving safe, the girls drove away for their appointment.

  “So, have you ever met Adriano Santos that owns the gym?” Myka asked.

  “I’ve heard Logan and Caleb talk about him, but I haven’t actually met him. Why?”

  “Oh my God, Kim. I met him at the club last night. Not only does he own a gym, he is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever laid eyes on in my life! He would be perfect for Sheila. He’s from Brazil, and he has this sexy accent that would drive any woman wild.”

  “Wow. It sounds like I need to meet him. Wouldn’t it be cool if he and Sheila hit it off? Then slowly but surely, all our friends would be here. Hey, did you say he was at the club? You know Sheila won’t go for the BDSM stuff.”

  “I know, and that’s what I thought, too, but I talked to Blake about it last night, and he said Adriano isn’t a Master or anything, and he only goes to the club every once in a while. Blake said he thinks he gets lonely sometimes and just comes in to see everyone.”

  “You know, I think he rides bulls, too. I heard Logan say something about him riding at some of the rodeos. Sheila would love that. She’s always had a thing for cowboys—and one with an accent, my, oh my. We gotta call her.”

  Myka and Kim gave Sheila a call and told her all about Adriano. It definitely piqued her interest enough that she said she’d come for a visit. Her knee was healing nicely after her surgery, so she would plan on coming within the next month or so. They said their good-byes and went in to the spa to be pampered.

  Several hours had passed by the time they both finished, and the girls felt amazing. On the way home, Myka reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “You want one?” she asked as she rolled the window down and started to pick up speed.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? Where the hell did you get those?”

  “I packed them when I came, why?”

  “Blake doesn’t care if you smoke?”

  “He doesn’t know, I don’t guess,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Okay, well you just let me know how that works out for ya. Good luck, sister.”

  “So, I take it Logan and Caleb don’t want you smoking?”

  “The last time I even tried to smoke, I got my ass spanked, and I don’t need a sore bottom before the wedding. Some other time, perhaps, but not now.”

  Myka grinned at her friend and continued to smoke her cigarette. There was no way she would get in trouble, she thought. Blake never told her she couldn’t smoke, so he’d have to let her by on this one. After she dropped Kim off, she headed home and decided to go ahead and take a bubble bath before Blake got home. They had a romantic dinner planned, and she wanted to be ready when he got there. She wasn’t expecting him for at least another hour, so she took her time, letting the hot water soothe away all her worries. She was so relaxed she actually drifted off to sleep for a little while.

  Myka was startled when she heard the front door close. She couldn’t believe she had fallen asleep. She jumped out of the tub and started to dry herself off. Blake walked in and smiled when he saw her naked. “And good afternoon to you,” he said, pulling her still-damp body against him. He then gave her one of those kisses that took her breath away, while his hand rubbed up and down her back. “You smell good enough to eat, baby.”

bsp; “So do you,” she replied, looking at him with desire in her eyes.

  “We have plans, remember? And if you want to get there with any clothes on, you need to stop teasing me.”

  “Fine, I’ll get dressed, but I want it noted that I am not completely happy about it.”

  Blake left her alone to get ready, and she quickly decided to wear the new skirt and blouse she had bought back home, but had never worn. As she was putting on her makeup, she heard her phone ding, letting her know she had a text message. She knew it was probably Kim, so she didn’t rush to go check.

  No more than a minute later, she heard Blake talking on the phone, and then she almost ran into him as she was walking into the bedroom. She noticed immediately that his mood had changed, and he was not looking happy.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  “We need to have a little talk, sweetheart. Sit down.” She could tell by his tone that she shouldn’t argue, so she sat and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak. “Why don’t you tell me about your day, Myka?” he said with sarcasm, which made her more concerned.

  “I, uh, went to the spa with Kim, that’s all. Then I came home and started to get ready.”

  “Did you do anything you shouldn’t have done?”

  What the hell is on that text message? “N–no.”

  “Let’s try that again, shall we? And, this time you had better think very carefully before you answer.”

  Shit. Is he talking about the cigarettes or driving faster than I should’ve been? What if it’s something else and I tell him about the other two and then get in trouble twice? I can’t think of anything else. Fuck. She looked back at Blake, who had not taken his eyes off her. Don’t tell him about speeding, or you won’t get to drive. Stick with the cigarettes. “I did something, but I don’t necessarily think it was bad.”

  “And, what might that something be, baby?”

  She looked down and mumbled, “I smoked only one cigarette on the way home, but that’s all.”

  “That’s all, huh?”


  “And, how do you think I feel about that?”

  “Apparently, not very good.”

  “That would be correct. So, I’m about to show you just how ‘not good’ I feel. Stand up.”

  “Why?” she asked as she stood.

  “Because you’re going over my knee, sweetheart.” Blake took her by the arm and walked her over to the bed, where he sat down. He lifted her skirt and pulled her over his lap, securing her legs with one of his. He had his hand on her back so she couldn’t move.

  “Blake, this isn’t fair! You never told me I couldn’t smoke. How was I supposed to know you’d be mad!”

  “Then why is it that when I asked you if you did something you shouldn’t have, you had no problem immediately knowing what I was talking about?”

  “I don’t know! You can’t spank me!”

  “I sure as hell can.” He began to swat her bottom, and she instantly felt the sting radiating over her ass. She felt the tears in her eyes, and they quickly began to run down her cheeks. She tried to squirm, but he held her firmly as he continued to swat without any hesitation. When Myka thought she couldn’t take one more swat, he stopped. He held her over his lap and let her cry, her tears soaking the bedding beneath her.

  After a few minutes, he picked her up and took her to the big, oversized chair, where he sat her gently down on his lap. Her skirt was still pulled up over her bottom, and she could feel the heat when his pants rubbed against her. She buried her face into his chest and continued to cry. “Shhh, it’s all over now, baby,” he soothed as he wrapped his arm around her tightly and rubbed her back. Blake allowed her to cry until all that was left were sniffles.

  When her breathing was back to normal, Blake sat her up so he could see her face. “No more smoking, right?”

  “No more.”

  “No more, what, Myka?”

  “No more smoking, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Now, do you still feel like going out, or do you just want to stay at home?”

  “Can we stay at home?”

  “If that’s what you want to do, sweetheart.”

  “I would rather do that, I think.”

  “Home it is, then. Why don’t you go get out of these clothes so I can put some cream on your bottom.”

  Myka got up and began to remove her clothing, putting it back on the hanger in the closet. She lay down on the bed and turned over on her tummy as Blake took out the cream and began to rub it over both her rosy red cheeks. When he finished, she felt his hand move between her legs, and she moaned, spreading her legs further apart and pushing her bottom toward his hand.

  “You’re very wet, princess. Raise up so I can put this pillow under you.” Once her bottom was up in the air, he freely rubbed her pussy, causing her to rock her hips back and forth to his rhythm. She couldn’t believe how good it felt—even better than before. Did the spanking do this to her? She could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter, and hear the sounds that meant she was getting a good finger fuck.

  “Ahhh,” she moaned, clenching the bedding with her fists.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. A good spanking makes it better, doesn’t it?”

  “Uh-huh! Ohhh!”

  “Go ahead and come for me, baby. Give it all to me. Don’t you dare hold back.” He started moving faster and harder, giving her no choice but to comply.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh! Blake!”

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, rubbing her clit gently so she could come down slowly. He smiled as she continued to moan in pleasure, and when she collapsed on the bed, she was completely satisfied and content.

  Chapter 8

  The wedding was beautiful, and Myka couldn’t believe how happy Kim looked. Afterward, they all went back to the Wades’ ranch for a reception, and everyone was having such a good time that it lasted until the early morning hours.

  Myka was really going to miss Kim. Logan and Caleb were taking her on their honeymoon, and she was going to be gone for an entire week. As Myka was hugging her good-bye, she heard Blake’s phone ring, which made her turn toward him. She wondered who would be calling him at this time, unless, of course, it was one of his employees. As soon as he looked at his phone, though, he quickly walked away before answering. Myka continued talking to Kim until he returned, but not without noticing the look of concern and frustration on his face. When he escorted her toward the truck, she had to ask, “Blake, is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine,” he said sharply, making it clear she wasn’t to be asking any more questions, and also telling her he had just lied to her.

  They rode home in silence, making Myka wonder what was truly going on. She knew if it had something to do with her, he would eventually tell her, so she just let it be.

  After they got into bed, Myka was surprised by the forcefulness and possessiveness in which he took her. There were no words this time, but his message was clear. She was his, and there was nothing that would deter him from keeping her that way.

  * * * *

  Whatever doubts or concerns Myka had before going to bed, they were gone by morning. Blake was back to his normal self, and there wasn’t even a hint of him being troubled. She decided since she didn’t have anything better to do and since Kim was gone, she’d start looking for a job. The next-largest city was about forty-five minutes away, so after breakfast, she headed in that direction with her hope and her résumé.

  Blake had told her he would be doing a training demonstration that night at the club and wanted her to come along. He explained that he trained new Doms and subs, so tonight he was going to be doing a scene using a whip and talking about the dos and don’ts. Yes, it did concern her that he knew how to use a whip, but if he was training others, that meant he knew what he was doing, right?

  Myka tried to put that thought out of her mind and get into a more professional mindset. She had gone to school for way too long to get her d
egree, and now it was time to make her dreams a reality. By midafternoon, she had given out all her résumés and had three follow-up interviews already scheduled. She felt like she had had a productive day, so she headed back home, content with her efforts.

  Before she got too far, she passed a boutique that caught her eye. There was a dress made of leather and lace in the window, so she turned around and went inside. She needed to find something different to wear to the club tonight, something that would take Blake’s breath away.

  When she went in, she asked the clerk to show her the dress in her size. When Myka put it on, her heart stopped. The top part was red silk overlaid in black lace. The bottom part was leather with red ribbon laced in and out around the hem. She then found a pair of lacy stockings and a pair of black, strappy heels. It looked amazing, and she knew Blake would be taken by surprise.

  Blake called her when she was on the road to check on her and to tell her he had to leave for the club earlier than expected. “I can come back and pick you up around ten, but I doubt I can get there any earlier than that, baby.”

  “Well, would it be alright if I just came on my own, so you don’t have to bother with me?”

  “First of all, you are never a bother, Myka, but if you want to drive over when you’re ready, that’s fine. I’ll leave the reserved spot for you to park, and I’ll leave a key and the security code on the table. You need to come in through my office, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll see ya soon.”

  “Be safe, sweetheart.”

  “I will, Blake. I promise.” She almost said I love you but didn’t want to freak him out. She couldn’t wait for him to see her new outfit.

  The house was quiet without him there, but Myka busied herself with other things and then started to get ready. She put her collar on and then looked in the mirror. Wow.

  Once she got to the club, she parked in Blake’s spot and went up to the office door. She used the key, punched in the security code, and then entered. Blake had explained that if the key and security code weren’t used in conjunction then the alarm would go off, so she made sure she did it right. She put her purse down in his office and then looked in the mirror once more before heading out front.


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