Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing Page 11

by Kyleigh Drake

  “God, Sheila, I hope you move here,” Kim said.

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind it actually. It’s nice here, but the ball’s in his court. Hey, since it’s my last day, we should go have a few drinks.”

  Myka and Kim looked at each other. “Uh, I don’t think we better go do that. Blake wouldn’t be happy about it, and I know Logan and Caleb definitely would not be okay with it.”

  “They wouldn’t be happy with you going and having a few drinks?” Sheila asked cautiously.

  “Well, number one, you know it’s always more than a few drinks, and number two it’s a safety thing. We could probably drink at home, but not at a bar,” Kim explained.

  “Okay, well that doesn’t make me very happy. I understand they’re protective and everything, but that’s shit.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Kim added, “if you will promise to come back, we’ll promise to work on the guys so we might can go out the next time you’re here.”

  “That is a deal, Kimberlee.”

  * * * *

  Logan, Caleb, and the girls hugged Sheila good-bye, and then she got into her car and drove away. Blake let Myka start driving again, so she and Kim drove into town to try and find some shoes to go with a dress Myka had bought earlier. They didn’t have much luck, so they decided they’d get together again in a day or two and drive to the city. Myka dropped Kim off and home she went.

  Blake called her to see what she was doing and asked her to stop by the club. She stopped and got them some hamburgers, fries, and drinks for lunch. Blake was waiting outside for her so he could help her carry it all in. Dammit, he’s so good to me.

  “So whatcha been working on?” she asked once they got into his office.

  “Just paperwork, baby. Nothing fun—that’s why I called you.”

  “You called me so I could come do the paperwork?”

  “No, silly,” he said, laughing. “I thought I could use a break, and since the club’s not going to be open for a while, I thought we could go play. It’d be much more fun than doing that dreadful paperwork—so what do ya say, princess?”

  “You wanna play—out there?”

  “Of course ‘out there’ no one’s here yet, it’ll be fine.”

  Myka took a deep breath. “I guess we could try it.”

  “Good girl. That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  “So what did you have in mind, exactly?” she asked with hesitation.

  “Well, for starters, I thought I’d strap you to the X cross and introduce you to the flogger, and then when we’re done there, I think I might have you bend over the bench so I can give you a proper fucking.”

  Myka swallowed the lump in her throat and quickly took a sip of her drink. “A proper fucking, huh? I guess that would be okay.”

  “It’ll be better than okay, baby. Once we play today, you’re gonna be beggin’ me to come all the time.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “Uh huh,” he said, finishing his meal. “Now, eat up so we can get started.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait for a little while? I mean, we just finished eating.”

  “Myka, we’re not going swimming, honey. You’ll be just fine. Now hurry it up.”

  Once Myka finished eating, they headed through the double doors. Blake already had the lights on in the X-cross room. She started to get a little nervous and began to bite her lower lip.

  “It’s gonna be good, sweetheart. You’ll do just fine.”

  “I have to take all my clothes off, though.”

  “Well, that would be the idea. But, it’s just the two of us here, no one else will see.”

  He led her into the room slowly, giving her some time to adjust to the surroundings. He then turned toward her and began to undress her, without saying a word. Once she was completely naked, she just stood there, frozen in place and afraid to move. She watched him as he went over to one of the drawers and pulled out what looked like clamps of some sort.

  “What are those?” she asked with trepidation in her voice.

  “These are called ‘nipple clamps,’ and they are going right here,” he said, putting one on her erect nipple.

  “Owww!” she hollered. “That hurts!”

  “It’ll only hurt for a minute or two, and then you’ll be okay,” he said calmly as he put the other one on. “Now, bend over this bench a minute.”


  “Myka. From this moment on, you will do what I say when I say it. You will not question me, and you will not resist. Am I clear?”

  She swallowed again. “Yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Very good. I’m glad we understand each other. Now bend over and don’t move, or I will restrain you.”

  Myka bent over the bench nervously. She heard Blake opening up the drawer again and then felt something cold on her bottom, making her flinch. “It’s okay, little one. It’s just lubricant.”

  “For—” Myka started to ask, but caught herself. “Sorry, I forgot, Master.”

  “I’m proud of you for catching yourself, Myka. Now, I’m going to lubricate your bottom, and then I’m putting in a butt plug.”

  Myka started to rise up, but then thought better of it. She could feel him spreading her cheeks apart and then he put his finger slowly in.

  “That’s it, little one. You’re doing just fine.” She let out a moan as he began to slowly move his finger in and out. “You like that don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now I’m going to put the plug in.”

  “Can I see it, Master?” Myka asked, wanting to know how big it was.

  “No, sweetheart,” he replied as she felt the pressure against her tight hole. “That’s it. You’re doing good, baby. It’s almost all the way in.” Myka felt a pop as the plug entered fully and was secure in place. She felt completely full, but surprisingly, it wasn’t painful at all.

  “Okay, now it’s time to get you up on the cross.” He helped her up off the bench and walked her over to the cross. It felt strange walking with something in her bottom. She stepped up on the platform, and Blake spread her legs, securing each ankle with a restraint. He made sure they weren’t too tight and then did the same with her arms and wrists. She was now completely naked and spread-eagled, unable to move. “I’m going to use this flogger on you, Myka, just to get you used to it. There are many different types of floggers, but this is a light one, and it won’t be too painful at all. If for some reason it does become painful and you feel like it’s too much for you to handle, then what is your safe word?”

  “Red, Master.”

  “Very good. Now, let’s get started, shall we?”

  Myka couldn’t see Blake because he was now standing behind her. Her nipples were still throbbing, and she couldn’t move at all. The anticipation of waiting for him to start was almost too much, but soon he began. After the first few strikes, she immediately began to relax and just felt the sensation on her body. Blake never hit the same spot twice. He moved around all the way from her back down to her thighs. Her skin began to get warm and tingly. This definitely wasn’t as bad as she thought, but she was sure it probably could have gotten bad if Blake had wanted it to. She didn’t want to imagine being up there if it was for punishment, because some of those floggers looked really nasty. He was trying to ease her into it, though, wanting her to like it as much as he did. This was for pleasure, and she appreciated his attempts at making her feel comfortable.

  “You doing okay, Myka?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “It’s going to get a little more intense, little one, but nothing too bad.”

  She could now feel he was using more force with each strike, but nothing that was too much for her to handle. He focused on her bottom and thighs for several minutes and then her back. Every once in a while she started to feel uncomfortable, but it was also soothing in a strange sort of way.

  There were several more strikes to her bottom in the same area a
nd her cheeks began to warm considerably. Then all of a sudden he stopped. He whispered in her ear “That’s all for now, little one. You did well. Now, let’s get you down. I don’t want to leave you up there too long.” Blake removed the wrist restraints and then rubbed the redness away. He then undid her ankles and pulled her into his chest. The nipple clamps heightened her sensitivity, and she gasped.

  Blake bent down and kissed her, making her knees buckle and her body press into him fully. He held her up with ease as he continued to explore her mouth with his tongue. The ache in her pussy was becoming unbearable, but she could do nothing.

  He slowly broke away from her lips and stood her on her feet. “Can you walk, sweetheart?” Myka nodded and followed him over to the bench. “I’m going to restrain you again, because now comes the really fun part, and I don’t want you moving.”

  He bent her over the bench and restrained her wrists on one side and her ankles on the other. Her legs were completely spread, and she felt vulnerable when she realized how much she was exposed. The bench put her at exactly the right height for his cock to enter with ease. The fullness in her bottom was now more so. Blake unzipped his pants, allowing his cock to spring free. He began to rub the head against her pussy, which provided adequate lubrication at this point.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as he rubbed against her clit.

  Blake chuckled. “I haven’t even got started good, baby.” He then began to push in slowly.

  “Oh my God, Blake—Master, it’s not going to fit!”

  “It’ll fit, baby. It just feels bigger because of the plug in your bottom.”

  He continued to push in, allowing her to adjust every so often. Finally, she felt him fully inside of her, his balls now touching her pussy. “That’s it, it’s all the way in now. See, it fit just fine.”

  “I feel so full, Blake.”

  “I know, princess. And now you’re about to feel every single thrust I give ya. You’ve needed a good fucking like this for some time, haven’t ya?”

  “Yes, Sir. I need to be fucked!”

  “Well, then—a fucking you will get.”

  He began to pump in and out, pulling out all the way and then plunging back in. He started out slowly and then gradually gained speed and momentum.

  “Blake, ahhhh, oh God!”

  “That’s right, baby. You’re gettin’ all of it, aren’t ya?”

  “Y–yes, all of it. I want all of it!”

  Blake fucked her faster and harder, giving her exactly what she needed. Myka could feel herself submitting herself—body, mind, and soul. She had not given herself fully to him since the accident, and this was what she needed to do. He was taking her now, and she was letting him do it. She had never trusted enough before, but now she did. He was her Master.

  Her climax began to build as he pumped harder and harder. As soon as her body tensed, Blake reached down and released her nipple clamps. She immediately began to come as the pain from her nipples merged with the release in her pussy. “Blake!” she screamed.

  “Give it to me, princess. I want it all!” She heard him moan as he gripped her hips with his hands and filled her full with his warm cum. He gradually slowed down and eventually stopped, pulling out gently.

  He reached down and unfastened her restraints on both sides. He had to help her stand, and then he picked her up and carried her over to a large leather chair. He sat her in his lap and wrapped a blanket around her naked body. She laid her head on his chest, completely spent and satisfied.

  “You did good, sweetheart,” he whispered as he brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  “I love you, Blake,” she said quietly.

  “I love you, too, princess. Now, why don’t you shut your eyes and rest for me.”

  She snuggled closer against his body and shut her eyes, gently drifting off to sleep in his arms.

  * * * *

  “Hey, sleepyhead, it’s time to wake up.”

  Myka opened her eyes slowly and then realized they were still at the club. “What time is it? Blake, you let me sleep all this time in your lap? You’re not gonna be able to move,” she said, trying to get up.

  He shook his head and held her firmly in place. “I said wake up, not get up. It hasn’t been that long, just about an hour.”

  “Okay,” she said, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

  “We do have to get moving pretty quick, though, unless you want to be caught wearing nothing but a blanket. And I need to clean the room up, too.”

  She slowly got out of his lap and began to dress. She watched as he wiped everything down with disinfectant and then put the blanket in a laundry basket. He swatted her bottom as they were walking out, rudely reminding her that she still had in the butt plug.

  “Blake, what about the—”

  “It can stay in for now, honey. That’ll give me something to work on later on tonight,” he replied with a wink.

  Once they got back home, they fixed a snack and then settled down for the night. “So, did you like our playtime, sweetheart?” he asked as he rubbed her feet.

  “I liked our playtime very much, as a matter of fact, but I don’t think I would like it if you were doing it as punishment.”

  “Then let’s hope you don’t get yourself in that position, so to speak.”

  Yeah, let’s hope not, she thought, knowing without a doubt that time would someday come.

  Chapter 13

  The next week was spent following up on the résumés she had given out and rescheduling some interviews. Kim had called and cancelled them for her due to the accident, but now she was interview ready. She asked Kim to go with her one day, so they could go look for shoes again. Kim let her husbands know she’d be gone most of the afternoon and early evening, and then off the girls went.

  After Myka finished her business, they then went to some outlet stores. While they were in the car, Kim said, “You know, the more I think about what Sheila said the other day, the more angry I get, Myka.”

  “I know, I feel the same way.”

  “I mean, it’s not like we’re sixteen years old. We should be able to go out to a bar if we want, right?”


  “So, what are we gonna do about it, ’cause I have to say, that after all that’s been going on lately, I could use a drink. And, maybe even a cigarette,” she said with defiance in her eyes.

  “Let’s do it, sister. Blake’s been watching me like a hawk ever since I got out of the hospital. There’s not any bars open right now though, dammit. And the only liquor store between here and home doesn’t open for another couple of hours. Oooh, I know! We could go to the club and get something from Blake’s office and take it to the house. He keeps the bar stocked with just about everything.”

  “Can we get in without getting caught?”

  “I’ve got a key and I’ve got the security code, I think. If not, I’m pretty sure I remember the numbers—I think.”

  “Myka, do you know the code or do you think you know the code?”

  “It’s 9401. That’s it. Let’s go.”

  “Blake won’t be there?”

  “No, he’s helping Adriano do something at the gym. He said he wouldn’t see me until tonight sometime.”

  “Then let’s do this, baby!” Kim said, giggling. “Okay, now I feel like I’m sixteen!”

  The girls headed back to the club but stopped to buy cigarettes before they got back into town. When they got to Intrigue, the parking lot was completely empty. They got out and headed to the office door. Myka used the key and then punched in the security code so the alarm wouldn’t go off. “Good job,” Kim said as they entered.

  “I told you I knew it.”

  “Yeah, well now let’s get the goods and get the hell out of here.”

  “Okay, okay. Damn you’re impatient.”

  “No, I just don’t wanna get caught.”

  “Well, neither do I!”

  They started going through the minibar, taking what they li

  “Dammit! There’s no rum, Myka.”

  “Are you kidding? Okay, I know there’s some out at the big bar, so let’s go look out there.”

  The girls went and found what they were looking for and then headed out the door, making sure to leave everything as it was before. When they got back in the car, they high-fived each other and headed to Myka’s place. She had a place in back they could sit outside, drink, smoke, and not be disturbed. Within a few hours, they were both pretty much drunk and were enjoying themselves immensely.

  After noticing the time, they figured they better put the liquor up and try to start getting sober, so they went back inside the house. They both jumped when Myka’s phone rang.

  “Shit, it’s Blake!”

  “Think ‘sober!’ Say as little as possible,” Kim coached.

  “Okay, okay, shhh,” Myka replied as she took a deep breath before answering. “Hello?” she said as soberly as she could.

  “Hey, baby, whatcha doin’?”

  “Nothing, just hanging out with Kim here at the house. We finished shopping early.”

  “Alright, well I’ve gotta go to the club before I come home, so it’ll be at least another couple more hours or so before I can get there. You gonna be okay?”

  “Oh yeah, no problems here, baby.”

  “Okay, love you.”

  “Love you, too. Bye,” Myka ended the call and then looked at Kim. “Did I sound okay?”

  “You sounded perfect—I can’t believe we got away with this!”

  “I know. It was kinda fun, wasn’t it?”

  “I’m really glad you’re my friend.”

  “Awe, me, too!”

  The two girls hugged, and then Myka said, “Shit, you smell like smoke—you better change. Hell, I might better change, too. Give me your clothes, and I’ll wash them and you can wear something of mine.” They stripped off their clothing, and Myka took them and put them in the washing machine. She picked out some clothes for both of them, and they were both satisfied the smoke could no longer be smelled.


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