Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing Page 12

by Kyleigh Drake

  “Hey, I better text Caleb and tell them I won’t be home for a while. They won’t care, since I’m just over here.” Kim texted, and then the girls decided to get on the computer to see if they could find some shoes online.

  About eight o’clock, Myka’s phone rang again. It was Blake.

  “Hey, sweetheart, I ran into Logan and Caleb. Is Kim still with you?”

  “Uh, yeah, we’re still here.”

  “Good. Well just stay put, ’cause I sent Master Kip out on an errand, and he’s gonna swing by and pick you two up. He should be there any minute now.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “I’ll see ya in a bit.”

  “Bye.” Myka’s face turned pale.

  “What’s wrong, Myka?”

  “I think they know, Kim! But how?”

  “Why, what did he say?”

  “He said he had ran into Caleb and Logan and they’re at the club, and Master Kip is out running an errand and he’s coming by to pick us up.”

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Oh, fuck is right! How do they know?”

  “Okay, we don’t know for sure they know, so we just need to play it cool,” Kim said, trying to be optimistic.

  “I’m getting sick to my stomach now. I wish I was still drunk.”

  “I know. Me, too.”

  They both jumped when they heard the knock at the door. They didn’t want to answer, but knew they had to. They walked slowly, side by side and then stood there until there was another knock, this one much louder.

  “Open it, Myka.”

  When Myka opened the door, there stood Master Kip. “How are you two ladies, tonight?”

  “Fine, thank you—Sir.”

  “Master Blake asked me to stop by and pick you two up since I was out in this direction. Are you ready to go?”

  “Not really,” Kim mumbled only loud enough for Myka to hear.

  They all walked out to his truck, and he held the door open until they got inside. Myka felt like they were going to their execution. All three rode in silence, somehow the distance to the club feeling much shorter than normal.

  Once they reached Intrigue, the girls sat there until Master Kip came and helped them out and then ushered them inside. They went through the front doors this time, and Myka grabbed Kim’s hand as they walked. Master Kip knocked on Blake’s door and opened it when Blake told him to come on in. The girls followed quietly behind and noticed when Blake nodded and then Master Kip left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  The girls were now facing Blake, Logan, and Caleb all alone. Both girls swallowed then sat in the two chairs that Blake nodded toward. The chairs were facing the desk, and all three men were looming over them as they leaned against the desk, side by side.

  “Hello, girls,” Blake said.

  “Hello,” they mumbled in unison.

  “So, did you have a good day today? We haven’t seen ya for a while.”

  “It was fine, I guess,” Myka replied, her heart beating faster.

  “Well, why don’t you tell us about your day. You can start from when you left together.”

  Myka waited a moment before speaking. “Uh, we went to the city and checked on some of my résumés, and then we went shopping and then went back to the house to look for shoes online because we didn’t find anything at the stores.”

  Blake nodded, and all three men continued to stare at them, Blake at Myka, and Logan and Caleb at Kim.

  “Kimberlee, do you have anything you want to add to that?” Logan asked.

  “No, Sir,” she said, looking down.

  “So, that’s the story you’re sticking with, is that right?” Caleb asked.

  “I, uh, guess so,” she answered quietly.

  “Girls,” Blake said, “I’d like to share some information with you that I think you’ll find very interesting.” They both looked at Blake as he spoke. “You both know, I think, that we have surveillance cameras all over the club, so we can keep an eye on things and make sure that everyone’s safe. You were aware of that, right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” they answered again in unison.

  “I’m betting, though, that you didn’t know that I also have a camera right in here as well. It’s actually activated by motion and then starts recording, unless the person who is in here knows where the button is to turn it off.”

  “Fuck,” Kim mumbled.

  “Fuck is right, darlin’,” Logan answered.

  “Now,” Caleb said, “would you like to fill in the parts of your little story that you so conveniently decided to leave out the first time?”

  “Only if I have to.”

  “I think it would be wise if you did, sweetheart.”

  Kim looked at Myka and mouthed “I’m sorry” before she began to speak.

  “Before we went to Myka’s, we stopped here and got some alcohol and took it back to her house to drink.”

  “Is that all?”

  Kim looked at Myka again before adding, “And we bought cigarettes before we got back into town.”

  “Did you, now?” Logan asked, anger clear in his tone.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, now very concerned about the situation they were in.

  Blake waited a moment before speaking again. “Girls, we discussed this at length prior to you getting here, and we’ve decided that since you two like getting in trouble together, you should probably get punished together as well.”

  “Oh God.” Myka sighed heavily.

  “Not here!” Kim said in disbelief.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Logan answered, “since you like coming here, we thought it would be appropriate.”

  “Logan, no!” she cried. “Please!”

  “I guess maybe you shoulda thought of that before you did what you did, don’t ya think?”

  Myka looked at Kim and knew she was feeling sick at her stomach, too.

  “Let’s go, girls,” Blake said, “we’ve got an appointment to keep. First, though, you’re going to go apologize to Master Kip for stealing from his bar, and then you’re going to invite him to come and witness your punishment.”

  “Blake, no! I know him. He can’t watch!” Myka cried.

  “You stole from his bar—you damn sure will invite him.”

  As they walked out of the office, they heard Rihanna singing “S&M” over the sound system. “This is not going to be good,” Kim whispered to Myka.

  Blake motioned for Master Kip to come over, and as he did, he looked at both girls, not smiling. Myka had never seen him look that way before and hoped she never did again.

  “Master Kip,” she started, tears now starting to run down her face, “I’m so sorry for what we did. It was my idea, not Kim’s, so it’s more my fault than hers. I just hope you will forgive me because I’ll never do it again, and I will make it up to you somehow.”

  She looked up at him to see what his reaction was going to be. She was being very sincere in her apology and hoped he could see that. He said nothing, but nodded his head at her, letting her know they would still be good after this.

  “I also want to invite you to witness our punishment—out there—very shortly.”

  “Where at?” he asked, even though she thought he probably already knew.

  Myka looked over at Blake, and he said, “X cross.”

  She looked back at Master Kip. “It’s in the X-cross room, Sir.”

  “Oh, hell no,” Kim said when she heard where they’d be going. She tried to get away but backed up into Logan, who wrapped his arm tightly around her waist.

  “Goin’ somewhere, darlin’?”

  “Logan, not there, please! Caleb, tell him no! I won’t ever do it again!”

  “Seems like we’ve heard those words before, haven’t we, Logan?”

  “I believe you’re right, Caleb. Sorry, darlin’—it’s happening.”

  “I can’t believe you’re going to let other people see me without clothes on!”

  “One time won’t hurt, and who knows, it might leave a last
ing impression.”

  Kim began to struggle against Logan’s strength, but she was no match. He carried her through the double doors toward the dreaded X-cross room. There was a look of horror on Kim’s face when she saw how many people were already there.

  Blake had Myka by the upper arm and walked her back to the room, close behind Logan, Caleb, and Kim. He then looked at her and ordered her to get undressed. Myka began to undress slowly, trying to waste time.

  “That means you, too, sugar,” Caleb said, looking at Kim.

  The look in his eyes made it apparent that Kim should do what she was told.

  There were two of the spanking benches side by side, in full view of the audience. There was no doubt they had been set up that way prior to the girls getting there. Both knew they would be in full view of everyone in only a moment. “Come over here, you two,” Blake ordered as he stood by the benches. Myka didn’t move. “Do not make me come get you.” His tone encouraged her to move in his direction. Logan took Kim by the arm and escorted her in front of the other bench.

  “Bend over,” he told her.

  “Logan, I—”

  He swatted her bare bottom and she quickly bent over in position.

  “Pick your instrument, gentlemen. We have a wide variety to choose from,” Blake said to the other two.

  “What do ya think, Caleb? The paddle or the strap?” Logan asked loud enough for Kim to hear.

  “I’m likin’ the paddle,” Caleb replied as he went over to pick it up.

  Logan had Kim restrained by the time Caleb returned.

  Blake had not made Myka bend over yet. He wanted to make sure she saw the flogger he chose. It was not like the one before. It looked much meaner. “Blake, not that one,” she begged.

  “I think this one is perfect, baby. It’s called a ‘cat’ just so you know, and I assure you, it won’t be pleasurable.”


  “Bend over.”

  “I don’t want to.”


  She slowly bent over, and he fastened the restraints securely. She felt humiliated, knowing people were watching.

  “Shall we, gentlemen?” Blake asked.

  “We shall,” Logan replied.

  Myka felt the first sting across her bottom and flinched. It hurt much worse indeed.

  “Blake, it hurts!”

  He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Do not speak another word.”

  She nodded her head, and he continued. The tears began to flow immediately, but she didn’t dare speak. She heard Kim crying beside her and felt bad that she was being punished, too.

  * * * *

  “Lo-gan! It hurts!” Kim cried as she felt another swat sting her bottom.

  “It’s supposed to, darlin’,” he answered as he continued to paddle her ass.

  She didn’t care if people were watching anymore. She just wanted it to be over with. They had never spanked her with anything other than their hand, and she hoped they wouldn’t decide they needed a paddle to keep at the house. Caleb had squatted down by her head so he could see how she was doing. She began to cry harder, which made it more difficult for her to catch her breath, so Caleb had Logan wait a minute before continuing.

  “Breathe, sugar. That’s it.” When he was satisfied that she wasn’t going to make herself sick, he nodded at Logan to continue. Her bottom felt like it was on fire, before Logan finally stopped. She was sobbing uncontrollably at this point. Logan began to unfasten her ankle restraints, while Caleb undid her wrists.

  Logan helped her up and then carried her over to a large chair, sitting her in his lap. Caleb went and got a blanket to cover her up and some water for her to drink once she calmed down enough.

  * * * *

  Myka was sobbing pretty much as soon as Blake really got started. She could not believe how each sting could linger on, and then she’d get another one so soon after the one before, that she had no time to recover. She dared not speak, but hoped he could hear her words through her sobs. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he stopped and threw the flogger down on the floor. He left her there for a moment, and she heard him squirting something in his hands.

  “I’m going to put some ointment on your bottom, Myka, and it’s going to hurt. I’ll release you when I’m done.”

  The ointment was cool, but the heat from his hand as he rubbed it on hurt like hell. She could only imagine how red her bottom must be. When he had finished, he released her as promised and then he also carried her over to another chair not far from Kim’s.

  He sat her in his lap, and Caleb handed him a blanket and some water. “Thanks, Caleb,” he replied as he wrapped the blanket around her. She had a hard time sitting still, because his lap was holding in the heat on her bottom. He repositioned her so her bottom was now sitting in between his legs, and that helped a little. She continued to cry into his chest, the only sound in the room besides Kim, a few feet away. Blake continued to hold her, not saying any words, but comforting her by rubbing his hand up and down her arm and back.

  After about thirty minutes, the girls got up and got dressed as the men cleaned up the room and put it back in order. They escorted the girls out, and Myka hugged Kim before Kim was taken back home by Logan and Caleb. Myka remained in Blake’s office until he was ready to leave. It hurt to sit, so she lay down on her side on the leather sofa. Her face was toward the back of the sofa, but she could hear Blake come in and out periodically, and she knew he was checking in on her to make sure she was still there.

  When he was ready to leave, he took her out to the truck and helped her in. The pressure against her bottom made it feel like she was still getting punished.

  “Still hurtin’?” he asked.

  “Yes, it’s still hurting,” she said, starting to tear up again.

  “It’s supposed to hurt, princess, that’s the point. And hopefully this will deter you from ever pulling a stunt like that again.” Myka sat there crying and pouting, not wanting to hear his stupid lecture.

  Once they got home, he held her down and put more ointment on again against her struggles. Afterward, she looked in the mirror, and although there were still red marks, she felt like with all the pain, there should’ve been a whole hell of a lot more. She then got into bed, lying on her stomach with nothing covering her body.

  She didn’t sleep well that night, but it wasn’t just because she couldn’t get comfortable. Blake hadn’t touched her at all or even really talked to her much. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was mad or if he was trying to give her space so he didn’t hurt her.

  Chapter 14

  Early the next morning, before he was awake, Myka gently moved closer to his body. Once his hand naturally went around her waist, she snuggled close and fell back to sleep without any problems. She woke up a couple of hours later, with Blake still beside her, but silently watching her.

  “Good morning, princess.”

  “Good morning,” she said shyly.

  “I can see you’re not mad at me anymore,” he said, pulling her closer to him.

  “No, I’m not mad. Are you?”

  “No, baby. It’s all over now.”

  “K,” she said, nuzzling against his chest and taking in his scent.

  “Sweetheart, today you’re gonna need to be by my side from now until we go to bed.”

  “Okay,” she said, a little confused.

  “After a spanking like that, I need to know you’re really alright and not just telling me that. And, besides, you’ll definitely stay out of trouble that way.” She nodded her head in agreement, and then they both got up and showered.

  “So, I have to go back to the club tonight?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “That’s going to be embarrassing, Blake.”

  “Yes, it will be.”

  Dammit, I have to face Master Kip again!

  “So, do you have anything else to say about it?”

  “Would it matter?”

  “No.” />
  “Okay then, I guess not.”

  “Good, now get dressed.”

  When she was finished dressing, she heard Blake talking on the phone, and when she entered the room he looked up at her and said to the person on the other line, “Yeah, I’ll have to talk to ya later.” Throughout the day, she could hear he was getting text messages, but he kept his phone with him the entire time, so she couldn’t check. She wondered for one fleeting moment if it was Miranda again and then decided she shouldn’t even be going there. She knew Blake loved her.

  Later in the evening, Blake threw a bag on the bed. “What’s this?” she asked.

  “I got you a new outfit to wear tonight.”

  She opened up the bag and pulled out a short leather dress that was beautiful. It had little blue rhinestone studs around the hem and the low-cut neckline. The blue high heels were to die for, they were so sexy. After she got ready, she looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with how well the dress fit her. When she put on her collar, Blake walked up behind her and took it off.

  “You won’t need that tonight, baby.”

  “Oh—okay,” she replied. Why doesn’t he want me to wear my collar? She started to panic. I’m still his, right? Of course you are, Myka. Just go with it. But, the only time you don’t have a collar is when you don’t belong to anyone.

  As they headed for the club, Blake put his hand on her knee. “You look amazing, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Blake. I really love it.”

  “Myka, you remember the rules, correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You remember how to kneel?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Oh, hell.

  They went in through Blake’s office and Myka noticed how packed it was that night. He walked her over to the bar. “Just water tonight, Master Kip.”

  “That’s good, ’cause I seem to be missing my rum,” he said, looking at Myka and giving her a wink and a smile.

  Myka could feel herself turning red. “Sorry, Master Kip.”

  “No more apologies necessary, Myka. How’s your bottom, tonight?”

  “Better than last night.”

  “Of that I have no doubt, honey.”

  The lounge area by the bar had so many people. It was hard to even walk. I wonder what they’re doing tonight that made so many people show up? About thirty minutes passed, and then Blake moved Myka over to an area that had been roped off. He removed the rope, and then Master Kip blared a horn that had everyone quiet immediately. Myka looked up at Blake to see what was happening next, but not before seeing Kim, Logan, and Caleb standing in front of the crowd. What the hell is going on?


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