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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 62

by Carter, Chance

  Nolan gritted his teeth and walked over to where he'd thrown the lamp. The lightbulb had shattered, and the pieces crunched as he lifted the base and set it back upright. It was a long shot from fixing things between us, but I appreciated the gesture.

  "Aurora..." Nolan said, turning to me. All traces of anger were gone now, which just went to show that he could dish it out but he couldn't take it.

  "No." I shook my head and pointed to the door. "Out. And I better not see you back here unless this baby is yours."

  I hoped more than ever that the baby wasn't his. I didn't think I could handle having him in my life permanently, but that was a bridge I was going to have to cross when I got to it.

  Nolan hung his head and left without further ado. I closed the door behind him and collapsed against it, taking a moment to compose myself before I forced my shaky legs to carry me over to the couch. I picked up my phone and dialed Brendon's number, fingers trembling as the adrenaline caught up with me.

  "Hey baby," he said. "What's up?"

  I explained everything that happened, and before I was even finished I heard the rustling of Brendon grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

  "I'm coming over there now," he said. "Lock the door and pack a bag."

  "Pack a bag?"

  "You're coming to stay with me," he explained. "At least until you get the results and Nolan goes back home for good. I don't trust him and I won't allow you to stay in a situation that could be dangerous."

  Something about the possessive tone of his voice stirred a potent mixture of lust and gratitude inside of me. I didn't have the energy to try to fight him on it, and I didn't want to. Twenty-four hours a day with the man of my dreams? Yes, please.

  I fell asleep in Brendon's arms that evening, like I'd done many times before. This time, however, I was acutely aware of how much things were changing. How much we were changing. Our relationship had evolved from a sexy encounter of the accidental variety in a brothel, to a standard workplace romance, to this.

  Safety. Security.

  And, most of all, the kind of love that I knew would burn like molten lava for as long as we both lived.

  Chapter 30


  As I approached the little bistro, I couldn't help but reflect on how similar Calypso and Amy looked as they chatted together on the patio. Amy's long raven hair was braided over one shoulder, and little gems sparkled in the afternoon sun. Calypso's hair was in loose dark waves, and she was the first to see me. She waved.

  "There's our girl!"

  Amy turned to look behind her and grinned when she caught sight of me. "Well, don't you look positively radiant!"

  I chuckled, not feeling altogether radiant. It had been a rough morning as far as morning sickness was concerned, but I was looking forward to getting some food in me.

  I took the seat between them and ordered a water from the waitress who zoomed over. Once she was gone, I let out a long sigh and took in the sight of my two friends.

  "I'm glad to see you guys," I said. "It's been awhile. I've got a lot to share."

  "Is that so?" said Calypso. "Would this be a conversation better served over a couple mimosas?"

  "You think any conversation is best served over a couple mimosas," Amy drawled.

  I laughed. "Like you're any better."

  "Of course not." Amy grinned evilly. "I'm worse."

  Calypso blew air through her teeth. "Not even close, girly. Nice try, though."

  I grinned at the exchange and took a sip of the water that appeared in front of me while I waited for them to finish. A couple minutes of ego touting later, there was a big enough break in the conversation for me to speak.

  "I told Nolan that I'm not going home with him," I announced.

  Amy's eyes widened. "And how did he take that?"

  "Not the greatest at first.” My mind flew back to the broken glass on the floor in my apartment. Brendon hadn't even given me time to clean it up before he swept me out of there. The place had been sitting untouched since.

  "He came around in the end, though?" Calypso inquired.

  Amy shook her head. "Nolan doesn't 'come around' to anything. He either backs down or forces his will. He thinks a compromise is when you give in without complaining too much."

  "You stood up for yourself though." Calypso smiled approvingly. "That's the most we could ask, really."

  "It was the most I could do," I said with a shrug. "I wasn't willing to go back so it was either stand up for myself or disappear off the face of the earth and hope that he'd never find me. I mean, this could all be a moot point. I still don't know whose baby it is."

  "It's yours and Brendon's," Calypso said, resting her hand over mine. "No matter what that silly DNA test says."

  I appreciated the tender gesture but was only able to offer a weak smile in return. Thankfully, the waitress came back around to take our orders, though I still hadn't had a chance to look at the menu. Amy was getting a chicken club with salad so I just sided with her. Despite our differences, we'd always had similar tastes.

  The waitress disappeared back inside, and Amy asked how things were going with Brendon. It was like somebody had lit a torch in my ribcage, and I found myself smiling like a maniac as I tried to sum up the amazingness that was the current state of my relationship.

  "I feel like we're finally on the same page. All the things that had gotten so wound up and complicated are ironed out now, and I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life."

  Calypso's eyes brightened and she pulled her lips back into a dazzling smile. "I must say, I am absolutely delighted at just how spectacularly this whole situation has turned out. It had the potential to be quite the disaster." She chuckled lowly. "In fact, I was sure at first that it was going to be bad. I would have never guessed that you two would get along quite so well."

  "Right?" I laughed lightly. "What are the chances? Brendon only went to the Fox in the first place on the recommendation of his...uh...eccentric friend Peter. I was only there because I had the good fortune to run into Amy back in Bridgefield. I've never seen a stronger argument for fate."

  "Peter?" Amy's eyebrows rose. "Peter Vasiliev?"

  I frowned. "Yeah? You know him?"

  Her and Calypso exchanged a look, then both burst out laughing.

  "Oh, we know him," Calypso said.

  "In the biblical sense," added Amy.

  They both descended into giggles again.

  "What's so funny?" I asked.

  Calypso recovered first and answered. "Nothing, darling. Just that I always knew that man was going to be trouble."

  "With a capital T," added Amy, a far-off expression on her face.

  I didn't particularly care to know what it was exactly that had them in stitches, so I didn't probe further.

  My phone binged in my purse and my hand shot out for it before I even had time to think.

  "Sorry," I said, glancing down at the screen. "It's a work email that I should probably get."

  Calypso and Amy exchanged an amused glance.

  "Aren't we just the little workaholic now?" Amy teased.

  "Give her a break," said Calypso. "She's always been a workaholic. I've never had a more efficient cleaner. Do consider coming back, darling, won't you?"

  I was still looking down at the screen, thumbs already tapping out a response. "Give up my amazing office job to pick up didoes and anal beads all day? No thanks."

  Calypso sighed theatrically. "Ah, well. A woman can try. Maybe we should try you out on cleaning duty, Tatiana."

  "Not a chance," Amy scoffed. "This ass is much too valuable for manual labor."

  "Hmm. I think I'd like that on a t-shirt," Calypso said thoughtfully.

  I glanced up from my email just so I could capture the moment in my mind. I loved watching the two of them banter like this, especially when it involved casual references to the fact that they both worked in a brothel.

  "And how's your job going, Aurora?" Amy asked. "Still
enjoying it?"

  I settled into chair and laid a hand on my belly. As it always did, the feel of the little bump under my palm made me smile.

  "I can honestly say I've found my passion," I told them.

  "It's gotta help that the man of your dreams is your boss though, right?"

  There wasn't any malicious intent in Amy's question, just curiosity. And hell, it was something I'd thought about a few times. It seemed too good to be true that I'd basically stumbled into the career that I'd always wanted, and I kept expecting the honeymoon period to wear off and for it to start feeling like work. It never did. Day in, day out, I always enjoyed going into work. I liked the people, I liked the stuff I did, the responsibilities I had. I felt like I was making an impact both in the company and in the stores.

  "It fulfills me," I said after a measured, contemplative silence. "Brendon being there certainly helps, but mostly just because he's a great boss. I can't imagine working for anyone better, and I know most of the people there feel the same."

  "Shame." Calypso grinned. "You would've made a great whore."

  I raised my eyebrows and stared at her, then we all burst into laughter.

  "I think my one-time appearance on the menu is enough for me, thanks," I said, wiping the tears from under my eyes.

  "Yeah," agreed Amy. "Besides, look at her." She gestured to me demonstratively. "The rest of us would never get any work if she started going at it full-time."

  "It's the pregnancy," Calypso agreed. "You look radiant darling, simply radiant. I wish I could bottle up whatever it is that's shimmering under your skin and keep it for myself."

  The waitress came back with our food and all attention diverted to that. I was absolutely starving, and Calypso and Amy weren't holding back either. I practically dove into my sandwich face first, and when I heard my phone chime with another email I let out a groan.

  "Just don't get it," said Amy. "You're at lunch with your ladies."

  "You know me though. I at least have to look at it."

  Her mouth tipped up into a knowing smile. "Yeah, yeah. Go on then, Miss Congeniality."

  I stuck my tongue out at her and fished the phone from my purse. "I'll turn it onto silent, how about that? If I don't know that the emails are coming in, I can't stress about what they might say."

  I flicked the silent button on my phone before I even looked at the email. It wasn't from work.

  "Oh my god." I dropped my phone onto the table in front of me and clapped my hands over my mouth.

  "What is it?" Both Amy and Calypso swung their gazes to me, curiosity written all over their faces. "Is it Brendon? Is he okay?"

  I shook my head. "It's not that. It''s the test."

  "The test?" Amy questioned. Then her eyes widened with comprehension. "The DNA test?"

  I nodded, gulping down a chunk of sandwich in a throat drier than the desert. "The DNA test," I confirmed. "The results are in."

  Chapter 31


  Knowing I had a baby on the way had given me new zest for my work. No longer was I just working to support myself, nor was my vision of the future clouded. Everything I had I would one day pass on to my son or daughter, and the idea of a legacy spurred me to work harder than I ever had before. It felt like each stroke of my pen or tap of my fingers on the keys added another tiny block to what I hoped would one day be a megalithic monument to my success that would support my family for generations to come. I had new purpose in life. It took being found to realized I was lost before, and it took Aurora to realize that I'd never be lost again.

  The love of my life had gone for lunch with her girls nearly an hour ago, and would be back soon. Working with her had become a challenge since she'd moved in, but not because I was tired of her. On the contrary, I was now accustomed to spending so much of my time with Aurora that I always wanted to be around her. Thoughts of her strayed into my mind even during moments of laser focus. I spent idle moments planning things I would do for her, things I would do to her, and everything else in between.

  For the first time in my life, I was truly happy. I had everything I could ever possibly want, and the fragility of that perfection was not unknown to me. I worried about losing it at any moment, but all it took was a glance from Aurora to know that what we had was real, and I knew I'd always fight for that.

  I nearly jumped in my seat when my door burst open with enough force to shake the leaves of my fern. I expected to see Nolan crowding the doorway. I'd been secretly hoping that he would track me down so I'd have an excuse to kick the shit out of him. It wasn't Nolan, but I wasn't disappointed.

  "Baby," I said, rising to my feet. "What's—"

  Aurora flung herself right over the top of my desk, slamming my laptop lid closed with her body and falling on top of me so hard the air rushed from my lungs. I pulled her in without hesitation until she was cradled in my arms, expecting the worst.

  So why was she smiling?

  Before I had the chance to ask, she said the four most beautiful words I'd ever heard in my life.

  "The baby is yours."

  My mind emptied until there was nothing but bright light. I meant it when I said I would love this baby no matter what, no matter whose X or Y chromosome it happened to have, but knowing that the baby was mine and Aurora's alone was a dream come true. Aurora's ties to Nolan were broken for good, and there was nothing standing in the way of us and our perfect happiness. It was so wonderful that I wondered if I should pinch myself just to make sure I was still awake.

  I kissed her then, soft and sweet and with every ounce of love I possessed. I wanted her to feel with only the brush of my lips how happy she'd made me—how committed I was to her. To us.

  "I love you," I murmured. Then, because it felt so good, I repeated it a few more times.

  "I love you too," Aurora sighed. "I'm so excited to have this baby."

  "Our baby."

  She pulled back, smiling at me. Her eyes were clear and bright, delight etched into her features so artistically that I wondered if her face would ever be able to show sadness again.

  "Yes," she said. "Our baby."

  I captured her mouth again and stood up with her in my arms, balancing her ass on the edge of the desk while I cleared off its contents with a sweep of my arm. Even my laptop went clattering to the floor, and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I should probably care about damaging it. That little voice was weak though, and couldn't dream of standing up against the primal side of me that needed to feel her skin against mine.

  "Brendon," Aurora panted as I began tugging her shirt loose from her pants. "What if someone walks in?"

  "They won't." I bit her bottom lip, and she moaned softly and opened in submission.

  My cock tented the front of my pants and I ground the hardening length between her legs as I laid her back onto the desk. I'd been wanting to fuck Aurora on my desk since day one, and I couldn't think of a better occasion to fulfill my fantasy.

  "You're bad," she whispered.

  "Baby, you have no idea." I nipped down the side of her neck while my hands deftly unbuttoned the front of her blouse, spreading the fabric open and exposing her heaving breasts and taut stomach. The little bump was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I kissed down to it, dragging my tongue through the valley of her breasts before peppering soft pecks all over the skin of her belly.

  Aurora giggled. "That tickles!"

  "Oh yeah?" I let my lips whisper along her skin, teasing her more. "Do you want me to stop?"

  "No!" she protested, just as I began to back away.

  I met her gaze and saw her eyes wide with need, pupils stretching toward the edges of her iris like a solar eclipse. God, she was beautiful. My cock twitched impatiently, drawing my focus back to the task at hand. Pants.

  With a couple jerks, I pulled her pants down her thighs, tossing them over the back of my chair and looking down at the siren on my desk. She was spread out before me like a feast, matching pink panties and bra th
at made my heart race just to look at. Fuck.

  "How did I ever get so lucky?" I asked.

  Aurora reached for my tie, pulling my lips back to hers as her hand fumbled with the zipper of my pants. The first touch of her hand on my bare cock made me groan, and she pulled me in even closer as her fingers stroked over my shaft.

  She knew just the way I liked to be touched, with a firm grip and long, languid movements. I was aching to touch her too, and I yanked on her panties until they came down to her knees and slid down to hang from one dangling foot. My fingers sank into her heat and she squeezed harder on my dick, sending a bolt of pleasure straight to my scalp.

  She was hot and slick, just as I knew I'd always find her. Her folds parted easily and I stroked along her inner waist, testing her first with one finger and then two.

  I couldn't wait any longer.

  "Wrap your legs around my waist, baby," I instructed.

  Aurora dropped her hand from my cock and did as I said, the movement lining up the head of my cock with her entrance almost perfectly. She arched up as I pressed inside, forcing more of her fleshy globes to spill over the confines of her bra. Just as I sank the rest of my meat into her, I reached around and unclipped the bra.

  Aurora was spread over my desk, completely naked, looking like a wet dream come to life. Her tight pussy welcomed me home, and I took my time with the first few strokes as she adjusted to my girth. Her eyelashes fluttered open and she looked up at me, smiling coquettishly.

  "What are you smiling about?" I slammed my hips into hers, leaning forward so I could squeeze a tit in each hand.

  Aurora's mouth fell open in a quiet moan. "I'm just happy."

  "I'm happy too." I thrust again, and she slid up the desk an inch. "So. Fucking. Happy."


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