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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 83

by Carter, Chance

  She turns her head to the side and bites the pillow, then moves up and bites Brad on the neck.

  “That’s it, baby, be my wild tiger. Show me all you’ve got,” Brad says.

  He reaches over for the finger vibrator, puts it on her clit, and moves her hand down so she can push in and out, fast and hard. Jane loses it and has three orgasms in a row, her whole body releasing ecstasy on the bed, gushing out liquid everywhere.

  “Holy shit, baby. You’re ejaculating, for real,” Brad says, kissing her up and down her body in celebration.

  When Jane is finished, she asks Brad what he means by ejaculating. He explains to her that women can come like men. Often, they think they are peeing, which they aren’t. It’s what makes a massive puddle everywhere.

  Jane had never heard of this before, but all she knows is it feels so good.

  “Brad, you drive me crazy. I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else. You are so hot and even better than I imagined,” says Jane.

  “Better than when you were thinking of me when you were screaming my name in the hotel?”

  “Oh, God, yes,” Jane smiles. “I wanted you so badly that time. If you had walked through that door then, I would have spread my legs wide open and told you to give it to me, right then and there.”

  “I wanted you, too, baby. I was all ready to come and get you, too.”

  Brad and Jane lay on the bed, soaked in their sweat and come, and feeling deeply at peace with one another. There is nowhere else they need to be but here.

  Brad orders lunch and later, dinner. They spend the day making love, hanging out in their little hot spring, and getting to know each other through their stories. Life feels full again.

  Chapter 57

  The next day, they get up at 11 a.m. and shower together. Brad covers her with soap suds, washing her hair and rubbing her shoulders. He moves down to her ass and starts playing with it, washing out her private areas while getting her excited.

  He bends her over and the shower pulsates on her back, dripping down her ass. His cock is hard and ready to take her. He thrusts himself into her clean, juicy pussy, grabbing her hips and pushing her forward and back. They fit so well together, and she is so willing.

  Jane looks over and sees his hot body, his ripped muscles and arms, and goes crazy. He knows exactly what he wants, and it turns her on with his every thrust.

  “Ohhhh, aaaaahhhhh, ugggghhhhh…” Jane groans in the shower.

  He gets her worked up, and within minutes, she is in such deep, shaking pleasure she can barely stand.

  She turns around, falls to her knees, and pulls his cock into her mouth, looking into his eyes. She licks her tongue around him and grabs his balls.

  “You sure you’ve never done this before?” Brad asks her.

  She shakes her head to say ‘no.’

  “Well, you’re a natural, then. That’s my gal,” he says, pulling her hair away so he can see her face pushing in and out. “Keep sucking me. That’s right. Oh, God, Jane, you’re so good at it.”

  Brad guides her head to push in and out, faster and faster, until he comes inside her mouth. She loves the taste of him, salty and sweet, which makes sense for someone like Brad.

  They finish their shower, holding each other closely.

  “I love you so much, Jane. You are so much fun,” Brad says, putting a dollop of shampoo on her nose.

  She giggles. “Well, I love you, too, you horny devil.”

  They dry off, get dressed, and leave the hotel room for the first time in two days.

  “Sweetheart, I have to go and make a phone call to check in with things. Do you want to wait for me down by the poolside?”

  “Okay, but don’t be long, okay? Not like last time.” Jane winks.

  “I promise. Two days at the most,” Brad jests.

  Jane goes over to the pool. There’s no one else there. The concierge comes over.

  “Madam, I haven’t seen you in two days. Is everything okay?” Cecil asks.

  “Yes, Cecil. Everything is just fine. Would you mind bringing me a freshly squeezed orange juice mimosa?”

  “Of course, madam.”

  Cecil walks away while Jane settles in. The sky is nice and clear, and the water in the pool is a Caribbean style turquoise blue. They’ve made it look like a beach, too.

  She is there for about a half hour. From a distance, Jane hears violins in the background and they are coming closer. She turns around and sees Brad coming toward her with roses in his hand. He is singing Everything I Do with the violins playing in the background.

  Jane starts crying. She didn’t even know he could sing. Standing up she looks into his eyes and moves towards him, singing the lyrics back.

  She goes up to him and they put their foreheads on each other. He dries the tears off her face.

  “Jane, I have something to ask you,” Brad says, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “What is it?” she says, her forehead scrunching up.

  “Will you marry me?” he asks.

  Jane is shocked. She wasn’t expecting this at all.

  “Will you?” Brad asks, concerned she is going to say no.

  “Yes, Brad. Yes, yes, yes. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be with. Yes,” she replies.

  “Oh, phew!”

  He lifts her up in his arms and French kisses her, twirling her around.

  “We’re going to have a great life together, Jane. I promise you.”

  “I know we will, darling.”

  The violins finish the song and then depart. Brad has ordered the pool area to be private so no one can look in. He undresses Jane and they go skinny dipping together in the pool, holding hands.

  “I can’t wait to do all these amazing things together with you, Jane. I want to show you Tahiti. I want to sky dive with you. I want us to have a home where we bake cookies together.”

  “What about watching movies until three a.m.?” Jane asks.

  “Yes, that, too. Of course, that!”

  Brad is so excited that he’s finally going to settle down with someone and have a normal life together. It has been so dreadfully lonely, a life of nothing but work.

  They finish swimming and dreaming, and dreaming and swimming some more. Brad gets out of the pool first and takes her hand to help her out. Her wet body looks so delicious.

  “I’d love to drizzle chocolate down that belly of yours, Jane,” Brad says.

  “One day, you will, my love, and you better eat it all up.”

  “I promise.”

  Jane starts thinking about how she is going to tell her mother about all this.

  “Brad, my mother knows nothing about you. In fact, what she does know is what’s in the news. I have no idea how I’m going to explain this all to her.”

  “Well, let’s never mind about that right now. Why don’t we enjoy this time of just you and me for now.”

  “Okay, sweetie, that works for me.”

  Brad and Jane spend the rest of the day talking about the future they can have together. What will it look and feel like? Do they want kids? Should they live in the country? What does Jane want for her career?

  They wrap up in each other’s bodies, not caring who is around them.

  Chapter 58

  The next night is the prestigious performance for the President of Iceland. Brad knows him very well and arranged for this show to be presented. No one knows that Jane is his girlfriend, much less his fiancée.

  Jane wears a gorgeous, white, chiffon dress with a sparkly headdress. She looks like a delicate, fairy queen from another world. Brad is so proud to have her on his arm. She is so precious in his eyes.

  When they walk into the hall, heads turn. Most of the people there have known Brad for years through business and political deals. They’ve never seen him come to this kind of event with a date before. Brad doesn’t usually show such vulnerabilities or let people see into his personal life.

  The guests whisper to each other and notice Jane. They
have yet to discover she is the main attraction tonight.

  Jane feels self-conscious and nervous having so many eyes on her. Brad grabs her hand and squeezes it for strength.

  “You are beautiful—the most beautiful one here. Just keep smiling, and know that I’m right here when you need me, okay?” he whispers in her ear.

  She nods slightly.

  They walk down into the foyer together. Brad stands in the middle to gather everyone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for gathering tonight. As you all know by now, this is a very difficult time for me. The headlines and news stories are spreading false rumors. I do hope you will be on my side or at least hold judgement about this until the true facts are revealed.” he says.

  A few people clap and say, “We’re with you, Brad. We’ve got your back.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate that. Tonight is a chance for us to get our minds off our troubles. We are here to celebrate the beauty of Iceland, and the beauty of my fiancée, Jane Bryden.”

  The news sends a ripple of gossip through the crowd. People gasp and cheer their congratulations. Nobody expected this at all.

  “And my dear Jane will be our featured performer tonight. I know you won’t be disappointed. She is the next, up-and-coming ballet queen, and I’m so glad she is all mine.” He reaches over and pulls her into his side, kissing her on the cheek. “Isn’t she beautiful? And she’s been so loyal through all of this madness on the news.”

  Everyone claps and cheers. Jane starts blushing and looks down, away from all the attention.

  “Jane Bryden, you are the love of my life. I’m so thrilled you are going to be my bride.”

  “Brad Halliwell, you are my strength and my greatest love. Aside from ballet, of course,” she jokes.

  They kiss in front of everyone to a background of “awwws” and “ohhhhs.” The crowd goes up to Jane to shake her hand and congratulate her on their engagement. After about 20 minutes, she excuses herself to go to the back to change for the performance, and Brad joins her.

  “You are so magical, Jane. I don’t know how I’ve lived without you,” he says.

  “I feel the same way, my dear.”

  “Do you have time for a quickie?” he cajoles, smacking her on her butt.

  “Well, you are the boss of this show, aren’t you? It’s entirely up to you how long you want your guests to wait.”

  “Oh, they can wait,” Brad reassures, grabbing her hand and taking her to the back behind the curtains. He instructs everyone to leave so he can be by himself with Jane.

  There is a large, velvet, red couch on stage to be used as the prop.

  “I want you right there, Jane, legs wide open with that pretty little dress of yours,” Brad orders playfully.

  “Like this? Whatever you want, Mr. Halliwell,” Jane obeys, pretending to be his mistress.

  “Yes, like that, you good girl. Now, show me those white panties you are wearing. Spread wider,” he says.

  She opens wider, and Brad goes on his knees to stroke her thighs up and down. He reaches up and forcefully pulls the panties off her, bringing them down around her ankles.

  “Oh, your pussy is so fucking enticing. I want to lick you inside and out,” Brad pants. “Play with yourself, Jane. Show me what your pussy desires.”

  Jane reaches her hand down and starts stroking herself with three fingers, one inside of her and two on the outside, erecting her clit. Brad goes in and licks it with the tip of his tongue, one… lick… at… a… time.

  “Mmmmmmmm… give it to me, Brad. Lick me faster. Harder…”

  “Yes, my princess, whatever you say.” He sticks his whole mouth into her and moves his face around in circles. Jane moves her fingers away, and now he has all her juices spread around his lips and chin. She keeps pouring out with desire.

  “Give me your cock, Mr. Halliwell. Right fucking now!” Jane demands.

  “Like this?” Brad unzips his pants and enters her, deep, hard, fast, thrusting in and out, back and forth. “You want more? More of this?”

  “Fuck me faster, Mr. Halliwell. I know you have it in you. More… more… more…”

  Brad unleashes himself and fucks her like a beast.

  Jane can’t hold back. She screams with ecstasy so loud in the hall, it echoes throughout, and she doesn’t give a damn who hears her. ‘Ohhhh… ohhhh… fuck me… ohhhhhhhhhh… fuck!”

  Brad comes inside her within minutes, at the same time her beautiful pussy releases all of her juices all over him.

  A door opens from the front hall. Brad and Jane go stark quiet, look at each other, and laugh silently together. It’s the usher doing a check in the aisles.

  Brad pulls himself out of Jane, and she gets up to go to the dressing room. Brad tells the staff they can go back inside so the show can start in 30 minutes.

  Jane can’t stop feeling the pulse of Brad’s cock in her. She is glowing.

  Chapter 59

  The performance is a hit. There is a standing ovation, which is rare in the world of professional ballet. When Jane goes on the stage, the crowd claps louder, showing their love.

  Jane is in such disbelief at how this all came about in her life. Every dream, dashed hope, lost cause, and difficulty has been surmounted with this event. How could she have doubted herself and her abilities? It is amazing what happens when just one person believes in you. Maybe this was all she needed in her life. One person to believe in her.

  At the end of the show, Jane goes backstage, and Brad is there with a dozen roses. He turns her around to have her face the mirror, then he stands behind her, bringing the roses in front of her.

  “Don’t we make a beautiful couple?” he says, kissing her on the neck. “You were absolutely stellar out there, like a swan on clouds. You’re going to go far, Jane, and I want to be there with you every step of the way.”

  “Oh, Brad, I wouldn’t be here without you,” she says with tears in her eyes. “You have to be the best man in the world. You just made my dreams come true.”

  “You’re worth it, sweetheart.”

  She turns around, puts her arms around his neck, and kisses him on the lips.

  “What do we do next?” she asks.

  “Well, first, you have to go out there and charm the crowd with your beauty and grace. Then, we need to go back to the hotel, and I need to make sweet love to your gorgeous body.”

  “Well, I think I can handle that,” Jane winks.

  After mingling and milling about, Jane and Brad go back to the hotel room. They ask the concierge to leave them alone for the rest of the evening so they can go back to the room without any disturbance.

  The elevator arrives, and Brad and Jane go in, pushing the button for the penthouse. As soon as the door closes, Brad pushes Jane against the wall and starts making out with her. He lifts her skirt, pushes her panties to the side, undoes his zipper, and puts his cock inside her.

  Jane immediately gets wet. She loves how he takes control of her and knows exactly what he wants.

  “Uhhhnnn, uhhhnnnn, uhhhhnnnn,” he groans, thrusting deeper, pulling Jane up the wall and wrapping her legs around his waist. He pushes into her three more times before he comes. “Fuck, Jane, I just can’t resist you. You turn me on just by looking at you.”

  “That’s how I feel about you, baby. You can give it to me whenever you want. I love a man who takes charge,” she says.

  They are almost at the top when the elevator stops. Brad quickly drops Jane and does up his zipper, then stands beside her. A young woman gets on the elevator and looks at Brad and Jane. Jane smiles innocently and Brad nods at her. “You guys going up or down?” she asks.

  “Well, we’re not quite sure,” Brad says. Jane elbows him.

  “We’re going up, dear.”

  “Oh okay. I’ll wait behind then,” she says.

  The elevator closes. “You’re such a cheeky devil,” Jane nudges Brad.

  “I love being a devil,” he says.

ey get off at the Penthouse level and go into the suite. They can’t keep their hands off each other.

  “You’re it,” Brad says, chasing her around the room. “You have to remove one piece of clothing.”

  “Okay, I’ll remove this bobby pin,” Jane smirks.

  “Oh, who’s being cheeky now?” he says.

  They play the cat and mouse game until the only thing Jane still wears is her garter and stockings.

  “Get over here, you beautiful slut.” Brad pulls her by the arm so she lands right on top of him. “Spread those legs wide for me and ride me like your stallion, sweetheart.”

  She does exactly what he says, sliding on top of him, but slow and sexy, getting him aroused with each thrust. She grinds on top of him, going around one way and then the other way.

  She lets his cock feel every inch inside her. She grabs his hand and puts it on her ass cheeks. “Grab me. Dig your nails into me. Scratch me, baby,” she moans.

  Chapter 60

  Brad has to stay in Iceland because of the court case in the U.S., though he sees Jane off at the airport.

  “You are the most special thing to me, Jane. You know that, right?” he says, looking deep into her eyes. He strokes her hair and pushes a strand behind her ears. “Can I kiss you goodbye?”

  “You never need to ask a silly question like that,” Jane responds, tilting her head to reach in for a kiss.

  He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into him and they kiss until the pilot motions that they need to take off.

  “You have my number, right? And you can call me anytime? I don’t know what I will do without you, sweetheart. I’ll miss you in more ways than one,” Brad smirks, looking down into her cleavage.

  “You’re so naughty, Brad. These ladies are all yours to devour next time we meet. I promise,” she says, licking his lips with her tongue.

  He smacks her ass when she starts walking away.

  “Don’t forget about me, Jane, okay?”


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