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A Workplace Affair (Atlanta Affair)

Page 6

by Isabella Rae

  “Sorry, but you didn’t give me a chance to use a condom.”

  “I’m on birth control, and I haven’t been with anyone in over a year, I’m clean.”

  “Me too, I can show you if you want.”

  “I don’t need to see a piece of paper.”

  He pulls me to his chest again, and we cuddle together for about an hour before he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom for another shower. Turning on the water he leaves me alone as he returns to the bedroom. I can faintly hear him talking to someone, and then he’s at the doorway again in all his naked glory. Not wanting him to know I heard him, I don’t say anything, but the curiosity is killing me. On his way to the shower, he stops and gives me a sweet kiss and slaps my ass.

  “Better hurry before the hot water is gone.” My confidence is gone and I am quite aware of how naked and exposed I am, but it doesn’t look like he’ll leave me any water, so I sigh and enter the shower. Last night I didn’t really pay attention, but now I can appreciate how big the shower is. The two shower heads are set to the rain setting, spraying fat streams of water onto the tile floor. Leland is busy washing under one shower head leaving the other one for me to use. I steal the shower gel from him and enjoy his scent as I scrub my body with it. After my body is taken care of, I move to grab the shampoo, but Leland stops me.

  “Here, I’ll do that.” He turns me around and begins massaging shampoo into the length of my hair and scalp, it feels amazing. He helps me rinse the suds out of my hair, and while my eyes are closed, steals another kiss before abruptly reaching around me and turning off the water. Stepping out of the steam, I grab a towel and then it hits me, I have nothing to wear. As if sensing my discomfort, “Carter should be here in a few minutes with some clothes for you; I called him while the shower was heating up.” So that’s who he was talking to. “What are your plans today?”

  “I need to finish up the research I started yesterday. What else do you need me to do?” He smiles at some unspoken thought.

  “Take the day off.” Without waiting for a response he walks out of the room. When I walk into the bedroom Leland is nowhere to be seen. I slip the robe back on and make my way downstairs to find Carter and Leland talking quietly over breakfast; when they see me they change the topic.

  “Good morning Carter, what outfit did you pick out for me today?” I decide to overlook the suspicious behavior, for now. His eyes sparkle as he gets up and hands me a garment bag. I take the bag back upstairs and head into the closet to hang it up. Opening it, I find the softest pair of mint colored jeans, and white quarter sleeve button up shirt, brown belt, brown sandals, purse, watch, sunglasses and earrings. He even included a sexy bra and panty set. Taking each item out, I get dressed enjoying the feel of the quality fabrics. Slipping the earrings on, I take a look in the full length mirror on the back of the door. Damn. The outfit makes me look very put together, something I’m never able to accomplish on my own, despite Sage’s best efforts to teach me. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I head back downstairs for breakfast. Carter is gone when I return, leaving Leland alone reading the newspaper at the bar. Sitting down, I am at a loss for what to talk about.

  “I have to go into work for an early meeting, enjoy your breakfast.” He stands up and kisses me on the head and leaves. I’m finishing my breakfast when my phone rings; it’s Sage.

  “Hey girly, what’s up?” I know something has been bothering Sage lately, but I’m trying not to pry until she’s ready to tell me what it is.

  “Hey girl, do you think you could stop by the bakery sometime today?” She’s trying to cover up the worry in her voice.

  “How about I head over and help you today, Leland gave me the day off.”

  “Sounds great, I could definitely use the help.” She sounds a little happier. I’ve helped her out before when she’s had a large order and I could use the distraction to keep me from analyzing the situation with Leland. Plus, I miss Sage and I’m hoping she’s finally ready to tell me what is wrong.

  Chapter 19

  It’s eight o’clock when I get to the bakery, two hours before it opens. Sage has been here since five, and opens the door wearing a cupcake patterned apron covered in flour.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes, the new worker I hired didn’t work out, and I have an order due at nine.” Pulling me quickly in the door she locks it behind me and leads the way to the kitchen. Sage can’t stand working in silence, says it gives her too much time to think, so she cranks up the radio and sets me to work scooping batter into cupcake liners. One hundred cupcake liners later, I slide them into her commercial oven and set a timer. Turning to Sage I break the ice and decide to tell her about Leland.

  “I slept with Leland.” She finishes icing the row of cupcakes she was decorating and looks at me.

  “How was it?” Her smile makes it to her eyes letting me know it was genuine. Sitting down, she settles in for the story.

  “I can’t even begin to describe how amazing it was, my body is still vibrating.” Sage and I are very close, so I don’t spare a single detail, and tell her everything. When I’m done she nods, smiles, and says, “I was wondering where you got the new outfit, whore.” She winks and we giggle together like teenagers.

  “Ok Sage, out with it.” The timer on the oven goes off, and we transfer the pans to a cooling rack. While we work, I can see her thinking, deciding if she should tell me.

  “I’m in trouble, Vie.” The worry is all over her face.

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “Money trouble.” Sage has never been one to play it safe, but she’s always been smart about the things she takes risks on. “If I don’t come up with fifteen thousand dollars I’m going to have to close the bakery.” Three years ago when Sage decided to open the bakery, I encouraged her, even invested my entire savings, fifty thousand dollars, to get her started. I don’t have that kind of money now.

  “Shit Sage, why didn’t you tell me?” Tears fill her eyes.

  “I was scared, and I thought I could figure it out on my own.”

  “How long do you have?” She shrugs her shoulders.

  “I don’t know, a month maybe.” She starts lining cupcakes up to be iced.

  “Give me a week, and I’ll see what I can do.” Together we finish the order, all three hundred cupcakes, just in time for pick-up. Knowing that Sage needed a pick-me-up, I called a few people. Within an hour, I had someone there to work the counter, and Sage, Carter, and I were off to go shopping. I knew that if anyone could help cheer Sage up, it would be Carter and all his humor and flamboyance. At twelve my phone goes off, it’s a text from Leland.

  “Call me.” I excuse myself while Sage and Carter are browsing, and give him a call.

  “Victoria?” He answers after half a ring.

  “Leland, did you need something?” Sage holds up a blue dress for me to see and I give her a thumbs up.

  “There is a big party coming up for our ten year anniversary, and I need your help.” I pull out a pad and pen, and yes I keep a pad and pen in my purse, and get ready to write.

  “What do you need?”

  “I want you to order some cupcakes from that bakery you told me about. We’ll need at least two per guest, so at least a thousand assorted cupcakes.” I give myself a mental high five; that should help Sage out.

  “Of course, anything else you need me to do?”

  “Yes, I need you to buy a dress.” I could almost hear him smiling through the phone. “The party is in three weeks, you have two tickets, and it is a formal event.” Good thing I have Carter with me. He gives me a few more details, as I’m about to hang up, he stops me, “Victoria, I’d advise you to remember, I don’t share.” With that warning he hangs up, no goodbye, just click and he’s gone. I tuck my notepad away and do a kind of sashay back over to Sage and Carter.

  “And what is that hip struttin’ walk all about, Miss Thang?” Carter notices before Sage does.

  “Oh, I just have some good news.”
Both of them look at me expectantly. “Carter, you feel like helping us buy some dresses?” He puts his hands on his hips and cocks his head to one side.

  “Stupid question girl, what kind of dresses are you looking for?”

  “The formal kind; that is if Sage will go to my company’s anniversary party with me?” Sage almost drops the clothes she’s carrying.

  “A night of champagne, good food, and handsome men? I guess I could suffer through that.” We take our purchases up to the counter and pay before walking next door to have lunch. I wait until after we order to tell Sage the other news.

  “Oh Sage, I do have some bad news.” I know it’s not nice, but I have to. “You have three weeks to bake two thousand cupcakes.” As expected, her jaw drops.

  “Seriously?” She signals for the waiter to come by and orders a glass of wine.

  “Yes Sage, I’m serious, how much would you charge for that?” She grabs a pen from her purse and starts to scribble on her napkin, after about two minutes she looks up at me wide eyed.

  “Is five thousand too much?” I look at her calculations and see that she’s under estimated.

  “Six thousand it is!” Looks like I have an expense report to fill out tomorrow. We enjoy our lunch and discuss design ideas, deciding to set the cupcakes up to create one big company logo. After lunch we head to meet a friend of Carter’s who is a fashion designer. We end up in Vining’s at her studio apartment, her name is Piper and by the time we get there she’s already started sketching some designs for us. Apparently Carter has already sent her some pictures of the two of us for inspiration. Her loft if full of mannequins dressed in beautiful designs that have been hand sewn by Piper. She stands us one at a time, on a platform and takes some measurements. Once she has those written down she shows us the sketches, there is one design for each of us and she’s nailed it. We spend a little time playing dress up in Pipers designs before we look at fabric choices for our dresses. Paying a deposit, we make plans to come back in three weeks, the day of the party, to pick them up. Dropping Sage off at the bakery, I head back to the hotel to leave some cupcakes as a surprise for Leland.

  Chapter 20

  I feel empty standing in my suite alone. Looking around, I cannot wait until Victoria gets here. As I light each candle, I begin to wonder how she will react. It occurs to me that I don’t really know her all that well, and she might not be as excited as me when she gets here. Standing back I enjoy the scent, her scent, in the air. I can’t believe I actually miss her. I’ve only known her two days and she’s been gone for nine hours, but I miss her. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Heading out to the balcony, I set the table up in the perfect spot, a woman as beautiful as Victoria deserves a beautiful view. Just as I finish I hear the elevator arrive and look out at the skyline. I can hear her as she comes out onto the terrace.

  “How was your day?” I keep my back to her, and try to hide the nerves I am beginning to feel.

  “Great, how about yours?” She walks over and stands beside me, having her so close, I feel more complete.

  “Better now.” I smile down at her and put an arm around her shoulders, resisting the urge to hold on forever, “Hungry?”

  Chapter 21

  Walking into the suite I get a surprise myself, the room is covered with the soft glow of hundreds of candles. I can see Leland out on the balcony enjoying a drink, he had to have heard the elevator, but he doesn’t move. Setting the cupcakes on the bar, I join him outside. Out on the balcony there are more candles and a table set up with dinner for two.

  “How was your day?” He keeps his back to me, and he seems lost in thought.

  “Great, how about yours?” I walk over a join him, enjoying the view.

  “Better now.” He smiles down at me and slides an arm around my shoulder. “Hungry?”

  “Starving, what’s for dinner?” We walk together to the table, pulling my chair out, he gives me the seat with the best view. As I look out I enjoy seeing the Atlanta skyline as the sun starts to dip below the horizon casting a pink glow across the sky.

  “I have no idea, I just told Connor to fix something good. I told him it’s his audition to cater the party.” He takes his seat across from me and lifts the dome on his plate and laughs. “It’s a cheeseburger, asshole.” I look at him confused. “He knows he already has the job, this is his way of telling me that.” Lifting the dome on my plate I find the same, and taking a bite I smile. He might know he has the job, but I think this burger was to prove why he had the job. The meat was juicy and tender with just the right amount of grease. There was white cheddar cheese, thick-cut bacon, sautéed onions, and a spicy honey chipotle sauce to accent the flavors. If there was a burger heaven then this was it.

  “Best cheeseburger I’ve ever had.” Leland seems distracted again and barely hears me.

  “Hmm? Oh yeah, it’s very good.” I wish he’d say what was bothering him. We finish dinner in relative silence and then move inside. The candles are still burning and I notice a hint of lilac scent in the air.

  “Leland, is something bothering you?” I can’t take it anymore.

  “No babe, I’m ok, just distracted. Will you do me a favor and go grab me a t-shirt from the closet?” That’s odd, why wouldn’t he just grab it himself.

  “Sure, I’ll be right back.” I climb the stairs and cross the room to the closet, opening the doors I stop dead, the half of the closet that had been empty just this morning was full, with women’s clothes. That must be what’s bothering him, his girlfriend is here. I grab a shirt and walk calmly down the stairs, vowing that I will not let him see me hurt. It’s only been two days, after-all. When I reach the bottom of the stairs my emotions are threatening to break. I quietly hand him the shirt, grab my purse and head for the elevator.

  Chapter 22

  What the hell just happened? I stop the elevator before it has a chance to leave.

  “Victoria, where are you going?” I get no response, “Please talk to me.” She still refuses to talk to me so I get into the elevator with her. “Are you ok?”

  “You could have just told me that you have a girlfriend.” If looks could kill I’d be dead right now.

  “What are you talking about? Who the hell told you that?” I’m so confused.

  “Your closet told me that, you should have told me. I’m a big girl, Leland. I would have gotten over it.”

  “Hahahaha,” I can’t hold my laughter in.

  “Just great, now you’re laughing at me.” I grab her by the face and kiss her, she rewards me with a slap to the face.

  “Victoria, those clothes are for you.” The anger leaves her face and is replaced with confusion.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I want you to stay here with me. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Carter, he picked everything and brought it up.” I try to touch her but she pulls away.

  “Then who did you go to lunch with the other day, and what about the flowers and the chocolates? Explain that!” Wow, there was serious breakdown in communication here.

  “My mother, my sister, and my mother again.” Her arms that have been folded across her chest fall to her sides.

  “Oh, well now I feel stupid.” She keeps her eyes glued to the floor, “I’m sorry.”

  “Victoria, look at me, please.” She hesitates, but finally lifts her eyes to look at me. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I understand how you could think something like that, I’m sorry. Will you stay here with me please? It’s been so nice having you here these last two nights, and I don’t want to be away from you more than I have to be.” It takes her an excruciatingly long time for her to respond, actually she doesn’t respond exactly. As we reach the ground floor, she reaches over and presses the button for the twelfth floor. Damn, I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

  A week later, another obstacle is thrown in our way. On Wednesday, I am coming back from a lunch meeting to do some research on a new potential inv
estment. When I get to her desk, Victoria is not there, so I take a moment to leave the dessert I brought back for her in the drawer where she will put her purse. As soon as I enter my office, I want to run. Sitting on my desk, wearing a trench coat, is a woman I recognize from accounting, Marie, or is it Mary, I’m not sure.

  “Can I help you?” I’m kind of afraid that she’s a hostile employee and is going to pull out a gun at any second.

  “Maybe we can help each other.” She stands up and opens her trench coat, revealing only thigh-highs underneath. From the desk, she grabs a riding crop and slaps her hand with it. “I know you are attracted to me,” actually I find her kind of manly, “so why don’t you stop pretending and get over here. I won’t tell if you won’t.” I do my best to come up with a nice way of telling her no, but when she turns and bends over my desk I give up.

  “Get out.”

  “Excuse me?” She covers herself as the insult sets in.

  “You heard me, I said get out, or would you like me to talk to your boss about what you’re doing on company time?” Tying her coat around her she runs past me and out the door. On her way to the elevators she passes Victoria.

  “What was that about?” This is just what I need, another reason for Victoria to doubt me.

  “A budding fatal attraction, I’m afraid.” Confusion is clear on her face, so I explain how eventful my morning has been.

  Chapter 23

  It’s been three weeks since Leland asked me to stay with him, two weeks since Mary’s visit to Leland’s office, and I’ve never been happier. That being said, it’s still in the back of my mind that he’ll be leaving at some point. Today, I don’t have much of a chance to think about that though, because I am currently running around with a million things to do tonight for the anniversary party. Leland, who is normally calm and collected, is even stressed today. Last minute, we had to switch venues for the party because the hall we had booked had also booked a party for the Braves, big wonder who won that contest. So, now I’m sitting on the floor of the ballroom at The Prestige Atlanta filling gift bags, at least all I have to do is go upstairs to get ready. It never occurred to me that I would be this busy, so I enlisted Carter to pick up the dresses from Piper, he arrived ten minutes ago and he’s been bugging me ever since to go get dressed.


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