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A Workplace Affair (Atlanta Affair)

Page 11

by Isabella Rae

  “Victoria, come and get some food before it’s all gone.” Sage passes Victoria a plate as she walks in. The look on her face reminds me of the first night I saw her at the bar, she is mortified. She looks to me quickly and I shake my head, letting her know that we have not been found out. Relaxing, she fills her plate and joins in the conversation. Everyone talks about the remodel and the progress until the beer starts flowing, then the conversations break up. Sage and Carter are talking about the party for the grand re-opening. Nick and I are going over plans for the new counter, and Victoria is sitting alone, deep in thought. I can’t help but watch her and wonder what is going on in her head. The night can’t end soon enough for me. All I can think about is lying with Victoria again.

  Around 11:00, everyone starts winding down. Carter and Nick both say their goodbyes with plans to be back at 7 am. Victoria starts cleaning up the plates and cans in the living room, and Sage excuses herself to go take a shower. I sit for a moment and watch Victoria as she moves, there’s something mesmerizing about the way she does things.

  “Here, let me help you.” Standing, I take the plates out of her hands.

  “Thank you.” She smiles at me and, grabbing a few more cans, leads the way into the kitchen. The plates were made of paper, so I toss them in the trash and stop her before she dashes from the room. Standing between her and the doorway, I block her path. “Please move.” I do as she asks and move closer to her until she is standing against the counter. I lean in so that our lips brush when I talk.

  “Let me stay with you tonight.” The words are only a whisper.

  “I can’t, what happened earlier, it was a mistake. I forgive you, Leland, I do, but I just think too much has happened for things to go back to the way they were.” I’m stunned; I really thought that we were going to be ok. I don’t know what to say, so I just turn around and leave.

  Chapter 42

  The moment Sage leaves the room, I know I’m in trouble. Leland is still here, and I can tell he thinks things are going to be the way they were before.

  “Here let me help you.” He takes the plates out of my hands.

  “Thank you.” I smile and grab a few more cans; maybe if my hands are full he will leave me alone. He follows me to the kitchen, and tosses the plates in the trash. Moving quickly, he stands between me and the door, blocking my path. “Please move.” He moves, but instead of moving out of my way, he moves closer to me. I back away, but stop when I hit the counter. He leans towards me and my body responds as he gets close enough to kiss me, but he stops short.

  “Let me stay with you tonight.” The words are only a whisper, and I can feel the heat of his breath on my lips. I want so badly to say yes, but I know it’s not smart.

  “I can’t, what happened earlier, it was a mistake. I forgive you, Leland, I do, but I just think too much has happened for things to go back to the way they were.” Besides, as soon as all this is over he will be returning to New York, and leaving me behind. Better to continue to heal now, than to break my heart a second time. The hurt is visible on his face as he turns around and leaves.

  It takes me a while to fall asleep, and when I do, I don’t sleep very well. All I can think about is what happened in the shower. After about two hours, I give up and go climb in bed with Sage.

  “What’s wrong, lovely?” She rolls over and cuddles me.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “That’s because you love him.” Even half asleep Sage is smarter than me; it never even occurred to me that I was in love with him.

  “Bitch.” I snuggle in a fall asleep in the arms of my best friend.

  Chapter 43

  The next day is very uncomfortable for me when I see Leland. Luckily, he doesn’t stay very long since he has a meeting to go to. Once he is gone, the room is much lighter and I work a lot faster. In two hours, I manage to get the whole bakery painted with the first coat, and start staining the pieces for the counter. Around 10 o’clock I just can’t keep my mind clear of thoughts of Leland, so I seek out Sage to talk.

  “Hey you.” Sage looks up and notices the pain in my eyes.

  “Hey, take a seat; you can help me decide which pictures to hang up.” Sage has spent the last hour looking through photos of her dessert creations trying to choose which ones to feature on the walls.

  “Sure.” Taking a seat beside her I grab a photo album and stat flipping through. After about twenty minutes of silence Sage finally breaks the ice.

  “So how was it?”

  “How was what?” I pray she’s not talking about what I think she’s talking about.

  “The shower sex. I know it’s not really your thing.”

  “Amazing, horrible, the best, I don’t know.” She’s laughing at me.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone describe shower sex as horrible.” She leans back against the counter and looks at me. “What’s going on, Vie?” I put the album down scoot next to her.

  “I don’t know, I just..... I miss him.”

  “He hasn’t gone anywhere.”

  “I know, but he’s going to leave in a few weeks and I can’t break my own heart twice.”

  “And what about moving to New York?”

  “I can’t move to New York.”

  “Why not? Because of me?” She gives me the look she always gives me when I am being stupid. “There has always been one person that has supported my dreams, and that is you. Do you really think that I’m going to let you stay here when the man you love is hundreds of miles away?”

  “No.” God I love her, she’s the only person I know who understands my neurosis.

  “Then stop being a coward and tell him you love him.” I can always count on Sage to call me out on my bullshit.

  “What if he isn’t in love with me? I’ve been pretty shitty to him lately.”

  “Yeah, you have, but I know a man in love when I see one, and Leland Ambrose is a man in love.” Maybe she’s right; no matter how hard I have tried I haven’t been able to stop loving him. I just have to hope that he can forgive me for the way I’ve been acting. I leave Sage to her albums and return to painting, by the time the second coat is dry, I am excited to see Leland.

  I head upstairs and, with a plan in my head, I shower and put on the same yellow dress I wore to karaoke the night Leland first saw me. I’m hoping that the reminder of that night will soften his heart and he will forgive me. Just as I am finishing my hair, Sage calls and lets me know that she has sent Leland up to grab her a couple more frames. I’m pretty sure this is the only chance I have to get him back, so when Leland walks in I am sitting on the sofa nervous as hell.

  “Sorry,” he almost backs out the door, “I didn’t know you were up here.”

  “No, I’m sorry.” He stops at my words. “Please sit down.” He hesitates and then closes the door. Choosing the seat farthest away, he sits down and waits. “Leland, I know I’ve been distant and confusing these last few weeks, and I’m sorry. I have been so scared to get close to you again because I know you’re leaving soon.” He sits quietly taking everything in. “You scare me, Leland, I know it’s stupid and irrational, but you’re everything I want, but you seem just out of reach.” He still has no expression on his face, and his body is rigid. “I know I’ve been unreasonable lately, but I need to tell you that,” I take a deep breath, here goes, “I’m in love with you, and if the offer still stands I want to move to New York with you, I just want to be with you.” I’m trying to read his reaction, but there isn’t one that I can see. “Please say something.”

  “I’ve waited a very long time to hear you say that.” He leans forward and puts his head in his hands. After a few moments he looks up at me and continues. “I don’t want you to move to New York with me.” My heart is instantly crushed; I guess I’m too late after all. Feeling like a fool, and suddenly having a desire to be anywhere but here, I get up and rush out the door.

  Chapter 44

  Victoria just told me she was in love with me. Inside I am
jumping for joy, but on the outside I remain stoic. “I’ve waited a very long time to hear you say that.” I lean forward, my head in my hands. I’m trying to decide how to react, I want so badly to crush her in a kiss and tell her I feel the same, but then I will ruin all the plans I just made. “I don’t want you to move to New York with me.” My heart is heavy the instant I say it, I know she won’t understand. I just remind myself that in a few days she will know what I mean. She stands up and all but runs out the door, not that I blame her. A few minutes after she leaves, Sage comes bursting in.

  “You asshole, what the hell did you do to her?” She’s across the room and in my face in a matter of seconds. “She just came downstairs bawling her eyes out because of you and I want to know why.” As little as she is she’s actually quite scary.

  “I told her I didn’t want her to move to New York with me.”

  “You told her what?” Her eyes shine with fire, and I think she may hit me. “You’re a dumbass!” She turns to leave, but I grab her arm.

  “Actually, I could use your help.”

  “And why the hell would I help you?”

  “Because, I am in love with your friend, and plan to make her very happy.” Sage drops to the sofa to hear me out, and I take my opportunity to tell someone about my plan.

  Chapter 45

  Once I’m in the cab, I call Carter and ask him to meet me at Horse of a Different Color. Twenty minutes later we have a table full of shots and a pitcher of beer.

  “Ok lady, you going to tell me what’s going on?” No, why would I want to talk about the worst heartbreak I’ve ever had. I’m really getting good at being dramatic.

  “No,” Knowing me well enough already, Carter waits for me to continue, “I told Leland I was in love with him.” With a knowing look he slides a shot my way, I take it before continuing. “I told him I was in love with him, and all he said was he didn’t want me to move to New York with him.”

  “Say what? Hold the phone; you were going to move to New York for him?” I nod, “And he said no?” I nod again, and Carter passes me another shot which goes down easier than the first. “Then he’s stupid.” Grabbing a shot for himself he downs it. “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “What can I do about it? I look like a fool, and it is all my fault for not forgiving him when he asked me to.” Yep, really good at the drama, I don’t really like myself very much right now.

  “Well if you want to wallow in self-pity, do not let me stop you, but you’re not going to be able to avoid him for long.” I know he’s right, but for now I am sticking with my plan. Two shots down, and at least eighteen more to go.

  Nineteen shots and two pitchers of beer later I am crawling up the stairs to Sage’s apartment. When I get to the door I realize that I forgot my keys, leaning on the door it pushes open. God, I love Sage. Doing my best not to wake her, I try to make my way to the bedroom. I only make it as far as the sofa. As I fall asleep with half my body hanging off, I drift into a dream where New York, not Disneyland, is the happiest place on earth.

  Chapter 46

  “Good morning sleepy head!” Sage is practically screaming down me, but at least she’s handing me a giant cup of coffee. “How are you feeling?” The smile she is sporting is huge. She is way too cheery for my head today.

  “Ugh.” Sitting up, I gladly accept the cup of coffee and silently plead with her to go away.

  “I thought you might say that, but too bad, get dressed.” Why can’t she just leave me alone with my coffee?

  “Why? Where are we going?”

  “Shopping, Leland is throwing a party to celebrate the bakery Friday night, and we have the grand re-opening next Saturday. We need fabulous new outfits.” She has been hanging around Carter way too much. I’m sure shopping will sound great, after another two hours of sleep. When I try to lay back down Sage pulls me off the sofa. My knee slams into the floor, jarring me awake. “You are more than welcome to stay here, but Nick and Leland will be in and out all day moving my decorating supplies and pans down to the bakery.”

  “I’m up! Give me ten minutes to get dressed.” Making my way from the floor to the bedroom I search for something to wear. Today feels like a jeans and t-shirt kind of day, pulling out my most comfortable pair of jeans I slide them on. Pulling my hair up, I grab my purse and sunglasses and meet Sage downstairs.

  “By the way, Carter is meeting us there.” At least we can be miserable and hung over together.

  When we get to the store, I realize that it is a new store I have never been to bearing the name, Piper Rose Designs. Walking in, we are greeted by both Carter and Piper.

  “Piper, I had no idea you were opening a shop.” Although he’s wearing sunglasses Carter doesn’t appear to be as hung over as I am.

  “I was given a very generous investment. This was always going to be my next step. I have my designs, but I also carry pieces from other small designers as well. I think that everyone deserves a chance to get their designs out to the public.” Looking around the small shop everything is so colorful and vibrant. It makes me happy to see Piper living out her dreams, and helping other people do the same. “Be sure and tell Leland I said thank you again.” Of course this was Leland.

  “I will.” Everyone in the room feels the tension. Sage is the first to break it.

  “So, are we going to try on some clothes or what?”

  “Oh, of course, I went ahead and picked out a few things I thought you might like.” We all walk to the dressing area and find out that “a few things” is actually three racks of beautiful hand sewn designs.

  “Where do we start?” Sage and I start pulling clothes off the rack, and Carter pulls Piper to the side. The look on her face lets me know that he telling her about Leland and me. She brings over some champagne, and gives me a sympathetic look. I wince at the sharp pain that flashes in my brain. Taking a glass of champagne I hope it will suffice as hair of the dog, and cure my hangover. “Piper everything is so beautiful.” Pulling a dress off the rack I know it’s going to be perfect for me. I head into the dressing room and slide it over my head. The top has small cap sleeves and the navy silk is fitted down to my waist. The navy chiffon skirt is printed with small pink flowers and is cut short with a flirty flare to it, and is lined with peach silk. Stepping out of the dressing room I do a turn, making the skirt flutter as I do. There’s nothing like a spin in a skirt to make you feel like a girl. Everyone takes a minute assessing me and then Piper grabs a wide brown belt and fastens it around my waist where the skirt meets the bodice. It definitely completes the look. Taking a look in the mirror I decide that I have found the perfect dress to wear to Leland’s party. Now all I need is shoes.

  We spend three hours in Piper’s shop trying on clothes and talking about anything and everything. Walking away with four new outfits and a plan to come back once a month, we head to out to buy shoes. Two hours later we walk out with six new pairs of shoes each. My bank account hates me right now. Lying down in bed, I feel like I can make it through the next few weeks without falling apart. I hope I’m right.

  Chapter 47

  Friday is here before I know it and everything is in place for tonight. I check with Connor to make sure everything is set up with the food, and call the car service to confirm with them. Everything is running through my head. Tonight has to be perfect. Victoria hasn’t really spoken to me in three days and it’s killing me; I hope to end her silence tonight. Part of me wishes I had told her everything the night she told me she loved me, but I just didn’t want to throw away all the plans I had made. Now, sitting in my suite, I take a few minutes to myself before everything gets crazy. Tonight will either be the true end or a great beginning for Victoria and me. I search through my drawer picking out the most accurate watch I have, I can’t risk being late. Straightening my tie, I head to the elevator; Victoria should be here any minute.

  I’ve been waiting in the lobby for about ten minutes when she walks through the door. She looks amazing.
Her long straight hair has been curled and pulled into a low side ponytail, and her dress fits her perfectly. She’s wearing a pair of navy pumps, which is what Carter calls them, which match her dress, and make her legs look amazing. Taking a deep breath, I rise to greet her, I guess it’s time to do this.

  “Victoria, you look beautiful.” She blushes slightly but, for once, doesn’t back away.

  “Thank you. Where is the party?”

  “Not here, if you’ll come with me, I have a car waiting to take us.” I push my elbow out for her to slide her arm into, and after a moment’s hesitation she accepts and we’re on our way. As I help her into the car, I know, there is no going back now.

  Chapter 48

  Leland helps me into the waiting town car before getting in beside me. All night in a room full of people including him, I could handle. In a car alone with him for God knows how long, I’m not so sure. The car pulls away from the hotel and I lose any chance I have of getting another ride. He does not make it clear where we’re going, and as we drive toward the edge of the city. I start to get concerned.

  “Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?” It’s not a serious question, but I am curious where we are going as we get onto the interstate heading north.

  “Ha ha, no, but be patient and you’ll see.” He goes silent and stays that way for the rest of the ride. After about twenty minutes the driver takes an exit, but I am unable to see which exit it is as we drive past the sign. We take a right off the exit and after another ten minutes on the road, the driver pulls into what appears to be a driveway. “This is us.” He helps me out of the car and I see that we are standing in front of very large, very beautiful house. I start toward the front door, but Leland grabs my arm to stop me.


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