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The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  “That is our Creator’s song.”

  “Why is it so…so…”


  “Yes, sad?”

  “Because species like yours are killing and enslaving the beings she’s created. She cries for their misery. We intend to stop that sorrow.”

  The Creature stared at the two creatures and heard the melody in his memory. He said, “I will keep my word and not destroy this planet. We will leave and you are free to leave as well. We will, of course, try to determine your origin but I’m somewhat certain that we will be unable to do so.”

  Russell stared at the shoulder high beetle and said, “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’m not really sure. I just know I have to do it.”

  The beetle turned and moved back toward his shuttle. Pixie and Russell watched him leave. Russell looked at Pixie, “Is there a way for us to escape without them being able to track us?”

  Pixie stared at the beetle and felt hatred for it. She tore her attention away and said, “Yes. Mom, are you still watching?”

  “I am.”

  “I need you to bring a transport to this planet now and take us out of here. You should hide it behind your field.”

  “Sam and I are on the way.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Pixie turned and Russell said, “Where are you going?”

  “To get Mitch.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  They walked to Mitch’s body and Pixie looked up at the sky and saw the small shuttle enter the huge blue warship. A few moments later the thousands of blue ships disappeared. Russell and Pixie activated their armor and lifted Mitch’s body and moved him to the cliff wall. Pixie finally gave in to her anguish and cried until her parents took her to Castle Gardner.

  • • •

  Russell’s command of the survivors of Fourth Battalion was confirmed as a battlefield promotion and he took Mitch’s place as the C.O. of the Battalion. He called Clarke to his office and told him to sit down. Russell stared at Ken and said, “I’m not at all sure that I am going to accept this position.”

  “Why not, Sir?”

  “Two reasons. First, I’m nowhere near the tactician Major Callaway was and second, I’m nowhere near your skill level at directing the Warriors in combat.”

  “Who is as good as Major Callaway?”

  “I don’t know anyone who comes close other than you.”

  “Sir, I am not a Major Callaway. I see patterns and can determine targets but I am not one who can direct the actions of multiple units. I provide information and allow others to perform that function. The critical decisions should be made by someone who’s able to see the big picture not just the patterns that comprise it. You demonstrated for me that you possess that ability during the last mission.”

  “Clarke, I just don’t believe you.”

  Ken sighed and said, “I want you to imagine a busy freeway and you are to drive through it at a specified speed and time to arrive at a destination at the same time as six other vehicles. I can tell you the perfect path to get through the traffic but keeping all the other vehicles and their details in mind is not something I can do very well. I would have to see the patterns they were operating in to make a good decision. You see the big picture and arrive at conclusions faster than I would. I can probably do a good job commanding the Battalion but from where I stand, you would be better at it. You made decisions at the end where I would have refused to meet with that creature.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The pattern seemed to indicate that we would have died anyway. You made decisions that transcended the pattern. I find that amazing, Sir. I saw no way for us to survive and here we are.”

  Russell stared at Ken and said, “Alright, we’ll give it a go but I want you to be clear that I am going to depend on you to help me see whatever pattern you detect.”

  “I will gladly share it with you.”

  “I also want you to make sure every Warrior in the battalion can hear the music.”

  “There are some that won’t be able to hear it.”

  “Then tell me who they are and I’ll transfer them out. We are not going to be caught short again.”

  “Yes Sir.” Ken paused, “Is Captain Mille going to come back?”

  Russell slowly shook his head, “I don’t know. You know who she is.” Ken nodded. “I suspect the Duke will have a say in that issue and that is so far above our level that I’ll not worry about it. If I don’t hear anything by the time we get our replacements trained, I’ll request another Scout.”

  “She took it pretty hard, Sir.”

  Russell looked at Ken and said, “Love is like that.”

  • • •

  The Supreme Beetle looked at the hundred other Supreme Beetles in attendance and waited as they examined what had happened on the planet. After everything was viewed the spokesman said, “Why did you allow them to escape?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You are placing yourself in jeopardy with that statement.”

  “After I heard the sounds, I found I couldn’t destroy them.”

  “What sounds?”

  “I am going to share the conversation I had with those two creatures along with the sounds they gave me.” The Beetles listened and at the end one of them said, “Do you believe what it said about other species that could enslave us?”

  The Beetle hesitated for a long moment and thought, “I sensed something about those beings. I knew that they would not tell me something that wasn’t true. They possess a quality called…honor. I do not believe that anyone that hears those sounds would be deceptive.”

  The room remained silent for a long time as the Supreme Nest members replayed the sounds over and over. Finally the spokesman said, “What do you suggest we do about this?”

  “I desire to hear it again.”

  “Do you believe it is coming from the entity they described?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “If what you sensed about them not being deceptive is accurate?”

  “Then we will never hear it again.”

  Silence followed the statement and the Supreme Nest considered that thought.

  • • •

  Russell arrived home and exited his ship at the landing pad. He saw Ana running toward him and she threw herself into his arms. She was weeping and Russell stroked her hair, “Shhhh, it’s alright.”

  Ana clung to him and wet his uniform with her tears. “I thought I had lost you.” Russell held her tight and felt his heart come alive. Russ came out of the portal and joined Ana hugging his son. Russell looked up and saw his mother exit the portal and come and join them. He had not seen her in years since she had left his father because of his long absences. Russ put his arm around her and Russell knew that old wounds had been healed. “It’s good to see you, Mom.”

  “You have no idea, my love.”

  Ana held on tightly and Russell saw his future in her eyes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Pixie stood on the spire and looked out at Ross. The huge city sparkled in the sun and she saw the room where Mitch had stayed on his visit. She began crying again and Jixie appeared beside her. She wrapped her arms around Pixie and slowly rocked her from side to side.

  “Mom, I don’t know how I can go on.”

  “You’ll take it one day at a time, my love.”

  “We never had enough time together. We missed so much.”

  “I know.”

  “What can I do? I’m so lost.”

  “You’re not lost. You’re in pain.”

  “I don’t know why I’m here anymore.”

  “Then you need to look no further than the people you saved from those carnivores. You and I are here to make a difference. I know how you feel. I can’t tell you how many times I almost lost my mind over the possibility of your father being killed during one of his missions. Fear was my daily bread but I knew I had to let him be who he is. I protected him when I could but there is alwa
ys the possibility of death when you love a Warrior.”

  “I will never love again.” Jixie stayed silent. Pixie waited for her to respond and finally said, “Will I?”

  “No one will ever take his place in your heart. But time will heal your pain and all you’ll remember will be the sweet moments. In time, you may love again.”

  “I just can’t see that happening.”

  “You’re too close to the picture.” Pixie leaned back with her brow furrowed. “You’ll have to put some space between where you are now and who you eventually become. You will be a combination of all your life experiences and Mitch will be a large part of the portrait. You learned how to love. There are many that never do.”

  “How do I get over this?”

  “You don’t. You learn to live with it; staying busy helps.” Jixie paused and said, “I have seen something that I want you to think about.”

  “What is that?”

  “I thought you didn’t possess many of the talents I have. I think they are in you but you’ve been unable to contact them.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re saying.”

  Jixie pulled Pixie over to a bench and sat down with her. “I assumed a human’s body when I came here and over time that body became me. It took me a long time to come to terms with how that body worked. You are in the opposite position. You have a human body with a fairy inside you. You have to connect with it and learn how it works. You used your mental skills to block that creature from hearing Russell’s thoughts. You didn’t have that skill when you left here. The moment you needed it most, it came out.”

  “Are you saying I should go back?”

  “Do you want to participate in the day-to-day activities of the Royal Family here on Ross?”

  “Oh heck no.”

  “Where else can you go and keep your mind active and off your misery?”

  “I’ll have to report to Russell.”

  Jixie put her hand on Pixie’s chin and turned her head to her, “Do you still think he’s the same person you knew in training?” Pixie stared at her mother and after a moment shook her head. “Russell is not the Officer Mitch was and he knows it. He needs all the support he can get and you can help him protect his Warriors. Do you remember that he had me take those in the most danger away from the cliff?” Pixie nodded. “The old Russell would have kept them there to increase his odds of survival.”

  “What does Dad think about this?”

  “He thinks you’ve done enough and should stay here and rule Ross.”

  Pixie moved her head back and said, “And what will he be doing while I do that?”

  “He has decided to get back in the fight and I’m going with him.”

  “Why!? Aren’t you a little, uhh…”

  “Too old?”

  “Something like that?”

  Jixie shook her head and smiled, “We’re going to live thousands of years. We’re not even in the beginning of our lives yet.”

  Pixie stared at Jixie and said, “So am I.”

  “That means you could hang out here for a couple of centuries and mope around.”

  Pixie thought about that idea and said, “I’m reporting back tomorrow.”

  “One more thing before you do that, Pixie.”


  “This is supposed to be play time. I think you have been so worried about Mitch during your combat that you couldn’t have fun. Now you can explore your abilities and have a good time.”

  “Did you enjoy playing?”

  “I loved it and still do.”

  Pixie managed a small smile and said, “Thanks, Mom. You’ve helped.”

  “See what staying active can do.”

  Pixie hugged her and left to pack.

  Jixie sighed and knew that Pixie’s crush on Mitch would not have lasted. Mitch was a great tactician but he was not what Pixie needed. This was perhaps the best way for her to avoid that discovery. She was still too young to really know what she needed. Mitch met her emotional needs but she was not close to what she was going to become mentally. It wasn’t his fault but he couldn’t hear the music and he would have found himself overwhelmed by Pixie as time passed. Even though he didn’t have a big ego; he would have suffered in comparison.

  • • •


  “Yes Sir.”

  “Pixie is coming back.”

  “That’s great news.”

  “I’m assigning her to your Company.”


  “Who provides us with information on our targets?”


  “And who takes that information and processes it into assigned targets?”

  “Uhh, that would be me.”

  “I’m removing the middle man. This should speed up the process. I’m going to slave the command circuit to your helmet and I’ll see everything you do at the same moment. Do you have any other suggestions?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  What is that?”

  “You don’t need to assign her to my company. If I’m slaved to your command circuit you’ll have removed the middle man simply by doing that. You’ll get what you need without having her report to me. It also begs the question as to who designates the places she is to scout.”

  “Clarke, are you always trying to avoid responsibility?”

  “If you mean do I want any more; I don’t. However, if logic demands that I am the best to perform the function you are wanting done, I will necessarily have to take it on. However, this doesn’t meet that test. Besides, we’re the same rank and she has seniority. She needs to report to you. One commander is enough for my tastes.”

  Russell sighed, “Alright, you win this one.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “How’s Captain Rizzo’s Company coming along?”

  “He actually beat Captain Mosby’s Company today.”


  “Yes and Mosby has vowed revenge.”

  “Where does Skylar’s Company stand in the exercises?”

  “He’s doing pretty well.”

  “Just how well is he doing?”

  “Alright, I know you know the answer and are going to beat it out of me. His company beat mine yesterday as well. We had a bad day.”

  “You’re going to need to pick which one you’re going to team with shortly.”

  “I don’t believe any of them would be a bad choice. I’m leaning toward Mosby.”


  “He’s all gung ho and will take on most of the things I want to avoid.”

  Russell started laughing and said, “Let me know when you decide.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Russell paused and looked at Clarke. He lowered his chin and said, “You didn’t let Skylar win so he would get all cocky and more gung ho than he already is, did you?”

  Clarke kept a straight face and said, “It’s always good to have multiple options, Sir.” Russell laughed and ended the call.

  • • •

  Gregory stood on the spire and looked out at the massive crowd. The announcers had been broadcasting that the Duke had an announcement and the crowds began gathering the night before. He sighed and knew his life was going to change. He had tried to change Sam’s mind, but knew he would not yield again. He thought about that new Captain in Pixie’s unit. Karma, the time had finally arrived and there was no avoiding it. He looked at Sandra under his arm and she said, “They will come to love you.”

  Greg nodded toward Sam and Jixie, “Not like they love them.”

  Sandra nodded.

  • • •

  Sam faced the giant gathering and said, “I’ve called you together to tell you that the Duchess and I are abdicating our thrones.” The roar from the crowd was instant and loud. It almost had an angry tone to it and Sam allowed them to vent their feelings. After thirty minutes he raised his arms. “I ask that you listen to our reasons and if you cannot accept them, we’ll stay.”

  Greg’s expression c
hanged. There was hope he’d be saved by the Citizens of Ross.

  The massive crowd grew silent and Sam said, “The Realm had encountered some advanced civilizations that are more powerful than any we’ve ever faced. The ancient Demons pale in comparison and the fight is going to be bloody. I don’t tell you this to frighten you but it’s true.” Sam looked at Jixie and said, “My Wife and I are two of the Realms best warriors and we are staying here on Ross and out of the fight because of our commitment to you. My family loves you. It is because of that love that we feel we must get in the fight to protect you. We can make a difference and to not do it would demonstrate that our feelings for you aren’t real. If the Realm loses this war, all of you would be in danger and we can’t live in peace knowing that we did nothing to prevent it. We are being called to fight and the war is going to take a long time to win.”

  Sam looked out at the crowd and there was silence. Sam waited a moment and said, “What most of you don’t know is that Baron Gregory Robbins and his wife Sandra ruled Ross in our previous absences and continues to direct most of the Castle’s activities with you. He refused to allow me to abdicate years ago when I was in a state of depression and he made it clear to me that my responsibility to you overrode my personal desires. He does not desire to rule but he is the only one in the Realm I would trust with your welfare. He threatened to abdicate and the only thing that prevented him from doing it was me telling him that we were going to join the Warriors no matter what he did. He couldn’t bear the thought of a stranger coming in and ruling Ross who did not know the needs of the planet.” Sam paused and said, “I knew he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He loves this world too much. He is the one that had made all the decisions in how our cities would grow and work together. He has ruled the Castle during my long absences and none of you ever noticed any difference. He is the most honest and honorable man I have ever known. He will be the New Duke unless you stop us from doing what we know we should do.” Sam looked out at the crowd and they saw his expression on the giant monitors scattered around them. He said, “Citizens of Ross. What is your decision?”

  Silence ruled the moment until one loud voice rang out, “Gregory!” The members of the huge gathering looked at each other and then knew what had to be done. The chant started small but grew in volume quickly. Soon the vast grounds around the castle rocked with, “Gregory, Gregory, Gregory.”


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