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The Fight for Creation: Book 03 - Ultimate Warrior

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew


  Ken stared at Eyes and said, “The Creator made them and they are now out of control. She had to know what was happening. I need to see just how dangerous they are.”

  Eyes looked at them and said, “I will show you but only if you agree to keep this information private. You may not share it with any member of the Realm’s Royalty.”

  Pixie said, “Does that include my Mother.”

  “Especially her.”


  “Because her husband, your father, will not just sit on the information and it could lead to the Realm’s destruction. You know him. What do you think he would do?”

  Ken said, “He would go out and take a look at them.”

  “And that would lead to the Realm’s destruction; especially if he went to see the most dangerous species.”

  Pixie stared at Eyes and said, “I don’t know that I can prevent her from seeing it in my mind.”

  Eyes looked at her and said, “Then you should leave and I’ll discuss this with Commodore Clarke.”

  “She’ll be able to see it in his mind as well.”

  “No she won’t; not any more. Not if he decides to keep it hidden.”

  Pixie stared at Eyes and then looked at Ken, “Is he right?”

  Ken stared at her and, after a long moment, nodded.

  Pixie stared at Ken and turned to Eyes. The giant Cat stared at her and she said, “How is that possible?”

  “He is a special creation and he has a task to perform. It appears he has now seen his part in what’s going to happen.”

  “What task?”

  “He’ll know when the moment arrives; it is not something I can tell you.” Eyes stared at Pixie, “Have you encountered anyone in the Realm with the mind he possesses?”

  Pixie looked at Ken and shook her head.

  “He sees things that you and your mother miss; think about that.”

  Pixie said, “She’s probably watching us at this very moment.”

  Ken shook his head, “She can’t see us.”

  “Why not?”

  Eyes said, “Commodore Clarke is a creation of my Mother’s mate. All of his predecessors were made by Mother. He is unique in that she did not make him.”

  Pixie looked at Ken and said, “Just like the three brothers?” Ken nodded. Pixie looked at Eyes, “What do you mean by predecessors?”

  “That is something I will not share with you.”

  Pixie stared at Eyes and then turned to Ken, “Ken, I trust you with my life. Do you think I should leave?”

  Ken sighed, “Pixie, I love you to the depths of my being but I’ve been allowed to see a pattern emerge that really bothers me. I’ve learned that my insistence on not being noticed early in my life was for a reason and I need to find out who I am. If what I see is accurate, you should not know it…yet.”

  Pixie walked over and kissed Ken. She stared into his eyes and then disappeared. Eyes looked at him and Ken said, “Why would Mother do this?”

  “Because after everything smoked out, every plan might fail.”

  “That’s what I’ve seen. However, the product of this may kill her anyway.”

  “Mother knows that.”

  Ken stared at Eyes and said, “I can now see all of Creation in my mind. Show me what Mother’s done.”

  Eyes sent the images and Ken felt fear beyond anything he had ever experienced. “This is an abomination.”

  “It is the result of her seeing what was in her future.”

  “The risk is too great to have ever considered this.”

  “Look at the other three species closely and then see if you feel the same way.” Eyes showed Ken the other three species and Ken’s fear doubled. Eyes said, “You are the only one that can do what’s necessary. You are the unique tool that must be used to save her. We never thought you would be released this soon but one of the three species is starting to expand and the other two will join them shortly. No creature in Creation will survive them.”

  Ken saw the pattern and knew all of those he loved would die unless he was willing to use the most dangerous species of them all. That prospect chilled his soul. He looked at Eyes, “There is another.”

  “There is but you are the one chosen.”

  • • •

  Jixie saw Pixie appear and said, “What were the two of you doing?”

  “Ken went to meet with Eyes.”

  “I know that. My vision was blocked from that meeting. How was that done?”

  “Ken did it.”

  “What’s going on Pixie?”

  “Mother, I left to keep from finding out. Eyes and Ken both said it was necessary that I not know.”

  Jixie thought a moment and said, “That was to prevent me from knowing.”

  “It was.”

  Jixie stared at Pixie and shook her head, “The end game must be approaching.”

  Pixie lowered her head and nodded, “That’s the only thing it could be, Mom. And Ken is going to be right in the middle of it. I’m frightened.”

  Jixie hugged her and said, “I’ve suspected for a long time that Ken is more than I’ve been able to see. If he can stop me from seeing what’s happening, he’s more dangerous than both of us. I trust that whatever pattern he has seen, he is the best one to make the proper decisions. I’ll not pressure him to reveal what he knows.”

  “I think the real problem is Dad finding out.”

  “He is somewhat impetuous. Keep this in one of your mental compartments.”

  “You are willing to keep it from him!?”

  “I am. It might be what prevents him from being killed.”

  “That makes me feel better about Ken not telling me but frightens me more about losing Ken.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t want you to die either.”

  Pixie stared at Jixie and said, “If what he’s facing can kill me, what chance does he have?”

  Jixie slowly shook her head, “That is something you are going to have to put aside and be there for him. He’s going to need you; don’t let him down.”

  Pixie felt her fear start rising. She had lost her first love. She didn’t know if she could handle losing another.

  • • •

  The giant green warship left orbit and disappeared. It entered normal space above a blue and green planet and began scanning the surface. The planet’s defenses came online and began targeting the giant ship as the leaders attempted to communicate with the intruder. They attempted every frequency and there was no response from the ship hanging in orbit.

  As a last resort, one of the planet’s warships approached the behemoth sending out communications asking why it had invaded the planets territory. The ship moved to within fifty miles and a black beam lanced out and vaporized the warship leaving nothing but hot gasses that expanded in the resulting explosion. The eight thousand ships above the planet rushed toward the green ship and were destroyed in less than ten seconds. The orbiting satellites opened fire and didn’t even cause a flash on the green ship’s force field. The giant invader fired a black beam at the planet and boiled away the atmosphere as it blew all the way through the planet’s core and out the other side, leaving a fifty mile wide hole. The molten core rushed up and the planet fractured. The green ship then fired a beam more than three hundred miles wide and the planet exploded, taking the satellites and every living thing on the surface out in a massive shock wave. The wave blew by the green ship which stayed in orbit unaffected by its passing.

  After an hour, the giant ship disappeared and returned to its origin. The planet it had destroyed had conquered more than two hundred other worlds and, for the moment, they were free of their oppressors. They never learned about their freedom. The information collected by the attacker while it was in orbit scanning the defense systems on the planet was sent to the green ship’s home world and two hundred green ships left and arrived at their doorsteps before the news of their oppressor’s destruction. The two hundred planets were hit by black beams
and they ceased to exist. The Illineg were moving out of their universe again and no world was safe.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ken sat in Sprigly’s office and handed him a green square of hardened metal. Sprigly looked at him and said, “What is this?”

  “I need you to prepare a ship for me with this exact color. It must be exact.”


  “I need my ship to be mistaken for another species’ vessels. Can you do it?”

  Sprigly took the square and put it into a machine and stared at the print out. “This color green is unusual.”

  “Can you do it?”

  “I believe so. How soon do you need it?”

  “Every day that you take to make it will result in hundreds of planet’s being destroyed. Billions will die.”

  Sprigly didn’t move. Finally he said, “How many ships do you need painted this color?”


  “Does the King know about this?”

  “No, and I’m not telling him; unless you want our worlds destroyed as well.” Ken took a deep breath and said, “If you need someone to approve this, contact Eyes.”

  Sprigly flinched and said, “I’ll get on it immediately. I’ll have it ready in six hours.”

  “There’s more I need done to the ship.”

  “What else do you require?”

  “I need the absorbing skin on the hull completely discharged and disabled. I also need the reactor replaced with an older model that is no longer used by any ship in the Realm.”

  “If I make those changes you will be defenseless. The force field will be useless against any beam we’ve seen in the last hundred years. If you’re taking on an advanced civilization, you’ll be killed with one shot.”

  “There’s more.”

  Sprigly leaned back, “What else?”

  “I want the wings and rear stabilizer fins removed. I don’t plan to enter a planet’s atmosphere so I won’t need them.”

  Sprigly stared at Ken and said, “You don’t want your ship to appear anything like a ship in the Realm?”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for, Sprigly.”

  “Then I’ll need to change the front view port.”

  Ken thought about it and said, “I didn’t think of that.”

  “Why don’t you just take one of the old armored shuttles?”

  “Because there are three of them on display at various museums in the Realm; my ship will have to be unique. Besides, the old shuttles used the Coronado Power Cells. That technology is still being used.”

  “What about a Keeper scout ship?”

  Ken looked at Sprigly, “The Keepers were all destroyed.”

  “They were, but not all of their installations were blown up. We have an intact scout ship that would only need a reactor change to make it operational. It would also be easier to paint than an absorption hull. Preventing an absorption hull from taking energy is next to impossible.”

  “Can one person pilot it?”


  “How long will it take to get it ready?”

  “Four days. If we made all the changes you want on your ship it would take us twelve days.”

  “Then get it ready.”

  “Are you sure you only want one ship prepared?”

  Ken slowly nodded, “Any more than one will get us killed, Sprigly. Please make this happen as quickly as possible.”

  • • •

  “Ken, where are you?”

  “I’m at Sprigly’s office.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m having a ship prepared.”


  “Pixie, I have a task to do and in order to pull it off, I need my ship to match another species’ ships color and not match any feature of the Realm’s fleets.”

  “I’m coming.”

  Ken knew he was going to have to bring Pixie on board but he knew she wouldn’t like what he was going to do. Pixie appeared and Ken went and put his arms around her. She held him tight and put her head on his chest. “Is this the end game, Ken?”

  Ken sighed and said, “I’m afraid it is, Darling.”

  “You can’t do this alone.”

  “There’s no other way.” Pixie looked up at him and he quickly said, “To allow anyone else to take part in this will lead to the Realm’s destruction.”


  “Pixie, I can’t tell you without your parents finding out. They must not get involved in this.”

  “There must be something I could do to help you?”

  Ken blew out a breath and said, “There is one thing but I think I can do it without it.”

  ““Tell me what it is. Don’t tell me what you’re doing; just what you need from me.”

  Ken walked over to the observation lounge and pulled out a chair for Pixie and sat down next to her, “I need to understand how you jump without teleporting or going through null space.”

  “I travel through the edge of normal and null space. There is a small layer between the two where they don’t make contact. I enter that layer to make my jumps.”

  Ken thought a moment and said, “That explains why you can’t be traced; you don’t leave anything in normal space or null space that could be seen.”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “I believe that I’m going to need access to that layer in order to make my plan work.”

  “Ken, only those that are mentally capable of seeing that layer can use it. You don’t have that capability. I can go with you and help you.”

  Ken stared at Pixie and smiled, “Pixie, I’ve recently undergone a series of changes and if you’ll just give me the coordinate of one place in the layer, I’ll be able to use it.” Pixie stared at Ken. Ken smiled, “I am a unique creation. The patterns I’m able to see is the only part of my brain that I’ve been able to access until now. That talent is connected to more talents that have just now manifested themselves.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “You can no longer see me wherever I am.” Pixie nodded. “I am now able to hide my physical and mental pattern from any species in creation. I’ve been given that ability by the Creator to use the most dangerous species ever created. It might not work but I am here at this moment in time to be the failsafe that was made to possibly save all life.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to use a species to kill the ones that will kill all of us if they’re not stopped.”

  “But what happens if you fail?”

  Ken looked at the floor, shrugged, and then looked Pixie in the eyes, “Then we all die.”

  Pixie felt her fear surge, “How long do we have before that happens?”

  Ken looked out of the view port at the stars and said, “The Cats and Zord have not allowed the Realm to see the four most dangerous species in Creation because we are nowhere near their power or destructiveness. Just one of their ships could destroy every ship in the Realm. They thought we would have enough time to eventually develop the tools we would need to face them thousands of years in the future.”


  “Three of them are not going to give us the time we need. They are starting an expansion and once that begins, no planet in Creation will survive. It will pick up speed and in less than fifty years, all life will be gone. The Realm will be gone in less than a year. They will then turn on each other leaving only one victor. That victor will eventually run into the real apex predator and then only one will exist.”

  “Why would the Creator make species that dangerous?”

  “The three that will kill all life evolved into what they are now. They deliberately chose to turn from the Creator millions of years ago and she saw what was eventually going to happen. She experimented with a few species until she found the necessary elements she needed. She created the most dangerous species hoping to never have to use them. I was created because she saw that they were going to have to be used to stop the other three.”

/>   “What is it that makes you so special?”

  “None of the four species can’t see me; I’m the only one in Creation they can’t see.”

  “Can’t you reason with them?”

  Ken shook his head, “You can’t reason with the three species; they’re just too evil. The most dangerous species does not possess intelligence which eliminates any possibility of negotiation.”

  “What do you mean they’re not intelligent?”

  “I’m not going to describe them. Jixie will see it and she will not stay out of it.”

  Pixie thought about his statement and said, “I’m sending a coordinate to your wrist unit.” Ken looked at it and shook his head. Pixie said, “What?”

  “After seeing it, I should have been able to figure it out on my own. I thought it was more complicated than this.”

  “I don’t understand it, Ken. I just use it. Are you that far beyond me now?”

  Ken took her hands in his, “No, I’m still the same man that loves you more than life. You have nothing to worry about, my love.”

  “Please be careful and come back to me.”

  “Pixie, if I fail. There won’t be anything to come back to.”

  “Then you must not fail.”

  “I’ll let you know how it works out.”


  “It’s going to have to be done one at a time. I’ll be back after the first one if all goes well.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  Ken could only shrug.

  • • •

  Four days later, Ken and Pixie looked at the two hundred foot long ship and Pixie shook her head, “Ken, a shuttle could kill this ship.”

  “Then I’ll just have to make sure I don’t run into a shuttle.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Pixie, if the species I’m going after gets a shot off at me, no ship we have will survive it.”

  “You’re not making me feel better.”

  Ken turned to Sprigly, “You’ve added the teleport system?”

  “I have and it will operate with your thoughts. Just make sure you have the location you want to use preprogrammed.”


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