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Page 6

by Traci Hohenstein

  “Trista! I’m so glad you could make it.” Michelle jumped up from her chair and shook her hand. “Let me show you around before the kids get here.” Michelle was slim with shoulder-length, dark hair, and brown eyes. She wore blue jeans and a vintage black Van Halen t-shirt. Michelle was one of those natural beauties who didn’t need to wear a bunch of makeup. Trista guessed her to be in her early forties, but she didn’t look a day over thirty. Trista was glad she dressed down for this meeting too. She wore blue jeans paired with a casual peasant blouse and red cowboy boots. Her hair was tied back in a French braid.

  Michelle told Trista the children’s theatre relied heavily on donations and yearly fundraisers. “This area was sorely missing an outlet for children to express their creativity. When I knew I was going to retire, I started planning for this.”

  “What a great idea,” Trista said enthusiastically.

  A few of the kids arrived, and Michelle had them sit quietly on the stage while she finished speaking with Trista. “As I told you earlier, I would love for you to help us—if you’re interested, of course. We’re doing the Magical Land of Oz this year. It’s a two act adaption of the Wizard of Oz. I can always use a hand with the scripts and coaching the kids. We have several other volunteers—some you will meet tonight—who help build the sets, design and sew the costumes, and print the programs. With your Broadway experience, I’m sure you will be a huge asset to our program.”

  Trista took in all the kids waiting on the stage. She remembered being that age and how much she had loved acting. “I have some time on my hands,” she said. “I’d love to help.”

  “Great. We practice twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays for one hour starting at four thirty. Once it gets closer to show time, we’ll go to two hours a night and dress rehearsals.”

  “Sounds like the good old days,” Trista laughed.

  Trista joined Michelle on stage and smiled when she introduced the kids to her. Trista was surprised when a lot of children recognized her from TV. Michelle started the meeting and handed out a working script. She announced that tryouts for the parts would begin on Thursday and explained that every kid who tried out would be guaranteed a part, whether speaking or non-speaking. Some kids had interest in working behind the scenes. During her talk, a few other volunteers walked in and took their seats in the audience.

  “Now to introduce everyone to the volunteers who are helping us this year.” Michelle stood and addressed the volunteers who had drifted in. “Some are familiar faces from past productions, and we have some new volunteers this year. First of all, most everyone knows Trista Carmichael. She starred in the popular TV show, You Only Live Once. Trista, will you please stand up.”

  Trista stood on stage and waved to the audience. A ripple of whispering ran through the auditorium.

  “Most of you already know that Trista has a vacation home in the area. While she is here visiting, she has graciously volunteered her time and will be helping me with casting and coaching. Everyone say hello to Trista.”

  The kids yelled out a warm welcome to her along with some adults in the audience.

  “Thanks, everyone. This is certainly an honor to be working with each and every one of you. I look forward to getting to know everyone.” Trista sat back down.

  Michelle continued to introduce a few more people as part of the volunteer crew as each one stood and waved to the kids on stage.

  “And last but not least, returning for the third year, is James Riker.”

  Trista whipped her head around. She didn’t realize Riker was part of the theatre crew. She caught his eye as he stood and gave a salute to the kids on stage.

  “Riker will be heading up our set crew again this year. If y’all remember, he did a great job on the set for Rapunzel! Rapunzel! last year as well as helping with costume designs. This man’s talents are vast.”

  That was true, Trista thought, remembering all Riker’s talents. Including the ones he had in the bedroom.

  “Thanks, Miss Newhouse. I’m happy to be back this year, and I’m looking forward to working with these munchkins again.”

  Trista heard the little girls giggling. She could’ve sworn she heard some of the moms in the audience swooning as well.

  After the meeting was over, Trista headed outside, where she was approached by Riker. “We meet again,” he said. Riker was wearing his typical work uniform of distressed jeans and a black t-shirt. Trista could see the other women checking him out…and probably wondering what in the world Trista was doing talking to this gorgeous man.

  “I thought the whole point of our last conversation was that we steered clear of one another,” Trista whispered, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Well, darling, I can’t help it that you show up wherever I am. How was I to know that you were going to be here? Besides, you heard Miss Newhouse. This is my third year doing the children’s theatre. What do you want me to do? Quit? I couldn’t do that to the little guys.”

  Trista sighed. “Of course not. This just makes it a little harder.”

  Riker took a piece of Trista’s hair and twirled it around his finger. “It doesn’t have to be hard. Besides, Miss Fancy Pants, I’ll be working mostly backstage. You’ll hardly even know I’m there.”

  Riker’s touch set off butterflies in her stomach. Oh, she would know he was there. And she knew that she would be not be able to resist his charms. “I can’t do this anymore, Riker.”

  “I’m having dinner with Nicolette tonight,” he said. He was so close to her she could smell his delicious cologne. And the spearmint toothpaste. It was a yummy combination that made Trista want to take him right then and there and do dirty things to him.

  “My relationship with my sister is still rocky. If she found out about this, I’m afraid it would be the end,” Trista said, speaking low. Some of the kids and parents were staring and whispering. A few stood off to the side, waiting to talk to her. “Please, don’t say anything to her.”

  “I’m telling her that it’s over. For good. She needs to know there is no future for us. Ever.” Riker whispered in her ear, “You don’t have to worry about me spilling our secret.”

  “I’m worried about you breaking my sister’s heart. You know she’s in love with you. Or at least she thinks she is.”

  “It was never my intention to hurt Nicolette. She’s a great girl. But even if you weren’t in the picture, Trista, I would still be doing this. She needs to know that it will never work between us.” Riker reached out and took her hand in his. “We can’t change what happened between us. I know you felt it too.”

  “Do what you have to do.” Trista tried to pull her hand free, but he had a tight grip on her. It irritated her, but at the same time, she felt electricity course through her body. “As long as you know…this isn’t going to work.”

  “If you say so.” Riker smiled confidently. He released her hand and walked to his truck. She watched him wistfully. It was over between them, she reminded herself. Her relationship with her sister was more important right now. And finding a new job that would take her far away from here.

  Chapter Twelve

  Trista had gone straight home from the children’s theater and pulled a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator. She would’ve preferred one of Riker’s delicious margarita’s but that was out of the question, for obvious reasons. Instead she picked up a goblet and a corkscrew, and trudged to the third floor. She drew a hot bath in her Jacuzzi tub and added another bath bomb—this time, a sensuous dark-chocolate-and-almond-scented one. Pouring herself a glass of pinot noir, she took a long sip before stripping down. She lowered herself gingerly into the steaming bubbly water.

  She hoped that Riker was letting Nicolette down easy. The last thing she wanted was for her sister to suspect anything had happened between Riker and herself before she had the chance to explain. Sinking lower in the tub, she let her mind wander and tried to focus her thoughts on what she could do to contribute to the children’s theatre. But Riker kept
popping into her mind. The way his strong arms held her tightly. The intoxicating smell of his heavenly cologne mixed with his own masculine scent. His kisses, which were passionate and electrifying, and his touch, which made her melt into his arms. The way his hips had ground into her when he pushed himself deeper and deeper. The way he whispered her name when he came.

  Trista let her hand drift down below the bubbles. She imagined Riker was in the tub with her as she massaged her clit. The bath bubbles were caressing her and spreading a delicious warmth throughout her body. In her mind, he was spreading little kisses all over her neck while running his hands all over her body, venturing lower and lower until he found her pleasure spot. Teasing her with his fingers, Riker rubbed her clit with his thumb. He then leaned back in the tub and pulled her on top of him. She eased down on his long shaft, feeling every inch of him slide inside of her. He took one of her nipples in his mouth and gently sucked as she rode him. His strong arms on the small of her back, guiding her as she continued to fill herself completely. Trista closed her eyes tightly as an intense orgasm shuddered through her body. If she couldn’t have Riker in person, she thought, she could at least take advantage of his body in her thoughts. She remained in the tub, eyes closed, her thoughts on nothing but Riker. The water was starting to cool as she slipped into the depths of nothingness.

  “Trista! Trista! Are you okay?” A voice from faraway invaded her delicious dreams. She felt a hand grip her shoulder. “Get up, Trista.”

  Trista opened one eye and saw Nicolette standing over her. She was wearing a dark-blue dress with a plunging neckline that showed off ample cleavage. Her face had been heavily made up, but she had dark circles around her eyes and her lipstick had been smeared.

  “Oh my God! Are you trying to drown yourself?” Nicolette handed Trista a bath towel.

  “I must’ve fallen asleep.” Trista wasn’t sure how long she’d been out of it. The water had turned cool, and the bubbles had all evaporated, leaving a slimy film in the tub.

  “From the looks of it, you passed out.” Nicolette held up a bottle of wine that had just a small amount left.

  Trista climbed out of the tub, wondering just how long she had been in the water. She wrapped the towel around her body, noticing that her skin looked like a wrinkled old prune. “I’m fine. Where have you been?” she asked, changing the subject. She held her breath, hoping the dinner had gone smoothly, but from the looks of Nicolette, she knew it hadn’t. Nicolette had obviously been crying.

  “Don’t you know?” Nicolette asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice. “Riker told me that he ran into you at the children’s theatre. I figured he would’ve told you we were having dinner tonight.”

  “Now that you mention it, he might have said something about a dinner.” Trista stumbled on her words. “Sorry, I’m a little out of it. I guess I did have too much wine. So how was it?”

  Nicolette sighed, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. “Take a good look at me. What do you think?”

  “I’m not sure,” Trista said cautiously. Riker promised not to reveal anything about their trysts. Had he kept his promise? She proceeded with caution. “Did he hurt you?”

  Nicolette shook her head. “He said we were over and it was never going to work out between us. I don’t know what went wrong. What did I do?”

  “Is that all he said?”

  “He just kept saying that he wasn’t ready for a commitment and that I deserved much better. You know the typical breakup excuses, but usually it’s me giving them out,” Nicolette sobbed. “Not the other way around. The first time I truly give my heart away…look what happens!”

  “I’m sorry, Nic.” Trista gave her sister a hug. “I know this doesn’t help right now, but it will get better. Just take it one day at a time.” She plucked a tissue from the bathroom counter and handed it to Nicolette along with the bottle of wine.

  Nicolette blew her nose loudly before taking a huge swig of the wine, drinking what was left. “You know what I think?”

  Trista held her breath.

  “I think he’s seeing someone else. What other reason would he have for breaking up with me? There has to be someone.” Nicolette tapped her long, coral-colored nails on the bathroom tile.

  “Maybe he is telling the truth. Sometimes things just don’t work out. He’s obviously not the one for you if he can’t see the wonderful qualities you have.”

  “Come on, Trista. Let’s face it. There are a ton of beautiful women in Blue Mountain Beach. Hell, half of them frequent the Liar’s Club just to flirt with Riker. There has to be someone else.” Nicolette fiddled with her tissue. “How could I not see this coming? I know who it is…” She glared at her.

  Trista sucked in a deep breath. Shit. Shit. Shit. She knows. “Listen, Nicolette. I can explain—”

  “Constance Smith!” Nicolette interrupted.

  Trista blew out a breath. “What? Who is that?”

  “She’s a man-eating whore who has been in the bar every time I go in there.”

  Trista grabbed her robe from the hook and put it on. She tried to remember where she had heard that name before. “Isn’t Constance Smith a forty-something divorcee with three kids? Her ex is that plastic surgeon who is on every billboard between here and Panama City Beach, right?”

  “Yeah, she’s a cougar, all right. And I heard that she just broke up with her twenty-year-old boyfriend.”

  “I don’t see Riker falling for Constance or anyone like her.” Trista took the empty wine bottle from her sister’s hands. “I know what will make you feel better. Why don’t we have a girl’s getaway? My treat.”

  “Really? Where?” Nicolette balanced herself against the bathroom counter to pull off her shoes.

  “My friend Quinn is coming in town next week. She mentioned going to the Bahamas. We’ll have fun, and you’ll soon forget about Riker.”

  Nicolette walked out of the bathroom, following Trista into her bedroom. “I’ll think about it. Until then, I’ll be in my room, hibernating under the covers.”

  Trista closed the bedroom door after Nicolette left. She sat on the edge of her bed and noticed her cell phone blinking. She entered her password and saw that she had several missed calls and one text message from Riker.


  She erased the message without another thought.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What time does our plane leave again?” Nicolette asked her sister for the third time.

  “Seven-thirty.” Trista took a bite of her bagel. She was getting excited about the prospect of going to the Bahamas for a long weekend. Quinn Miller was flying in town today from LA. Trista was looking forward to spending some quality time with her best friend.

  “We should take Quinn out to dinner tonight. Maybe hit up that new club that just opened in Destin,” Nicolette suggested. She was stuffing files into her briefcase, getting ready to leave for work. After a few nights of crying, three pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and several bottles of wine, Nicolette seemed to have Riker out of her system. And if not, a trip to the Bahamas would definitely help.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. We have an early flight. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like flying when I’m hung over,” Trista responded. She finished her breakfast and put her plate in the sink. She was glad that Lupe, their housekeeper, was coming in today to clean and restock the refrigerator. Not only was the house a complete wreck, but Nicolette had ransacked the refrigerator. After her breakup with Blake, Trista had done the complete opposite. She couldn’t eat for days.

  “Don’t be such a wuss. It will be a great kick-off to our girl’s weekend trip. Besides, Wednesday night is Ladies Night, and this club is supposed to be crawling with cute guys. Who knows, maybe you’ll finally meet someone too!”

  “I’ll think about it.” Trista looked at the clock on the microwave. “Don’t you have a closing this morning?”

  “Shit,” Nicolette grabbed her coffee mug and brie
fcase off the counter. “I didn’t realize it had gotten so late. I have to be in Panama City in twenty minutes.”

  “Then you better hurry.” It was the first of March, and spring break had already started in full force, with MTV setting up in their usual spot: Panama City Beach. Traffic would be hellish by ten o’clock.

  “What are you doing today?” Nicolette asked, heading for the garage door.

  “Laundry. Packing.” Trista thought about calling her agent too. Checking in to see if she had lined up any auditions for her. “Then I’m off to the studio to finish the voice-over work before I have to pick up Quinn from the airport.”

  “Have fun! I’ll see ya tonight!” Nicolette slammed the door shut behind her. Trista heard the garage door go up and Nicolette’s car rev to life. The garage door eased down a couple minutes later. Now she was all alone in the beach house. Thank goodness. She loved her sister, but sometimes Nicolette could grate on her last nerve.

  Trista had a couple hours before she had to be in the studio. She glanced at her phone. For once it was silent. Ever since the night Nicolette came home from her dinner with Riker, Trista had managed to stay away from him. He’d called and texted her for a week straight, but Trista ignored all his texts and deleted his voicemails without listening to them. It didn’t matter that it was over between him and Nicolette. She was never going to see him again. She hoped that eventually he would get the hint.

  Trista started cleaning up the kitchen, putting the rest of the breakfast plates and mugs in the kitchen sink. The housekeeper would be here soon. Nicolette always chided Trista for cleaning up every morning before Lupe came to clean. “Why do you always clean before Lupe gets here? You do know that it is her job to do that?” she asked her one morning while Trista was sweeping. She’d answered, “I don’t know. I just like to tidy up.” But she guessed she was just used to picking up after Blake. Old habits are hard to break. She headed upstairs to get ready for work. In less than ten hours, Quinn would be here, and she could leave her thoughts of Blake and Riker behind her.


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