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Leather and Lace: Part 1 Have Another Serving of BDSM Bondage (BDSM Discoveries Series)

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by Wicked Pleasure

  It was a cool night, but not cold. Diane stopped halfway across the openness of the yard and stretched. She liked the way her outfit pulled on her when she raised her arms. The cool air enveloped her, and she blushed when she thought about Mike Reese, the next-door neighbor and how he would react if he saw her. When Diane sunbathed she had fantasized sometimes about him peeking over the fence at her. He was an attractive man, with a shrew for a wife. Diane was amused by the thought of him standing on a block peeking over the high fence watching her rub oil on her skin. After the pause she walked on. At the door to the guesthouse, Diane turned the knob slowly, and pushed the door open. She did not immediately walk in, as if to see if the place would blow up in confetti or something. It did not. Diane could see a table with a single candle behind a straight-backed dining room chair. The rest of the room was too dark to see much of anything else. There was soft music playing from another part of the single story bungalow, and the room smelled faintly of musk or incense. Diane took a step inside. It was warm and inviting. She walked baby steps over to the table. A piece of paper awaited her, as it had before.

  "Sit Down, Relax, and Enjoy."

  Diane drew the piece of cloth from behind the strap and placed it beside the candle. Walking around to the chair, she scanned the room and saw nothing unusual. Diane took her seat with her back to the candle and tried to do as the note said. "Relax he says, uh huh, relax" the thought.

  The music swelled a little and Diane heard footsteps. The door closed slowly.

  "Mark? Is that you?"

  There was an unfamiliar tremble to her voice.

  "Yes, my love, stay there. Are you ready?"

  "I think so. What's going on?"

  There was a pleading tone to her voice.

  "Relax Di, I asked you what your most precious fantasy was, you wouldn't tell. I promised I would find out, one-way or the other. The choices you have made so far this evening have told me so much. As we move ahead you need but to say my middle name for it all to end. That is the only sign I will heed. Do you understand?"

  Diane paused a moment and replied breathlessly.


  Diane caught a glimpse of Mark as he passed at the edge of the light. Mark was wearing an unbuttoned black vest. Diane could see his chest as he moved. She did not catch anymore of a glance before he was in the shadow again. Mark moved behind her.

  "Don't move your head."

  Mark's voice stern yet quiet. Diane closed her eyes hard for a moment to clear her head. There was so little yet so much going on. When Diane reopened them, she saw Mark standing in front of her, holding the cloth she had laid on the table. Diane saw Mark was wearing the workout shorts she had forbade him from wearing to the gym, because you could see all he was made of in them. This night, you could tell he was made of a lot. The shorts did very little to hide the erection held against his inner left thigh. Mark bent slightly and placed the cloth over her eyes. Tying it around her head, Diane was blind to the sights of the room. She only protested slightly. Diane reached out for him but found only air. Mark's large hands fell onto her arms and placed them back at her sides.

  "To begin with, you are not allowed to use these."

  Mark whispered into her ear. His hot breath caused a shiver to shoot up her spine.

  "To that end . . . ."

  Diane felt his hands slide down her arms and to her wrists. She heard a jingle.

  "What are you doing?"

  There was no answer. Diane felt softness surround her wrists, then the tightening of binds on them. Those hands aren't moving she thought. The music swelled again, loud enough to drown out any other sound in the room. Diane felt as if she was going to explode. A warm pair of hands lay on her shoulders, pulling her hair into a bundle and wrapping a band around it. Diane got a gentle kiss on the nape of her neck.

  "Let the game begin."

  Mark whispered into her ear and then ran his tongue down her neck. Diane felt the air move as he apparently stood up. One had placed on her shoulder, the other on her neck just below the chin. Diane jumped when a third hand touched her right leg and a fourth was placed on her left knee.

  "Oh Mark!"

  Diane exhaled forcefully and her head fell backwards. She felt the thumbs on the insides of her knees beckon her to widen her legs. The hands on her shoulder and neck continued to rub circles from behind and made their way up to the collar of her bodice and began undoing the hooks to let it fall free. As the top fell down, the hands returned to their place on her shoulders, thumbs making circles on the back of her neck. Diane pushed her breasts pushed forward to let the top that had constrained them fall. She let out a gasp of surprise when more hands found her body. One set, rough and calloused cupped her left breast another less rough caressed her right. Diane's mind was whirling. She was unsure if she should stop this, or not. As the snaps holding the lower section of her clothing were undone, she slid forward in the chair slightly. Without warning, a soft low moan escaped her lips. Diane knew this would be a night she would never forget.

  Chapter II

  As the sun rose, Diane found herself in her own bed. She had only napped for the last hour or so. Still reeling from the experience, Diane's mind did not want to sleep, but her body had demanded it. The sun shone through the thin curtains of her room signaled a new day, in so many ways she thought. The last few hours had been marvelous. Mark wasn't in bed with her. Diane remembered when he placed her on the sheets Mark had said she would see him after she rested. While she wasn't rested, Diane had to see him. She climbed from the sheets and walked down the steps and towards the kitchen, hoping to find him there. As Diane passed the doors that led onto the patio and into the yard, she glanced at the guesthouse, and a smile came across her lips.

  "He said it would be a night I would never forget, what an understatement."

  Diane stepped into the kitchen and found it empty. She noticed the coffee maker was on and a mostly full pot of coffee awaited her. Diane was glad. A warm cup in her hands was just what she needed. She set out to find her husband. Diane walked to the door and noticed the curtains of the guesthouse moving, and Mark inside. Diane poured a second cup of coffee and headed out to see what he was up to.

  The door was open and Mark was just finishing up straightening up the room where so much had gone on the night before. Diane looked about the room; the chair and table were pushed back to the side of the room where they belonged. I'll never look at that seat the same way again she thought. The table was clean and placed back in the breakfast nook. Just a few hours before Diane had been on her back on that very table, four men around her, doing things she had only read about or imagined before. The couch she had been bent over, the foot stool she sat upon, the pile of pillows and blankets that held her head while she did things she had never even placed into words before last night, all in their proper places. Mark stood in the area between the living room and kitchen with a broom in hand, and a smile upon his face looking at her.

  "Coffee delivery Mister!"

  "Why thank you ma'am."

  Mark's smile was broad as he took the cup from her. Diane noticed immediately he was wearing the shorts from the night before.

  "Lord, you look good in those shorts!"

  Diane exclaimed and gave a little whistle.

  "Just thought I would get things cleaned up a little, would you hand me the dustpan?"

  Diane handed it to him as she passed by; looking into the large bedroom she saw the black velvet blindfold. Diane walked in and took it from the headboard and walked back to where Mark was still cleaning.

  "So, about last night, who . . . . "

  "Nope. No questions allowed."

  "But Mark! I have to know!"

  "If I tell you it will ruin the illusion. Would it really make a difference to know?"

  Mark leaned on his broom and sipped his coffee.

  "No, I guess not."

  "Good, now get in there and finish making up the bed."

  Mark went back to str
aightening up. As Diane made up the bed, she saw her outfit had been placed back on its hanger on the back of the closet door. This was the first time she got a really good look at it.

  "Mark, where did you get this outfit and the others for that matter?"

  "Mail order, and the funny thing is, you signed for them."

  Mark laughed.

  "Are you kidding?"

  "About a week ago the box arrived. It was marked important papers; you signed for it and put it in my office."

  "Mark you are a rat!"

  "How long have you been planning this?"

  "Sorry, no questions!"

  It took about 30 minutes to finish up making the guesthouse look presentable again. Mark said he was going to get a cleaning woman to come by and do a proper job next week sometime. As they walked back across the large back yard, Diane shook her head and smiled.

  "You know you aren't supposed to wear those shorts out of the house."

  Mark turned his head and quipped

  "At least I am dressed!"

  With that Mark took off running for the house. Diane realized she had walked out of the house straight from bed. She was nude, but a lack of sleep and perhaps memories from the night before did not allow her to realize it. There she was, standing in the geographic center of their back yard holding a coffee cup. Mark had made it to the back door before she even started to move. He stood inside the closed glass door and just smiled. Expecting her to take off running for the door, or the guesthouse, Mark looked shocked when Diane dumped out the last of her coffee and stretched. Arms high to the sky, Diane felt very alive. She leisurely strolled towards the back door, enjoying the look on Marks face. Lawn mowers hummed on this beautiful Saturday morning. Diane knew Mike Reese would be out trimming his yard or something. She did not care. Diane walked up to the sliding glass door and found Mark had locked it. She peered in and saw him sitting in the dining room sipping his coffee. Mark looked up at her with an evil grin. Diane smiled back, knowing the front door wasn't locked. She walked around the corner of the house, pausing to check for passing cars or neighbors and walked to the door and stepped inside. Mark burst into laughter. Diane walked over to him, bent down and gave him a kiss and a naughty squeeze to the outline in his shorts.

  "I am not the same person I was yesterday Mister."

  "I can see. As a matter of fact, everyone could have seen!"

  Mark's comment followed Diane as she headed up the steps to take another shower.


  Lia seemed almost shocked.

  "Four at one time!"

  "Yes, it was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced."

  Lia took out a cigarette, lit it and drew a deep breath.

  "Well, tell me all about it, and I do mean all!"

  Diane shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Donatello's was a very nice bistro style restaurant. It was Mark and Diane's favorite. They had met Lia and Charles at the bar here four years ago. Mark and Charles were both lawyers, on opposite sides. One is a defense attorney the other a prosecutor. They hit it off immediately. For Diane and Lia it was a different story. Diane thought Lia was uppity, and Diane seemed aloof to Lia. It took some time, but they have since become the closest of friends. They share everything, but Diane was not sure about this. Should I tell her everything?

  "I mean there's a lot to tell, and, well, it's a little embarrassing."

  After a long pause Lia spoke up.

  "Earth to Di, Hello?"

  "Sorry, I was just thinking."

  "I bet you were. So out with it!"

  "Not here, I would hate for prying ears to overhear, let's go to the house for some coffee."

  Lia and Diane stood, paid their bill and took the fifteen minute drive to Diane's house, making small talk, and generally avoiding the subject hanging in the air.

  Diane placed the tray of coffee and cookies on the table and took a seat across from Lia and took a deep breath.

  "Well, what do you want to know?"

  "Everything! Spill the beans! Who was there?"

  "Mark and three other men, that's all I know for sure."

  Diane spoke in an almost lecture style.

  "You don't know who they were!?"

  Lia was shocked but intrigued. Diane went on to tell the whole story as best she could. She told her about the notes, the outfits, the candles, and the mystery. Diane told her about entering the guesthouse, taking her seat, Mark approaching.

  "You should have seen him in that vest and those shorts."

  Lia just rolled her eyes. She knew how good Mark could look. She was the reason Mark wasn't supposed to wear those shorts out of the house. Lia made a comment to Diane about seeing him at the gym. The comment included words such as "Hunk" "Stud" and "Hubba Hubba." Diane made a rule about those shorts. Diane went on to give explicit detail about the restraints, the blindfold, couch, table, footstool, eight hands, four tongues, four hard members, and more orgasms than she could count.

  "Lia, I can't explain all the feeling I had that night. Fear, excitement, joy, trepidation, anticipation . . ."

  "Don't forget overwhelming pleasure!"

  "Yes, there was that!"

  Diane laughed to release the tension she was feeling. Diane took Lia upstairs and showed her the outfit she had worn.

  "Yes, mail-order, and I signed for it, and didn't have a clue."

  Lia burst out giggling.

  "So, is it going to happen again?"

  "I don't know."

  Diane looked at the outfit hanging on the doorknob.

  "There are three other outfits, maybe he has more surprises in store for me."

  Chapter III

  Diane took out her laptop and opened her journal. She had been keeping a daily diary for some years. Some days it was just a few words, others were pages. As Diane typed in a few thoughts for today, she heard Mark downstairs. It was Friday night and nearly 2am what's he doing down there? She wondered. Hopping out of bed, Diane slipped on her bedroom shoes and grabbed a robe, since she had all but given up pj's. Diane eased down the stairs, rounding the corner into the dining room, she saw her husband surrounded by piles of papers, and open books. Mark's laptop stood open casting the unmistakable light of lawyer work onto his face.

  "Hun, it's two in the morning, why are you working now?"

  Diane leaned on the door jam.

  "I just wanted to get some of this taken care of before Monday, while it's still fresh in my mind. You know I go up against Charles Monday, and I had better be ready. I know he will be."

  Mark returned to his papers. Diane wasn't sleepy. A nap earlier in the day had thrown off her schedule and to her chagrin, she was wide-awake.

  "Is there anything I can get you?"

  Diane tried to sound as demure as possible. Mark didn't even look up from his work.

  "Yeah, some ice cream would be nice, or better yet, a shake."

  "Here ya go!"

  Diane gave her best hip wiggle, letting her robe fall open.

  "Di, I love you, but I have to work."

  Mark had a little exasperation in his voice.

  "Could you make me a chocolate shake?"

  Mark was a good man, and obviously loved her very much, but when it was time to work, Mark worked. It was his ethic that had made him one of the top lawyers in the State, and had gotten them where they were. It also meant Diane had to leave him alone sometimes. Diane went into the kitchen, opened the freezer, and found nothing to put in the blender except some frozen fish.

  "Um, Mark, we are out of ice cream. I will run out and get some more, ok?"

  "Sure, ok."

  Mark probably wasn't sure what he was agreeing to, but he agreed nonetheless. This was ok with Diane. She wanted to get out of the house for a while anyway.

  Diane went upstairs and threw on a loose fitting blouse and a skirt, and headed out to through the garage. Heading down towards the twenty-four hour drive through she dropped the top of her German sports car, and sat up a little to
let the wind blow her hair. In the last week, it had gotten hot. The days were in the nineties, and at night it only fell to the upper seventies. Diane turned in the parking lot of the fast food joint and fell in behind a huge SUV full of teenagers. They sounded as if they were ordering enough food for the whole football team, so Diane took the opportunity to brush her hair and put on a little make-up. Sitting up straight to look into the vanity mirror, Diane glanced ahead and saw a young man in the back of the SUV staring at her. He appeared to be 20 years old or so, and hypnotized. Diane repositioned the mirror to put on lipstick and the reflection showed that while driving at fifty miles per hour with the top down, the wind had done a masterful job of popping the top three buttons of her blouse. This was the area of fascination for the young man ahead of her. The blouse was open to just one button above her bellybutton, more than enough to show most of her cleavage and a large part of her breasts. Diane blushed slightly, and continued putting on her makeup. She shifted ever so slightly, to better see herself in the mirror and the handsome young man staring at her, in the process, the blouse fell open more to one side than the other, and she felt the breeze touch her nipple. Mr. Blue eyes in the SUV almost fell through the back glass.

  As the SUV began moving away from the ordering sign, Diane sat back in her leather seat, caught the young man's eye, and played as if she didn't realize her blouse was open and buttoned it back up to a respectable point. The young man smiled a huge smile and waved at her. As it pulled out of sight around the building Diane smiled back and gave a little wave. Just made his night Diane giggled. With two chocolate shakes in the passenger seat, Diane turned back out onto the highway and headed back towards the house. Here in the suburbs a lot of kids just ride around on a Friday night. There were young men hoping to get lucky and the young girls hoping for the same, but never actually having the courage to do anything about it. It was a strange ritual, like animals in heat circling each other for a few hours then going home alone. It reminded Diane how glad she was to be past that age.


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