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How the French Saved America

Page 36

by Tom Shachtman

  Wilson, David K. The Southern Strategy: Britain’s Conquest of South Carolina and Georgia, 1775–1780. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2005.

  Zucker, A. E. General De Kalb, Lafayette’s Mentor. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Aboville, François-Marie, Comte d’

  Adams, Charles

  Adams, John

  in Congress

  diplomat, in France

  foreign policy

  model treaty

  in peace negotiations with Britain

  seeks loan in Netherlands

  Adams, John Quincy

  Adams, Samuel

  Agénois Regiment

  Aigrette (ship)

  Alexander the Great

  Alliance (ship)

  America. See United States of America; and next entries

  America (ship)

  American commissioners to France

  espionage against

  interference from Congress

  looking for alliances from France and Spain

  American forces

  lack of men and supplies

  loss of supplies to British (1776)

  size of, overestimated

  supplies from France (1777)

  See also Continental Army

  American independence

  American navy

  American Revolution

  Britain’s attitude toward

  French support for

  inspiration to Europe

  low confidence in

  American Revolutionary War

  end of

  mediation proposal

  peace negotiations

  Americans, attitude toward the French

  Amphitrite (ship)


  André, John


  Aranda, Comte d’

  Arbuthnot, Mariot

  Arethusa (ship)

  Armand, Charles (Marquis Charles Armand de la Rouërie)

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Arnold, Benedict

  as an American general

  as a British general

  in northern campaign

  treason at West Point

  Articles of Confederation

  Astrée (ship)

  August (ship)


  Auvergne region, troops from

  Baker, Polly, legend of

  Baldwin, Jeduthan

  Baltimore, Maryland

  Bancroft, Edward

  Bank of Pennsylvania


  Barras, Jacques-Melchior Saint-Laurent de

  command given to

  with Estaing to America

  naval rank

  at Newport

  at Virginia Capes

  at Yorktown

  later life


  Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de

  aid to America (supplies and money)

  character of

  subversive writings

  later life

  Belle Poule (ship)

  Bemis Heights, New York

  Bennington, Vermont

  Bingham, William

  black troops

  Board of War (American)

  Bonhomme Richard (ship)

  Bonvouloir, Achard de

  later life

  Borre, Hubert de Preudhomme de

  Boston, Massachusetts

  banking in

  conquered by Washington

  rebels in

  siege of

  Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de

  Bourbon family

  Bourbonnais Regiment

  Brandywine Creek, Battle of

  Brattle Street Church (Boston)




  American independence opposed by

  American privateers’ attacks on

  American states regarded as rebels

  capture of Henry Laurens

  debt of

  and European balance-of-powers system

  expulsion from North American continent, desired

  and France, rivalry

  France urged by Beaumarchais to oppose

  French disdain for

  future dealings with United States

  and Gibraltar

  invasion plan of France and Spain

  mediation proposed by Spain

  military reforms

  naval aggression of

  peace negotiations with America

  peace proposals (Carlisle commission)

  peace with America desired

  peace with France desired

  philosophes’ opinion of

  provocations to France and Spain

  after Seven Years War

  and Spain

  trade with colonies

  war with France

  war with Netherlands

  war with Spain

  British Empire

  British navy


  Home Fleet

  British troops in America

  British West Indies

  Broglie, Marshal Charles-François de

  Broglie, Victor François de

  Buffon, Comte de

  Burgoyne, John

  Byron, Admiral John

  Cadwalader, John

  Camden, Battle of


  British possession of

  France professes no interest in regaining

  Franklin’s lust for

  French law and religion in

  invasion plans of American generals

  Lafayette’s letter to

  territory of

  Canal de Saintes

  Caribbean. See also French Caribbean colonies; Spanish Caribbean colonies

  Carlisle, Frederick Howard, the Earl of

  Carlisle commissioners

  Carlos III of Spain

  Carmichael, William

  Carpenters’ Hall, Philadelphia

  Carter, Michael S.

  Castries, Marquis de

  Catherine II of Russia


  César (ship)

  Charles-Phillipe (Monsieur, brother of Louis XVI)

  Charleston, South Carolina

  Charon (ship)

  Chastellux, François-Jean de

  at Yorktown

  Chatham, New Jersey

  Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de

  and American privateers

  and Franklin

  loans to American cause

  later life

  Chaumont, Mme.

  Chesapeake Bay

  Chester, Maryland

  Choiseul, Duc de

  Choisy, Marquis de

  at Yorktown

  Clark, George Rogers

  Clinton, Henry

  departs Philadelphia for New York

  instructions from London

  in New York City

  and northern campaign

  takes command of British army

  Closen, Baron Ludwig von

  at Yorktown

  Committee of Correspondence

  Committee of Safety

  Committee of Secret Correspondence

  Common Sense (book by Paine)

  Compte rendu au Roi

  Concord, Battle of


  and choice of generals

  on commercial treaties

  First and Second Continental

  Franklin’s letter to

  informed of Franco-American treaty

  instructions from as to peace negotiations

  opposition to Washington in

ip in

  presented with Carlisle plan

  raising slaves as troops

  territorial demands

  Continental Army

  escapes from disaster

  first engagements

  leadership of

  manual of regulations

  philosophes’ admiration of

  size and strength of

  at Valley Forge

  wages of troops

  at Yorktown

  Continental Congress. See Congress

  Continental currency (paper money)

  Conway, General Henry Seymour

  Conway, Thomas

  abuse of position

  as American officer

  in battle

  invasion of Canada attempted

  recruited for America


  shot in the mouth in a duel

  later life

  Conyngham, Gustavus

  Cooper, Rev. Samuel

  Cornwallis, Lord Charles

  in Camden battle

  exchanged for Henry Laurens

  learns that Washington is coming

  retreats to Yorktown

  at Yorktown


  Cromwell, Oliver


  Cunningham, William

  Dana, Francis

  Dauphin, birth of the

  Daymon, Francis

  de, many names beginning with, see next component of name,

  Deane, Silas

  character of

  commissioner to France

  conflict with Arthur Lee

  criticizes Raynal’s book

  diplomacy of

  and Franco-American treaty

  offers to Netherlands

  opposition to

  presented to Louis XVI

  proposes reunion with Britain

  recalled by Congress

  recruits European officers to go to America

  sent to France as commissioner

  Deane, Simeon (brother of Silas)

  Declaration of Independence

  de la Balme, Augustin Mottin

  Delaware River

  Delaware River crossing (1776)


  Destouches, Chevalier

  Detroit, Michigan

  Deux Indes (Two Indies) (book by Raynal)

  Deux-Ponts, Vicomte de, at Yorktown

  Deux-Ponts Regiment

  Dickinson, John

  Diderot, Denis

  Digby, Admiral Robert


  du Barry, Madame

  du Bouchet, Florimond

  compromised by fellow French officers

  duel over a horse

  in northern campaign

  recollections of

  with Rochambeau

  taken prisoner by British

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Dubourg (friend of Franklin)

  du Coudray, Colonel Philippe-Jean-Charles

  abuse of position

  killed in action

  position in American army

  quarrels about sea travel

  recruited for America

  du May, Comte

  Dundas, Thomas


  du Plessis, Captain Thomas Antoine Maudit

  at Yorktown

  later life

  du Ponceau, Pierre-Étienne

  and Steuben

  later life

  Duportail, Louis Le Bègue de Presle

  advises Fabian strategy

  invasion of Canada attempted

  letter to Saint-Germain

  position in American army

  recruited to go to America

  strategic advice of

  at Valley Forge

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Dutch. See Netherlands

  Eden, William

  Elizabeth Town

  engineers, need for

  English Channel

  Éon, Chevalier d’

  Estaing, Comte d’


  meets Washington

  at Newport

  sails for America

  later life

  European balance-of-powers system

  Eutaw Springs, Battle of

  Expédition Particulière

  Fabius Cunctator, and Fabianism

  Fénélon, François

  Fermoy, Matthias-Alexis Roche de

  Fersen, Comte Axel von

  First Rhode Island Regiment

  Fleury, François Louis-Teissèdre de

  recruited for America

  at Yorktown

  later life


  Floridablanca, Conde de

  Floridas, the (Spanish)

  Flour War

  Fontanges, François de

  Fort Duquesne

  Fort George, Florida

  Forth, Nathaniel Parker

  Fort Mercer

  Fort Mifflin

  Fort Montgomery

  Fort Ticonderoga

  Fox, Charles James


  aid to America

  and American-British peace negotiations

  and American privateers

  approached by American rebels

  attack on Britain, urged

  attitude toward American colonies

  debt of, after Seven Years War

  foreign policy

  hated by Americans more than England

  interest in America

  internal problems

  invasion of Britain, planned

  John Laurens mission to

  liberalizing in

  military buildup

  not looking for conquest

  policy re Britain

  reforms attempted

  rivalry with Britain

  after Seven Years War

  and Spain

  support of American Revolution

  treaty with America

  war with Britain

  Franco-American alliance

  Franco-Spanish alliance

  Franklin, Benjamin

  arrives in France

  and British invasion plan of France and Spain

  character of

  commissioner to France

  criticizes Raynal’s book

  and Franco-American treaty

  and John Adams

  and John Laurens

  letter to

  in Paris, promoting American cause

  in peace negotiations with Britain

  in Pennsylvania

  plotting with French envoy

  popularity in France

  presented to Louis XVI

  quarrels with Arthur Lee

  recruits European officers to go to America

  rejects peace with Britain

  sent to France

  signing Franco-American treaty

  and Silas Deane

  and Spain

  toasts Bourbons

  Franklin, William Temple

  Frederick the Great

  freedom of the sea

  French and Indian War

  French Caribbean colonies

  French navy

  French officers in America

  in battle

  French troops in America

  at Yorktown

  Gallician and anti-Gallician factions

  Gálvez, Bernardo de

  Gates, Horatio

  and appointments of officers

  Camden battle, and flight after


  invasion of Canada attempted

  in northern campaign

  in Philadelphia

  replaced by Greene

  rivalry with Washington

  slowness to reinforce

  Gâtinais Regiment

  Gazette de France


  George III

  aims in American peace

  and American War

British invasion plan of France and Spain

  chooses ministers

  peace with France desired

  policy toward America

  rebels called traitors by

  rebels’ petition refused

  and war with France


  Gérard, Conrad-Alexandre

  ambassador to America

  and Franco-American treaty

  later life

  Germain, Lord

  Germantown, Battle of

  Gibbon, Edward


  Gimat, Jean-Joseph Soubadère de

  at Yorktown

  Gloucester, Pennsylvania

  Gloucester, Virginia

  Gloucester, William Henry, Duke of

  Gouvion, Jean-Baptiste

  at Yorktown

  Grand, Ferdinand

  Grasse, François-Joseph-Paul de

  in American-British peace negotiations

  arrives at Virginia capes

  in battle

  captured in the Caribbean

  command of Caribbean fleet

  defending French Caribbean

  departs Yorktown for Caribbean

  with Estaing’s fleet

  naval rank

  plans for North American season (1781)

  at Yorktown

  later life

  Grasse, nephew of

  Graves, Thomas

  Greene, Katie

  Greene, Nathanael

  advises adopting guerrilla tactics

  in battle

  battles in the South

  military studies of

  position as general

  supplies to army of



  Grenville, Thomas


  guerrilla warfare

  Guichen, Comte de

  Guines, Comte de

  Gulf Coast

  Gulf of Mexico



  Hamilton, Alexander

  and Arnold’s treason

  language skill

  meets Rochambeau

  and Washington

  at Yorktown

  Hancock, John


  Hardy, Charles

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Hartford, Connecticut

  Havana, Cuba

  Head of Elk, Maryland

  Heath, William

  Henry, Patrick

  Henry, Richard

  Higginbotham, Don

  Hood, Admiral Samuel

  Howe, Admiral Lord Richard

  Howe, General Sir William

  Hudson River

  Hume, David

  Hutton, James




  Intrepid (ship)



  James River

  Jamestown, Virginia

  Jay, John

  diplomat in Spain

  letters to

  in peace negotiations with Britain

  plotting by

  presidency of Congress

  quarrel with A. Lee

  support for Silas Deane

  Jefferson, Thomas

  as peace negotiator

  Jones, John Paul


  Joseph II of Austria

  Judith (ship)

  Julius Caesar

  Jumonville, Sieur du

  Kalb, Baron de

  death in battle at Camden

  and defense of Charleston

  invasion of Canada attempted


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