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The Climb

Page 34

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “All right that’s enough,” Dale said, stepping between the picture takers and the picture subjects. “If you two don’t get out of here, you’ll never escape the picture taking!”

  “Couldn’t have asked for a better picture, misters!” Tracy said, intently swiping on her phone. Skyler guessed she was reviewing the pictures in her camera roll.

  Liara came over and hugged them both. “Have a wonderful time tonight, boys.”

  “Thanks, mom,” Skyler said.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Kelley,” Kalin echoed.

  Dale shook Skyler’s hand and pulled him into a hug. Skyler felt something in the palm of his hand. He looked down and saw a hundred-dollar bill. “Just in case you need it,” Dale whispered.

  “Oh wow, thanks,” Skyler said.

  “Have a fun night, son.” He shook Kalin’s hand and said something encouraging. Skyler didn’t hear it because Tracy had latched on to him and was jumping up and down, giggling in his ear.

  “You have a blast, Sky! You too, Kalin Mars!” she said, grabbing his hand.

  CK hugged him next, making sure his face was on the opposite side of Kalin. “It’s in your wallet, right?” he quipped.

  Skyler coughed and jabbed CK in the gut with his free hand. “Knock it off,” he whispered. CK groaned and laughed. Skyler winked at him.

  He gave Kalin a hug and then Skyler grabbed Kalin’s hand and pulled him toward the front door. “Come on, or we’ll never get out of here.”

  Kalin laughed and followed Skyler out the door to his car.

  * * *

  Fangiolo’s turned out to be an incredibly warm and romantically set Italian restaurant. When they arrived, Kalin was not shy about them being on a date. He held Skyler’s hand from the moment they parked the car to the moment the Maître D’ sat them at their table. Skyler quickly realized Kalin had planned and coordinated their romantic dinner with the restaurant staff. When they arrived at their table, the waitstaff had already placed a floor-standing champagne chiller next to their table, complete with a chilled bottle of sparkling cider. When their hands weren’t occupied with a menu, Kalin had one hand across the table, either holding Skyler’s hand or gently stroking the top of his hand.

  As he looked around the restaurant, checking the temperament of the surrounding guests them, he saw mixed ages and diversity enjoying the restaurant’s fine dining. A few young couples, clearly on dates, sat near them. Across the way a family with young children enjoyed salad and delicious smelling garlic bread. An elderly couple with direct line-of-sight to their candlelit tabletop noticed their affections. The woman winked at him when she caught his eye. Skyler watched the Maître D’ seat another gay couple near the piano, where a pianist played soft jazz for the patrons to enjoy.

  I can’t remember the last time I was in a place where same-sex couples were treated the same as everyone else. Actually, I’m not sure if I’ve ever been to a restaurant where same-sex couples weren’t scrutinized or judged. Maybe that was only the voice of Rebecca Tinsdale in my head. No one seems to care here, and that’s the best part. I can finally be myself with the guy I like, and no one cares. It’s normal.

  When the bill came, Kalin insisted on paying. He refused to let Skyler pay for anything since he was the one who Skyler asked out. Skyler accepted gratefully and smiled. When they stood, Skyler reached for Kalin’s hand. Kalin smiled and accepted it.

  “Come on,” Kalin said, grinning from ear to ear. “We’re not done yet.”

  Skyler smiled and followed him out of the restaurant. He didn’t hear the elderly lady lean toward her husband and say, “Those two make such a handsome couple.”

  * * *

  As they drove away from the restaurant, Kalin reached over and took Skyler's hand in his. "We're going to my aunt's house next. They've helped me arrange something special for tonight.”

  Skyler smiled with excitement. “Aw, Kal, you didn't have to do that.”

  “Of course I did, I want our first date to be super special.”

  “It already is, mainly because you're here with me.”

  Kalin smiled and glanced over at Skyler.

  They laughed and chatted as Kalin carefully navigated the curvy roads and eventually drove up to what looked to be an old farmhouse set on a hill. He put the car in park and shut off the engine. “Here we are, at the Lesbian Lookout.”

  “Oh,” Skyler said, amused. “These aunts!”

  “Yep. Let’s go meet them.” They opened their car doors and walked up to the house.

  “So, I’m meeting your family on our first date?”

  “Well,” Kalin said, pausing before he opened the screen door. “I've already met your family. And it's not like these are my parents. They are my aunts.”

  Kalin pulled the screen door open and the front door was pulled opened from the inside by a boy who looked exactly like Kalin.

  Skyler’s jaw dropped in surprise. He looked at Kalin’s face, then back at the boy’s face. They were identical, except the one in the house had a mischievous grin on it. Oh right, this is Kalin’s twin!

  “Hi there,” the twin said.

  “Hi,” Skyler said with amusement.

  “Heh,” Kalin said. “Skyler, this is my twin, Kyle. Kyle, this is Skyler. Sorry, we like to freak people out a little.” Kalin said.

  “It’s our thing,” Kyle said. “It’s always funny to watch the reaction of people who haven’t seen us together yet.” He extended his hand and Skyler shook it.

  Skyler nodded and laughed, “Yeah, I get it.”

  “I had to let him meet you tonight,” Kalin said.

  “Besides, any chance I get to see my younger cousins is a chance I won’t pass up. Alexa and Peter are already in bed though…” Kyle said.

  “That’s okay,” Kalin interjected. “If everything’s ready out back…” Kyle smiled and nodded, locking eyes with his brother. Skyler watched the non-verbal communication between Kalin and his twin. That explains why my gaze with him feels so deep. He communicates with Kyle through his eyes.

  “Thanks, Kyle.” Kalin took Skyler’s hand and led him through the beautiful farmhouse. They walked down the central hallway and entered the kitchen area where two women chatted as one poured red wine into wine glasses. A Pepsi bottle sat next to a third wine glass. They paused and turned around when Kalin greeted them.

  “Hi Aunties,” Kalin said.

  “Hi Kal,” they said simultaneously, turning around to say hello.

  “This is Skyler Phoenix. Skyler, this is my Aunt Nadine and her wife, Aunt Deanna.”

  “Hello,” Skyler said, shaking their hands.

  “It’s so wonderful to meet you, Skyler,” Nadine said.

  “Yes, Kal’s told us about you and I’m glad we could help make tonight special for you two,” Deanna said.

  “Awww, thanks,” Skyler said, blushing.

  “Okay, I’m sure you boys don’t want to hang out with us tonight, so go enjoy yourselves,” Deanna said, winking at Kalin and waving her hand.

  “Yeah, we’ll be here hanging out with Kyle, all alone, with nothing to do but watch reruns.” Nadine added with a smile. Everyone laughed.

  Deanna and Nadine took their wine glasses and walked across the kitchen and through a doorway that led somewhere else. “Come on, Kyle.”

  Kyle smiled and grabbed his wineglass of Pepsi. He bounced his eyebrows and grinned. “Bye, guys!” Then he followed his aunts out of the kitchen.

  Kalin started loosening his tie and turned to Skyler. “You can take that off if you want. You won’t need your shoes and socks, either.” Skyler followed suit and the boys left their ties on the back of one of the chairs at the farmer’s table in the kitchen. Kalin emptied his pockets and put his cell phone, car keys, and wallet on the table next to his tie. Skyler did the same, but made sure to place his phone on top of his wallet so the hidden condom wouldn’t be visible. Next, they kicked off their shoes and socks.

  Smiling, Kalin took Skyler’s hand in his again and led Sk
yler out the back door of the kitchen and through a large screen porch. The evening air remained humid and hot and in the distance, to the south and west, heat lightning danced across the clouded horizon. Kalin led Skyler across a lush lawn that felt soft and cool under his bare feet. They walked up a medium sized hill that offered an amazing view of the surrounding landscape. Lights from distant houses twinkled in the humidity as the sky above them sparkled with stars.

  “It’ll rain eventually, but not for a while, I hope,” Kalin said.

  As they came to the top of the hill, Skyler’s eyes set upon a spread of blankets and pillows surrounded by a several dozen flickering candles that had been spread out in the shape of a heart. Next to it was a shorter version of the champagne chiller sitting on the ground, with a bottle inside of it. Two glasses were crossed in front of it on a red cloth.

  “Oh my gosh,” Skyler said, his free hand coming to his mouth in surprise and wonder. He really did all of this for me?

  “Too much?” Kalin asked.

  “No, not at all. This is amazing.” Skyler sniffled and wiped his eyes as the wonderful moment overcame him.

  “I wanted to do something really special for you,” Kalin said as he wrapped his arms around Skyler and hugged him.

  Skyler nestled his face in Kalin’s neck and cried. He shook gently as tears of joy wet Kalin’s neck. Kalin hugged him and stroked his back with his right hand. I never thought this feeling would ever be possible again. Thank you, thank you.

  “Thank you,” Skyler said, lifting his head to gaze at Kalin. He blinked a few times to clear the tears from his eyes. Kalin’s hand came up and gently wiped the tears from Skyler’s cheeks.

  “Anything for you, Skyler.” Kalin said. “I hope these are good tears.”

  Skyler nodded. Oh, heck yes.

  Kalin leaned in and kissed the fresh tears rolling down both of Skyler’s cheeks. Skyler put his hand behind Kalin’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. Kalin didn’t resist and as their lips touched, Skyler felt warmth spread through his body again. Kalin’s lips parted and Skyler kissed him deeply, igniting his senses. Skyler noted the strain in his boxer briefs and smiled.

  Kalin smiled through their kiss and pulled away. “Come on, there’s something I want you to see.”

  There’s more?

  Kalin turned and led Skyler by the hand to the blankets and they sat down together, resting against the pile of pillows that had been placed there. Kalin reached over and pulled the bottle out of the chiller and poured some into each glass. He handed one to Skyler and took the other for himself.

  “Only the finest sparkling apple cider, my prince.” They clinked glasses and sipped the sparkling juice. Kalin snuggled up to Skyler and interlaced the fingers of their free hands. “Now, look around you, Sky, and take it all in. Tell me what you see.”

  Skyler surveyed his surroundings and he inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of hay and wildflowers from the farm fields around him. “I see the hills rolling into mountains over there, where a storm is brewing. I see the heat lightning to the west that’s slowly making its way toward us. I see fireflies blinking all around us and I see tall grass swaying in a gentle breeze over there. Above us, I see the constellations and stars, and…wait, was that a shooting star?”

  “Maybe,” Kalin said amusingly.

  “And another one! What? Look, there’s another one! Seriously? How the hell did you plan this?”

  “The Perseid Meteor showers. They’re a little late this year. Tonight’s one of the peak nights for viewing, at least, until those storm clouds get here.”

  “Wow. I’ve never seen a meteor shower before.”

  Kalin squeezed his hand. “First date with me, first time at Fangiolo’s, and first meteor shower. What a great night of firsts.”

  “First date ever,” Skyler corrected him. “And yeah, what a great night.

  They sat together in silence for some time and watched meteors streak across the sky above them, pointing out the different ones that flared and burned across the planet’s atmosphere. Skyler enjoyed every moment of it. In the distance, the sound of rumbling thunder rolled and echoed across the hills.

  “Sky, I have one more surprise for you.”

  “Awww,” Skyler murmured. “You make me feel so special.”

  “Good,” Kalin said as he laughed an evil sounding laugh. “Then my plan is working. Now, I should admit, I didn’t expect you to take such a strong stand with Daren and coming out yesterday, so the song might not have as much oomph at the moment, but you know, it still applies. If you wouldn’t mind…”

  He handed Skyler his glass and sat up, letting go of his other hand. He reached underneath the pillows and felt around for something. He pulled out an iPod Touch and a small speaker. Skyler sat up and carefully set the wine glasses down on the edge on the red cloth near the chiller.

  “Now, let’s hope this works.” He swiped and unlocked the iPod with his finger. The music app appeared on the screen. Kalin paused and looked at Skyler, gesturing as he spoke. “Now, there’s an original version of this song by Gary Go, which is great, but I really like this version, sung by Mister Chase. He recorded this song and a YouTube video when Russia became all anti-gay. I like his version because of the LGBT connection, obviously. It seems more special to me. It’s called Wonderful.” He powered on the speaker and hit play. He held the speaker between them with one hand as the opening chords of the song played on an electric guitar. “This song is for you, Skyler. It’s something you need to believe, because you are wonderful to me.”

  The driving beat of the song filled the night air between them and the singer belted out powerful lyrics that encouraged everyone to be true to the wonderful person they are, even when things seem lost. Skyler felt his emotions swell again as the song played on. He felt a tear roll down his right cheek as Kalin intertwined the fingers of his free hand with Skyler’s hand.

  As the song ended, Kalin pushed the iPod and speaker back under the pillows. Then he took both of Skyler’s hands in his. “You are wonderful and you are my miracle, Sky, so please don't take our meeting and you being here, meaning with the Kelleys, for granted. All I know is our paths were supposed to cross, and I’m so glad they did.”

  Skyler nodded and smiled, watching the reflection of flickering candles in Kalin’s eyes for a moment. Then he pulled Kalin toward him and kissed him. Kalin’s lips parted immediately and their tongues danced together. Skyler tasted Kalin’s sweetness on his lips and a familiar warmth spread through his body once more as Skyler gently put his hands behind Kalin’s neck and back and pulled. Kalin sighed as his body pressed against Skyler’s. Skyler felt his pulse quicken as the sensation of holding Kalin in his arms felt incredibly right.

  Without breaking their kiss, Kalin rolled on top of him and straddled Skyler. As their hips pressed together, Skyler felt a wave of pleasure surge through his body as a soft moan escaped his lips.

  Wow, Kalin is as turned on as I am.

  Thunder rumbled around them as they rolled together, entangled in each other’s arms and legs on the blankets, passionately kissing. Without thinking, he pulled his hands to Kalin’s front and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Whatever…your cologne is…” Kalin said between kisses, “It’s driving me wild.”

  “Uh-huh,” Skyler groaned into Kalin’s mouth as they kissed, their tongues darting and lips pressing. Kalin paused only to pull his shirt off and then fumble with Skyler’s shirt buttons.

  Those abs, they’re finally mine.

  Skyler ran his hands all over Kalin’s abs and chest. Kalin finished unbuttoning Skyler’s shirt and ripped it open. Skyler laid back on the blankets and pulled his boyfriend into a tender embrace on top of him, enjoying the sensation of Kalin’s bare chest pressing against his bare skin. The boys settled into a gentle rocking motion as they kissed. Under his fingertips, he felt a thin layer of sweat form on Kalin’s back as he rubbed the muscles around Kalin’s shoulder blades. He squeezed them gentl
y as he breathed in the aphrodisiac of Kalin’s cologne mixing with the scent of impending rain.

  As their bodies moved together in rhythm, the pleasure of the experience pulsed and dominated Skyler’s senses. “You feel so good,” he whispered.

  “You feel so right,” Kalin responded in a husky voice that elevated Skyler’s arousal. With the next clap of thunder, their lips quickly found each other again with renewed zeal.

  A moment later, Skyler unbuttoned the front of Kalin’s jeans, reached into his boxer briefs, and took hold of what he found and moved his hand up and down. Kalin shuddered on top of him and quickly loosened Skyler’s jeans to do the same. Skyler’s breath hitched at Kalin’s touch.

  It won’t…take long…

  Skyler felt a warm rain begin to fall on his bare feet. As it fell, the scents of cologne, earth, and sex mixed with summer rain.

  “It’s raining,” Skyler said, tearing himself away from Kalin’s lips for a moment.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Kalin pleaded.

  “Okay,” Skyler said quickly, unwilling to stop for anything.

  The rain fell harder on the hillside and within a few moments, it drenched the boys and the blankets they laid on. Under his fingers, he could feel Kalin’s back rising and falling with quickened breath.

  Kalin suddenly inhaled and his grip on Skyler tightened. Then he dropped his face onto Skyler’s chest and his entire body trembled with bliss. Consumed in the moment, Skyler’s breath quickened as the heat of passion engulfed his body and tipped him over the edge. He held his breath as his body tightened and shuddered under Kalin. A moment later, their bodies relaxed and Kalin slowly lowered himself onto Skyler, who tenderly kissed his boyfriend’s face.

  Holy shit, that was incredible.

  “Wow,” Kalin whispered.

  “Yeah,” Skyler said. “That was…”

  “Ridiculously hot,” Kalin said, finishing his sentence.

  Thunder rolled in the distance again. Skyler looked around. The rain had extinguished the candles and everything around them. Now it’s my turn to be cute.


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