Book Read Free

The Climb

Page 36

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “We’re fine. Nothing really starts on time, right?” CK chimed in.

  “I guess not,” Skyler said, unbuckling his seat belt.

  “Careful on your right,” CK said to Kyle as Cody pulled up and parked in the space next to them, music blaring from the custom speakers of his dad’s convertible.

  “Let’s give the lovebirds a moment, shall we?” Kyle teased. He opened the front passenger door and hopped out.

  “Very funny,” Kalin said, seated behind his twin.

  “Don’t make out for too long or you’ll miss the party,” CK said. Then he slipped out of the driver’s door.

  Skyler shook his head and laughed. “This is pretty cool, you know, being here with you and the gang tonight.”

  Kalin smiled and looked into Skyler’s eyes. “I’m really glad to be here with you. I’m also really glad you found the courage to be true to yourself over these past couple of weeks.”

  “Me too,” Skyler said, reaching for and squeezing Kalin’s hand.

  “So, about what CK said, I wouldn’t mind making out with you. After all, we are in the back seat of a car.” Kalin smiled and batted his eyelids at Skyler.

  Skyler chuckled. “Might as well give them something to talk about, right?” He leaned in and met Kalin’s lips. They kissed for a moment and their tongues gently nudged each other. Skyler felt the strain growing in his shorts and pulled back as a smile forced its way across his face. “Actually,” he said, blushing, “Bad idea. I mean, I love kissing you, and that’s kind of, uh, the problem.” He pointed toward his crotch.

  Kalin smiled at him and gently caressed the side of Skyler’s face with his left hand. “Same problem here.”

  Tracy popped up from Cody’s car behind Skyler and immediately started knocking on the window behind Kalin. “Let’s go you two. There will be plenty of time for smoochie smoochie later tonight.”

  The boys chuckled. “Let’s do this,” Kalin said. Then they bravely stepped out of the vehicle.

  Skyler, CK, Kalin, Kyle, and Tracy waited at the tailgate of CK’s SUV as Cody showed off the convertible’s high-end sound system to Tommy and anyone within a four blocks radius who could hear it.

  “Boys and their toys,” Tracy said. “Even if it’s his dad’s car.”

  Skyler laughed quietly and saw a familiar car pull into the parking lot. Wait, I know that car…

  He turned to CK. “Is that…”

  “Yeah,” CK answered. A mischievous smile spread across his face. “Parents are invited to the opening barbecue as well. Don’t worry, it’s not lame.”

  “We took care of everything,” Tracy said, giggling.

  “Our parents are not lame, so I’m not worried,” Skyler said. “They really wanted to come?”

  “Of course they did,” CK and Tracy said simultaneously.

  I don’t know why their support keeps surprising me. I hope it always does.

  Another car pulled into the parking lot and aimed for an empty space.

  “Kyle!” Kalin said, surprised. He turned to his brother.

  “Gotcha,” Kyle said, maniacally laughing as he wiggled his fingers together in front of his face, mimicking an evil gesture.

  “Your parents are here, too?” Skyler asked.

  “Apparently so,” Kalin said, amused. “They’re cool.”

  Tracy rubbed Skyler’s arm in support. “I guess you’re meeting your boyfriend’s parents tonight, huh?”

  Skyler smiled and nodded. Oh boy, another first.

  Kalin took Skyler’s hand and pulled him toward their parents. “Come on, I’ve already met your parents. Time to meet the Martian parental units.” Skyler laughed.

  “The Martians?” Skyler asked with amusement as he walked with Kalin. I’m really glad he’s holding my hand right now.

  “Yeah, you know, my last name. Mars. The Martians. It’s the nickname the universe has lovingly bestowed upon the family for generations.”

  “I have my very own Martian, huh?”

  “Guess so.” Kalin winked at Skyler as they approached his parents. Kalin’s mom turned toward them first.

  “Hey lady, didn’t I just see you somewhere?” Kalin asked his mom.

  “Well, you know, we get around these days. Your brother hooked us up with the details about the barbecue.”

  “Oh gawd mom, you should never say hooked up again.”

  His mother rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Skyler. “You must be Skyler?”

  “Mom,” Kalin interjected, “Meet Skyler Phoenix. Skyler Phoenix, meet my mom, Dominique Mars.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mars,” Skyler said. He extended his hand and she accepted it.

  “A gentleman, huh?” she asked rhetorically, nodding at Skyler. “So nice to meet you, Skyler. Kal has told me so many wonderful things about you.”

  “I hope some of them are true,” Skyler said, smiling back at her.

  Dominique blinked with surprise. “And witty, to boot!”

  “Skyler,” Kalin’s dad interrupted, “I’m Matt.”

  Skyler smiled and extended his hand. “Good to meet you, Mr. Mars.”

  “Nope, just Matt. Mr. Mars is my father, and I’m not old enough to be called that yet.”

  “Okay then, Matt it is.”

  Dale and Liara stepped behind Skyler. “Hi, everybody,” Liara said.

  Skyler introduced his foster parents to Kalin’s parents. After a few minutes of chit-chatting, someone whistled to get their attention. They followed the sound and saw their friends start walking toward the barbecue. The smell of grilling meats tantalized Skyler’s nostrils and his stomach growled with anticipation.

  “Let’s go, I’m starving,” Skyler said. This time he took Kalin’s hand and led him to the group. Behind him, he thought he heard Liara gasp with delight at their clasped hands.

  They walked around the corner of the school building and made their way to the empty field between the school and the athletic fields that was used for various social events. A few other stragglers followed them to the barbecue.

  A large white tent had been erected in the center of the field. It had been adorned with white and colored lights, rainbow pennants, and gay pride flags. A large rainbow banner with white lettering announced the Temple High School Gay-Straight Alliance and marked the entrance to the tent. To one side, several dads or teachers—Skyler couldn’t tell which—presided over some massive industrial barbecue grills. The dance music resounding around them came from the opposite side of the tent, just inside, in front of what looked like a dance floor. Though some students and their families were seated inside, most chatted in groups outside the tent and enjoyed the evening air.

  Kalin led their group to the GSA’s registration table which was staffed by a young guy with blond spiked hair and startlingly blue eyes. Skyler noticed the guy’s blue eyes lock on to their joined hands. “Hello boys,” the man said. “ID’s please.”

  Kalin pulled out his wallet and presented his student ID.

  Skyler’s hand instinctively reached for his wallet. “Uh, wait, I don’t have one yet.”

  “You must be one of the new students, right?” the teacher asked. “Welcome, welcome.”

  “Mr. Davies, this is Skyler Phoenix. And yeah, he’s a new junior this year.”

  He’s a teacher? He looks eighteen!

  “And you’re part of the family so that’s even better, right?” Without waiting for a reply, Mr. Davies extended his hand. “Good to meet you, Skyler. Welcome to Temple High and our fabulous Gay-Straight Alliance.”

  Skyler shook his hand. “Thanks.” There’s no turning back now. Not that I’d want to.

  “We’ll get his ID this week, I promise, Mr. Davies.” CK said, having reached the registration table.

  Mr. Davies waved off the notion. “Bah, none of the new students running around here tonight have ID’s yet, so it’s fine, CK.” Once Mr. Davies finished checking in the students and had the parents sign in, Kalin took a step toward the ten

  “One minute, Kal,” Mr. Davies said, snapping his fingers dramatically. He gestured with his arms to the group. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you guys that this is a school event and as such, drugs, booze, weapons, or anything else that could hurt you or someone else except fabulous rainbow sparkles and glitter”—the boys chuckled at Mr. Davies’ joke—“are not allowed on the school grounds. Parents, please forever hold your peace and know that if your son or daughter is caught with such a possession, they will be asked to leave tonight’s barbecue with you and you will suffer the embarrassment of a dramatic exit to stage right in front of the LGBTQ student body.” He pointed to the parking lot with both hands.

  “That being said,” he continued. “Go have fun and welcome to the GSA barbecue!”

  “Thanks, Mr. Davies,” Kalin said. Skyler nodded at him.

  CK, Tommy, and Cody pushed through the parents and sidled up to Skyler and Kalin. Kalin gestured for them to follow him and as soon as they cleared the registration desk, a group of students wearing bright colors and rainbow accessories descended on them and greeted their peers with exuberant hugs. Several of the students in the group had dyed their hair in rainbow colors that evening. A girl with rainbow colored hair and rainbow knee-high stockings turned and introduced herself. She held a bunch of rainbow bead necklaces in her hand.

  “Hi,” she said, extending her right hand. “I’m Tatiana. Welcome to the Gay-Straight Alliance.” She spoke with a slight accent that Skyler couldn’t identify.

  “Thanks, I’m Skyler.” He shook her hand.

  “I don’t know you, do I?” she said, quizzically looking at him.

  Skyler chuckled. “Not yet, I’m new here. I, uh, just moved in with CK.”

  “Oooooh,” she said, eyes wide with awe. A couple of other students joined her. She yelled to the group of students who had greeted them. “We have a new student!” Everyone stopped and turned, their eyes quickly finding Skyler’s unknown face.

  This is embarrassing. Skyler self-consciously laughed and awkwardly waved at everyone. “Uh, hi. I’m Skyler.”

  “He’s my new brother,” CK boomed, puffing out his chest with pride.

  “Mine too, sorta,” Cody said.

  Skyler smiled and looked at them. They were already wearing rainbow bead necklaces. Tracy clapped her hands with excitement, a small pride flag waving as her hands moved.

  Where did you guys get all the rainbow stuff already? Oh, right, this group. They must be like the welcoming committee.

  “So,” Tatiana continued, “Tell us. Are you gay, bi, or are you an ally? And would you like some beads?”

  “Or a pride flag?” a young man asked.

  A hush fell over the crowd as they waited for Skyler to answer.

  A month ago, I would have freaked out at this question. I would have been so afraid of what people thought of me. I would have been terrified of being rejected and thrown out again. But today, I have no reason to be afraid.

  Skyler cleared his throat and addressed his captive audience. “Yeah, I’m gay.” Then he reached over and took Kalin’s hand. He winked at Kalin and then looked back at Tatiana.

  Tracy screeched with joy and clapped her hands with excitement again, the pride flag in her hand flapping in the wind.

  Tatiana’s eyes bulged with happiness and the group burst into applause.


  Kalin squeezed Skyler’s hands and let go as Tatiana swooped in for a hug. Then she grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes and asked, “So, you’ll want beads?”

  Skyler chuckled and nodded. “Of course.”

  She giggled and immediately placed rainbow beads around his neck and then did the same for Kalin. “Have a lot of fun you guys, and congratulations!”

  As the rest of the welcoming students made introductions and welcomed him, a young man named Nick with rainbow-colored hair handed him a pride flag. “You can have one of these, too.”

  “Thanks,” Skyler said. “It’s my first pride flag.”

  “May it never be your last,” Nick said. Then he winked and followed the welcome group over to greet some other students.

  “I second that,” Kalin said.

  Tracy ran over to Skyler and hugged him. “That was so brave!” she exclaimed. “I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks, Tracy.”

  “I think I just survived my first rainbow brigade,” Skyler quipped.

  “Me too,” CK said, clapping him on the shoulder.

  “Not to ruin the moment, I’m starving, let’s get some grub, okay?” Cody said behind them.

  “I am, too,” Tommy said.

  “Lead the way, lover boys,” CK said.

  Skyler rolled his eyes at CK and smiled.

  The group followed Skyler and Kalin over to the food line. The music and energy of the evening began spreading through Skyler and he caught himself bouncing on his heels and shaking his shoulders to the music. Kalin winked at him and squeezed his hand.

  “Do you want to dance?” Kalin asked.

  “With you?” Skyler asked. “Of course, but maybe after dinner. I’m still taking this all in. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. It’s amazing.”

  “Isn’t it, though?” Tommy asked in agreement.

  Skyler nodded back. “Back on July Fourth, is this the group that was under the GSA banner?”

  “Yep,” Kalin said.

  “But you weren’t ready to check it out then, were you?” Tommy asked.

  Skyler turned and smiled at him. “No, I wasn’t. Why? Did you know I was gay back then?”

  Tommy cocked his head to the side. “Duh.”

  CK laughed out loud. “I told you. We all saw you flirting with Kal.”

  Kalin burst out laughing and smiled. “Was it obvious?”

  “Well,” Skyler said, “Tracy and CK made it very clear when we were running one morning that it was extremely obvious. That’s why CK called you to come hang out in the pool with us that day. They figured out I was, uh…”

  “Figured out what,” Kalin said, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows.

  “That I was crushing on you.”

  “I’m glad he did. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here today, right?”

  “Totally right,” CK chimed in.

  Behind them, Dale and Matt spoke together while Liara and Dominique talked about how young Mr. Davies looked and wondered aloud about his skin secrets. Tracy joined them and volunteered her opinion. Once they had gathered plastic dinnerware, burgers, chips, salad, and other assortments of food, the group made their way to the cafeteria tables that had been set up outside the tent. They decided the DJ’s loud music didn’t provide the best dining experience and the tent still held the day’s heat.

  Liara stepped over to Skyler while they picked out a table. “Not to be an overbearing mother, but what do you think so far?”

  Skyler smiled. “The fact you’re asking me, and that you’re interested in what I think means a lot to me. I happy I’m here. I’m a little stunned right now, but this is amazing. I have never seen such love and acceptance, and I’ve never worn one of these before, either.” He looked down at the rainbow beads around his neck.

  “I’m happy you’re enjoying it. And I echo Tracy’s sentiment, you were incredibly brave to share your truth with your future classmates. Look at how much you’ve grown in such a short time.”

  Skyler nodded. “Wouldn’t have been possible without you guys.”

  “Thank you,” Liara said, grinning at him. “Now, let’s go eat.” Skyler smiled and walked with Liara to the table his friends had commandeered.

  While they ate, some of the teachers in attendance hovered over the various tables and introduced themselves to new students and welcomed back former students to a new year. Somewhere in the middle of eating and greeting, Skyler watched most of the football team walk past the barbecue on the path that connected the various fields. Mr. Davies invited them to come and eat since there was enough food left over
to feed at least three football teams. Some of the players nodded and said they would come back after showering. Mr. Davies nodded and encouraged them to come back squeaky clean. Others politely waved and kept moving.

  “We’ll probably get about ten or twelve of those guys to come,” CK said.

  “They don’t like the GSA?” Skyler asked.

  “Nah, I don’t think they have anything against it. Some probably have plans, others don’t want to. Who knows, though, they might all come, right?”

  “Just as long as our party doesn’t turn into a football party,” one of the girls at a table next to them said. “They have enough events.” Her black hair was cropped short and she wore a crisp blue polo. Skyler tried not to stare but his curiosity got the better of him.

  “Don’t worry, Lawrence,” one of the teachers, said. “If they become unruly, we’ll politely send them on their way.”

  Her name is Lawrence?

  “What if some of us like jocks though?” Nick asked. Skyler recognized him from the welcoming group.

  “Yeah,” Tommy added, elbowing Cody, who winked at him and took a bite of his overloaded hotdog.

  “Then you’ll be in luck, I guess,” the teacher answered.

  “Is that teacher gay, too?” Skyler asked softly to his friends.

  “Uh-huh,” Kalin uttered, nodding. Then he bit into his hamburger.

  “Yes, Skyler,” Tracy whispered, leaning across the table. Skyler leaned toward her. “Mr. Kent is married to Mr. Davies.”

  “Shut up,” Skyler said, astonished. A married gay couple teaches at this school? That’s… that’s…

  Kyle smiled. “Amazing, huh?”

  “Definitely, for me at least. Never expected that one. Oh, and…uh, her name is Lawrence?”

  “Yes,” Tracy said, lowering her voice. “Lawrence is his name. Formally Lauren. Female to male. Understand?”

  “Seriously?” he asked.

  “No, I’m making it up. Of course, seriously,” Tracy said with a smirk. Then she looked across the table. “Hey, Lawrence, have you met Skyler yet?”

  Lawrence turned around and looked at Tracy, who pointed at Skyler.

  “He’s new this year. Just moved to town,” Tracy volunteered.

  “I have not,” Lawrence said. He waved from his seat, fingers covered with hamburger and condiments. “I’d get up and shake your hand, but my hands are kind of messy right now. I’ll say hi after. Oh, and welcome to Temple.”


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