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The Climb

Page 42

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Relief bubbled up within him. “But I thought…” His words became stuck in his throat as he started crying in Liara’s arms. He felt Dale wrap his arms around him, too.

  “You’re not going anywhere, mister,” Dale said.

  “But I thought…” he sputtered through tears, “You were mad at me for…hitting Daren. The last two times…fights happened…I had to leave. I don’t want to go…I just fell in love with you guys.”

  Someone started rubbing his back.

  “Oh, Skyler,” Liara said, holding him firmly in her embrace. “You are our son. We love you so much. You have enriched our lives and made us so happy.”

  “Oh, thank gawd,” CK said, exhaling a sigh of relief.

  “CK,” Dale said, “Did you really think we would kick him out?”

  “No, I…I got caught up in the panic, that’s all.”

  “Okay, good. Like mom said, he’s our son, too.”

  Skyler felt his sad emotions abate as a feeling of joy spread from his heart. He felt the sudden urge to giggle. “Then what the heck is going on?”

  “Yeah,” CK said.

  Skyler lifted his head up and looked into Liara’s eyes. Dale stroked his back. CK put his arm around his brother.

  Liara reached up and wiped the tears from Skyler’s eyes. “Skyler, that fight at the GSA, it was stupid and unfortunate. Those were the circumstances of the night, Skyler. You stood up to a bully, and the bully struck first. We all saw you acted in self-defense. That’s how it works sometimes.”

  “Yeah, but then you spun around like a ninja and clocked him good,” CK said, chuckling.

  Skyler laughed through his tears of joy.

  “The most important thing in an act of self-defense, son,” Dale said, “Is that you stop, that you exercise self-control in your response to the situation. Once Daren was down, you didn’t tackle him. You didn’t go after him. Then the thorn in his side revealed itself and because of your confidence, you inspired your friends, especially young Tommy, to give Daren a chance. You helped him pull the thorn out and it seems like Daren is much better off now.”

  “We’re proud of you, Skyler.” Liara said.

  “I don’t have to apologize for punching Daren?”

  “Oh, heck no,” Dale said. “Not after all the crap he’s put you through.”

  “Good,” Skyler said, relieved. He pulled back a little and everyone released him from their tender embrace, except CK, who kept his arm around his shoulder. “So, Katie, why exactly are you here?” Skyler asked, wiping his face and sniffling.

  “Like I said, my sister’s wedding was this weekend.”

  “Shouldn’t you be with your family?” Skyler asked, unable to hide the skepticism in his voice.

  “Well, it’s over now, and I spent the entire weekend with them. Tonight, I wanted to be here for you,” She said, pointing to the sign that someone had made. “Speaking of which, could we please get back to this?”

  “We wanted to surprise you,” Liara said. “Honestly, we thought tonight would be the perfect night because, well, you have grown so much since you’ve been here and we know attending the GSA was a momentous decision for you. Recently, you chose to embrace who you are and we want to embrace you and tell you who you are to us.”

  “Honestly,” Dale added, “I’m so sorry for sending a mystery text. I feel like that might have caused you to panic. I wanted to make sure you came home and didn’t go hang out somewhere else. Katie only has so much time, you know?”

  “Okay, but why is she here? Why is Kelley written after my name?”

  CK, arm still around Skyler, snapped his head to Katie and gasped. “Shut the front door!” He jerked his head in his parent’s direction. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Probably,” Dale and Liara said together. Huge smiles spread across their faces

  “Skyler, for us, there is no going back,” Liara said. “There is no life for our family without you now; relocation is not an option on the table now or ever. You are our son, you are part of this family, and you are loved.”

  “And…you’re my brother,” CK squeaked out through tears. Skyler put an arm around CK.

  Dale and Liara stepped forward and each took one of Skyler’s hands. “The reason we asked you to come home, and the reason Katie is here, is because we want to formally adopt you and make you part of the family.”

  What? No way! Are you kidding me? This is awesome!

  He looked over at Katie, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Surprise, kiddo.”

  Dale squeezed the hand he held and spoke with emotion in his voice. “Since you don’t have a middle name, we’d love you to take our last name as yours because you are a part of this family and hopefully always will be. Of course, we would never ask you to drop the name Phoenix because we think it honors the truth and power of your life, at least, as we’ve seen it.”

  “And Skyler Phoenix Kelley sounds pretty damn awesome,” CK said. “Mister S. P. K.”

  “How about it? Will you honor us and really, really join our family?” Liara asked.

  Skyler blinked as tears formed once more. Holy shit. Is this for real? Is this my chance at having a family life? Wait, why am I second guessing myself here? Of course it is. The McMahon’s couldn’t adopt me. Five years and the Tinsdales never bothered to adopt me. It took less than a summer for this family to see through my foibles and welcome me with open arms. Now they want me to stay with them forever. Yes. Of course I do. Say yes!

  Skyler nodded and extended his arms toward Dale and Liara. He turned at the last second to wrap CK in his left arm and then squeezed them all together as they hugged. “Yes, absolutely yes.”

  The sound of Katie sniffling caught Skyler’s attention. “Get over here, you,” Skyler said, smiling at her. She walked over and joined the family hug. “This is all your fault,” he teased.

  They laughed together and then untangled themselves. Skyler could feel his heart pounding in his chest with a newfound excitement.

  “Okay, so I have all the paperwork ready to go,” Katie announced. “It’s right here.” She led them over to the patio table and they sat around it. “It’s really easy. There are only three forms to complete. The first is the formal adoption. Who wants to sign first?”

  “I will,” Liara said. She picked up Katie’s pen from the table and then signed her name where Katie pointed. She handed the pen to Dale, who signed next. He turned and handed the pen over to Skyler.

  Katie spoke. “You can sign here. Technically, because you are still a minor, you don’t have to sign the adoption paperwork in this state. But I think it helps seal the deal, you know? So, go for it. Oh, make sure you sign your name as it exists today.”

  “Okay.” Skyler excitedly grabbed the pen from Dale and took a deep breath. His hand shook and he exhaled slowly and steadied himself. Then he signed his name.

  “Great.” She flipped over the legal form and pulled the next set of papers forward.

  “This is your name change form, if you’re going to change it.”

  Skyler nodded. “Without a doubt.”

  Liara giggled and clapped her hands like Tracy would have.

  “Yes,” CK whispered.

  Katie pointed as she spoke. “Great. I’ve pre-printed your old and new names in the boxes here and here. Double check them for me and then sign here, with your current name, and then sign here with your new name, Skyler Phoenix Kelley.”

  Skyler signed his current and new names above the printed text, confirming his new identity as a member of the Kelley family. He sniffled as the power of the moment moved him. A tear of joy ran down his cheek and Liara gently rubbed his back.

  Wow. This is unreal.

  “So, just a reminder, I’ll file this back at the office and you’ll receive a Rhode Island court-signed document indicating Skyler’s name change. It will carry legal force and you must visit a New York social security office within ten days of its receipt. The adoption paperwork will also finalize and trans
fer your legal residence to the Kelley family and the State of New York. You remained a legal citizen of Rhode Island even though you’ve been living here.”

  “Okay,” Dale said.

  “One more form,” Katie said, flipping the name change form and neatly setting it on top of Skyler’s signed adoption forms.

  “This one is totally not a legal form, but CK, I wanted you to sign something as well.”

  CK chuckled, “Aw, thanks.”

  “I think it’s important you be involved in the proceedings.”

  Skyler and CK looked at each other. CK winked at him.

  Katie pulled out the last form, which resembled a certificate, from her folder and set it front and center. “This document you sign tonight has no official status or legal weight in court. However, this is the form both CK and Skyler will sign to confirm they are officially brothers.”

  “Aww,” Liara said, taking Dale’s hand in hers.

  “I’ll sign that!” CK said. He picked up the pen and signed his name where Katie pointed.

  “You’re pretty cool for a brother,” Skyler said, hamming it up a little. “Yeah, I guess I’ll sign this one, too.” CK punched him softly in the shoulder and handed Skyler the pen.

  “Don’t forget to sign your new name,” Katie said, smiling, “Or none of this counts.”

  “Right!” Skyler said, smiling as he signed his name. He looked up and CK when he finished. “So, we are now the brothers Kelley.”

  “Very cool,” CK said. “It sounds like a band name or something.”


  “Well, folks, that about concludes the formal proceedings. I’ll make sure the things get in front of the judge this week when I get back to the office. I don’t think there will be any problems with the final approval. I believe that leaves one more thing.” Katie looked at Dale and winked.

  “Yes! It’s now time to celebrate and toast to the latest and greatest happening of our family by officially welcoming Skyler as one of our own with a time-honored Kelley tradition.” Dale stood and side-stepped over to one of the outdoor side tables. He started picking up and handing champagne flutes to Liara, who set them on the patio table.

  “Okay, if you insist,” Katie said, packing away Skyler’s adoption paperwork.

  Liara set the four family champagne flutes and a fifth glass for Katie as Dale began uncorking the champagne. It popped and everyone cheered. He meticulously poured the champagne into the flutes.

  “How does it feel to be a Kelley now?” CK asked.

  Skyler took a deep breath and smiled. “It feels right.”

  “Well, that’s good, because that’s how we’ve felt about having you here this summer,” Liara said.

  I’m not sure of how I should interpret that. “Was this like a trial run or something?” Skyler asked.

  “No, hun.” Liara said. “We didn’t bring you in for a trial run. We fell in love with you within your first two weeks with us. And like one of us said earlier, you’ve grown and blossomed here so much. We couldn’t wait any longer to adopt you.”

  Skyler swallowed and nodded. “Cool.”

  “That’s it?” CK said.

  Katie laughed. “I’m sure it’s overwhelming.”

  “Grab your champagne,” Dale said. Everyone reached for their glasses and picked them up. “I offer a toast to the newest member of our family, Skyler Phoenix Kelley! Hip hip…”

  “Hooray,” everyone responded. Then they clinked glasses and enjoyed their champagne and the rest of the evening together.

  29 | Welcome to Temple

  SKYLER YAWNED AND ROLLED ONTO his back. His alarm clock had woken him a few minutes ago at 6:00 a.m. He reluctantly flipped the covers away from his body and rolled out of bed. He planted his feet on the floor and wiggled his toes in the plush carpet. Then, he stretched his hands and arms high over his head and willed himself to stand up. It was time to get ready for the first day of school.

  Half awake, Skyler used the restroom and then pulled on a pair of plaid blue boxer shorts before ambling downstairs to the kitchen. He walked over to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup.

  “Good morning,” Liara said softly. “Happy first day of school.”

  He turned and smiled. “Oh, hi. You’re up really early.”

  “I usually am. Not all of us get to sleep in like you guys did for summer vacation.” Even though Skyler had run with CK or cycled in the early mornings, he hadn’t gotten up at 6:00 a.m. for most of the summer.

  He chuckled. “True.” He set the coffee pot back on the warmer and then poured creamer into his coffee until it swirled and lightened the color. He groggily walked over to the kitchen island and pulled out one of the stools and sat down. He focused on his mug of coffee and took a sip.

  “Morning,” CK said, scratching his head and yawning. He padded over to the coffee maker in his pajama shorts and poured himself a mug.

  “Good morning,” Liara said softly. “Happy first day of school to you, too.”

  “Ugh, summer went by way too fast,” CK said.

  “What do you boys want for breakfast? Eggs and toast, French toast, waffles?”

  “French toast sounds amazing,” Skyler said.

  “Ditto here,” CK said as he pulled out a stool and sat next to Skyler. “Do we have bacon? That would be awesome.”

  “We have turkey bacon. I’ll put some on the griddle. Did you guys sleep well?”

  “Thanks, yeah. I did,” Skyler said.

  “Me too. Man, I forgot how much I hate getting up this early.” He sipped his coffee.

  “What’s your first day of school outfit going to be?” Liara asked. “I assume you both picked out something special to wear?”

  Skyler chuckled and sipped his coffee. “Of course! I’m going to wear my new slim gray shorts and pair it with an untucked, white button down shirt and a loose navy blue tie with anchors on it. I’ll wear my new boat shoes and use the brown messenger bag you bought me.”

  “You know there’s no dress code, right?” CK asked. “I mean, there is, but for the guys it pretty much rules out offensive t-shirts and super-short shorts. Oh, and no hats either.”

  “What are you wearing, CK?” Liara asked.

  “A fitted blue polo shirt and beige shorts with flip flops.”

  “I’m glad both of my sons have a sense of style,” Liara said. “You’ll both look very handsome today.”

  Skyler pointed at himself, and added, “I might have had something to do with it.”

  “Thank you,” Liara quipped.

  CK groaned and rolled his eyes. “Don’t forget to pack stuff for track practice after school.”

  “It’s gonna be a long day,” Skyler said.

  “Yes,” Liara said. “We’ll have a nice dinner together to celebrate. I’ll swing by the grocery store and pick up some nice steaks for grilling. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect, thanks, mom,” Skyler said.

  “Yeah, thanks mom,” CK echoed, smiling at Skyler.

  “Why don’t you boys get ready? Breakfast will be about twenty to thirty minutes. I just have to whip up the French toast batter.”

  The boys grunted their half-awake consent to Liara’s plan and carried their coffee mugs up to their rooms. Without planning it, they each walked to the door of their adjoining bathroom and opened their doors at the same time.

  They laughed together. “So, how does this work?” Skyler asked. “Who goes first?”

  “I shave after I shower. You shave before you shower. So’ that works for me.”

  “Okay,” Skyler said. He walked over to the sink and set his coffee mug on the counter and opened the hot water tap. As he pulled out his razor and shaving cream, CK opened the shower and started the water.

  When he finished shaving, he went back to his room and pulled out his clothes. Next, he pulled out his track clothes, an extra pair of underwear and socks, and running shoes. Then he packed them in his gym bag with a bottle of liquid soap and a clean towel.

  As he made his bed, he heard the water turn off and CK started to sing. A shower always seemed to refresh CK no matter the time of day. Skyler walked into the bathroom as CK wrapped his towel around his waist and stepped in front of the sink to shave. Skyler restarted the water, dropped his boxers, and entered the warm stream.

  As he showered, his mind drifted back to Grace, Noah, and Vicky. He wondered if they were starting school at the Academy today and how their summer went. He wondered if Cam was starting school today, wherever he was at. I hope he can be as happy as I am today.

  After showering, he toweled off and he walked back to his room and dressed himself. He smiled when he looked at himself in the mirror. It’s so weird to go to school in shorts. CK beat him to the stairs by a few seconds. Together they walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen where the smell of bacon and freshly made French toast tantalized their senses.

  “Morning, boys,” Dale said. He had already showered and dressed for work.

  “Hi dad,” they said together.

  “Ready for the big day?”

  “I guess,” CK said. “I could use a few more days of summer.”

  “Me too, but since it’s all new for me I’m kind of excited.” Skyler said.

  “I think you’ll have a great day,” Liara said.

  “Junior year is when things turn around for you,” Dale added. “I remember it well because I was so excited to finally be an upperclassman. All the freshmen looked so scared and little in comparison to me and my classmates.”

  That’s true. The new freshmen at the GSA barbecue did seem so small and nervous.

  “Not to rush you guys into junior year, but I’ll be leaving at 7:00 if you guys want a ride from me.”

  “Sure, thanks dad,” CK said through a mouthful of French toast.

  “What time is the first period?” Skyler asked, noting they had about fifteen minutes to finish breakfast.

  “Bell rings at 7:25.”

  “Ugh. That’s terrible. At the Academy, first period started at 8:00.”

  “You’re welcome to go back there,” CK teased.

  “Aw, hell no,” Skyler said, laughing.


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