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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Page 3

by Lucy Wild

  I climbed down into a seething mass of people. It was busier than any place I’d ever seen. Maria took my hand and led me through the crowds, up a flight of steps, stopping at a huge dark blue door. She grabbed the brass knocker and slammed it into the wood. The door was opened a moment later by a butler.

  “Lady Maria. Are you well?”

  “I’m fine thank you. Lost my key before you ask. This is a friend of mine. Please show her to the parlour.”

  “At once Lady Maria.”

  I felt very out of place as I found myself perching on the edge of an immaculate armchair, not daring to lean back in case I stained the delicate fabric. A large clock on the mantelpiece ticked loudly but otherwise the only sound was the thumping of my heart. At last Maria walked in, carrying a long gown over her arm. “Try this on,” she said.

  “I couldn’t possibly.”

  “If you are to live here with me, you must dress in a manner more appropriate than country farm girl.”

  “You mean I am to live here?”

  “Unless you would prefer to return to your village?”

  “My goodness no. I just meant…I’d be honoured to live here.”

  “Get changed then.”


  “Where else?”

  I pulled my tattered dress over my head. Standing naked before her, I suddenly felt very vulnerable, turning away from her. I jumped in shock as I felt her hands on me, spinning me back round to face her.

  “I can’t resist you,” she sighed. “You’re just too beautiful.”

  Her mouth opened slightly and she pulled me to her, lifting her own dress over her head as we embraced, my lips tingling with delight at the softness of her kiss. Her hands slid down my back to my buttocks, pulling them apart and sliding a finger between the crevice. Her nipples hardened against my skin as my pussy grew moist. She stroked her way around my bottom, her finger easing its way into my tiny hole whilst she pushed me backwards until I crashed into the window. She sank to her knees and buried her tongue in my pussy whist the finger in my bottom began to rock back and forth.

  “Oh my,” I moaned, grabbing the net curtain around me and yanking too hard. It came free from its hanger and fell to the ground, exposing our naked bodies to everyone passing by outside on the busy street.

  Chapter 7

  Grabbing my hand and giggling, Maria ran with me to her bedroom. As I fell onto the bed she was on me, plunging her tongue back into my pussy. The butler appeared in the doorway.

  “He’s watching us,” I gasped, expecting him to turn away but Maria merely glanced in his direction.

  “Fuck her for me would you Andrew? I must pop to the bathroom.”

  I felt sure I misheard her but then she left, her servant standing in the doorway and looking down at my naked body, my pussy aching with unfulfilled emptiness.

  “My lady,” he said, undoing his trousers. His clothes were gone in seconds, his taut muscular arms holding him up as he lay above me, his cock brushing over my thigh. As he began to kiss me, his cock slid down past my clit and found my hole, easing its way into me as his body crushed mine.

  “Be gentle,” I asked as the head of him stretched the inside of me. He seemed to fit perfectly as he slid all the way in, remaining deep inside me whilst kissing me. Our bodies rocked together, his pelvis rubbing my clit.

  “I want to feel you come in me,” I said. “Will you come inside me?”

  He raised his hips and slammed back into me, making me cry out with pleasure. He shoved me back against the bed with the force of his movements, my hands on his firm buttocks, drawing him deeper into me. “Come in me,” I said again as a climax drew near. My pussy walls began to burn with heat as an orgasm raced through me, making me shudder with delight, my whole body ablaze with pleasure.

  “Oh god,” he muttered. “You’re going to make me come.”

  “Do it!” I gasped.

  “Not yet Andrew,” came the sound of Maria’s voice from behind him. She pulled him to his feet and he looked utterly frustrated. Maria sank to her knees and licked my juices from his shaft. “How was it?” she asked, turning to me.

  “Let him come in me,” I begged. “I want to know what it feels like.”

  “You naughty girl. I thought you only wanted me.”

  I blushed furiously.

  “Stop teasing her,” Andrew said.

  “Oh all right. On your back.”

  He climbed onto the bed and lay on his back next to me. Maria nodded to me so I sat up and climbed onto him, feeling his cock stretch my insides as it became buried in me. Maria stood behind me, playing with my nipples with one hand and my clit with the other, all the while planting kisses on the side of my neck. I ground down on the cock inside me, the butler’s hands lifting and lowering me onto him as he moved faster and faster towards his orgasm.

  Maria’s hands frantically stroked my clit as I let out a scream and came. At the same instant, the cock inside me jerked inside me and I felt my first ever load of spunk pour into my hole. So much filled me that it began to drip back out as I collapsed by his side on the bed, the waves of bliss from my own orgasm still washing over me.

  “Happy now?” Maria asked, smiling down at the two of us.

  I nodded back at her, utterly exhausted. There was a soreness within me from the size of him but I didn’t care, smiling happily as my eyes glazed over and I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  I dreamt I was in the forest by my village again. Maria crashed through the undergrowth as before but she looked excited instead of scared. “They’re coming,” she said, throwing me to the ground. In an instant I was held in place by thick vines which knotted round my wrists and ankles. Above me a down naked men appeared.

  “Here she is boys,” Maria said, pulling off her dress. She stood above my face as the first man to reach her pushed his cock into her pussy. All I could do was stare up at them as juices dripped down onto my face. The other men were all masturbating as they grew stiffer at the sight of Maria and me.

  “I’m going to…” the man began and blinking I found myself no longer tied down. Now I was strapped to a wooden chair. The men surrounded me as before but they looked on the verge of orgasm. My pussy cried out for attention but they ignored it, their cocks approaching my face.

  I reached out with my mouth and took the nearest one in, sucking and licking it in the hope it would arouse the man enough to fuck me. It didn’t work. In seconds he twitched and pulled away, spraying cum onto my face. The others seemed to take that as some kind of signal, each of them beating their shafts until one after another they coated me in multiple loads of spunk. It ran through my hair as I stuck out my tongue, begging someone to fuck me.

  There was a knocking sound to my left and I looked that way to see a tree trunk opening. Blinking repeatedly I groaned as I saw I was awake in Maria’s bedroom, the door opening and Andrew carrying in our breakfast. I sat up and ate slowly as my clit throbbed. Maria soon awoke and kissed my cheek, noticing a card on the breakfast tray. “A telegram,” she said. “Interesting.”


  “What on earth does that mean?” I asked, sipping at my tea.

  “Tell me about your father’s new wife,” she replied.

  I summed up all I knew of her including catching her on the bed with the coach driver.

  “You have no warm feelings towards her?”

  “None at all. I know she wanted me out of the way but I do not know why.”

  “I think I do.”

  As she spoke my eyes widened and by the time she’d explained I’d both laughed and cried. When Maude Bramley arrived at noon I peered out from my hiding place to see the one woman I’d hoped never to see again.

  She looked the same as when she’d spanked me, haughty and perpetually disgusted by something. I had to suppress a giggle at the incongruity of the prim and proper woman in black standing in the hall and the naked woman I remembered calling
the coach driver, ‘daddy.’

  Andrew offered her a seat in the parlour and I tiptoed across to listen as Maria walked in and sat opposite her.

  “You stole my carriage,” Maude said.

  “You stole it from me first. Or had you forgotten that part? Care to tell me why I shouldn’t throw you into the street?”

  “I have a purse full of reasons. I have decided to invest in your new machine.”

  “You have the funds all of a sudden. How very unexpected. But why should I do business with you after you left my factory with my carriage and a month’s pay for the staff in your pocket?”

  “Because there’s enough there to repay you and much more besides. I know you Maria. I know you care more about money than petty grievances.”

  “Where did the funds come from?”

  “What does it matter?”

  “Indulge me.”

  Maude smiled, proud of her achievement. “It’s fairly simple. Find a fool with nothing going on upstairs. Flash him a hint of leg, get him wed and then disappear with the deeds to his house. Sell them on, take the money and repeat. This one was so stupid he thought selling the place was his idea.”

  “How do you know I won’t turn you in?”

  “Because you forget I saw your accounts. I know how close you are to bankruptcy since pumping your inheritance into that new loom of yours.”

  “I will bring the forms,” Maria said, ringing a small bell on the table beside her. Andrew appeared in the doorway with a brown file, withdrawing with a bow. “Sign these,” Maria said, passing a quill pen and pot of ink to Maude. I waited with baited breath. This was the key moment. Would she sign? Or would she want to read the papers first?

  Maude scribbled her name where indicated before setting down the quill beside her. Maria took the papers and placed them back in the file. “Where are you staying?”

  “The Crooked Billet.”

  “How apt. See Mrs Bramley out would you Andrew?”

  I ran behind a curtain and waited until the front door had closed before emerging. “Now for part two,” Maria said, waving the file at me.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning a police constable stood in the parlour looking through the signed papers. “So where is she?” he asked as he finished.

  “The Crooked Billet but listen, there is something you must know.”

  By the end of the day everything was in place. I was once more in my village wrapped up in an enormous cloak, veil and bonnet, hoping Maude would not see through the disguise. I sat in the corner of The Crooked Billet watching Maude flirt with Andrew. She didn’t seem to recognise him as Maria’s butler but then he was in farmer’s smock instead of suit and as relaxed as could be.

  At last the two of them rose to leave, Andrew tossing me a note as he passed by my table. Outside I found Maria waiting on her horse. Tossing her the note, I watched her race away. Andrew and Maude walked in front of me and I followed them to my old house. Feeling very different to last time I was here, I eased open the shutters once they were inside. Already she was naked on the bed, fumbling with Andrew’s trousers. As his cock sprang into view, she grabbed hold of it and took it deep in her mouth, sucking greedily.

  Andrew blocked her from being able to see me so I was able to observe without fear. He turned her onto all fours away from me, winking back at me as he buried his face in her bottom, his tongue exploring her hole. I watched in silence, hoping Maria would return before it was too late.

  At last I heard the sound of a horse trotting into the yard and sighed with relief. They were here. Through the window I could see Maude looking back at Andrew as his cock slid into her pussy. Her mouth opened wide as he filled her just as the riders reached my side.

  “I’m going to come,” Andrew grunted a moment later, grabbing Maude and bringing her face to his cock. I heard a man gasp behind me and turned to see my father striding over to the window, just in time to see Andrew spray spunk over Maude’s face.7

  Fuming, he stormed into the house and tore the two of them apart. Andrew allowed himself to be thrown out, acting as if unaware who the angry man was.

  We listened at the window as father yelled at Maude. “You say nothing happened whilst his cum drips from your face? I go away for one day to buy you the necklace you demanded and this is how you repay me?”

  A minute later she appeared in the doorway, not wearing a stitch of clothing as he threw her out, straight into the arms of the waiting police constable.

  “Maude Bramley?” he asked, grabbing her wrist and enclosing it in a handcuff.


  “You’re under arrest for fraud and bigamy. Come with me.”

  I had to resist jumping for joy as she was dragged into a black coach with barred windows. My father appeared at the doorway as it rolled away down the street. “I should not have trusted her,” he said. “But how did you know where to find me?”

  “Andrew got your location out of her,” I replied.

  “I thank you sir and I apologise for attacking you just now.” He turned to me. “Can you forgive me?”

  “If you accept I love a woman.”

  “A what?” He staggered back before regaining control of himself. “Having seen what marriage can do, I think two women loving each other can do no more harm.”

  We spent that night in the old house, the deeds of sale burning in the fireplace. The next morning Andrew drove Maria and me back to the city and here I have remained ever since.

  Maude was transported to the colonies, Maria’s machine was more successful than she could have ever hoped and our future is secure. Best of all, we have a house full of servants who are all as accommodating as Andrew. Only last night our bed was filled with Alice the maid, Geraldine the cook and Andrew, all squeezed in with Maria and myself. As I lie here with the sun rising outside and my body aching from last night’s pleasure, I sigh with happiness, the bell under my finger. I press it and wait. In a minute someone will arrive naked in my doorway, ready to attend to my every whim. Only one question remains. Will it be Alice, Geraldine or Andrew? Or perhaps if I’m lucky it might just be all three?

  Wild Love

  Chapter 1

  Elizabeth sat in the corner of the coaching inn feeling very alone. The place was filled with people escaping the driving rain and yet she knew no one and nobody knew her. So this was the famous friendly Yorkshire welcome, she thought. Why did Aunt Agatha have to die and force her to come here, so many miles from everyone and everything she knew?

  A barmaid brought over a plateful of what she laughingly called stew. “There you go love.”

  “Excuse me but does it ever stop raining in Yorkshire?”

  The barmaid laughed. “It’s dry enough in here isn’t it?”

  “I know that but I’ve been travelling for a week and I haven’t seen a single hint of sunshine.”

  The barmaid shrugged. “It’s not that bad,” she said, turning and walking away.

  Elizabeth finished her meal and stood up, leaving a small pile of coins as payment before making her way towards the door. As soon as she opened it the howling wind and driving rain rushed past her, trying to get inside. Setting her head against the gale, she ran for the coach and dived inside, sighing and wiping her brow with the sleeve of her long coat.

  The driver set the horses in motion and they made their way back onto the rutted and mud covered track that someone with a sense of humour had designated the main road onto the moors. Climbing slowly upwards Elizabeth stared out of the window as the grey of daylight began to shift into the dark grey of evening. The rain kept falling.

  She could see little of the sweep of the moors, the rain reducing her view to the few stumps of heather and ferns that lined the roadside. Her head ached from the constant rattle and jolt of the coach and she wondered again why her. Why was she the one to arrange Aunt Agatha’s affairs? She barely knew the woman, having met her only once ten years before.

  A mere child then, Elizabeth recalled a
domineering and angry woman who seemed to care about nothing but the mud Elizabeth had traipsed onto her kitchen floor. Was this her final revenge all these years later? Her will specifying that her niece arrange the sale of her cottage in person. Was she laughing from heaven right now at her wonderful joke?

  The climb ended as if they’d reached the top of a cliff, Elizabeth was thrown forwards, terrified for a moment that they were tumbling into oblivion. As she righted herself she realised they were heading down the steepest hill imaginable, the driver yelling at the horses, doing his best to control the speed of their descent.

  The wind seemed to be doing its best to push them down into the valley ever faster, the rain falling ever heavier until Elizabeth could see nothing out of the window at all other than thick droplets of water finding their way in at the cracks and gaps of the aging coach and pooling at her feet.

  As they at last levelled out at the valley bottom, Elizabeth frowned, the water level on the floor seemed to have risen far too fast. She was about to call out to the driver when the coach came to a halt, the only sound that of the roaring of the storm. Pulling the window down Elizabeth looked out, shocked to find they had stopped in what looked like the middle of a raging river. Over the howling wind she could just hear the driver yelling at the horses and then there was an almighty wrenching sound followed by the thud of an impact into the wheel of the coach.

  “What was that?” she yelled over the gale.

  “A rock hitting us underwater,” the driver called back.

  “Why on earth did you drive into a river?”

  “The beck’s swollen and swamped the road.”

  “Can we get out of here before we drown?”

  “The wheel’s buckled. “We’re not going anywhere. I’ll go fetch help. You wait here.”

  “I’m not waiting here!”

  She pushed open the coach door and took a look at the churning muddy water racing past. It doesn’t look that fast, she thought. “How far to my destination?”


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