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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Page 10

by Lucy Wild

  “I have some special medicine,” the woman said, her hands sliding down Laura’s body, over her stomach and the strap holding her in place. “It’s this,” she added, leaning down and planting a kiss on Laura’s thigh beside her nappy, making her gasp out loud.

  “Playtime’s over!” Mrs Rockton’s voice shouted from the other room. “Time for lessons.”

  Laura groaned with frustration as the woman untied her and stood her up. “Get well soon,” she said, kissing Laura softly on the lips before turning and walking back through the door to the playroom.

  Chapter 5

  “The best way to suck a cock,” Mr Sturdy said, looking down at Laura, “is to think of it like a dummy.”

  Laura blushed as he spoke. She looked around at the other girls but they all just nodded as if they already knew that. “When you are married, you want to be good wives to your husbands don’t you?”

  They all nodded again.

  “You must know how to pleasure your husband because by doing so you will please your family and his. Laura come up here.”

  She stood up and walked slowly over to him, her hands trembling. Her pussy was still sopping wet from her medical exam and her clit throbbed for attention. “How would you suck a cock Laura?”

  “I…I don’t know sir. I’ve only done it once.”

  A rippled of laughter spread through the room. “Only once?” Mr Sturdy roared. “You must practise if you are to get better. Now take this dummy in your mouth. That’s it. Suck it. Slow down, run your tongue over it. That’s better. Good. Now compare.”

  He rang a bell on his desk and an old man walked in, no younger than sixty. “This is Godfrey,” Mr Sturdy said. “He’s been teaching my students how to suck cock for nearly forty years now.”

  The old man shuffled over to Laura and nodded to her. “On your knees please my girl,” he said.

  “No,” she snapped. “I’m not going near his wrinkly old thing.”

  “Oh dear,” sighed Mr Sturdy. “I can see we have our work cut out with this one.” He grabbed hold of Laura and bent her over his desk, whipping up her dress and tugging her nappy down to her ankles. “You wicked, bad girl,” he cried as he began to spank her. “You have offended my colleague and you’ve offended me. You naughty, naughty girl and what’s this?” He paused, moving his face so close to her thighs, she could feel his breath upon her. “You’re wet,” he said, sounding shocked. “I think your disgust is for show.”

  He plunged his hand between her legs and rubbed her labia roughly, gathering up moisture before dangling his fingers before her eyes. “Want to deny it?”

  “No sir,” she said, her body crying out for his hand to return to her pussy.

  “Then continue the lesson. On your knees at once. Leave your nappy where it is.”

  Laura knelt down, nappy round her ankles as Godfrey pulled out his surprisingly large cock. It was already hard as he took it in his hand. “As you know girls, the skill is in the wetness. Lots of saliva and good tongue-work. Laura, lick the length of me.”

  She stuck out her tongue as her pussy seemed to widen, as if telling her she should present herself to him in a different way, her loins not her mouth should take him inside. Running her tongue along the length of his shaft she felt proud as he stiffened further.

  “That’s good. Now run the tip of your tongue around the head. Pull back the skin a little with your hand, that’s it. Now lick all around the head and over the hole. If you can taste a drop of cum, you know you’re doing well.”

  As she followed his instructions, Laura found herself becoming increasingly aroused. Her body cried out to be fucked but she was at least able to resist saying so out loud. The room watched in silence as she drew him into the back of her throat.

  “Gosh, you can fit it all inside. You are good at this. How many cocks has she sucked Mr Sturdy?”

  “She says only the one.”

  “A likely story. She’s an expert. I suspect she’s been a slut in her time and that’s no doubt why she was sent here.”


  Laura ignored them, moving her head back and forth in rhythm with her hands, drawing pleasure from the sounds the old man made above her. As he began to pulse in her mouth, she sucked and licked faster, bringing him to orgasm in under a minute. She blinked at the amount of cum which hit her tongue, tasting it as he withdrew before swallowing. She licked him a final time before standing up to a round of applause from the other women.

  “Enough,” Mr Sturdy said, silencing them with a wave of his hand. “I feel that perhaps we’ve all had a little too much excitement with the new girl so it’s off for a nap please all of you.”

  Laura filed out with the others, receiving several pats on her back and whispered congratulations. “He normally takes forever the old codger,” one girl said. “I’ve never seen anyone make him come that quickly. How did you do it?”

  Laura shrugged, remembering the words of the gardener. “I guess I’m just a natural cock sucker.”

  Chapter 6

  “A word with you Laura,” Mr Sturdy said as the other women filed into the dormitory. He beckoned her over and she followed him into a dressing room of sorts. The walls were covered in iron hooks and from each hung a different dress, some long, some short. From the left hand side of the door were the shortest outfits designed for young children moving around to the most mature ball gowns at the far side.

  “I think it’s time you changed into something more suitable for a woman of your…maturity, or lack thereof.” He unhooked a short white frock with embroidered butterflies on the front. “Change,” he said finally, folding his arms and leaning back against the window.

  “Here? In front of you?”

  “Are you questioning me?”


  He raised his eyebrows.

  “No sir.”

  “Good girl. Change.”

  Laura pulled her dress from her shoulders, shivering in the cool air. Once naked apart from her nappy, she glanced up at Mr Sturdy and was surprised to see him looking flushed. The expression only lasted a minute before he got control of himself but it was long enough to make her start to wonder if he was quite as disciplined as he acted.

  She stepped into the frock, looking down at herself. “I look so young,” she said, the nappy half visible under the hem of the dress.

  “That’s the point,” he replied. “This entire system is based on interacting with the inner child. I have built an entire educational psychology devoted to it. Your inner child was starved of boundaries and now it is beginning to respond to them. Do you not feel calmer since coming here?”

  Laura thought for a moment. “I think I do,” she said at last.

  “Excellent. Although I think you perhaps need a nappy change before the evening’s entertainment.”

  “I have not had an accident sir.”

  “Nonetheless, I would ask that you lie on your back for me.”

  Laura lay down automatically, pushing her legs into the air as a dummy was pushed into her mouth. “Oh dear,” said Mr Franklin as he untied the knots holding the cloth in place and tossed it aside. “You’re quite red and sore down there.”

  “That’s perhaps due to the spankings.”

  “Whatever the cause, some cream is required. Close your eyes and stay still.”

  Laura did as requested, listening to a sound of rustling movement. It continued for a good minute before she eased open her eyelids, catching a glimpse of Mr Sturdy masturbating furiously between her legs, his cock a mere inch from her pussy. She took in the sight of his large shaft, the bulbous head shining in the light as a drop of precum appeared, falling onto her clit.

  Mr Sturdy looked up at her and she shut her eyes quickly, hoping he hadn’t seen her spying on him. The sound of movement grew quicker and then she heard him breathe heavily a moment before a splash of wetness hit her bottom.

  “You may open your eyes,” Mr Sturdy said, “and rub the cream in wherever you need s

  Laura shuffled her knees apart and set her feet on the ground, reaching between her legs and scooping up the warm spunk, smearing it into her buttocks. Her clit cried out for attention and she couldn’t resist its call, sliding her fingers towards it and rubbing the cum over her labia. When she reached her clit, she began to circle it slowly, only too aware of Mr Sturdy staring down at her. She spread her lips apart with her hands, wanting to tempt him into touching her but he remained as still as a statue although his face had reddened somewhat.

  Returning to her clit, she stroked it with her left hand whilst moving her right to her pussy, easing a finger into herself and finding it fitting for the first time, her wetness helping it slide deep into her.

  She let out a sigh of satisfaction, the heat of a climax starting to build within her. “That’s enough,” Mr Sturdy said. “Young girls should not masturbate, it is sinful.”

  He yanked her hands away and stood her up, opening the door and leading her out. “You should spend the evening in the chapel repenting.”

  Laura felt both upset and frustrated but as she walked away, she felt a hand on her bottom and turned in time to see Mr Sturdy squeeze her buttocks firmly before blinking as if regaining control of himself, shaking his head and walking quickly away in the opposite direction.

  Chapter 7

  It took Laura a long time to get to sleep that night. The whispering of the women in the other beds of the dormitory was distracting enough, as was the occasional moan heard from downstairs. Worse than that was her thoughts about Mr Sturdy. The look on his face as he’d masturbated would not leave her mind no matter what she did. The touch of his hand on her made her tingle deep inside in a way she didn’t fully understand. All she knew was that she didn’t think she wanted to go home anytime soon.

  The next morning when she awoke the dormitory was empty. “Did I oversleep?” she asked herself as she climbed out of bed. Her frock was nowhere to be seen and someone had removed her nightdress as she’d slept. All there was beside her bunk was a nappy and she reluctantly stepped into it, easing open the door of the dormitory with her hand across her breasts to see if anyone was there.

  “Ah, you’re up at last,” Mrs Rockton said, stepping out of the shadows.

  “Where’s my dress?” Laura asked.

  “Lazybones wear no clothes. You’ll soon learn to get up on time after a naked day especially as today we are going on a field trip.”

  “Oh no!”

  “I’m afraid so but do not worry. You aren’t the first girl we’ve taught who has been naked outdoors and you won’t be the last.”

  “But I cannot be seen in public in a nappy.”

  “Why not? Your inner child cares not for such things, only for pleasure and presents and tantrums.”

  “But I am not a child!”

  “There we must beg to differ. Adults do not demand sundry gifts from their parents, nor scream and throw things when they do not get their own way. Oh yes, I know all about you Laura. Now the others are waiting downstairs so you must hurry with your breakfast and join them.”

  “At least you aren’t stopping me from eating for oversleeping.”

  “Eating no, drinking yes.”

  With those words Mrs Rockton pulled out her breast and Laura instead of being repulsed, found herself drawn towards it. She took the nipple into her mouth without being asked, latching on and sucking deeply, drawing the nourishing fluid onto her tongue and swallowing quickly. As she did so, she found her lips pressing into the engorged nipple, rolling over it with her tongue as Mrs Rockton let out a little sigh of pleasure.

  Laura’s insides tingled at the thought of how much she was teasing the mature woman beside her. Her hand moved up to Mrs Rockton’s other breast, as if to test her reaction. To her surprise, the older woman didn’t move a muscle, leaving her free to slide the dress from the other shoulder and expose her chest.

  She began to play with the globe of flesh on display whilst continuing to suckle, squeezing the nipple with her fingers, her own nipple hardening as she did so.

  Mrs Rockton stroked her hair. “That’s a good girl,” she said, her hand moving down over her cheek and stopping at Laura’s breasts. She groped them roughly, cupping them in her hand and encircling the nipples, reaching down as Laura finished drinking, taking her right breast into her mouth.

  “No milk here,” she said, moving to the other one, sucking hard on the nipple as Laura let out a gasp. Mrs Rockton’s dress slid down to her hips, revealing the top of her pussy. Laura’s hand moved to it, sliding down between the folds of flesh and finding them soaking wet.

  Mrs Rockton reached into her nappy, moving straight to her clit and rubbing it gently. Together they moved in synchronised rhythm, each motion of their hands making them breath ever heavier, their chests heaving.

  Laura felt her body tensing up and she knew a climax was approaching. Just as she felt on the very verge of an orgasm Mr Sturdy’s voice echoed from downstairs. “We are waiting ladies!”

  Mrs Rockton yanked her hand away as if she’d been bitten, pulling up her dress and trotting downstairs, Laura close behind her.

  “Come on, come on,” Mr Sturdy waved them outside and Laura found herself surrounded by the others, marvelling at the fact nobody seemed to care that she wore nothing but a nappy.

  They walked over the grass, Laura continually glancing around her to see if anyone would see them. When they reached a gate, they passed through it and she gasped as she saw a village in the distance. “Don’t make me go there,” she begged, tugging Mr Sturdy’s coat sleeve.

  “Why ever not?”

  “Because I’m half naked. Please don’t make me go there.”

  “Will you respect your father from now on?”

  “Yes, anything, just let me return to the house.”

  “And his new wife, Maria? Will you respect her?”

  Laura paused, unable to form the word, yes.

  “I thought not. On we go.”

  Laura’s head sunk to her shoulders as they reached the edge of the village, people beginning to point at her, whispering to each other. “Ignore the tittletattle,” he called out.

  “What about the tits?” some wag shouted back to him and there was an echo of laughter.

  “Does the baby want a bottle?” someone else shouted.

  “Why the nappy? Does she still wet the bed?”

  “I’ve got something she can suck on instead of a bottle.”

  “Oh god,” Laura muttered, her hands folded over her chest as they stopped at a doctor’s surgery. Behind her someone wolf whistled but she ignored them, continuing to stare straight ahead of her.

  “In we go girls,” Mr Sturdy said and they filed into a cramped waiting room. “Ah, Doctor Jones. We’ve come for the check-ups.”

  “Excellent,” a man in a white coat said, emerging from behind a curtain. “You first.”

  A tall dark haired girl followed the doctor through the curtain as the others sat on the faded sofas that lined the walls of the waiting room.

  “What are we doing here sir?” Laura asked.

  “Making sure you are all fit and healthy and getting some vital measurements sorted out.”

  “What kind of measurements?”

  “Enough questions. You’ll see soon enough. Mrs Rockton, a dummy in her mouth to silence her if you please.”

  Chapter 8

  Laura sat sucking on her dummy whilst one girl after another passed through the curtain. As each returned, they beamed grins at her before being sent back to the house one by one. Finally only Laura remained and the doctor beckoned her through, either not caring about her half naked state or being too polite to mention it.

  “Hope into the examination chair if you would,” he said, pointing to a wooden chair with a perfect circle cut out of the seat. As Laura sat down, her bottom sank into the hole. “What is this for?” she asked, pulling the dummy from her mouth.

  “To gain the measurements required by Mr Stu
rdy,” the doctor replied. “Legs apart.”

  He strapped her knees to the sides of the chair before untying her nappy and dragging it out from under her. “Can’t have that in the way now can we?” he said as he scrawled something in a notepad. “Name?”

  “Laura Cricklewood.”

  “How old are you Laura?”


  “Are you sexually active?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Have you ever had sexual intercourse?”

  “I fail to see…”

  “Just answer the question if you’d be so kind. Have you ever indulged in sexual intercourse before?”

  “No never.”

  “Be honest, a beautiful girl like you with a body like that. You must have done.”

  “I have not!”

  “I meant no offence. If I were younger, I’d leap at the chance to join you in the bedroom. Now I just need to take the first measurements.”

  “Why am I tied in place?”

  “To stop you from falling. Some of the tests can cause muscle spasms.”

  He took a tape measure and wrapped it around her left breast and then her right. He took note of the size of her nipples, her mouth, her fingers, moving over every accessible inch of her before stepping back and reaching for a handle on the wall. “You may feel a little pain,” he said, “tell me when it gets too much.”

  He began to wind the handle. “What are you doing?” Laura asked as a cranking clicking sound filled the air. She realised it was coming from underneath her chair and let out a shriek as something solid and smooth pressed slowly between her buttocks. “Let me go!”

  “I must ascertain your measurements,” he replied, continuing to slowly turn the handle.

  “What can you be measuring down there?”

  “How much you can fit in you of course.”

  As the cylinder eased further up, Laura could feel a greasy wetness coating it, helping lubricate its way towards her bottom. She could not move away from it, trapped in the chair in this way but as it nudged against the entrance to her, she found she no longer wanted to. The doctor stopped it there and crouched down, looking under the chair and making adjustments to the mechanism.


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