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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Page 26

by Lucy Wild

  Downlow was outside and Olivia beside her, laid naked and senseless on the pavement. “Poor girl,” Downlow said. “Call a coach somebody.”

  A coach was obtained and Olivia lifted into it, the old lady on the other seat. “May I accompany you,” asked the book keeper.

  “Yes of course, I’ll be back momentarily, I left my spectacles in the courtroom,” said Downlow.

  Olivia stirred, sitting up and finding herself in the coach with the door closed and the book keeper opposite.

  “You are well miss?” he asked.

  “Well enough,” she replied. “Although there is an ache inside me that I need satisfying.”

  “What can you mean?” he asked in innocence.

  Olivia slid from her seat, unable to stop herself in her urgent need for something inside her. She rubbed at the book keeper’s cock through his trousers until a visible bulge appeared. At this point she reached in through his flies and brought it out, climbing onto him and sinking down onto his shaft, kissing him deeply as she rocked above him, bringing his hand to stroke her clit. She began to bounce ever faster on him as they kissed, using his fingers to help bring her to a shuddering orgasm before slumping back against the far seat in a dead faint.

  Downlow opened the door and entered seconds later and away they drove.

  Chapter 12

  The coach rattled over London streets until it reached a neat house near Pentonville. Here Olivia was deposited in a bed and left to rest for many days, fever tearing through her. Weak and thin, she awoke at last and sat up in bed. “What room is this? Where am I?” she asked.

  A motherly lady, neatly and precisely dressed turned from her chair beside the bed to answer. “Hush my dear, you must be quiet or you will be ill again. Rest now.”

  “I cannot. I must have sex!”

  “Save us,” said the old lady, tears in her eyes. “How you have been mistreated in the past. Here, drink this.” She brought water and then patted Olivia on the cheek and told her to lie still or risk becoming ill once more.

  So Olivia kept still and soon dozed, awakened by the light of a candle which showed a gentleman by the bedside.

  “You are better are you not?”

  “Yes thank you sir.”

  “You’re hungry?”

  “No sir.”

  “She is not hungry Mrs Bedwin.” The lady nodded her head. “You feel sleepy don’t you my dear?”

  “No sir.”

  “You are not sleepy or thirsty.”

  “Rather thirsty.”

  “Give her tea Mrs Bedwin but no spunk under any circumstances until she is quite well.”

  Olivia dozed again and when he awoke it was bright day. The disease was passed and she belonged to the world again.

  In three days time she was able to sit in an easy chair and in another day she was permitted to masturbate gently. This she did whilst propped up on pillows, reading the pages of an erotic book and thinking of all her past sexual encounters, taking her time and stroking her clit softly until she reached a climax, her heart beat racing and settling soon after, leaving her dizzy for a short time.

  The morning after that Mrs Bedwin allowed her down to her housekeeper’s room, sitting her by the fire and asking how she felt. “Is masturbation enjoyable?” she asked. “It is not something I have ever attempted.”

  “What do you do when you want an orgasm?”

  “A what my dear?”

  “You have never heard the word?”

  “I have not.”

  Olivia sighed and got to her feet, weak as she was. “I cannot undress you but if you deign to remove your skirts I will tutor you in what to do.”

  Mrs Bedwin frowned. “I am not sure that would be seemly.”

  “Come come, it will do us both good.”

  Mrs Bedwin at last acquiesced, removing her dress and petticoats before detaching her crinoline and lastly sliding off her plain cotton drawers, leaving her stockings in place. She blushed as Olivia motioned for her to lie on the floor and face the mirror leaning against the corner of the room. “Knees up a little. That’s it.”

  Olivia came to sit beside her and lifted her night dress to expose herself in a similar fashion. “Now take your hand like so and pull your lips apart a little. That’s it. See that nub at the top there?” With that she brushed her finger over Mrs Bedwin’s clit, making the old lady gasp with surprise. “See how that felt? That is the core of your pleasure. Stroke it, rub it, even squeeze it, do whatever it takes to bring you joy. Observe me.”

  Olivia slipped a finger into herself and brought out enough glistening wetness to coat her clit, masturbating slowly whilst observing her companion in the mirror. “That’s it. Keep going and you’ll soon see what an orgasm is.”

  The two of them were silent for a time, each lost in their own pleasure. “Do you need some help?” she asked, shuffling onto her front and lying between Mrs Bedwin’s legs.

  “What are you going to do?” Mrs Bedwin asked.

  “Move your fingers like this. That’s it, now keep doing that whilst I do this.” At those words, Olivia leaned closer and closer until her lips pressed to Mrs Bedwin’s clit. She flicked her tongue over it and then began to circle it whilst moving her own hand under her body to continue rubbing herself in a similar manner.

  “Oh my,” said Mrs Bedwin. “What is this sensation I feel inside me? It is as if I might burst.”

  “Just relax,” said Olivia before resuming the ministrations of her mouth. She listened as Mrs Bedwin’s breathing became ever heavier, maintaining the same speed with her tongue as she slid a single finger into the old woman.

  “I feel something,” the old woman gasped. “Oh my goodness, what…?” She stopped speaking, arching her back and thrusting her hips upwards as she achieved her first ever orgasm. Olivia stopped licking her as her limbs shook, watching the contractions of her pussy slowly fade away before sitting up and bringing herself to a quick climax beside the older woman. As she came she felt a tear run down her cheek.

  “Why do you cry?” Mrs Bedwin asked.

  “You’ve been so kind to me ma’am.”

  “It was nothing. Now you must allow me to dress for Mrs Downlow is to visit you soon. Why are you looking at that painting up there?”

  “I don’t know,” said Olivia. “What a beautiful face she had. Is it a likeness?”

  “Yes, a portrait.”

  “Whose ma’am?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “The eyes, they look as if they want to speak to me.”

  “Come now, you must eat and not of me.”

  She was still feeding broth to Olivia when Mrs Downlow walked in. “Poor girl,” he announced. “How do you feel?”

  “Very happy madam. And grateful to you all for your kindness.”

  “Good Tina White.”

  “My name is Olivia madam.”

  “Olivia White?”

  “Twist madam.”

  “What made you tell the magistrate you were named White?”

  “I never did so sir.”

  “Why, what’s this?” He pointed at the portrait on the wall and then at Olivia’s face. There was its living copy, the eyes, head, mouth, all the same. Olivia fainted dead away at that moment which gives us leave to explain the whereabouts of Fucker and Bates. After Olivia was arrested they made their way back to Getin and found her waiting out for them.

  “What’s this?” she asked. “Only two. Where’s the third?”

  Chapter 13

  “Where’s Olivia?” asked Getin. “What’s become of her? Speak or I’ll spank you both.”

  “The beak has him,” said Fucker as Getin swung for him. Ducking out of reach he picked up the toasting fork as Getin grabbed the coffee pot and hurled it through the air.

  “What the blazes?” growled a deep voice. “Who pitched that at me?” The man who spoke entered the room, a stout fellow of thirty five in black velveteen coat, soiled breeches, lace up boots, brown hat and dirty handkerchief ro
und his neck. Behind him a dog skulked into the corner, coiling up quietly.

  “Ill treating the boys Getin? I wonder they don’t murder you.”

  “Hush Mr Sikes,” said Getin.

  “None of your Mister to me.”

  “Well then Bill Sikes. You seem out of humour.”

  “Perhaps I am as a pewter pot was flung at my head.”

  “Allow me to calm you,” said Getin, sitting on Sikes’ lap and kissing him softly. As she did so, she began to grind against him, feeling his erection grow under her. She sank to the floor and pulled at his breeches, drawing his huge member free and taking it into her mouth. Sikes growled and snatched her up, twisting her round and almost hurling her over the table, wrenching up her skirts and thrusting straight into her without preamble. Getin let out a squeal of delight as he filled her completely, rocking back against him as he grabbed her hips and brought himself to orgasm in a matter of minutes, spurting deep inside her before withdrawing and immediately demanding a drink.

  After two glasses of spirits Fucker and Bates were brought to the table to join the conversation which fell to Olivia’s capture.

  “He may say something which gets us in trouble,” said Getin.

  “That he may,” returned Sikes. “Someone must find out what’s been done.”

  At that moment Bet and Nancy walked into the room and the conference grew wider. “Bet will go,” said Getin.

  “Go where?” she asked, noticing Sikes cock still sticking from his trousers. She sat one side of him as Nancy sat the other, the two of them stroking him slowly back to life.

  “Up to the office,” said Getin.

  “I will not.”

  “Nancy, what say you?”

  Nancy could not answer for she had sunk to her knees and taken Sikes into her mouth, making him hard in a short time with Bet assisting her. She lifted her dress and sank onto him, rocking back and forth as Bet began to masturbate beside them, Sikes’ thick fingers rubbing her clit roughly.

  “Well Nancy?” asked Sikes.

  “I won’t go.”

  “Yes you will,” he said, holding her in place and thrusting up into her until she was on the brink of orgasm but not letting her pass over the edge until she agreed. At last her frustration was such that she acquiesced in exchange for being allowed to come at last. Sikes moved her upon him in haste as he tipped her over the edge, grunting his own orgasm inside her as she came, his cum spraying her pussy as she gasped and slumped back against him, Bet still moaning beside her.

  Accordingly with a white apron and papers in a bonnet, Miss Nancy went forth to the office to find Olivia not there. “Where is my darling sister?” she asked the officer.

  “I cannot say,” he replied. “Nothing could make me tell you I can assure you of that.”

  A minute later and with his cock deep in Nancy’s mouth he blurted out, “The lady’s got her.”

  “What lady,” Nancy mumbled , licking the tip of him until he splashed cum onto her face.

  “Olivia was taken to a house in Pentonville,” he gasped, still recovering as Nancy stood up, nodded and left the office. She returned to Getin and Sikes and they made their plans.

  “I must have her,” said Getin as Nancy left once more. “Find her and I’ll know what to do next. If she means to blab we may stop her mouth yet.”

  Chapter 14

  Olivia soon recovered from her fainting fit and found the painting had been removed.

  “It is gone,” said Mrs Bedwin.

  “But why?”

  “Mrs Downlow felt it might worry you.”

  “It didn’t worry me. In fact I quite loved it.”

  “Then get well and it shall be hung again.”

  The days that followed were happy ones, everybody so kind and gentle to her. Mrs Bedwin was eager to be taught much about masturbation and the pair would often pass the hours in Olivia’s room, indulging in mutual touching until they lost count of their climaxes spent together.

  A week after the affair of the picture, Olivia was in a new gown talking to Mrs Downlow in her study as she sat beside a pile of books.

  “There are many books here are there not?” she asked.

  “I never saw so many,” replied Olivia, glancing at the shelves.

  “Every one an erotic treat,” replied the old lady. “You shall read them all. Now tell me the story of how you came to be in the street on the day we met and spare no detail.”

  Olivia began her life story and reached the point of entering the whorehouse before the doorbell was rung and Mrs Downlow called away. “We will continue in the morning,” she said, sending Olivia back to the other room.

  “Stop,” she called out. “I have these books to return. Will you take them for me and settle my account?”

  “Of course madam. I shall run all the way.”

  “Here is a five pound note. Bring me back ten shillings change.”

  “I will madam.” Olivia left the house and did not return. Mrs Downlow waited in vain.

  Chapter 15

  Olivia made her way to the book stall when a woman screamed in her face, “Oh my dear lover, you are here at last.”

  “Let go of me!” Olivia cried. Who are you?”

  “Oh gracious Olivia. You naughty girl running off whilst we were in the midst of a sexual encounter, leaving me frustrated and alone. Come home directly.”

  “Let go of me!” Olivia said again whilst a number of passersby extolled her to return and give her lover the orgasm she clearly needed.

  “She ran away and left me on the brink,” Nancy said.

  “You young tease,” said one woman.

  “I don’t know her,” Olivia replied. “I have no lover.”

  “What the devil’s this?” said a man with a dog at his heels. “Come home to your lover and what are these? You been stealing books.” The man hit Olivia on the bottom with the books as the surrounding crowd cheered.

  “Bring her to her senses,” they yelled. Sikes nodded at them all. “I shall,” he said, yanking up Olivia’s dress and pulling down her knickers, bending her over his knee and spanking her whilst the crowd cheered.

  Olivia felt duty bound to protest but as Sikes slipped his hand ever closer to her pussy she found her ardour enflamed so strongly she could not. Instead she spread her legs a little and the crowd grew nearer, watching as Sikes pulled out his enormous member and lifted Olivia onto his lap, wrapping her legs around him and bouncing him heartily up and down on his shaft whilst Nancy took the orphan’s hand and ground it into her pussy through her knickers, finding the edge and sliding them under the fabric and into her pussy.

  Olivia came first, the sheer bulk of Sikes inside her enough to bring her to orgasm, a climax made all the more powerful by knowing the eyes of so many were upon them. As Nancy came a moment later around her finger she let out a moan of delight, increasing in pitch as Sikes flooded her pussy with a copious quantity of spunk.

  At this, the crowd dispersed, thinking the show clearly over. Olivia was walked on shaky legs through the streets whilst Mrs Bedwin waited anxiously by the open front door of the house in Pentonville as night drew on.

  Chapter 16

  Olivia was dragged back to Getin who was waiting in her room. “Look at her posh togs Getin,” said Charley putting the light to Olivia’s dress.

  “We’ll keep that safe for you,” said Getin, giving Charley the nod. Olivia’s dress was tugged from her protesting form at the same instant as Fucker brought out the five pound note.

  “That’s mine,” said Sikes.

  “No,” replied Getin. “You shall have the books.”

  “I shall not,” said Sikes, snatching the note and folding it small. “That’s for our trouble. You keep the books.”

  “Send them back or the kind lady will think I stole them,” pleaded Olivia, prostrated naked before Getin.

  “Quite right Olivia,” said Getin. “She will think that.” With that Olivia made a dash for the door. Getin caught him and rais
ed a club to bring down a blow on the girl’s head. Nancy rushed forwards and took the club, flinging it onto the fire.

  “You have the boy. What more would you have?” She stamped her feet violently on the floor.”

  Getin saw it would be hopeless to disregard Nancy’s anger, turning to Sikes for support.

  “What do you mean by this?” asked he.

  “I wish I’d been struck dead in the street before I lent a hand in bringing her here. She’ll be a thief, a liar, a whore from now on, isn’t that enough without blows?”

  She made a rush at Getin but Sikes took hold of her as she fainted dead away. “Now Olivia,” said Getin. “Perhaps show us what you’ve learned at the house of the rich my dear?”

  Getin removed her dress, taking her time as Sikes took off his breeches, Fucker too. Whilst Nancy slumbered unaware in the corner, Olivia took the two men at once, Getin watching and masturbating silently. The orphan had Sikes in her behind and Fucker in her mouth until each reached orgasm inside her whilst all the time she thought of the books and the fact that Downlow would think her a thief.

  She forced herself to focus on the pleasure of the moment, Getin turning her onto her back and sitting on her face, taking Fucker’s still hard cock into her older mouth with relish as Olivia licked at her pussy until she reached a screaming loud climax.

  Once accomplished, Olivia was left to find her own bed in the dark, the others locking her in the room whilst they went out with Nancy in their arms. Despite her frustration at not achieving orgasm the remnants of Olivia’s illness still remained and she sunk into a restless sleep almost immediately.

  Chapter 17

  Mr Bummer found himself in London on business shortly after and was taken by an advertisement on a lamppost.

  Five Guinea Reward – Whereas a young girl named Olivia Twist was last seen by her home in Pentonville and has not been heard of since. The reward will be paid for information leading to her discovery.

  There followed a description of Olivia and the address of Mrs Downlow.


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