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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Page 32

by Lucy Wild

  Carol glanced around as if expecting to find herself tied down by fifty fathoms of dildo shaped cable but she saw nothing. “Marlene,” she implored. “Tell me more, speak comfort to me.”

  “I have none to give. It shall come from elsewhere as shall you come elsewhere. My time is nearly done! Listen to me!”

  “I will but don’t allow a hard on to be put in me.”

  “I have sat here invisible many a day and watched you refuse to masturbate. I saw you that time you pushed a finger into your bottom ostensibly to warm it, I saw the excitement in your eyes and the sadness when you forced it out again. You have the spark of desire in you, a chance to escape my fate.”

  “You were always a good friend to me.”

  “You will be fucked by three spirits.”

  Carol’s countenance fell low at the thought. “Is that the chance and hope you mentioned?”

  “It is. You must let them fuck you, hard, fast and in whichever position they see fit until mutual orgasms are achieved by all and you are filled with ectoplasm.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Without their visits, you cannot hope to shun the path I tread. The first will come tomorrow when the bell tolls one and they should all come shortly afterwards if you understand my meaning. By which I mean spunk in you.”

  “Couldn’t I take them all at once and have it over?”

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Three on one? It is not the way. Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third upon the next night when the last stroke of your pussy and your sex toy has ceased to vibrate. Look to see me no more and remember what has passed between us and up me.”

  Saying those words, the spectre stood up and walked backwards as the window behind it began to open.

  It beckoned Carol to approach when it reached it, sitting on the windowsill with its legs spread wide apart. Carol became aware of confused noises in the air outside, the mixed sounds of countless people in the midst of passionate lovemaking. Marlene listened for a moment then began to join in the noise as she motioned for Carol to lick her pussy.

  This Carol did, unable to stop herself at the sight of it glistening even as she could see the windowsill through it. Marlene leaned back and rocked her hips against Carol’s tongue, moaning ever louder as behind her the air filled with phantoms, all fucking or watching in restless haste, moaning as they went.

  Carol ran her tongue along the length of Marlene’s barely there pussy, sinking into her hole but having to resist delving too deep for fear her head would push on through and she’d be licking the windowsill instead.

  She found the engorged nub of Marlene’s clit and flicked her tongue over it until Marlene let out a wail of delight and climaxed, falling back as she did so, drifting out of the window and up into the air to join the other spirits.

  Carol looked out, seeing a number of phantoms known to her in life. There was one voluptuous naked woman crying piteously at being unable to sink onto the erect cock of a man sat masturbating in the street below, her chains holding her in place. A gentleman was trying to push himself into the ass of a woman bent over to tie her shoes, her dress riding up to expose her lack of underwear but he merely passed through her and up on the next gust of wind.

  They all looked sexually frustrated as they sought to improve the lot of the living and yet could not. Whether they faded into the mist or the mist faded into them, Carol could not tell but they soon faded away and night was night again.

  Carol closed the window and examined the door by which the ghost had entered. It was still locked. She tried to say cumbug but stopped at the first syllable. Being tired of the emotions endured whilst bringing Marlene to orgasm, she went straight to bed and refused to masturbate, lying with a pussy which begged for attention until she fell asleep.

  Chapter 2

  When Carol awoke it was so dark that looking out of bed she could hardly distinguish between the window and the wall of her bedroom. She was attempting to pierce the darkness when the chimes of a nearby church struck. Her mind was as fogged as the sky outside as memories of her dream washed over her, blurring with her memory of Marlene’s visit. In her dream Marlene was as solid and real as her, pushing her back onto the bed and climbing on top of her, fingers and lips moving over every inch of her body under her nightshirt.

  The heavy bell didn’t stop chiming. It went all the way up to twelve. Twelve! It was two when she went to bed. The clock must be wrong. “I cannot have slept through a day and into the next night. It must be noon.” Leaping out of bed, she was obliged to rub the frost from the window before looking out and even then all she could see was fog and darkness.

  She went to bed again, her nipples achingly hard in the cold, her pussy throbbing with desire which she chose to ignore. She lay in this state for three quarters more, unable to sleep as her clit screamed to be touched and yet unwilling to degrade herself by deigning to attend to it. She remembered all of a sudden that Marlene’s ghost had warned of a visit at one and resolved to lie awake until the hour had passed.

  The quarter was so long that she was convinced she must have dozed and missed the clock until it broke upon her listening ear.

  Ding dong.

  “Quarter past,” said Carol as the thought of a huge dong filled her mind.

  Ding dong.

  Half past, thought Carol, an image entering her mind of what half could also mean. It could refer to semi as of a semi on, a cock beginning to stiffen and grow as her lips enveloped it.

  Ding dong.

  Quarter to, thought Carol, visions in her head of a penis at the same angle as the minute hand, thrusting towards her waiting pussy.

  Ding dong.

  “The hour and nothing else.”

  The hour bell sounded and light flashed into the room, the curtains of her bed drawn aside by a hand. Carol started up and found herself face to face with the unearthly visitor. It was a strange figure, young and old at the same time. Its hair hung about its neck, white with age yet the face bore no wrinkle. The arms were long and muscular, the hands the same. It tore a short tunic of shimmering white and jutting from its hips was a cock as green as holly. From its tip sprung a jet of light by which all this was visible.

  “Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?” asked Carol.

  “I am.” The voice was soft and gentle, low as if coming from a distance and yet seductive as if whispered into her ear.

  “Who and what are you?”

  “I am the ghost of erotic encounters past.”

  “Long past?”

  “Your past.”

  “Perhaps you might shield the light coming from your member for it is blinding my eyes.”

  “What? Would you put out the light I give? I am here for your welfare and that is how you greet me, asking me to cover my cock?”

  “I apologise good sir but perhaps sleep would be better for my wellbeing than the sight of a stranger’s reproductive organ.”

  “It is a cock and I want you to take hold of it this instant and we will walk together.”

  It would have been in vain for Carol to plead that the weather and the hour were not adapted to walking, that she was clad in nothing more than a nightshirt and that she had no interest in holding his prick. She rose as the spirit moved to the window.

  “I will fall,” said Carol, looking down at the ground far below.

  “The slightest taste of my spunk and you shall be upheld as if you were a night owl. On your knees Carol Christmas.”

  “I am not desirous of your seed in my mouth.”

  “You are coming with me out of this window. Suck me and fly, reject me and fall. Your choice.”

  Carol tried to protest but the spirit was unmoved. Finally she reasoned that if this were a dream, as she was certain it was, sucking a dream cock would be permitted even to her prudish mind. Thus she lowered herself until it was at eye level and taking the shaft in her hand she opened her mouth and eased it inside. Once it was on her tongue
all doubts were gone in the same instant as the bright light vanished and she desired only to taste the spirit’s issue. She licked and sucked in the dark as if she had done so daily for many years, being unable to see making her shame lessen as the cock began to twitch and shake.

  A moment later the spirit came and her mouth was filled with cum that ran to back of her throat, the salty taste of it warming her soul. At once she felt lighter and as the spirit stepped from the window ledge into the night air she took his hand and away they went, passing through the wall in an instant.

  They were stood upon an open country road, fields either side. The city had vanished as had the mist for it was a clear cold winter’s day with snow upon the ground.

  “I was a young woman here,” said Carol, clasping her hands together, the taste of spunk still upon her tongue. “I lost my virginity in this place.”

  “Your lip is trembling,” said the ghost.

  “It is nothing. Lead me where you will.”

  “You recollect the way?”

  “I could walk it blindfold.”

  “Shame I did not bring one. Though it is strange you forgot your homeplace this many years.”

  They walked along the road and Carol recognised every gate and tree as being where she took her first forays into womanhood. They reached a market town with bridge, church and winding river. A group of men and women approached, stepping off the path into the field beyond. Carol looked across at them as one man spoke.

  “Are we sure none can see us here?”

  “We are alone,” a woman replied. “Let us begin for I am desirous of discovering what the delightful thing is of which you’ve often spoken.”

  “I also wish to learn the pleasures of intercourse post haste,” added another.

  “And I’m dead horny,” cried a third.

  They laughed at her coarse tone before the three men in unison pulled out their cocks. They gave guidance to the women as to the best way to suck and lick them. Carol and the ghost observed in silence until the women raised their skirts and in a line bent over on their knees, posteriors presented to the cocks behind them.

  “This is the story they told me when they returned,” Carol said. “I did not believe they had really done it but it was true.”

  The three men entered the three women at the same moment, the air filled with the moans and cries of each of them. The three couples tried numerous positions, experimenting with what felt best as they were guided towards powerful orgasms. “I wish that I could join them,” said Carol.

  “These are but shadows of the things that have been,” said the ghost. “They have no knowledge of us and you would pass through them as if you were a mere chill wind.”

  Carol could name each of the participants and her heart leapt up at the sight of their pleasure, jumping for joy as each man came inside his partner. Afterwards they parted and went away to their different homes.

  “The finishing school is not quite deserted,” said the ghost. “A solitary eighteen year old woman, neglected by her friends, is left there still.”

  Carol said she knew it and began to sob.

  They left the high road and soon approached a mansion of dull red brick with a cock shaped weather cock upon the roof. It was a large house but of broken fortune, walls damp, windows broken, gates decayed. Passing inside they found the rooms poorly furnished, cold and vast.

  They went across the hall to a door at the back of the house. It opened to disclose a long bare room filled with desks. At one sat a young woman masturbating by a feeble fire. Carol sat on a chair and wept to see her poor forgotten self trying ineffectually to reach an orgasm for the first time, following the guidance of the book open beside her but unable to pass the point of no return.

  The spirit touched her on the arm and pointed at her younger self intent on her reading. Suddenly outside the window they could see the scene enacted.

  “Why it’s Alison and Barbara,” exclaimed Carol. “I remember the story. They came together in the tales of erotic adventures I used to read. And there is the vibrator boy buzzing along the women of the HMS Cocksucker lined up ready. Do you see the giant with his beanstalk? Biggest dick in the empire and used only to bring pleasure, never to harm or do evil.”

  To hear Carol expending her heart on such a subject in a voice halfway between laughing and crying, her excited and aroused face shining with life, would have indeed been a surprise to her business friends in the city.

  “There’s the Parrot,” cried Carol. “So called because she squawked when she climaxed. Poor Robin Cumsoe, he thought she was ill when he first made her orgasm. Oh I wish…” Carol dabbed her eyes with her cuff. “But it’s too late now.”

  “What is the matter?”

  “Nothing. There was a lad of eighteen who asked for one off the wrist from me as he had no money for a whore the other day. I should have liked to have given him one, that’s all.”

  The ghost smiled thoughtfully and rotated his cock with his hips, saying as he did so, “Let us see another Christmas.”

  Carol’s former self seemed to balloon out in her chest as the room changed, becoming darker and dirtier, the windows cracking as a year passed in the twinkling of an eye. There she was again, pacing up and down and glancing anxiously at the door.

  It opened and a man of eighteen came darting in, kissing Carol and addressing her as, “Dear stepsister. I have come to bring you home.”

  “Home Fan?”

  “Yes! Home for good and all. Father is so much kinder since he started taking the pills again. Home is like heaven now and I asked him if you could return for you are like a sister to me even though we are not related by blood, remember that, we are not blood relations.”

  “Why are you saying that so loudly?”

  “Just making sure anyone overhearing understands we are not related by blood.”

  “Say blood more.”

  “I asked father if you could come home and he said yes and sent me in a coach. You’re to never come back here and we’ll be together all the Christmas long and perhaps I could give you a White Christmas?”

  “But we live together dear Fan.”

  “Yes but we are not related, I thought I made that very clear.”

  “Then perhaps a White Christmas upon my face would be an adequate way of celebrating.”

  He began to drag Carol to the door just as a terrible voice in the hall cried, “Bring me Miss Carol’s box.” In the hall appeared the schoolmaster who glared at Carol with such ferocity that Carol cowered backwards. He conveyed the pair into a parlour and produced a decanter of light wine and a cock of heavy weight. The three sipped the wine as the master began to masturbate freely, bringing Carol’s face to his cock just as he came to coat her cheeks for a final time before she was bade farewell and set off with Fan into the snow.

  “Always a delicate creature,” said the ghost. “But he had a large heart.”

  “So he had,” cried Carol.

  “He died a man and had children.”

  “One child.”

  “Your step-nephew.”

  “To whom I am not directly related, yes.”

  At that moment the school vanished behind them and they were now in the busy thoroughfare of a city where shadowy carts and coaches battled for the way. It was plain by the dressing of the shops that it was Christmas time again but it was evening and the streets were lit up.

  The ghost stopped at a warehouse door and asked Carol if she knew it.

  “Know it? I was apprenticed here in the sexual arts.”

  They went in. At sight of an old woman sitting behind a high desk, Carol cried out in excitement.

  “Why it’s old Lezziwig. Bless her heart. It’s Lezziwig alive again.”

  Old Lezziwig laid down her pen and looked at the clock which pointed to the hour of seven. She rubbed her pussy, adjusted her boobs, laughed all over herself and called out, “Yoho Carol, time for Dick.”

  Carol’s former self now a sprightly twenty years ol
d came briskly in followed by a man with his cock out. “Dick wants to give me his dick,” said Carol to the ghost. “Bless me yes, he was much attached to me with his dick was Dick.”

  “Yo ho,” said Lezziwig. “No more work tonight. Christmas Eve Dick, put your dick in her and then get the shutters up.”

  You wouldn’t believe how fast the pair went at it. Carol had her dress round her waist and leapt onto Dick in both meanings of the term. She rode him whilst old Lezziwig laughed and yelled, “Yoho,” twice more.

  Once Carol had achieved a satisfying orgasm, the pair panting like racehorses, she set up the shutters in the street and returned to a cleared desk. “Clear the room,” was the next command.

  There was nothing they wouldn’t have cleared and it was done in a minute. Every movable was packed off, the floor swept and watered, the lamps trimmed, the cumstains washed off the walls and the warehouse was as sung and warm as a ballroom.

  In came a fiddler fiddling with himself followed by a second fiddler with a fiddle who at least resisted a diddle. In came Lezziwig and three little Lezziwigs. In came six followers whose hearts they broke by not wanting the company of men. In came the house staff. In they all came and away they all went, round and round in various stages of copulation. All the while old Lezziwig would cry out, “Well done,” as each orgasm was achieved.

  There was more sex and more cum and a cold roast and plenty of beer. When the clock struck eleven the ball broke up and old Lezziwig shook an intimate body part of each person as they went out, wishing them a Merry Christmas. When all had retired but Dick and Carol, they fucked them before leaving them to their beds.

  During the whole of this, Carol acted like a woman out of her wits. Her heart and soul were in the scene and Dick’s cock was as if it was in her when the two apprentices lay naked in bed clamped onto each other for dear life. She enjoyed it all, her pussy widening as the sensation of being entered spread through her. It was only when the pair fell exhausted on their backs that she remembered the ghost was even there.


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